The End

Love is Forbidden on the Soccer Field

"~~~~~-ah........didn't you get back together with Doojoon?" Junhyung asked, worried.

"No." You whispered, your eyes red and sore from crying so much when you went home.

"Why not?" He demanded.

You shook your head, you didn't want to talk about it.

Everyone was sitting in the cafeteria for lunch. Eunha, who always felt uncomfortable around large groups of people, was gone somewhere with Yoseob. Kikwang had his arm around Miyoung, while you hunched over with Junhyung bending over to you in worry.

"Leave it, Junhyung." Miyoung said quietly.

"I won't!" Junhyung yelled furiously. "~~~~~-ah belongs with Doojoon! They HAVE to be together!"

"Leave it!" Hyunseung snapped.

Junhyung sighed, then stood up and left the cafeteria.

"He really wants me to be with Doojoon." You mumbled.

"He doesn't want two of his friends to be hurt." Kikwang said. "~~~~~~-ah, come on. Just give him a chance."

You shook your head. "I can't. And he knows it too."

"Where is Doojoon anyway?" Hyunseung asked. "He didn't come to school today."

You frowned, sadness eating away at your heart. "I'm going out for a bit." You walked away.


Junhyung walked past the courtyard when he heard a frightened squeal. He looked over in surprise, and saw a girl surrounded by three other girls.

"Well, ?" One of the three snapped, shoving a pile of paper into the girl's hands. "Are you going to do my assignment or not?"

"I c-can't!" The girl squeaked. "I-it has to be done by yourself! Or else the work will be meaningless!"

"The WORK doesn't matter as long as we get the grade!" Another hissed. "Now shut up and do our homework! Do you WANT to get beaten up again?"

"N-no." The girl trembled, and Junhyung saw there was light, half-healed bruises on the girl's face and arms.

"YAH!!!" He shouted, walking over.

The three bullies looked over and squealed. "It's the Badass Kingka Yong Junhyung oppa!"

"Get lost." Junhyung snarled. "Or you'll see just how BADASS I can be. Now MOVE!"

The girls squeaked with fright and scampered away.

Junhyung turned to the girl being bullied and said softly "You okay?"

"Y-yes. T-thank you very much." The girl stammered. She was very cute, with short dark hair and bangs. "B-but you didn't need to. They'll find a way to make me do the homework anyway."

"Why don't you refuse?" Junhyung asked her.

"B-because I don't want to get beaten up again." The girl whispered. Junhyung stared a little longer at the bruises all over the girl's face and body.

"What's your name?" He asked her.

"Jaehwa. Kim Jaehwa."

Junhyung smiled at her. "My name is Yong Junhyung."

Jaehwa giggled. "Yaeh, I know."

Junhyung found he couldn't stop staring at Jaehwa. He leaned over and gently touched one of her bruises, the one nearest her lips. She blushed but didn't pull away.

" you think if I'm with you, they'll stop bothering you?"

"I-I guess so. I don't think they'll hurt me if someone else is around."

Junhyung grinned at her. "Then how about this -- I'll never leave your side, so they'll never bother you again. How's that?"

Jaehwa turned even redder, but smiled shyly. "I......I don't think I'll mind that."

Junhyung held out his hand, and she took it. The two of them left the courtyard together, holding hands.


You walked outside. You didn't know where you were going.

You looked up and gasped, a knot clenching in your stomach. You were in a soccer field. The soccer field where you and Doojoon first met.

You noticed a soccer ball lying on the ground nearby. Someone must have forgotten it.

You kicked it up skillfully with your foot and started bouncing it on your knee -- just like you did when you first met Doojoon.

You gulped, a lump forming in your throat, and your eyes blinked back tears.

You missed him. You really, really loved him.

Yoon Doojoon.


You looked up and gasped. The ball bounced off your knee and rolled aside.

Doojoon stood before you, smiling. "Let's wipe the slate clean and start over, okay? Let's pretend everything that has happened before never happened. Let's start new and fresh. Please."

You smirked. "What are you talking about? I've never seen you before in my life."

Doojoon chuckled and walked over to you. You felt like every nerve in your body was on fire. He held out his hand "My name is Yoon Doojoon, and I'm the Sports Kingka of Cube High. Pleasure to meet you."

You grinned back at him, your tears fading away. "And I'm Im ~~~~~, the Sports Queenka of Cube High. Nice to meet you too."

You reached out to shake his hand, but instead he pulled your hand and yanked you forward. He caught you by sliding his arm around your waist, and then he kissed you deeply.

You melted under his touch, and grinned when he finally pulled away. "Is that how you treat a girl you've only just met?"

"Don't be mean." Doojoon teased. "I feel like I already know you."

"Well, that makes the two of us." You whispered, and this time you pulled him to you for a kiss.

You didn't know what will happen in the futue. But you do know that Doojoon will stay by your side through it all.

You've never had a more perfect moment in your life.


*The End*



Yay, it's FINALLY over!

Hope everyone is happy with the result!

And you know what this means................yes, that's right!!!


Once I get more chapters done for Beastly Blood, then I'll make the Dongwoon-biased fic, okay? ^-^

Thank you for supporting me throughout this complicated fanfic!!!

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Chapter 42:
Nilde9 #2
Chapter 42: Nice!!!!!!
Nilde9 #3
Chapter 1: Just starting and something smells really good!!!!
Chapter 42: Omo! Omo! Omo!!!!! I love this fanfic *sobs sobs*
Yurichin #5
Chapter 42: Great ending!! Love this story so much!! Waiting for your news stories, I have finished seeing all you completed stories!! Daebak
Chapter 42: great ending!!! loved it!!!
Chapter 1: great beginning!!!
iluvEXOforever #8
Chapter 42: kyah~~~~ great ending! Another great finish, PrincessBubbleTea!
iluvEXOforever #9
Chapter 20: I love your freakishingly awesome stories, PrincessBubbleTea!!!! ahhhhh they're so good!
CrystalizedAmber #10
Chapter 42: Ur stories are in awesome!!