
Oh My Princess!



Yuri's POV


"Stupid..." Jessica mumbled to herself.

"Geez, Sica..." I said to the almost hyperventilating girl holding her what was once a properly working phone until the said girl lost her marbles and threw it on the wall.

Why does it feel like Jessica is more worried about Tiffany more than her sister?

"Now how am I supposed to call Tiffany at this rate?" Jessica said to herself while trying to fix her phone.

After a while, she walked suspiciously towards Yoona who was the one closest to her at the moment.

"Yoona-yah... I'm your favorite unnie, right?" Jessica asked the goddess while pouting.

Suspicious... Really suspicious.

"Yes, unnie. Why do you ask?" the doe-eyed girl replied.

"May I borrow your phone? Pleeeaaasse?"

"Oh sure. Anything for you, unnie." Yoona gave her phone to the princess.

As soon as the phone got in contact with her hands, Jessica dialled Tiffany's number that she had already memorized in her head. She tried again and again but still no luck, no one was answering.

"Aaaargghhh!!!" Jessica threw Yoona's phone at the wall in a fit of frustration.

"UUNNIIIIEE!!! Why did you throw my phone?!" Yoona exclaimed as she rushed towards her shattered phone. She picked it up gingerly and wailed. "My stolen Yuri pics! I spent so much time, effort, and ninja skills to acquire those!"

Are my ears deceiving me?!
Stolen Yuri pics?! My pictures?!

Nah... I must be hearing things due to stress...
Why else would the goddess take pictures of me, right? Or better yet, it must be another Yuri. He... He... He...

"I'm so sorry, Yoong. Let me make it up to you. I'll buy you a new phone and..." Jessica said while walking towards Yoona. She whispered something in her ear, making the latter's face turn red afterwards.


"Yes, of course. But you must help me borrow someone else's phone."

Yoona and Jessica glanced at Seohyun and grinned somewhat menacingly. They soon walked towards her like lions on their prey, ready to attack anytime.

"Seohyun-ah, please give me your phone for a while. I have to call my girlfriend. I want to know if she's okay. You understand me, right?" Sica said.

"I'm sorry unnie, but I don't have a cellphone,"she apologized.

Ha! Even if she did have one, I highly doubt that she'll lend it to you, seeing how you already broke two phones in a span of a couple of minutes. I know I wouldn't, that's for sure.

"Radiation from electromagnetic waves from cellphones will accumulate in your body and then you will die," Seohyun added.

Tsk. How can a seemingly innocent girl speak of death so nonchalantly.

I felt a very ominous aura around me that broke my thoughts and sent tingles down my spine. I looked at where it came from and soon met the predatory eyes of the two princesses. Fearing for the safety of my phone, I stealthily hid it behind my back pocket while backing slowly away from them.

"Ermmm... I think I should go find Tiffany and your sister now. Standing inside this room won't do anything," I said to Jessica as I turned towards the door and started to walk away.

"Yuri-ah! Wait a minute!"

"Hmmm? What is it Sica?" I turned around slowly after wiping the cold sweat from my forehead secretly.

Please not my phone. Anything but that.

"Give it to me before you go, " Jessica commanded.


Should I lie to her that I don't have it right now?

"Err... W-what are you talking about?" I fiddled my fingers as I answer her.

"Your phone. I know you have it with you now. How else would you be able to answer Tiffany's call earlier?"

I guess lying is out of the question now. Maybe I should just run for it.

"Hurry up. I haven't got all day. Time is of the essence here!" She blurted out, tapping her foot impatiently. She raised her hand, palm up, and whined. "Give me your phone right now! N.O.W! And don't even think about running away."

Is she a mind reader or something?!

I sighed dejectedly as I took my phone from my backpocket. I was about to hand it over to her when it suddenly rang. I looked at the screen to see who was calling me.

Woohoo! Saved by the bell. Thank you, Sooyoung! I'll definitely treat you later for this!



Jessica's POV


"Is that Tiffany?!" I asked, hope starting to rise up inside me once again.

"Ummm... sorry but... no. It's Sooyoung. I'll answer this first, okay?"

"Oh... go ahead then," I sulked and sat on the chair near me.

"Hey Soo," Yuri answered her phone. "No, she's not here. I was actually wondering if you have seen her."

"What's that all about, Yul?" I asked, suddenly interested in their conversation. My instinct tells me that it is somehow related to Tiffany.

Yuri turned her head towards me. "It seems like Sooyoung is looking for Tiffany too. She said that they were supposed to meet but Tiffany hasn't come yet."

"Put it on loudspeaker. I also want to know what she says," I commanded Yuri.

"Sure thing," she complied and pressed the screen of her phone.

"Hey shikshin!"

"Yes, unnie?" Yoona asked, turning her head towards me. "Need anything?

" I'm talking to my friend on the other line, not you." I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Oh! I thought you were calling me," Yoona said as she rubbed the back of her head, her cheeks red from embarrassment.

"I'll introduce the two of you later. I'm pretty sure you two will get along fine," I turned my attention back to the phone. "Anyways.... Soo what were you telling Yuri earlier? I heard that you were supposed to meet Tiff. What was that all about?"

"I'm in front of a restaurant right now. I kinda forced Tiffany to accompany me to eat this glorious buffet that they serve. But she's not yet here though. I called Yuri to ask her if she had met Tiffany since she went to the palace to bring you back your phone. I tried calling you but I can't seem to connect."

"Her phone is broken," Yuri explained on my behalf.

"Oh I see. Why are you asking me about Tiffany? Did anything happen to her? Oh my gaebul! Don't tell me Jessica did erted things to her that's why she can't come here. The princess is starting to become a byun!"

"What do you mean by starting? She was already a byun eversince she was a child," Yuri added. "Tiffany just increased her level of ertedness. Plus with Taeyeon on her side..."

"HEY! I can hear the two of you! Aish... May I remind you that I'm still here. And Sooyoung, you're on loudspeaker." I grumbled, cutting their conversation.  "Why  isn't anyone worried about Tiffany?! She's missing for heaven's sake!"

"WHAT?! Tiffany's missing?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"It might have been better if she was only missing but there's a high probability that she got kidnapped along with Krystal," I sighed. "I really hope that wasn't the case and that she might just be lost while going to your meeting place or something."

"Yeah, me too. In the meantime, I'll try to contact the danshins if they are with Tiffany right now. Maybe Tiffany just forgot our arrangement to meet. I'll call again later if I managed to get some information on Tiffany's whereabouts. "

"Thanks Sooyoung. I really appreciate it," I said to her.

"Goodbye then. Give me a call later if any news come out."

"Okay, will do. Goodbye Soo." Yuri said and ended the call after Sooyoung's line was dropped.

"So, what now?" Yoona asked. "Do we have to wait for any news or should we take the matter into our own hands?"

"Of course we should look for the both of them immediately. it won't make the search faster if we just sit here and wait," Yuri said as she cracked her knuckles and stretched her body. "I guess I have to use my powers then."

Slowly, Yuri's shadow detached itself from Yuri's body and took a semi-solid form. The shadow looked a lot like its owner except her eyes are pure black, not even the sclera or the white of the eye could be seen. Its complexion is darker and what seem to be its clothes is made up of pure black material that glimmers softly under the fluorescent lights.

"Black Pearl," Yuri muttered. The shadow saluted Yuri and bowed to her. "I command you to look for Princess Krystal and Tiffany. If you find either one of them, report to me immediately. Do you understand?"

The shadow nodded her head and promptly left the room, vanishing away like a cloud of smoke.

"I guess it's our turn to move now. Yuri, you and I will look together for the two just in case Sooyoung calls again later. Seohyun and Yoona, you two do whatever you think would be best. Partner up if you must. Let's call each other as soon as we find any leads. Got it?"

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Yoona hollered.

I placed my hands in front of me. The others soon followed, stacking their own hands. We raised them up simultaneously and cheered.




"Ermm... Yoona-yah. This isn't gokusen, you know." I commented.

"Ooops. Sorry unnie."





A/N: Been a while since I last updated this fic.... a few months actually. OTL. Please don't kill me.. I was supposed to update this yesterday, 9/9, but my internet connection decided to bail on me. I blame the weather. -___-"


Welcome new subscribers! I don't even know how you found this fic since its been ages since my last update.

To my old subscribers and readers... you have waited long, right? Thank you for not giving up on this fic.

And big thanks to meocon254, aegYura, PaboAnnyeong, ilovetea, NarutoFan, Bluebrain, v4mP1r3_Fw3aK, amayuri, casugac, and thecutedevil for the upvotes! ^^


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 34: I'm back again.. please update this story
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 49: It's been a year when I left a comment. I hope u can still update this story.. still waiting .
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 49: Please update this story
Chapter 49: Urghhh... please update! I really need to know how this story end.. please continue author nim
Chapter 23: Hahaha.. So many funny dialogues in this chapter!
yana_5 #6
Trust you
Belive with you.......
V_Night #7
Chapter 49: It's been about 4 years since I read this story D: It was probably one of my most favorite concepts. Hope you can come back to this someday~
yana_5 #8
Reread this story again.... still waiting for you author...
Chapter 49: Ahhh i miss this and reread it again ...