Guardian Summoning: The Scaled Lion

Oh My Princess!




Tiffany's POV:



The man yelped from both pain and surprise from the flames that I conjured, his arms suffering second degree burns. He immediately let go of my neck and leaped away from me. I inhaled deeply to force oxygen into my lungs.


"Y-you can create fire?!" he said incredulously as he inspected his red arms now with bloody blisters. "Just who the hell are you?!"


"I'm your worst nightmare," I told him as I made a fireball and hurled it towards him. He ducked and rolled to evade my attack, wincing in pain as his arms made contact with the ground. Before he could stand up, I threw another fireball at him, hitting him squarely on his shoulders.


"You b*tch!" He groaned as he patted his burning clothes to get rid of the fire. He slowly disappeared from my vision, becoming invincible again.


"You can't hit me if you can't see me," he laughed menacingly.


I tensed up and waited for another assault from him. I heightened my other senses to find him since my sight is of little use. I got out from where I was standing when I smelled a faint scent of burned skin and clothes coming towards me.


"You may have escaped my punch but can you last for so long? Your body is not in the best condition to move around so much," he laughed again.


I felt he was coming towards me once more but I couldn't escape his attack this time. My reaction speed is getting slower from all the injuries that I sustained from him earlier. I hunched in pain as I was dealt a powerful blow to my stomach and coughed out blood.


"Show yourself, you coward!" I said as I wiped the blood off of my mouth using the back of my hands.


"No can do, sweetie pie. Call me a coward, I don't care. I don't want to be hit by your fire again," he chuckled.


I gritted my teeth. He's making this fight harder for me to win.


"About time you give up..." he said when he saw me kneel on the ground.


"Who says I'm giving up?" I smirked and placed my hands on the floor. Heat traveled through my arms to the floor, creating a little hell on earth within a few radius from me. I may not see him but my powers can still affect him.


A few feet away, two small pillars of fire crept up; a man's scream was heard a bit later. The man's legs were on fire and the fire on him only continued to spread on his body. Unable to handle the heat, he stopped using his powers and became visible once again.


"AAARRRGGHH! STOOOOP!" he howled in pain. "I said stop! I surrender!"


I tried to disperse the fire on his body and on the ground but I can't. The flames went out of control, raging and expanding its area faster than before, way out of the limits than what I intended to be.


"Something's wrong! I... I can't make it stop!" I said anxiously.


I could only look at the man, unable to do anything, as he was being engulfed fully by the blue flames, running around while flailing his arms hysterically in an attempt to extinguish it. After staggering momentarily, he dropped to the ground, no longer moving.


I gasped in horror when I realized the flames continued to spread throughout the warehouse.  Screams of pain reverberated through the collapsing walls of the place. The block of ice that Krystal made trapping the henchmen already melted, freeing the men only to toss them in a worse kind of pain. I placed my hands over my ears to block out the sounds of agony, closing my eyes and thinking that this was all but a dream. A nightmare.




I looked at the now conscious Krystal, coughing severely from the smoke. She was making a wall of ice and water to keep the flames at bay but the ice continued to melt and the water evaporated quickly, leaving her in a precarious state.


Want some help?

A voice inside my head said, more like growled.




Then, do the harlem shake.




Errrmm... I mean... Do the chant.


Okay then.

Here goes nothing...


Ba-na-na~ Ba-na-na-na


Not that annoying chant!

The voice sighed.


What chant are you talking about anyway?


You already know that in your subconsciousness. Just search for it. Use mind 'google' if you have to.


I closed my eyes as I delved into my subconciousness. I read the runic words as they started to appear on the back of my head.


"I summon thee, Haetae, the scaled lion.
The untold god of the heavenly realm.
The one who masters over many and guardian against the destructive elements.
Lend me your strength.
For I am your master, and you, my servant.
Heed my command and burst forth from your hiding!" I chanted.


The smoke from the flames accumulated to form a black cloud. Small lightnings were flashing from the cloud and thunders were heard.


Please hurry up! Lives are at stake!


Fine... Fine...Calm down.


Geez! I want to have a grand entrance here!

The voice grumbled.


A large lightning bolt came out of the black cloud and struck the ground, creating a huge amount of dust particles. As the dust disperses, a huge creature with a bodyshape like a cross between a dog and a lion with two horns on his forehead appeared over the huge crater. It has a golden bell on its neck and its body is covered with scales and feathers.


The awesome Haetae has arrived!


He roared loudly, shaking his mane to get rid of the remaining dust on it. He looked around at the inferno around him, his lips.


What a feast! Seems like I'm going to be quite full later.


He opened his mouth and inhaled all of the flames like a huge vacuum cleaner, leaving behind the bodies of the burnt men. He pranced around the perimeter of the abandoned warehouse as he continued eating the remaining blue fire.


I sighed in relief when the lion god finished his work, ending the flaming rampage.


Krystal gasped in surprise when Haetae went near her and winked at her afterwards.


"Show-off," I mumbled. I could hear him chuckle in my head.


Is my master jealous of the girl?


You wish.


He walked in my direction and sat down next to me, tilting his head towards me. He purred softly as I scratched behind his ears for a job well done.


Ahhh... I haven't eaten such fire in a long time. I'm gonna rate it a hundred points.


He placed his paws over his mouth and it clean.


You didn't even use your paws to eat.


Meh... Force of habit, he shrugged.


"Is he safe?" Krystal asked as she walked towards us nervously, wary at the lion besides me. She stopped a few feet away from us.


Are you?


No... I eat babies like her for lunch. Raawrr...


I shot him an incredulous look, raising my eyebrows at him.


Hahaha... I'm just kidding!


"Yeah!" I waved at Krystal, motioning for her to come near. She went on my side, opposite of Haetae, and held the sleeve of my shirt.


"Are they dead? Did you kill them?" Krystal asked, pointing to the men on the floor.


"They're not dead. Well... they wish they are. Those burns that they received are rather nasty," Haetae finally spoke out loud, making Krystal flinch from the sound of his voice. "Except for the one they called boss. It was already too late for him. He's already dead even before I was summoned."


I bowed my head down guiltily. It seems that I killed someone again by using my powers.


"Unnie, it's not your fault. That guy had it coming," Krystal said to lighten up my mood. "Besides, he would still probably die when we return back. My father will make sure to give him a death penalty for trying to kidnap me."


I looked up at her, still feeling a bit down. It doesn't change the fact that I had killed someone again.


"Please don't speak of this incident with anyone else, not even your sister, especially me having powers and the creature that I summoned here. Please promise me this," I pleaded and held my pinky up.


"I don't know why you don't want me to tell others but I'll agree and make it a promise since you saved my life and all," she sighed and curled her own pinky around mine. "It would be cool if you could brag yourself to others though. That lion is totally awesome!"


"I know, right," he agreed, holding his head up high.


"Whatever, Haetae," I mumbled as I rolled my eyes at him.





A/N: Since Taeyeon is on a roll in taengstagram today... I decided to do a double update despite of my busy schedule. Yes! You guys saw it right! A DOUBLE UPDATE!


credits to the owner of the pic.


Thanks to jessicajiyeonlover, ejrasoshi, LeeJuno, and azeemahwoodley for the upvote! ^^


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 34: I'm back again.. please update this story
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 49: It's been a year when I left a comment. I hope u can still update this story.. still waiting .
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 49: Please update this story
Chapter 49: Urghhh... please update! I really need to know how this story end.. please continue author nim
Chapter 23: Hahaha.. So many funny dialogues in this chapter!
yana_5 #6
Trust you
Belive with you.......
V_Night #7
Chapter 49: It's been about 4 years since I read this story D: It was probably one of my most favorite concepts. Hope you can come back to this someday~
yana_5 #8
Reread this story again.... still waiting for you author...
Chapter 49: Ahhh i miss this and reread it again ...