
Oh My Princess!




Jessica's POV



The students held their breath as they waited for the teacher to give back their tests. It was so quiet that I could even hear a pin drop. It was like the calm before the storm. The atmosphere was heavy with gloom and fear, foreboding imminent disaster for some. For today, at the end of the class, the results of the examination will be revealed.


"Urghh... I'm having butterflies in my stomach from all this nervousness," Sooyoung said, breaking the silence as she held her tummy.


"I think you're just having some indigestion from all the food that you ate," Taeyeon teased, but was also showing anxiety in her face.


"Are you afraid, Tiff?" I asked my girlfriend, grabbing her hand to give her moral support.


"I'm fine. It's not like I'm gonna die from failing some tests. Besides, I studied for this. Hard work and perseverance would never fail you," she said positively.


Mr. Lee distributed back the test papers once his lecture was finished. Loud cheers from those who passed and groans from those who didn't could be heard throughout the classroom.


"As usual, Your Highness has the highest scores," he announced, handing me my papers personally. I immediately put it inside my bag, not caring about my score.


"Woohoo! I passed every subject!" Sooyoung yelled cheerfully after she looked at her results. "Let's go to a buffet restaurant later to celebrate! Taeyeon's treat!"


"Are you mad, woman?! Are you trying to make me broke?!" Taeyeon exclaimed. "I should be happier since I also passed all of my subjects but you're giving me another kind of headache."


"I'll treat you all instead," I said to them, nonchalantly. It wouldn't hurt to treat them once in a while. Money isn't a problem either.


Taeyeon sighed as a sign of relief while Sooyoung patted me on my shoulders.


"Hah! This is why I like the princess better than you!" Sooyoung stuck her tongue out.


"You like anyone who gives you free food, idiot," Taeyeon scoffed.


While the bickering duo go at it once again, I looked at my right to see a confused looking Tiffany.


"I don't have my papers yet," she said worriedly.


"Tiffany, please go to the discipline committee office right now," Mr. Lee said sternly.


"Is there something wrong, sir?" she asked, fear could be seen in her eyes.


"Just go to the office and bring your bag along."


She bowed and grabbed her bag. She said goodbye to me and left the room, her steps filled with apprehension. The students who saw the exchange between the two started to gossip among themselves.


"What's wrong?" Yuri asked me.


"I don't know." I shook my head in response. "All I know is that it can't be good."


I stood up immediately when I saw the teacher leave.  I ran past him and blocked his path, my arms folded on my chest as I stood in front of him..


"Tell me what happened," I commanded. "Why is Tiffany being summoned?"


"I'm sorry Your Highness but it is confidential."


"As the crowned princess of this kingdom, I order you to tell me right now. N.O.W!"


It left me with no choice but to use my authority as a royalty. Mr. Lee gulped at the tone of my voice when he heard my order.. He can't refuse my command and he knows it.


"S-she is being accused of cheating. The discipline head will interrogate her regarding the situation," he stuttered. "M-may I take my leave now?"


"Go," I permitted as I waved my hand.


Tiffany cheating?!

That's ridiculous!


I ran towards the admin building where the discipline committee office is located. I don't usually run in any type of situation but for Tiffany, I would break those principles. I can't help but think of her being interrogated, all alone with no one beside her. She must be so afraid right now.


Wait for me, Tiff!

I am going to be there to defend you.


I raged towards the office, shoving anyone who dared to block my path. I knocked furiously on the locked door of the office.


"OPEN UP!" I yelled as I continued slamming my fists on the door. "I SAID OPEN UP!"


Before the door could be broken from me going berserk, it opened. The headmaster appeared before me, exiting the room in a calm manner.


"What are you doing here, princess?" he asked gently. His voice made me calm down a bit.


"I'm here to support Tiffany. Let me see her."


"I'm sorry you can't do that. No one other than school officials can enter. Tiffany is being questioned right now for cheating."


"Tiffany didn't cheat! She's innocent! She wouldn't dare do such a thing."


"I know," he sighed. "I have known that child for a long time. Her personality isn't capable of committing such acts."


"Let's sit down first, this may take a while," he suggested, motioning for me to sit on the waiting area next to the door.


"But why is she accused of such crime? I can't even imagine it." I asked after we had both seated down.


"She scored higher than you.”


“So what if she scored higher than me. It doesn’t make an sense.”


”The thing is, she got full marks on every test. From an average and above average scores to perfect marks, the teachers found it highly suspicious. Even I could hardly believe it if not for her past."


P-perfect?! In all subjects?!

No wonder they suspected her of cheating.


"But you do believe that she didn't cheat, right?"


"Yes, I believe her. You see, when Tiffany was a child, she was always at the top of her class, a genius, some people would say. But when her parents died, she stopped being one. No one knows exactly for sure but a psychiatrist said that it was because she's too traumatized of what had happened to her. After that incident, she didn't pay much attention to class and when she did move on after a long time, she became an ordinary student."


"Then, does it mean that her intelligence was unlocked to its full potential again?"


"That is highly probable. Something must have happened to her some days ago for her intelligence to revert back to its former level. I suspect that it was due to her passing out during the fire."


"I see."


"Headmaster Lee, you should come inside once again. We need your decision regarding the case," a woman from the committee said, peeking out of the room.


"I shall take my leave now, princess," he said and stood up. "You should go back to the palace. I'll report whatever happens to you later."


"No, I'll wait here. I don't want to go anywhere else."


"I don't know how long the proceedings will last. It may take a couple of hours for it to finish. Even so, are you still willing to wait?"


"Yes," I decided, my voice full of conviction.


I'll wait for Tiffany, no matter how long it may be.

I will always be there for her.







Next Chapter Preview:

"Jessi...I... I got expelled."

"Please don't leave me!"


WOAH! O_o A lot of you commented on the last update.It's actually you, my dear readers. You don't actually have a secret twin or something...


...or do you?

dun... duunnn...DUUUNN


All of you saw your usernames last chapter, right? It's a neat trck here in aff where the readers will see their own names. I saw it on the FAQ link at the top and thought that it was cool.


Yeah, I read the FAQs whenever I get bored, well, cause I'm a nerd like that.

Ummm... no, sorry. Just bored. I'm not smart like a nerd. XP


Want to try it out? Just type (you)you(/you). Just replace ( ) with < >


THANKS to whitney09 Shaun09 JeTiHyun and Ramy24 for the upvotes! ^^


 oh btw, whitney09 and Shaun09, are you two like a couple or something?


ummm... no? okay

Sorry, please don't mind me. I'm a bit chatty right now.




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wooott!!! 300 subscribers! @___@ so happy ^ v ^


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 34: I'm back again.. please update this story
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 49: It's been a year when I left a comment. I hope u can still update this story.. still waiting .
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 49: Please update this story
Chapter 49: Urghhh... please update! I really need to know how this story end.. please continue author nim
Chapter 23: Hahaha.. So many funny dialogues in this chapter!
yana_5 #6
Trust you
Belive with you.......
V_Night #7
Chapter 49: It's been about 4 years since I read this story D: It was probably one of my most favorite concepts. Hope you can come back to this someday~
yana_5 #8
Reread this story again.... still waiting for you author...
Chapter 49: Ahhh i miss this and reread it again ...