
Oh My Princess!




Yuri's POV



I was strutting down the hallways with the soon-to-be couple behind me. Although they were no longer whispering due to the commotion earlier, a lot of the students were still staring at us. Jessica and I are used to all this attention from the public but I know that Tiffany isn't. It's a good thing that the princess is right beside her.


I flipped my hair once and the students all swooned right after. I know I'm beautiful and I like to flaunt it. I can charm anyone with my looks alone but sometimes I feel that it was getting rather boring. There is no one who made my heart beat fast nor even someone interesting enough who caught my attention.


Despite our status in the society, our wealth, and tons of fans, both Jessica and I are really lonely on the inside. I was glad that Jessica found someone who she can be with and remove, if not, minimize that loneliness away. I vowed to make her happy so I would do anything for Jessica's sake. Tiffany is the one who can make her happy and I know it. She rarely smiles before she met her but now I could see her smiling to everything that Tiffany does, no matter how ordinary or typical that action is.




I opened the door to our special lounge area. As usual, the temperature here is equivalent to a winter climate. I took my scarf and jacket that was hung on the coat rack next to the door and put it on.


I could hear Tiffany gasp at the sight of our lounge when she entered. It was luxurious enough to be considered like a penthouse suite from a high ranked hotel. Of course, it was designed by top interior designers and no expense was spared in making and arranging this room.


"Do you need some scarf or a jacket?" I asked her. "Sica likes her surroundings cold."


"No, thank you. I'm fine. The temperature is quite tolerable." Tiffany replied.


Hmm... that's odd.
Am I only the one who finds this room really cold?


"Make yourself comfortable." I said to her. "Please treat this room as if it was your own. Jessica wouldn't mind. In fact, I think she would be glad."


Jessica nodded to affirm what I had said.


"You should seat first, Tiff. I'll just check up on our lunch. Yuri will keep you company. Isn't that right, Yul?" Jessica had that don't-you-dare-try-to-do-anything-funny look on her face as she said this to me.


No can do, princess.
It's time for me to ask some juicy questions.


I followed Tiffany when she sat on the couch. I plopped to the couch, next to her. I opened the voice recorder app on my phone secretly to record our conversation.


"So... What do you think of Sica?" I asked Tiffany. She looked at me confusedly.


"Y-you're talking to me? I thought you hated me?"


"Me? Hate you? Why would you think of that?"


"We weren't exactly talking back when we were seatmates. I thought you hated me for bumping into Jessica the first time that we met and the incident in the restroom."


"I don't hate you. I was actually amused that someone stood up to her. I really wanted to grab some popcorn and watch the real life drama happening before me, but I can't. I had to protect the princess."


"I'm sorry... for pushing you," she apologized, pouting while her head was down.


"It's fine. It was a long time ago anyways." I chuckled. "So... what's your answer to my question?"


"What question?"


"What do you think of Jessica?" I repeated.


"Even though we are only friends for a day, I think that she's a keeper. Our personalities maybe polar opposites of each other but we get along well." she answered.


"Oh... I see. What did you feel when Jessica reprimanded those students who were whispering bad things about you?"


"I feel safe and secured with what she did..." she said, blushing. "...but I can't help but feel sorry for those students. If glares could kill, then they would have dropped dead in an instant."


"Yeah. I agree on you with that. Hellsica is pretty scary." I chuckled. This girl is really kind, cute, and funny at the same time. Now I know why Jessica has fallen for her.


"Why are you asking?" Tiffany looked at me, her eyebrows furrowed. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"


Uh-oh... busted.


"Are we playing twenty questions right now?" she asked excitedly.


kind, cute, and funny... yet dense.


"Think of it as that, but lesser questions and with you and Jessica as its topics." I looked at her in the eyes and poured out what I was secretly trying to suggest. "Just you and Jessica."


I hope she gets the hint.


"Oooohh... I get it now." she giggled. She placed her hand on my shoulder, trying to sympathize.  "Don't worry about the two of us. I won't get in the way of your relationship."


Oh you poor Jessica... I feel for you.
The one you fell in love with is really, really dense.


"Jessica and I are just friends and nothing more." I said to her just to clear up the situation.


"If you say so." she shrugged. "Okay, next question."


Ughh... Can't think of more...

I guess I'll just have to ask her some trivial things.


"If you would have a pet, what would it be?"


"Hmmm.." She placed her index finger on her chin, deep in thought. "If you asked that to me in the past, I would immediately answer dog. I always thought that having a dog is the best choice for a pet, but... these past few days, I think having a cat is nice too."


Oooh... a cat.

Jessica acts like a cat sometimes.

Maybe deep inside her sub-consciousness she's starting to like Jessica.

It would be great if that was the case. Hehehe...


"Oh right, I almost forgot." I looked at her seriously. "Did you know that Jessica saved you~"





A/N: Happy Birthday Taeyeon-unnie! Hope you dream of butts tonight!


Thank you budhakz, JeTiLoveJeNy, snsdforeverandmore, and soshifx for the upvotes! ^^


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 34: I'm back again.. please update this story
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 49: It's been a year when I left a comment. I hope u can still update this story.. still waiting .
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 49: Please update this story
Chapter 49: Urghhh... please update! I really need to know how this story end.. please continue author nim
Chapter 23: Hahaha.. So many funny dialogues in this chapter!
yana_5 #6
Trust you
Belive with you.......
V_Night #7
Chapter 49: It's been about 4 years since I read this story D: It was probably one of my most favorite concepts. Hope you can come back to this someday~
yana_5 #8
Reread this story again.... still waiting for you author...
Chapter 49: Ahhh i miss this and reread it again ...