A Fresh Start

Oh My Princess!




Tiffany's POV



I woke up, smelling the strong scent of disinfectant in the air. I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by an unfamiliar surrounding.


Urgh.. Where am I?


There was a green screen that obstructed the rest of my view of the room but I could clearly see an open cabinet at one of its white walls. Inside were bottles of medicine, some bandages, and cotton balls.


I must be in the school's infirmary.


I recalled seeing some images on my head before I passed out due to my extreme headache.


What was that earlier?
What did just happen to me?
Who are they?


There were so many questions passing through my head. I placed my hand on my temple, my head throbbing dully. I feel that my other hand was being held by someone. The feeling was quite familiar. I looked at my right to look at who was holding my other hand.


I felt that my eyes were deceiving me when I saw the girl. It was Jessica. I could tell that it was her even if she was not showing her face. She was sleeping, her other hand and head were resting peacefully on the bed while she was sitting on the visitor's chair, her long blonde hair sprawled all over and she was snoring a bit. Despite all that, she is still beautiful.




I shook my head, hoping that the action would remove those thoughts from my malfunctioning mind. I removed my hand that was being held by her slowly so as to not wake her up. It was rather awkward for me to hold someone's hand especially if that someone is not a friend. I sighed in relief when I did it successfully.


I sat up on the bed and held my breath when Jessica stirred. Her face was now partly showing but was still covered by the messy fringe. Automatically, my hand swept the messy bangs behind her ear as if it has a mind on its own.


There... all better...


My hand paused in front of her, falling in suspended animation.


Why am I doing this?!
And when did I start to fix other people's fringes?!


I quickly placed my hand at my side. I stared at Jessica and noticed that she looks like an angel when she's sleeping, so different when she's awake.


Long eyelashes, well-defined nose, and those thin pink lips..


Jessica opened her eyes and looked at me. I didn't realized that I was already leaning close towards her, our faces only inches apart. She smiled at me while I turned my face away from her to hide my embarrassment.


"You're finally awake." she said as a matter of fact while stretching like a cat, stifling her yawn. She rubbed her eyes like a child would.


Awww... sooo cute..


Wait. Stop it Tiffany. She is not cute.
That girl is evil personified.


"H-how l-long was I sleeping?"


Why did I stutter?


"A couple of hours. It's already five in the evening." she replied nonchalantly.


"I see." I muttered. I looked at the windows and saw that the sky already has a reddish-orange glow to it, signaling that the sun was starting to set.


"What happened earlier?"


"The machine caught fire while you were in it. Thank God, you are alright," she said.


Was she worried about me?




"I don't know," she shrugged, "The investigations regarding that incident isn't finished yet. Butler Lee said that it might be some sort of technical malfunction since that machine is fairly new."


"The school nurse said that you only suffered some scrapes and scratches, nothing serious and that you could go back to the dorms after waking up."


I looked at my body and saw that I am now wearing new clothes. My school uniform is nowhere to be found.


Why am I wearing a different set of clothes?
Who changed me?


I grimaced and quickly placed my arms over my chest protectively, giving an accusing glare at Jessica.


"Hey! I did not change your clothes. The nurse did!" Jessica exclaimed.


"Oh... sorry."


Why is she still here?


"Why are you still here?" I decided to voice out my thoughts.


"Why? Is there something wrong with me being here?" she asked, staring at my face.


"We're not friends. You hate me. I hate you.  The feeling is mutual."


"Look... I'm sorry for doing all those things to you," she sighed, she looked sad and hurt for some reason. "Truthfully, all I wanted was for us to be friends. I don't know how to get closer to you without doing all that. I am awkward with socializing with other people. You see, I only have Yuri as a friend. I hope you understand."


She took my hands and held it again. "I am really sorry for bullying you in the past. Can't we just forget all about it and start anew? I promise I won't be like that anymore and I'll be better."


Why are you being like this?
It only makes it harder for me to hate you now.


"Please..." she looked at me pleadingly. "I am more than willing to amend my ways."


For some reason, she reminded me of Puss in Boots.
My heart beat erratically from the scene in front of me.

She really reminds me of a cat.


Cute little Jessicat...


Ummm... No. Stop thinking of her as cute.

Aish! Me and my love for cute things


I shook my head again to remove those thoughts. Jessica took it as a no from me.


"You don't want to?" she said, looking dejected. "If that is what you want, I'll just have to accept that fact."


"NO!" I blurted out. "That is not what I meant."


She looked at me hopefully. I couldn't say no even if I wanted to.


It shouldn't hurt if I gave her another chance, right?
All people make some mistakes at one point in their life and I feel that she's sincere with her words.


"Okay. I forgive you."


"Really?! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed as she embraced me.


"Friends?" Jessica raised her hand for a handshake and I gladly took it.




I felt all of my troubles went away with that simple handshake. It was the start of our friendship. The start of a relationship with the princess where I didn't know where it would lead the two of us.





"Umm... Tiffany?"


"Yes, Jessica?"


"Your buttons are undone." she said, blushing.


I looked at my cloth. Two of the buttons were undone, revealing my collarbone and a bit of my cleavage. I hastily buttoned it up again.


This is sooo embarrassing.


Jessica just kept on staring at that part even if it's already covered up. I grabbed whatever it is that was near me and hit her with it; the pillow.







Geez... why are all of my friends byun?




A/N: Thank you to those who commented! And to those who said that the last chapter was cool, thank you!


Big THANKS to whitney09 and prizzychic1 for upvoting! ^^


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Thea050713 #1
Chapter 34: I'm back again.. please update this story
Thea050713 #2
Chapter 49: It's been a year when I left a comment. I hope u can still update this story.. still waiting .
Thea050713 #3
Chapter 49: Please update this story
Chapter 49: Urghhh... please update! I really need to know how this story end.. please continue author nim
Chapter 23: Hahaha.. So many funny dialogues in this chapter!
yana_5 #6
Trust you
Belive with you.......
V_Night #7
Chapter 49: It's been about 4 years since I read this story D: It was probably one of my most favorite concepts. Hope you can come back to this someday~
yana_5 #8
Reread this story again.... still waiting for you author...
Chapter 49: Ahhh i miss this and reread it again ...