Chapter 51: Late Night Study Session

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream



“How am I supposed to know the function of x? That’s the calculator’s job!” I groaned, dropping my head into my arms as Kris sighed for the millionth time today. “This is stupid. I’m going to murder whoever invented this abomination of a subject.”


“Now you can come up with your assassination plots later,” he said patiently. “After I explain this question to you.”


“You think that bringing a gun would be better or a knife? I mean, a gun would be a quick death but with a knife… Well things might get messy-“


“I am very well acquainted with your psychopathic ways but YOU NEED TO FOCUS IF YOU WANT A GOOD SCORE IN YOUR NEXT TERM TEST.” He finished his sentence by raising his voice in irritation. I held my hand to my head in a mock salute.


“Yes sir!”


“Why am I doing this?” he muttered just loud enough for me to hear.


“Because you love me so,” I sang in reply. Jabbing my finger at the maths paper sprawled in front of me, I gestured for him to hurry up and explain it to me.


“You should try it first,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You’re such a quitter.”


“Well,” I said a little guiltily. “I wasn’t exactly paying attention…”


He set his pencil down on his table and ran one hand through his crown of blonde locks. His gaze flicked up to his click that was ticking away merrily, as if it was actually indulging in my suffering. “We’ve been studying for five hours, maybe we should take a break.”


Turns out taking a break meant that the exhaustion of teaching someone as dense as me finally got to my dear neighbour. Within five minutes, he was snoring away like a foghorn and still sitting in an upright position. I surveyed the room with my hands on my hips, dubious expression painted all over my face.


“This is like a Kdrama, are you really going to make me do this?”


Kris responded in his sleep with a little drool bubble that he blew from the corner of his mouth.


“I better get you to bed,” I sighed in defeat. How could anyone resist an angelic, sleeping Kris? Especially when he was so evil when he was awake. I decided I would savour my time in his unconscious presence. So I grabbed him by his ankles and hauled him unceremoniously towards his bed, knowing that he was heavy enough of a sleeper to not even feel his own body being used to wipe the floors. I forgot to watch where I was going and knocked into his bedside table, sending a few folders crashing to the floor, narrowly missing his annoying face. I relinquished grip on his ankles and stooped down to pick them up.


Ehwa Women’s University: Courses in Hospitality


Korean National University Guidebook


University of Toronto: Engineering Courses


Why did he have so many university guidebooks? Especially the fifteen on nursing since I was pretty sure his career aspiration was anything but becoming a nurse. Then it dawned on me that he was researching courses for me where I wouldn’t need spectacularly high marks to get in. On every single little booklet, there were little post it notes with his messy scrawl scribbled all over them specifying the pros and cons as well as the entry requirements.


“You are a freaking sap,” I groaned, trying to hide the idiotic grin that was threatening to spread all over my entire face. And then I had no inkling of an idea what made me lean over and kiss him square on the lips.





I woke the next morning to beautiful sunshine, remembered last night's events and dove back under my covers in dread.


"That was so a dream," I whispered to no one in particular. My fingers went up to my lips and I shivered. The kiss felt so real. "It was real?"


I made my way down stairs and almost tumbled down the remaining five as I saw Kris shoot me a dry look from the bottom. I didn't even look half presentable, a fact that was unreasonably bugging me since I had never really cared about how I looked anyway. Oh my god, was he here to confront me? I would never ever live it down. Maybe I could pass it off as a dare game between Eunji and I. Panic engulfed my entire being and I found myself rendered unable to talk, just staring at him like a deer stuck in headlights.


“Um… okay?” He said in his deep, gravelly voice. Kris’s plump lips curved into a small smile of amusement.


“IT WAS A DARE I SWEAR.” Oh yay for me. A sentence!


“I know because you obviously didn’t take it very seriously,” he replied sounding slightly hurt.


“Well I can’t take it seriously because you’re my childhood frenemy and it would be weird-“


“So this is about our relationship?” he scoffed, rolling his eyes.


“Then what else would it be about?” I mumbled back.


“Wait, what are you talking about?” he asked, looking slightly baffled. “I’m pretty sure nothing scandalous transpired last night.”


“Wait-what are you on about-so you don’t know…” I slapped a hand to my mouth as soon as I realised how much of a blithering idiot I was.


“If you were tired of studying, you could’ve gone home and done some revision instead of leaving me to sleep. That’s so slack,” he whined, kicking my in the shin. I didn’t even react like I would have usually. He peered at me curiously, kind of like a puppy discovering his own tail for the first time. “Hee Hee, what size stick went up your today?”


“NOTHING WAS ON MY LIPS-UP MY I MEAN,” I blurted in shock.


“Do you need to lie down?” he asked, sounding genuinely concerned. “Maybe the late night studying was too harsh. We can move the time slot forward if you like…”


He shut up when he realised I was simply not responding. After what seemed like forever, I found my sanity, voice and dignity again. I pushed past him in a desperate attempt to hide my flaming red cheeks.


“You can go to school first I need to do some woman stuff!” I yelled at him, running toward my room blindly. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.


“Uh okay… Want me to cover for you in maths class-“


“I’ll be fine!” I screeched, launching my dirty laundry at him from the top of the stairs. That got him out of the house pretty fast. Panting, I slid down against the railing and pressed a palm to the erratic beat of my heart.


I, Choi Minhee was officially the biggest idiot that ever existed.





Sorry for the lack of updates, I don't really have an excuse. YAY FOR A PROGRESSION IN THE STORYLINE. I'm sorry that a lot of you feel that this is dragging on too long, I was kind of afraid of that but I'm glad you're still hanging around. I'll do my best to push the pace a bit :) Anyway, i swear this the derpiest parody of the drama ver. there is LOL


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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe