Chapter 18: Amusement

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream




We all piled into Kris’s car, as he was the only one that could drive. He was equipped with an international driver’s license that would last six months before he would have to take a proper test in Korea. I grinned, the roads in Korea were much wilder than they were in Canada, red lights were more like suggestions than laws. He closed the roof of the convertible, and we squished five people in the back seat, Luhan and Chen Asian squatting on the floor of the car. Lay and I were squished into the front seat of the car, and Kris had the most spacious seat, the drivers’ seat. It was good that Lay was so skinny otherwise Eunji would have had to sit on his lap. At least I had some room the move around in, taking the seat beside Kris.


After an hour of driving around the city, we finally made it to our destination, the amusement park, and Tao immediately bounced out and stretched his long legs.


“AAAAAAHHHH! That feels good! That was such a long journey!” he whined, stretching his toned arms over his head.


“Blame Krease.” I lengthened his name just to annoy him.


“Shut up Hee-hee.” He made an immature comeback, sticking the tip of his tongue out at me.


“It was your fault Krease. Why do you at driving?”


“It wasn’t my fault, Hee-hee, you were too annoying.”


The trip to the amusement park was a long one… and an irritating one. We got lost three times because Kris refused to listen to my directions, took turns he we wasn’t supposed to, missed turns that he was meant to take and just basically disobeyed all of the road rules. Imagine our terror when he ran three red lights in a row.


“Let’s go!” Lay interjected, interrupting our argument. ‘Let’s go and get our tickets.’


After the eight of us bought the tickets, Tao was jumping up and down like a child on a sugar rush. Normally I would’ve been annoyed but his Wushu panda-ness made me surprisingly affectionate of the boy. “AAAH!! I’m so excited!”


*Just like a little kid* I thought, and I smiled.


“Let’s split into groups, that way it’s easier,” said Luhan sensibly, “and then we can meet up for lunch.”


“Ok!” Eunji agreed. She latched onto Chen and pulled him towards Xiumin and Luhan. “We’ll split into two groups ok? Chen, Xiumin, Luhan and me, and the rest of you guys ok? OK!”


She danced off, dragging them behind her.


“What rides do you want to go on first?” asked Lay as Tao jumped up.


“The rollercoaster! The rollercoaster! Please Gege can we go on the rollercoaster now?” he chirped. It seemed that his maturity level matched that of a little boy, but his physical appearance clearly was of a fully grown man.


“Ok, the rollercoaster,” I agreed, and Tao practically raced towards it as if he was a mother hen welcoming all his little chicks into his arms. Lay shot me a look as we both burst into laughter, hurrying to keep up with him.



The rollercoaster was starting to move, and unfortunately Kris was sitting next to me.


“Hee-hee, you scared?” he asked, clearly hoping that I was. “You can hold my hand.”


“No,” I replied curtly. I pumped my fists in the air, imitating one of his fan-girls. “Roller-coasters are so fun!”


He scowled and slumped back into his seat.


We were going up the slope, slowly, and I could hear Tao squealing in anticipation in the seat in front of me as he clutched onto poor Lay’s arm.


The rollercoaster rushed over the highest peak. Screams were heard, and I shrieked for fun, throwing my hands into the air, half-trying to whack Kris in the face. We went up, down, around, upside down, and all too soon, the rollercoaster screeched to a halt. I looked over at Kris, and he looked all relaxed, not a single golden hair out of place. There were a group of girls waiting to get on the ride, and he sent them a quick smile. I could see the blush staining their cheeks like they were dying on the inside. Thank goodness we left before they could start screaming and squealing like idiots. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at them. Not that I blamed them, Kris could be quite charming if he wanted to, but never would I ever find him attractive.


We went as a group over many rides, the majority of them decided by Tao, as he ran to the next ride immediately after we departed from the ride before. In the short course of two hours, we’d spun on teacups, soared in airplanes, ridden a mini-train, admired the view of Seoul through a Ferris wheel and zoomed like superman on a harness.


It was around 1:30 in the afternoon, so we called the other group to meet up for lunch.


Eunji and Chen then went to buy food, as the rest of us sat and waited. Kris got up abruptly.


“Hey guys, I need to pee,” he announced.


“Too much information!” I snapped. “Can’t you just say you’re going to visit the bathroom?”


He smirked and left, running off in the complete opposite direction of the toilets. I sighed, rolled my eyes and yelled. “YOU STUPID GIANT, THE TOILET IS IN THE OTHER DIRECTION!”


He flashed me a quick thumbs up and continued to right way. I just hoped the two would be back with food soon. I was dying of hunger. 




Happy New Year guys! Thanks for sticking with me :D

I'd like to promote a friend's fic, which I read on a regular basis:

Our Little Deal (click on the picture)


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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe