Chapter 37: Green with Envy

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream





“Why didn’t you take my band-aid?” he grumbled.


“What?” I spluttered, shooting him a confused from my seat. We were headed for dinner at a BBQ house and ever since the ending of my fan-meeting, he’d been inexplicably grumpy. Sort of like one of those fat cats that just lounge on pillows and silently judge all your actions? Kris was being like that except with a slightly more idiotic facial expression. I sighed and shook my head, an amused smile painting my lips.


“If your precious SNSD noonas gave you a bottle of water compared to me, who would you pick?” I snorted.


“Well, hey that’s not fair, SNSD is not like-“ He fumbled with his words until he finally gave up, staring at the road straight in front of him with sulkiness evident on his features.


“SNSD isn’t like what?” I jeered.


“It’s not the same,” he returned miserably. “Just shut up and let’s go eat.”



We pulled up outside a small restaurant near our neighbourhood and I stepped out, shaking my head. Kris shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked his door shut, making me scoff and stalk faster into the warmth of the restaurant. How old did he think he was? Five?


“Well, what a surprise!”


My blood froze cold.


I turned to see Jiyeon and her bunch of friends smiling a little too friendly for me to feel comfortable. They were dressed for clubbing, their eye make-up heavy and sultry. Suddenly, I felt incredibly small next to them in my kiddy clothes and bare face. Even though I hated to admit it, they were so gorgeous and flawless that despite their horrid personalities, it was hard not to envy their milky skin and long legs.


“Hi, what do you want?” I asked bluntly, crossing my arms protectively over my chest. Jiyeon’s eyes flicked towards Kris’s direction and I shuffled in front of him to block her view.


“Oh nothing,” she purred. “Nice seeing you two out here.”


“Not nice to see you-“ My lips were pressed into a thin line as I shot back a comeback but was interrupted by Kris.


“Long time no see,” he chuckled. “What are you doing here?”


I shot him an eat look and grabbed his wrist, attempting to drag the giant with me across the aisle but the stubborn idiot wouldn’t budge at all.


“Oh well we were just having a meal after a little study date we had earlier today,” Hyomin simpered, flashing her brilliantly white teeth. I almost regurgitated my breakfast at the thought of them studying. “You know about the mathematics test next week.”


“Yeah we heard you were good at maths,” Boram piped up.


“Uh no not really,” Kris laughed, his eyes crinkling up into little crescent moons. “Do you guys need help?”


“No you don’t,” I hissed. “Now can we just go eat?”


“Oh come on, it’ll only be five minutes,” Eunjung said with tinkling laughter, snaking a sneaky arm around his waist and pulling him to their table.



“Come on Minhee,” Kris called, rolling his eyes. “Don’t be such a wet blanket.”


Ouch, that hurt.


I refrained from kicking him in the shin and followed them sullenly to their table. Five minutes she said. Half an hour later, I was still sitting there with an empty stomach and watching the four girls up to my stupid neighbour. The thigh rubbing and giggles were making me uncomfortable. Their lack of subtlety was almost nauseous. The worst thing though was the fact that Kris looked happier than he had ever been around me. The idiot just couldn’t be a little nicer to me, could he?


“I think I’m going to go home,” I said curtly, pushing away from the table and shooting a glare at Kris. “I’ll the bus so you won’t need to worry about me. Have fun with your girlfriends.”


 “Yeah whatever,” he snorted.


Angry tears stung my eyes as I headed out into the chilly air. Was it really that hard for him to be a little less childish and consider my feelings as well? 







Later that night, I lay on my bed fuming, hoping that Kris would get drunk and come home late or something, that way I wouldn’t have to deal with his annoying face. The dude was vital to my daily life, without him my yin and yang were thrown out of balance. I was pretty much ying and ying right now. Ying Ying sounded like a name for a panda. Even my attention span was shortening due to my frustration.


“Ergh, does Jiyeon really have to claim him as well,” I muttered into my pillow. “Geez, so possessive.”


Deciding I was going to go for a midnight walk, I reached for my coat pocket to grab my keys. To my utter surprise, I found a thin strip of paper with a phone number scrawled elegantly across it. My breath hitched in my throat as I turned it around and found Kai's name printed on the back.


It was nice meeting you today, Minhee :) Sometimes oppa gets lonely TT^TT so let's talk, yeah? Texting only because manager hyung is a fire-breathing dragon man warrior. 

-exo, exo Kai (yes I know it was lame)



I fell onto my bed screaming. Writhing around like a dying fish, I dove into my duvet and came up five minutes later, gasping for air. Oh what are marvellous, glorious day, the thought of being merely text buddies with Kai made up two thousand times over for Kris’s annoying attitude. Eager to see if this was a joke or not, I sent a quick text to the number. My feels were overflowing from my body.




Hello, we are one! Annyeonghaseyo, I am EXO-K's Kai :D


This is not a joke is it because if this is an old creepy man I will not hesitate to tear your balls out


Sounds like the Choi Minhee I know ;)




Yes, it is me :3 Wanna go eat some food?


WAIT A SECOND GIVE ME SOME TIME TO DIGEST THIS INFORMATION. Okay okay, Kai of EXO-K wants to eat food with a deranged fan.


You don't look deranged to me.


I'm flattered :D


Food? Yes/Yes choose one option


Now that sounds like the Kai I know =="


That's settled then! Meet you near the Hongdae subway exit 5?


You'll be in disguise?


Neh, umma TT^TT black pants and black cap


Well gee, aren't you creative.....




Okay.... sure.... I'll be there in twenty


See you there! :D


Wait up, just to be safe I need photographic evidence and why me? There are many prettier fan girls out there ya know =="


If I send you a shirtless selca, you won't show anyone will you?


God, please protect my eyes


You're just as pretty if not prettier. besides, you're not going to go screaming in the streets that you have my number


How can you be so sure? :P


Because you have a boyfriend and you seem pretty genuine.


Blondie is NOT my boyfriend


Well, gee aren't you in denial :P Here's my selca by the way. Just don't faint from the cuteness.

Really? Okay I'll be there in twenty, I give up.


Oh no, you just love me too much :D


Five minutes of hasty make-up and dress, I zoomed out the door and made it to Hongdae in record speed. My fan girl heart was going to burst any minute now.





Yes, I know it's ridiculously unrealistic but we can indulge in some fantasy now and then right? XD And sorry to leave you guys with a cliff-hanger, I'll be updating soon anyway so don't worry. And yes Jiyeon reappears for a REASON. I was rooting for Suho the entire time but Kai won by a HUGE majority so Kai it is :)

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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe