Chapter 38: XOXO, Gossip Girl

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream




I recognised Kai dressed in full black, tufts of his brown hair sticking from a bright red cap. Even though people couldn’t really recognise him behind his mundane disguise, girls ogled at his lean and toned figure which made me slightly jealous but I wasn’t about to say that aloud any time soon since I was already privileged enough to be hanging out with an impossibly busy idol. “Took you long enough,” he whined, linking his arm through mine. “I’m hungry.”


“Ahahahahaha…..” I said, trying not to look so stiff. Come on EXO-K’s Kai was standing in front of me in blood and flesh, flashing a cheeky at grin at me under the mask he was wearing but I could still see how his eyes twinkled with mischief. He slapped me lightly on the left arm with playfulness and then loomed over me, indulging in my impossibly short height. Scowling, I poked my tongue out sent a tiny kick to his shin.


“Ow!” he said, feigning sniffles. “I feel sorry for your future husband.”


Now who did that remind me of…


“So where do you want to go?” I asked, surprised at how steady my voice was holding up despite my innards completely melting into goo at his gaze.


“Come!” he said cheerfully. “Let me show you the place where Sehun got scouted, while he was enjoying some hot noodle broth.”


My phone beeped and I flashed Kai an apologetic smile who only nodded. I fished it out from my backpack and found one new message waiting for me.



Where are you?



Oh it was Kris. With a grimace, I typed a quick reply. 



In Hongdae. I'm eating. Leave me alone.



"It's the idiot you saw earlier today," I explained, shoving my phone back into my pocket. Kai laughed and shook his head.


"He's actually pretty nice to you, you know?" I stared at him in surprise and shook my head.


“I hate to say this but our history is nothing but simple.”


“Yeah well, I’m hungry so you better feed me,” he said, switching the subject to a lighter topic and grabbing my wrist, dragging me through the crowd.


“You do have hands you know,” I replied, chuckling.


“I know, but isn’t it so much more romantic if you feed me?” he asked, turning to look at me with an idiotic smile plastered to his face, hands clasped to his chest like an overexcited schoolboy. “Besides, that’s the closest a girl has ever gone to my glorious, plump lips.”


“Oh so you know,” I said, deadpanning.


“What?” he said feigning innocence by shrugging his shoulders.


“How attractive you are,” I told him, laughing.


“There is a wonderful haven called the internet,” he dictated in a serious tone. He was still leading me to our destination so I scurried behind him to keep up with his quick pace. Kai made a show of his lips. “It’s also a great boost for my self esteem.”


“Oh my god,” I groaned, punching him on the shoulder playfully. “God help us. How did so many of us fan girls fall into your trap?”


“Maybe because I am fabulous,” he replied, doing a dramatic hair flick and almost bumping head first into a metal pole. “Come on, I only have one hour, let’s get going!”


I let him hold my hand as we wound through the busy streets of Hongdae, fingers intertwined tightly. 






“Kris said she’d be in Hongdae,” Jiyeon hissed. “But why are we following her anyway?”


In the background, Eunjung and Hyomin were wailing about their looks.


“I am so not lying to you but these s are totally so real,” Hyomin argued. “I just bought a wonder bra yesterday, it’s like so useful. I’ve gone from a B to a C in cup size.”


Boram rolled her eyes and scoffed. Despite her petite frame and innocent demeanour, she was nothing but that. In fact, she was more of their ringleader than anything else.


“The two of them are so suspicious, don’t you think?” Eunjung moaned. “I mean with those split ends, who would even want to date her?”


“I know right?” Jiyeon butted in, eyes flashing with annoyance. “We’re so much more fitted for him.”


“All of you,” Boram spat. “Shut up and freaking focus.”


“God, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’re on your monthly gift from Mother Nature,” Hyomin said snarkily, fluffing her bangs in a glass storefront.


“Do you really need to make periods sound so spiritual?” Eunjung complained, rolling her expertly lined eyes. Jiyeon nodded from the side, making Hyomin scrunch her nose up in annoyance.


“Can you people not concentrate for even five seconds?” Boram snapped. “Let’s try find them, they’re probably not going to be in any fancy restaurants and from what Jiyeon has told us, they usually hang out in those flimsy night stalls for street food.”


“Why are we even doing this?” Hyomin whined. “My shoes hurt in my feet. Wait, no I said that the wrong way around. My feet hurt in these shoes but I don’t wanna take them off. They’re new Jeremy Campbells.”


“That’s so your fault,” Eunjung retorted.


“Because the girl has something to hide and we’re going to find out,” Boram explained. “The little isn’t going to get away with him.”


The four girls nodded and continued on their slightly pathetic and poorly thought out plan. Maybe fate was on their side today.


“Oh my god,” Jiyeon gasped, pointing in a vague direction. “Is that Minhee?”


“Yeah, who the hell is she with?” Boram breathed, the sight suddenly perking her interest. “Looks slightly like an idol, his name is on the tip of my tongue.”


“Yeah, he’s Kai isn’t he?” Hyomin said loudly. “You can totally tell from his fabulous bone structure.”


“Speak a little softer,” Eunjung whined, shooting her friend a glare.


“You could be nicer about this,” Hyomin snapped back.


“Stop fighting like idiots,” Jiyeon yelled. “Otherwise you can’t sit with us anymore.”


“Give me my camera,” Boram said, chuckling. “She’s so going down for this.”






I know this is a short chapter but really hits the fan in the next one :D already working on it. I know you guys wanna see more of Kai, he will be there do not worry. Again, thanks to everyone who has stayed faithful to this silly story (which I did start on a whim and never intended to finish LOL) oh and can I just mention the teaser for "Wolf"? I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Seems like SM is getting interested in contempary musical theatre...



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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe