Chapter 33: Competition

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream



Hell no, who did the guy think he was? I tried focusing on the song and cursed my cheeks for burning their typical tomato red whenever I was even the slightest bit worked up. Now that I'd discovered I wasn't such a bad singer (okay well at least I didn't sound like a half-strangled cat being run over by my dad's terrible driving in his Jeep) I tried belting out the notes as high as loud as possible. The rest of the guys were kind of high on all the sugar from the coke they were consuming and were making a huge fuss. I suspected the neighbouring households to this karaoke place were having a hard time believing that this place wasn't breeding mutant monkeys of some sort. The song shifted into the chorus, a combination of my mediocre vocals and Kris's surprisingly y rapping skills.


I shot him a glare as he smirked, indulging in the mortified expression on my face. Trust me, I was so tempted to kick his shin that my foot was practically itching but that would be bad sportsmanship, wouldn't it?


"Come on guys, you can try harder than that!" Eunji crowed, holding fifteen strawberry candies in her hand and then proceeding to shove them down . I winced, if I ate like that my would never forgive me. Luckily for her, Eunji was a stick no matter how much she pigged out. "Get closer!"


Oh so this was what the conniving best friend of mine was getting at. Physical contact. For once, I decided to humour her, smirking as I placed on hand on Kris's abdomen and subtly gave it a squeeze, making him jump back and yelp like an injured puppy. Xiumin's cackling laughter filtered through the room. Giggles were threatening to erupt from my mouth but I was determined to make it through the song without cracking up. Kris's rap became even more intense as he turned his gaze to me.


Holy crap, since when were his eyebrows so attractive? They were so T.O.P-esque that even I was slightly taken aback. I told myself to focus, I mean come on, the dude was the Mickey Mouse T-shirt wearing, booger-eating idiot who whacked me in the face with a stick when I was three. I engaged him in a full-blown stare competition as Luhan cowered in the back.


"Do you think Minhee can shoot lasers out of her eyes? Do you think Kris will burn her to crisp by accident? Are we going to be charged for murder?" Luhan's frightened whispers threatened to really tip me off the edge. I wanted to laugh so freaking bad.


"Are you stupid?" Chen snorted, rolling his eyes dramatically. "That stuff only happens in movies."


"Well Santa's in movies and he's real," Luhan replied with his messed up logic.


"Baby," Eunji purred, an evil glint entering her eyes. "Santa's not real."


Luhan burst into tears. Eunji looked surprised, the girl was so insensitive sometimes that even I couldn't do anything but smack my face with my palm.


"Okay that was only hypothetical. I'm sorry, please don't cry, oh my god, what is all this water. Do you have a swimming pool inside your brain?" It wasn't a wild guess to say that my dear friend wasn't ready to have kids yet. In fact, I was pretty sure that with a mum like Eunji, they'd die within weeks of her care. She wasn't good with the waterworks. Needless to say, Luhan started crying harder which then required the lifesaver Lay to usher the bawling boy onto his lap while he Luhan's bronze locks. Oh dear.


The intense staring battle continued between the two of us. The room was suddenly heated, all my senses overreacting as the tall blonde inched closer to me. I swear my heart was going to combust inside my chest at the rate it was going. And then he felt me up like a ert. Literally, hand on shoulder crawling its way to my chest, idiotic smirk painted over his lips. I then decided to put an end to the itching in my foot and I kicked him as hard as I could in the shin. He crumpled to the ground mid-rap and just for good measure, I sat on his writhing figure.


"Hey Kris?" I called sweetly.


"Mnshgfsdsjthhdsvsjfgu." Was his muffled reply.


"I have a new karate move you know, it comes from a book called the Tree of Life," I cackled. "It's called monkey grab peach from tree."


"What?" he gasped, finally managing to push me off as we both landed in an unceremonious pile on the floor.


"Next time you try feel me up like that, I'll give you the most pain you've ever felt since falling from a tree when you were four," I hissed indignantly.


"Wait-" Eunji interrupted. "Is monkey grab peach from tree what I think it is?"


"What is it?" Tao inquired, an adorable yet baffled look painted all over his face. Of course the resident kungfu master would be confused about a move I completely made up on the spot three seconds ago.


"You just watch, it's painful," she replied ominously.


I grabbed Kris's crown jewels and twisted with my all my might. "Gee, these peaches aren't that ripe."


"I think you just rendered this fine specimen infertile," Chen said matter-of-factly.


"And who are you accusing of being a ert?" Kris groaned from the corner. "I really, really feel for your future husband and children."


I smirked and wiped my hands clean on my jeans. "Takes one to know one, buddy."







So.... it's been a while :D And I'm sorry for that. I'm announcing MintyPetals as the winner for the contest on the last chapter since she's honestly been such a faithful reader that I can't help but feel bad for not updating. So 30 karma points to her! Thank you to all of you who have taken the patience to read my story and support it, I'm a terrible person for putting off updating. I'm really apologising from the bottom of my heart. I hope this chapter lifted your spirits and made you laugh XD And ermagherd, I have horrible editing skills forgive me for my errors.

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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe