Chapter 22: That son of a buffalo

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream




We were back to square one in the morning. Thankfully, Kris had been too tired to annoy me any further after we got home but the two of us were about to receive the most disastrous news we’d received in years. I got woken up in the usual fashion, my mother pushed me onto the floor and left me prepare myself in a zombie-like state. After I had finished my breakfast, the Wu’s popped over and Kris and I were summoned into their little meeting like criminals in a court case. I thought they were going to make us bond again but our fate was much, much worse.


“It’s winter break soon,” Mrs Wu mused with a slight grin. “And Christmas is coming up too, right?”


“Erm…” I replied, squirming under my mother’s intense gaze. “Yes…?”


“I’m so tired from working at the law firm,” my mother whined, shaking my father’s arm. “Remember that holiday we would always dream about getting?”


“Oh yeah,” my dad piped up, making Kris narrow his eyes in suspicion. “That holiday… We deserve it, don’t we?”


“Well if you want to go, then go,” I butted in bluntly. “We can look after ourselves.”


“But we don’t trust the two of you to stay at home by yourselves,” Mr Wu prompted, tapping his chin. “How about the two of you stay at our house when we’re on vacation?”


“How long?” I asked coolly.


“Two weeks,” Mrs Wu piped up cheerfully.


“No way,” Kris replied flatly. “You can’t do this to us, aren’t you afraid we might get hormonal and make children?”


“My lord…” I breathed in horror. “You are so disgusting.”


“Well judging my your uh… interactions,” my mother replied dryly. “I’m sure the two of you won’t breed even if there is a zombie apocalypse.”


Ouch. That was harsh.


“Okay so am I sleeping at his house too or am I allowed to do that on my own?” I asked in the hopes of a no. The cheeky expressions that each parent held were enough to tell me the truth.


“I’m taking that as a no.” Kris was curt.


“No….?” I echoed, my mind still floating far, far away in dreamland. I had just woken up and senses weren’t too sharp yet.


“You’re taking the couch,” he told me quickly. “I can’t have you on my bed.”


I almost growled. “How about I strangle you first, then let’s see who gets the bed.




Turned out that our parents were going to leave this afternoon, luggage packed and all for Sydney, Australia. Apparently, it was lucky that the Wus could speak English otherwise, the trip would be disastrous. I was bitter that they weren’t taking me but even more so because they had left me alone with the one person in the world that I held no inkling of like for. As we waved them goodbye as they pulled out of the driveway, my parents seized my keys and put them in their luggage. The only way I was getting into my house was risking a flight to Sydney and seeing the four adults in their swimmers.


And that I was not going to do.


So with a heavy heart, I turned back towards Kris’s house and waited patiently for him to let me in. The door didn’t budge as I tried pushing it open. This guy was really testing my patience.


“Kris, I know you hate me but hello? I’m staying here for the next two weeks,” I tried negotiating calmly. There was no reply and it was snowing lightly so I wasn’t exactly comfortable in my flimsy hoodie and jeans. I grew frustrated and kicked his door, injuring my toe in turn.


“GODDAMIT KRIS JUST OPEN THE DOOR!” I screamed in anger, ignoring weird stares I was getting from the neighbours. There was absolutely no reply, only the eerie whistling of the wind. I leaned against the door and sighed, close to tears. I looked up and saw that his bathroom light was on.


He was showering.


That son of a buffalo. 



This is actually a joint account but my other half is all the way in China and I'm so lonely TT^TT Oh there's more fluff to come, I just re-read the chapters..... I think they do quite a bit of cuddling. 

Anyway, I know this is irresponsible of me but if anyone is interested in application fics, here's one me and my co-author made :)


"♡ Shanghai Love" -上海爱 ||: {Apply Now!}


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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe