Chapter 35: Let's go K!

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream

*A/N: Just because I think I'm smart for doing this, DID YOU GUYS SEE THE WORDPLAY IN THE CHAPTER TITLE? :D Let's go K sounds similar to Exo-K if you say it real fast! /shot by a thousand deadpanning subbies/.





"I'm not going with you to see your precious boy toys," Kris scoffed, crossing his arms in a childish fashion. I rolled my eyes and gritted my teeth, trying to keep the blatantly fake smile from slipping off off my face. "How would you like it if I took you to a lingerie fashion show?"


"Dude, I ain't gonna be surprised since your screensaver is a picture of a half Victoria's Secret model,"  I replied in a dry tone. "Oh come on, I'll do the dishes for the rest of the time our stupid parents are on stupid holidays in Australia. They're probably lounging on beach chairs sipping martinis and trying not to get attacked by killer kangaroos." 


Later, I discovered that wasn't true. Poor Mr Wu got kicked in the stomach by a kangaroo and had to spend five hours in the ER trying not to regurgitate the contents of his stomach. Like father like son.


" There's no way I'm coming. Waiting in line with a thousand screaming fan girls is not my idea of fun,"  he moaned, still shaking his head.


"It's a private fanmeet," I explained as patiently as I could. "So girls won't be rupturing your ear drums." 


"I am quite the package you know," he said, completely ignoring me. "Who knows? They might think that I'm so attractive that I'm a Kpop star in disguise! That would be horrible." 


I almost smacked my face into my desk. On a scale of 1-100 on how arrogant that statement was, he scored a 34678670064. The funny thing though, was that he looked completely and utterly serious when he said so. Complete package my , the dude would be a nightmare to live with let alone marry. 


"Then you can use me as a human shield," I snapped.


"Wait, did you say private fan meet?"  he asked, suddenly coming to his senses. 


"Yes," I replied resisting the urge to harm him in any physical way. "It's a once in a life time opportunity." 


"Oh hell no, that's even worse,"  he gasped. "What happens if your beloved idols turn gay for me?"


"Hmmm..."  I replied, chewing my bottom lip pensively. "You could look quite good with Chanyeol. BUT YOU'D HAVE TO GET PAST ME AND ANOTHER MILLION POTENTIAL SUITORS FIRST." 


"Looks like your only life aspiration is to have their babies," he snorted, looking suspiciously jealous. "Are they even that attractive?"


"Are you kidding me? They have billions of fans around the world drooling over Kai's delicious chocolate abs-" I noticed Kris staring hard at his own lacking abdomen. I snorted and continued with my little rant of excitement. "As well as Suho's angelic smile and Sehun's adorable aegyo. They're all so freaking perfect I cannot even begin to explain my feels to-"


"If I come with you, you'll shut up right?" he snapped. 


"Yes, of course," I said cheerily. I made a heart shape with my arms and smiled cheesily. "LOVE YOU KREASE."






We were sitting in Kris's family two hours later after I made the two of us some breakfast wraps (Kris still wasn't used to the full course Korean breakfast) and after he spent a full hour quiffing and blow drying his stupid blonde hair. Don't even mention the excessive BB cream applying and I don't think I would be lying if I said he'd even gone for some eyeliner. The normal Minhee would've burst into endless laughter but I couldn't help but feel my throat go dry as he entered the car in his stylish military jacket and tight jeans. If only he dressed more like that around the house (remember the polka dot pyjamas?) I think I might actually start to like his exterior a little more. And then he snorted over the steering wheel, trying to keep in his sneeze and I reverted to my old self. The guy was gross. 


"Where is the stupid fanmeet?" he growled, slicking his hair back just a little more. The amount of product in his hair could sink a ship. 


"Erm, here," I replied as sweetly as possible, trying not to provoke his hair-trigger temper. I pointed at the address in the top left hand corner of the ticket and he nodded, pulling out of the driveway like a madman and narrowly missing three rubbish bins.


"HOLY ," I yelled, kind of going into cardiac arrest. What was with him and his crazy driving, it was a miracle he even passed the damn test. "How many times were you rejected from getting a license anyway?"


"Fifteen," he repleid smugly. I was torn between trying to keep up the nice facade or just wrenching his hair out from the roots. Sighing, I crossed my arms and let Kris blast his obnoxious Chinese girl group music. I'd settled for a casual outfit, navy jeans, tan lace-up boots with a hint of a heel (and studded with silver spikes just in case i needed to murder someone), a loose navy themed tee and an oversized grey cardigan that swallowed up my arms and made me look somewhat anime. If I could never be hot and bombshell y, I could always try and look like a kid and charm everyone away with my aegyo. Not that I had any. "Oh and what's with your sickeningly cute outfit? You look like IU."


"I'll take that as a compliment, sir," I replied, trying very hard to keep the smile from sliding off my face like a raw egg. Kris grunted and we spent the next fifteen infuriating minutes sitting next to each other, fighting over what music to listen to. Of course, my god-like EXO-K won in a battle of sneaky hands so the idiot suffered as I revelled in victory. The look on his face was so worth it. If I didn't know better, I might've called him jealous.


"We're here," he said finally as we pulled up near the fan-meet venue. Fan-signing had already finished so there were only a few saesang fans left loitering around the area as we hopped out of his car.


"I can see that," I replied dryly. "Captain obvious."


"You could be nicer you know, after all I've done for you," he huffed, his expression a strange mixture of cute and angry. Gee, I was seriously getting weirder by the day. Next thing I knew, I'd be knitting mittens and woollen socks for the guy. Just the thought made me chuckle a little. As I was stuck in my own reverie, I became completely oblivious to the fact that we were getting surrounded by the few fans waiting outside.


"Oh my god, he's so hot," one exclaimed not so subtly, making me shoot her an eat look.


"He sorta looks like Chanyeol," another one exlaimed. She had a ridiculously large EXO-K necklace hanging from her neck and my eat look morphed into a grimace. What a disgrace to compare the stupid Canadian to my precious baby.  "Do you have a girl friend?"


The grimace on my face turned into a flat-out glare. With a smug smile on my face I gushed, "Honey, let's go get some bubble tea and then we can go to a photo booth and cuddle."


The crowd dispersed quickly, leaving a confused Kris and EXO-K staring amusedly at the two of us from behind the fan sign platform. Suho raised one arm and smiled his signature dazzling smile, making insides melt into utter goo. "Now this is a first. Choi Minhee, it's a pleasure to meet you."


"Damn she was sort of hot too," Sehun muttered, not realising I could hear him clearly.


Now it was Kris's turn to glare. The fact that his lips were now formed into a half-adorable pout, my heart was really going to beat out of my rib-cage. Six hot guys and one idiot. 






Yay an update :D Yes I'm an idiot for holding off from updating so yeah, I fished out some more goddamn weird gifs of EXO from tumblr. That place is heaven. Some of them are slightly disturbing LOL and I didn't edit this chapter so please forgive the mistakes. 


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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe