Chapter 42: Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream



When we arrived at school, Kris skipping happily along like an idiotically happy elementary school boy, we were bombarded with questioning stares and hushed whispers. The rumours had already spread that the mystery girl that was seen out with Kai was already in a relationship but how they knew it was me, I had no idea. As far as I knew, my identity hadn’t been released to the public. I guessed that his fans were just crazy and too much time on their hands. I tightened my grip around Kris’s hand, feeling slightly uneasy, as if something bad was going to happen.


“Oh my god, she’s such a ,” one girl hissed and not too subtly either, as she passed me on the school field, her lined eyes flicking sharply towards my face. I felt my heart plunge into the bottom of my stomach. “She’s got like the hottest idol in the industry on one arm and the school’s most eligible bachelor on the other. Who does she think she is anyway. God, I’m like so much more attractive than her.” The scent of her cloying, musky perfume wafted into my nostrils and I spluttered, trying to pass of the tiny tears leaking from my eyes as a bad reaction to the scent. She paused to fluff her bangs and admire the rosy tint on her lips in the glass window of a classroom before stalking off.


“Don’t listen to them,” Kris said firmly, looking straight ahead. “Her hairdo looks like a dog crapped over her head.”


I snorted, partially in amusement and partially out of spite. The girl’s hair was done in a particularly high bun that contorted itself into little twists at the top. Kris’s analogy actually wasn’t too far from the truth. Everyone was sending me little glares from the corners of their eyes, even the boys looked at me wearily as if I was going to seduce them any second now. Funny story, what seduction? I didn’t have an ounce of alluring, ual charisma in my body. On top of that, my hair looked really frumpy today (some ends were sticking out at weird angles despite my attempt to settle it with some hairspray) and my uniform was ruffled because I hadn’t been bothered to iron it.


“HEY BEST FRIEND WHO IS KNEE DEEP IN RIGHT NOW,” Eunji rejoiced as she clomped one arm around my shoulders, materialising out of nowhere. “AND JUST BECAUSE YOU’RE KNEE DEEP IN DOESN’T MEAN OTHER PEOPLE AREN’T.”


During her time here at our school, my best friend had built a strong reputation of being a fighter.


Eunji’s intimidating gaze followed every one of the students that had been whispering about me earlier. They cowered away, almost comically as her piercing stare swept over them like a wave. Lightly, I hit her arm. “You may be enjoying this but you can stop now.”


Exo-M appeared in the distance, I knew because Lay had dyed his hair a startling shade of platinum blonde and Luhan had cut his bangs to turn himself from a pretty flower boy into somewhat a remotely manly looking boy. You can’t miss to blondes in a school of Koreans.


“LONG TIME NO SEE!” Luhan yelled, throwing his arms around my shoulders and almost knocking me straight off my feet. Lay chuckled and pulled the older boy back by the straps of his bag.


“Did you have a good holiday?” he asked, ignoring Luhan’s futile struggles to hug me once again. Lay looked weak and frail but really, the way his muscles were rippling in his arms showed how much strength he kept hidden away.


“It was eventful to say the least,” I replied honestly with a shrug. 


“Hmm I heard,” Lay conceded with a soft smile. “Try not to listen to the critics too much.”


“Thanks,” I replied, feeling bubbles of warmth rise up from the depths of my stomach.


“Ahem,” Luhan interjected, breaking our little moment of peace. “You two are coming with us tonight.”


“Little deer, if you want to abduct people, you don’t tell them beforehand,” Xiumin reprimanded tiredly. “That’s so stupid.”


 “Oh right,” Luhan said with a bright smile. “Forget you heard that. Can you meet us outside the school gates after school is over?”


“He has a e van and candy too,” Chen hissed at our direction. Kris stared back at his friends through narrowed eyes. He sighed resignedly, ran his slender fingers through his blonde locks and nodded wordlessly. After all, there was very little point in arguing with five boys on sugar highs.


“Am I coming too?” Eunji asked, looking offended that they hadn’t included her in their diabolical plan, whatever it was.


“Of course you are!” Tao piped up cheerfully. “If they resists with force, we’ll force them into the van. I can’t handle Kris ge on my own, he’s a little too tall.”


Kris and I exchanged looks of alarm.


This really didn’t sound good.






“CAN YOU STOP ROWING US IN CIRCLES PLEASE?” I hollered over the cacophony of shouting voices and camera clicks. “OKAY JUST STOP MOVING YOU’RE GOING TO CAPSIZE US.”




“TRY TO LOOK A LITTLE HAPPIER WOULD YOU?” Eunji bellowed, standing with her hands on her hips as her finger hovered threateningly over the camera button. “AND WHO DECIDED TO RELEASE RUBBER DUCKS INTO THE POOL.”


“You told me to make it realistic!” Luhan blubbered, his large brown eyes watering. “PEOPLE HAVE DUCKS IN LAKES RIGHT?”


“Not rubber ones,” Xiumin snapped, his voice was slightly muffled due to the fact he was eating two giant plates of fried noodles, courtesy of Luhan’s entire artillery of maids and butlers an cooks. The guy was freaking loaded. But the fact that we were doing a photo shoot in his pool the size of a football field in a flimsy rented canoe with rubber ducks floating here and there didn’t make any sense whatsoever. After school had ended, the two of us had literally been dumped in potato sacks and taken to Luhan’s large estate.


Turns out their “evil” plan was not to harvest our organs or something but to take some “candid” shots to “leak” onto the internet to prove our “relationship” was indeed real. That involved us acting like we were in love which was a whole catastrophe on its own. Let’s just say Chen had a lot of compromising poses in mind. 


“Kris, do you think you could lie down on the bottom of the boat and get Minhee to lay on top of you as if she’s floating on your stomach?” Chen ordered. He was even decked out in stereotypical photographer wear, a beret and oversized scarf. The idiot was even carrying out speech in a horrific French accent. I rolled my eyes and sighed.


“How about no?”


“If you were a model, no one would employ you,” Chen sniffed. Kris just glared at them sullenly, clutching the rowing oar as if he wanted to smack them over the head if he ever got close enough.


“And how is rowing romantic anyway?” Kris asked, cocking one eyebrow as if challenging them to answer.


“HAVE YOU NEVER WATCHED THE LITTLE MERMAID?” Chen screeched, dropping his French accent for a bit (much to our relief). “All my inspirations come from Disney movies.”






This was really going to be a tedious process....






There will be a part two to this which hopefully will be updated tomorrow :D WHO WATCHED HAPPY CAMP OH MY GOD TAO XD THE LITTLE SHOWERS WITH EVERYONE COS HE'S SCARED. 

LOL a wild Chanyeol hits the team leader's nose...

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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe