Chapter 41: Beautiful Target

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream

114 unread emails

96 Facebook notifications





I was so glad that I didn’t have a life at all and hence lacked twitter, cyworld, instagram accounts because the amount of notifications pending was slightly daunting. I knew the consequences of my little night out with Kai were catching up so I had pushed the thoughts away into the deepest, darkest crevices of my mind to be forgotten. Now, it was time to face my demons. Kris and EXO’s manager had advised me against checking emails or internet gossip sites but I couldn’t really resist. I knew that if I were Eunji, I’d probably check all the hate mail and then go on an angry rampage around the entire internet like a rolling buffalo. I never had as much courage as my spunky best friend. Sighing, I dropped a glance at my physics paper that was lying dismally on my desk, the wind blowing at the corners slightly. Once a procrastinator, always a procrastinator. My hand clicked on the first unread email.


When I first saw the articles and rumours, I scoffed because there was no way Kai oppa would go for someone as ugly as you. According to your school records, you aren’t even doing so well neither are you rich so pretty much, your entire existence can be summed up as pathetic. Stay away from him, it’ll only end in disaster since he’s honestly so much better than you. This comes from a concerned citizen.


My heart sank into the pits of my stomach, splattering against the ground like a peach falling from a tree. Shrugging, I clicked the next email.


Oh my god, what are you? Choi Minhee right? Even that name is so bland like your face.


I really needed Eunji to bash this person’s face in right now which she would happily do, I knew for the sake of her best friend. I skipped through a few that were written in caps lock in the subject line because even I was smart enough to know that they were going to be full out rants. I really didn’t need that first thing in the morning.


You’ve probably been getting a lot of hate from other fans which you totally deserve. How could you be so stupid and selfish to go out with someone who’s an idol? Endangering his reputation and his wellbeing? You deserve to die.


Okay, well that made me feel like . Taking a deep breath, I moved the email to the trash section and scrolled to the next one.


Go kill yourself. You’re so ridiculous. Oh what, now you think that he’s your best friend because you went on a five minute date together? Such a publicity . Do your parents not give you enough affection? Oh and stay away from Kaisoo. They’re in love, we all know it.


I snorted and deleted the email. I worked tirelessly through the seemingly endless hate mail, feeling more and more drained by the second. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That proverb was such a complete lie. I never cried and I could already feel the hot tears burning at the back of my eyelids, threatening to spill out any second. My self esteem was literally shattered, I couldn’t even feel the steady thump of my heart, all I could do was sit there like a zombie and inhale more of this toxic venom flowing from their words. It was numbing.




I snapped out of my little trance and plastered the brightest smile on my face.


“Yes mum?” My voice sounded forced but I hoped she wouldn’t notice. She set down a platter of fruit on the table and left quietly with a soft smile and an affectionate ruffle of my hair. That just made me feel a whole lot worse. I’d bought countless paparazzi to our doorsteps and everyone was being so nice to me when I didn’t even deserve it. Fishing my phone out of my bag, I turned it on and saw fifteen messages from Kai. As I scrolled through them, a small smile lit up my face as he apologised for his fan’s actions.


You’re honestly a wonderful person but I think we’re both deceiving ourselves here. You’ll find someone who will cherish you like I did and hopefully I will too. Even though our friendship lasted for like three days, I’ll always be your fan. Send my love to all the members and I wish you all the best! Hwaiting!


Then, I pressed the delete button next to his contact picture and dropped my head into my arms, letting the tears flow freely down my cheeks. After reading all the comments, I felt like I’d been hit by a Japanese bullet train. It left a gaping hole in my heart and I felt like a failure. All these years, I’d been stupid and immature, not trying hard enough and always being a troublemaker. No words could explain how sorry I was.


There was a whoosh sound and a little paper airplane zoomed onto my desk with the utmost precision. I looked outside my window and found Kris smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and noticed the word “hello” scribbled onto the left wing. Opening it up, I was greeted with his horrible drawing and another phrase “keep on going, you won’t regret it”. I smoothed out the creased paper and on the top right corner in tiny scribble were the words “LOL YOU’RE GAY”.


I knew he was only trying to make me feel better but I guess his maturity level had never really increased. “Kris Wu, you wanna die?” I raised my sharpest pencil at him and he cowered behind his curtain which happened to be pink and lacy, courtesy of his overly enthusiastic mother. 


He returned to his original place at his desk, ignoring me and my threatening stance, straightening his papers and clearing his throat as if I wasn’t even there. I gritted my teeth and threw the pencil down on my table. My phone vibrated softly.


I’m sorry.


The text came from a withheld number. I sighed, it must’ve been Kai. Frustrated, I plopped down into my seat and took the battery out, scared that angry fans would find out my phone number and call me. Shuddering, I deleted all my social networking accounts and watched dismally as my social life became even more non-existent.


“Hey, darling?” my father’s balding head peeked in through the door. “Your mummy and I are going to buy some groceries so you just stay put and don’t invite all your friends over and have a dance rave okay? Your mom really values those Chinese Ming vases that the Wus gifted us.”


“As if,” I snorted. “I don’t have that many friends.”


“That’s my girl,” he laughed in reply, his eyes crinkling up into little crescent moons. “Have fun at school sweetie!”


“Bye!” I hollered as he made his way down the stairs. Soon, the house was eerily silent and I was left to my own thoughts that whirled around in my head like a hurricane. How was I going to get to school later on in the day? The alarm clock read 6AM, thirty minutes until I had to leave the house. The thought of school sent a lead weight sinking into my stomach and I was filled with dread. Reluctantly, I pulled on my school blouse and tied the little necktie as neatly as possible. I pulled my skirt as low as it would go and made sure that despite my laziness (I had refused to iron it) it would look immaculate. My hair was a hopeless cause anyway, like many of the angry fans had pointed out on my facebook page. Apparently I was “bird nest girl” now.


But most of all I didn’t want the face the smug Barbies.


Of course, there was absolutely no evidence to support my suspicions that they were behind the entire debacle but who else could it be? Just the thought of their lecherous smiles and skyscraper heels made me want to throw up my breakfast. Finally, I was done and I opened the door to be blasted in the face by cold wind. There was a little, pink box on my doorstep and I stooped down to open it.


Inside laid a bird’s nest with three dead baby birds and a note.


Karma’s a , just like you are. 


Shrieking I dropped the box and tried to stop my bottom lip from quivering. My shaking hands made their way to my mouth as I gasped, trying to keep the sobs from erupting form my mouth. I felt two, strong arms wrap around me and hold me close. It was Kris, in his school uniform.


“Hey, you okay?” His voice was warm like a hot cup of honey milk. He rocked me gently against his chest and smoothed down my hair. I felt weak but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. No way was I going to cry in front of him.


“Is this what they did to you?” he asked, his voice suddenly turning silky and dangerous like he was suppressing a growl.  Nodding, I cracked a weak smile.


“I like birds.”


“So do I,” he confirmed, his eyes sparkling with mischievous. “How about we do them a little justice?”


“Justice?” I croaked. Kris nodded and enveloped his hand around mine, intertwining our fingers together. I couldn’t help but notice how freaking small I was in comparison to the Canadian giant and how he strangely seemed to make me feel safe. He led us to my backyard where my parents grew their prized vegetables and knelt down, with the box cradled in his lap.


“Hey, grab me that shovel,” he said, pointing at a rusty tool that looked like it came from prehistoric times. I passed it to him wordlessly. Kris dug a small hall, just enough for the box to fit and he placed the box inside gently.


“Oh my god,” I chortled. “You’re burying them. You're actually holding a funeral session for three baby birds.”


“We must be respectful at the funeral of Mr and Mrs Bird’s children, Bob, Fred and Jack,” he said gravely.


“You’re so ist,” I muttered at his idiotic choice of names. “Choose some female names at least.”


He finished covering up the lid of the box with soil and dusted himself off by wiping his hands on the grass. Stepping toward my left side, he grabbed my hand and began his funeral eulogy.


“Yesterday,” he began solemnly. “Minhee was caught canoodling with a dude who is half all the time and has the most horrific cornrows. And then Mr Cornrow’s obsessive fans, excluding the young lady here of course, decided killing you guys would be a good idea. But no need to worry because when you’re reincarnated as humans or whatnot, you’ll have that Ferrari sports car that I’ve always wanted. Because karma is nice to the innocent.”


“Wise words,” I confirmed as I bowed slightly to the three birds. The little ritual was idiotic, childish and silly but it made me feel a whole lot better about my situation. “Thanks, Kris.”


“That’s what friends are for right?” he said cheerfully, his amber eyes twinkling in the morning sun.


“Yeah,” I said softly. “Friends.”


And for the first time, I really felt it. 






Just a little filler chapter :D But I thought the hate mail would have to come some day so yeah...


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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe