Chapter 13: Confrontations

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream




Lunch was a much more exciting affair now that Kris had bought his friends along to sit with us for lunch. For the two of us, it was an unwelcome intrusion but Eunji was very quickly warming up to the naïve and innocent Chen. She mainly enjoyed teasing him but I wasn’t going to tell that to Chen who honestly looked very happy to be around her. Needless to say, The “Barbies” were not very pleased with their presence at our table. I’d been subjected to a lot more glares and snide remarks. The eight of us were sitting merrily at our table next to the bin, discussing our plans for the upcoming winter break.


“The winter break is coming up soon!” Luhan cheered, the corners of his eyes crinkling cutely. “We’re going on a cruise to Europe.”


“You lucky, little duck,” Eunji mumbled, dejectedly stabbing her fork into her vegetables. “I’m grounded for not adhering to my curfew.”


“I’m going to China to visit my grandparents,” Tao chimed in, chewing on a piece of lettuce thoughtfully.


“More like he’s going to the mountains to practice his wonderful Wushu skills,” Xiumin scoffed.


“So we’re obviously not going to be able to meet up in the break, right?” Lay mused, pushing his food aimlessly around his bowl. “Kris, we should take you around some-time to Seoul’s best tourist spots.”


“That would be lovely Lay,” I said grinning, hoping that this adorable boy could save me from my inevitable fate. “Kris would have much more fun with you than me!”


“You could come too!” Lay replied innocently. “And Eunji too, along with Chen since he’s not going anywhere.”


“That’s okay,” I replied quickly, without missing a beat. “I’m busy with holiday cram school.”


“What cram school, you nun?” Eunji quipped with a smirk. I could see she was once again, forming another plan to get Kris and I together. I jabbed my elbow into her side harshly, making her hiss in pain. “You need some sunshine!”


“Eunji!” I whined, blowing my cheeks out in frustration.


“That’s a great idea!” Kris simpered. “I’ll have an excellent time.”


I chewed ferociously on my egg, clenching my jaw to stop the stream of curse words threatening to erupt from my mouth.


“Oh don’t look so forlorn,” Eunji whispered. “You’re taking your first step into the world of boys! How exciting!”


Now, in second place on my hit list, was my evil best friend Seo Eunji.




I stepped into class to find my homework sheets torn, wet and completely and utterly ruined. I didn’t care too much but the sight of it all made me annoyed. Who did these people think they were to bully someone as pitiful as a wallflower? I had always been successful at staying out of trouble.


“Enjoy this work of art?” A sweet voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned to see Jiyeon smiling innocently, her head cocked to one side.


“Oh why, it’s lovely,” I replied dryly, folding my arms across my chest. “I really appreciate your efforts.”


“Oh you have to thank my unnies too,” Jiyeon cooed. “They did most of the work.”


I ignored her statement and began bundling the soggy mess into my arms. Who would believe that this girl had once been my other best friend, an adorable, shy and sweet human being? Then there was her now. Eyes, lined dramatically in black liner, hair cut in the latest fashion, the length of her skirt leaving nothing to the imagination. I despised her.


“You never liked him, did you?” Jiyeon asked, taking a place beside me as I hunched over my ruined textbook. “Is it too much to ask for you to leave him alone?”


“I hate him,” I replied simply with an eye roll. I knew immediately who she was referring to, my arch-nemesis Kris. “He’s all yours.”


“Don’t lie to me,” Jiyeon snapped, taking place beside me on a desk. “Love always blossoms from hate.”


“Well that just seems to be a case of reversal here,” I retorted, referring to our friendship. “Look, I don’t care what you think but feelings can’t be forced. If he really likes you then he world only have eyes for you, even if Eunji and I are forced to be by his side.”


Jiyeon smirked and uncrossed her legs, getting off the table she was sitting on and standing up. “But then again, I shouldn’t be worried. You and your pathetic best friend can hardly be rivals.”


“If you say so.” My reply was curt and short and earned me a stinging slap to the cheek. Jiyeon was obviously frustrated with my lack of reaction. Most girls would be cowering in fear.


“Look at me,” she hissed, grabbing my arm. “Look at me. I’m gorgeous, I’m tall, I’m rich and I have the school kneeling at my feet. Then take a good look at yourself.”


“I’m sure if she did,” a voice called out. “She would reel back in shock.”


Jiyeon smiled and looked at me as if to say I told you so.


I turned to see a grinning Lay a she strolled casually into the classroom. “Because she’s such a sparkly, amazing unicorn unlike you. You’re a mere mortal.”


It was extremely hard for me to stop myself from erupting in laughter. Jiyeon glared at us both darkly and stormed out of the room. Lay followed her out but not before giving me a wink and a cheeky grin.


I was really starting to like that guy.


I was going to name him dimple guy from now on.



Sorry, I had to throw some kind of drama into this TT^TT if haven't figured by now, Jiyeon is the "evil" . 

Don't hate her, she has her reasons... :)

I like T-ara


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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe