Chapter 19: Game

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream


The six steaming plates of food sat on the table, as we waited for eternity for Kris to come back. It seemed like bad manners to start without him, even though I wasn’t concerned at all about him.


“Gege! I’m hungry!” whined Tao, clutching Lay. I folded my arms and leaned back into the chair, sighing in frustration.


“That stupid idiot Kris, depriving me of food…” I spat out, frowning.


Eunji laughed and swatted me. “Dude, it’s not like you’re going to starve to death so you can wait a little longer for your food.”


I pouted and finally resorted to whining. “I’m so hungry! You have no idea how torturous this is!”


Tao pouted as well, switching from Lay’s arm to mine. “Noooooona! I’m hungry tooooooo!!”


“I don’t blame you,” I muttered, as I folded my arms again.


“Miss me?” That all too familiar voice sounded smugly and I lost it.




He looked slightly taken aback and said, “Calm down Hee-hee, it’s not good for your vocal chords if you scream like that.” Kris sat down and stretched.


“Kris, you can have the first bite of food!” said Luhan, smiling good naturedly.


“Hmmm…” his chopsticks hovered over the six plates, as he made up his mind.


“Hurry up, will you?” I asked impatiently, chopsticks ready to seize the first morsel of food that was within reach.


“Oh, I’m sorry Hee-hee, I don’t know what to take.” He smiled annoyingly and, very, very slowly picked up a piece of pork.


Immediately, seven hands dove into the food, all fighting for the best piece of meat. It seemed like all of us were waiting for the signal that allowed us to eat. When all of us had satisfied our hunger and quenched our thirst, Tao jumped up enthusiastically.


“Everyone! Let’s play a game! The losers have to go into the haunted house!” He chirped, clapping his hands in anticipation.


Shouts of agreement came from our group, as I sat still, my heart sinking at the suggestion. I hated haunted houses. Sure, I wasn’t scared of spiders or snakes or bugs, but I was absolutely petrified of supernatural beings.


“We’re going to play rock paper scissors, and the last two people have to go in together!” cried out Tao, jumping up and down excitedly.


Eunji locked gazes with me, concern showing. I shrugged and looked away, feeling a sense of dread.


“Chen and Xiumin gege first! Play three rounds!” called out Tao, who seemed to have assumed the role as the host.


“ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS!” Both guys stuck out their hands, Chen displaying scissors, Xiumin showing rock. Xiumin began to dance around and around, celebrating his win over Chen.


“YAH!! Don’t lose again!” scolded Eunji, prodding Chen as he winced.


“Rock, paper scissors!” Chen and Xiumin went head to head once again, this time Chen winning. He looked stunned, and Eunji jumped up and down in excitement.


“Aaah, so you’re not that useless after all!” teased Eunji, and Chen flushed a deep shade of red.


“YAH!! What’s that supposed to mean? Did you say that I’m useless?” he demanded, and Eunji just giggled. Eunji never giggled.


Hmmmm, this was little suspicious.


“Rock, paper, scissors!” XIumin and Chen struck again, and Chen remained victorious. He looked delighted at the prospect that he didn’t need to go in, and relaxed. I was pretty sure he would’ve fainted the moment he set foot in a haunted house.


“Kris and Lay gege!” called out Tao, shaping his hands like a megaphone. “Go!”


It went on like that for quite a while, Kris going against Lay, Eunji playing Luhan, Tao versing me. Kris lost to Xiumin in the next rounds, and he was to go into the haunted house. He didn’t look scared, rather, he looked extremely excited and enthusiastic. The giant smile on his face said it all.


The last round was between Luhan and me. I tried to put on a strong outer stance, but on the inside, I was trembling.


“Rock, paper scissors!” We struck out our hands and Luhan sighed in relief, we had both put out rocks. My heartbeat accelerated probably 10 times more.


“Rock, paper scissors!” Luhan groaned, and my hopes rose. One all.


“The next round decides who goes in.” said Xiumin, his eyes glittering with anticipation.


I glanced up and saw Eunji looking worried, but remained emotionless. I did not want to reveal my fear when it wasn’t necessary.


“Rock, paper, scissors!” I closed my eyes, dreading the moment when I opened them.




I'd like to apologise because this story is going to be super long. It's already 45 chapters in draft and the love line hasn't even started properly TT^TT



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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe