Chapter 36: Let's go K (Part II)

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream




"Hey, no need to be shy," Kai yelled, shooting me a devilish grin that just about melted my knees into puddles of glorious honey-not that I would've minded anyway. He slung one toned arm around my shoulders and his lips in slow motion (I'm guessing it was deliberate, you know fanservice, that sort of thing), much to Kris's chagrin. "We're going to get very well acquainted over the next half hour."


"Now that sounds ominous," Kris muttered bad-naturedly. He spoke up more loudly so everyone could hear. "I'm her legal guardian for now so none of you try any weird on her."


"Legal guardian my ," I scoffed, almost slapping myself as I remembered my plan the stay feminine and calm for fifteen minutes. Maybe my estrogen levels were severely lacking but I managed to resist the urge to slap Kris over the goddamn head. Suho surprised me by chuckling lightly.


"Well it isn't everyday we get to play cupid," he teased, ruffling my hair affectionately. I was so not going to shower for the rest of eternity. 


"We're uh nothing like that," I quickly amended. "He's an old family friend."


We turned into one of the many labyrinth-like corridors of the SM entertainment building and arrived in front of a modest glass door. Sehun turned around and beamed up at me like a little child waiting for a Christmas present. I could empty out my wallets for him, maybe even sacrifice my instant ramen stash. You could obviously tell my priorities in life weren't exactly normal. He began talking in an animated voice, almost like a bird chirping. "Behold our grand dance practice room, where we will be getting to be friends."


"Who said anything about friends," Kris hissed in my ear, glowering at Sehun as if the younegr boy had stolen his BB cream or something. 



“Oh shut up you twerp,” I grumbled. “If I knew you your paternal instincts would be raging like this, I would’ve forged through the snow myself.”


We advanced into the practice room, surprisingly modest (timber flooring, the trademark sky backdrop and limited air conditioning and ventilation as well as complete lack of furniture) while an adorably happy Sehun tugged on my hand. I took a deep breath and stared at the six incredibly good-looking boys in front of me, noticing how genuinely they were smiling back. It almost seemed sad, like these boys were caged or something. Except in a prison they couldn’t touch.


“We prepared a lot,” Chanyeol said shyly, ducking his head so I could see his glorious crown of bronze curls. “Usually, we don’t get to contact people outside of the industry much.”


Now that lodged a lump the size of a golf ball in my throat. It was a well-known fact that the Korean music industry was cut-throat but this really just broke my heart into itty bitty pieces. Even Kris looked appropriately abashed but soon broke the silence with his gruff voice. “Can I just how long we’re going to be here?”


“Oh you can wait outside,” Kai drawled lazily, winking at me with his characteristic cheesiness. “We’ll have a swell time without you.”


“Kim Jongin!” Suho chastised as he ran a hand through his hair apologetically. “Sorry about that, being an idol has unfortunately lowered his levels of civil politeness.”


Who knew Suho could actually joke around. Kai scowled and playfully bumped their leader, almost making the poor guy topple over. He turned to Kris and sighed. “I see you’re so protective of her you have to be her boyfriend. No hard feelings, yeah?”


“We’re really not together,” I whined. “Actually, it would be a lot more appropriate to call us enemies.”


“I second that,” Kris grumbled. “But I have some stupid duty to take care of her.”


“Whatever all of you just shut up we have stuff to do,” Sehun said bluntly, earning himself glares from all directions. His manager looked so threatening it was almost comical. “What? Didn’t we discuss this before?”


“Yeah, yeah our maknae just doesn’t know what to control what comes out of his mouth,” Baekhyun groaned. “Just turn the music on.”


I spotted Kyungsoo sitting in the corner with his typical I-don’t-know look plastered onto his face. He looked so much like a baby owl that I felt my non-existent maternal instincts starting to rage.


“Unfortunately, our D.O is a little shy,” Suho chuckled. “He likes cooking for people and he’s confident when performing but I think he finds you fascinating.”


“Ah so like an animal specimen,” I chuckled. Suho’s face drained until it was void of colour. I punched him playfully on the arm as I’d seen Kai do so before. “Oh don’t look so horrified, I was joking.”


“We’re idols,” he sighed. “I think you would know how much we have to control what we say. You’re the first fan to come in here without screaming and crying and sobbing and even with a boy in tow. We’re all pretty impressed.”


“What you muttering about over there, old man?” Baekhyun yelled. “Get into position.”


“Oh trust me, I just have lots of self-control,” I replied, grinning. “So what are we doing now?”


“You’ll see,” Suho chirped, winking. Oh my god, the leader of EXO-K just freaking winked at me. I think my ovaries were preparing to have babies right now. Kris looked like a sulky child in the corner where Chanyeol was trying to chat him up. They looked like primary school children.


Loud music rang through the room and I instantly recognised the mellow tune of “I Need  a Girl”  by Taeyang. Chanyeol’s deep voice filtered in through my ears, leaving me in awe.



I’m tired of being alone, I’m sick of being single, I think I need me a girl. I need a girl like.



He slung one arm around my shoulders, whispering the lyrics sweetly into my ear. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Kris’s frown lines embedded so deep into his forehead he looked like a stone gargoyle. You know the ugly rock statues that sit on top of cathedrals? The thought almost made me laugh in Chanyeol’s adorable face. Forcing myself to concentrate, I almost immediately regretted the decision as my heart melted under the spell of Baekhyun’s

smooth, honey-sweet voice.



One that speaks without thinking

Not a little child, but one that will embrace me

Not a girl that plays around sometimes when she’s bored

But one that will only love me

Even if she stays still and guys hand her their phone

That kind of girl that will proudly take out and show my picture



They moved in perfect synchronisation, looping around in circles, each taking their turn to outdo each other with sweet gestures with the exception of Kai who did his best to look (lip-rubbing and crotch ing and all that stuff) which made me smile a little. If he started taking his clothes off, I think I may of just died on the spot from pure bliss. Kris seemed pretty uncomfortable but didn’t even flinch when Sehun did a quick rendition of the gwiyomi song, his face only inches form mine. Chanyeol sweeping my hair over my shoulder and not-so-subtly complimenting on its “sun-rise” (my hair was a dull brown, nowhere near as radiant as the sun rising but I wasn’t going to complain) like colour made Kris slightly more uncomfortable but he stayed put, much to my relief.



Girl, I need a girl

Pretty no matter what she does

A pretty body, too

Girl, I need a girl

Baby, I need you

Girl, you need me, too



Now we were talking. They clustered around me and D.O was serenading me sweetly, even pulling a rose from his jacket at one point. It was real and pleasantly surprised, got carried away and pricked my finger on one of its thorns. The skin-ship was more contact with a human being I’d had with anybody for over five years. If this was what having a boyfriend felt like, I would take up the opportunity any day now.


“Oh no, you’re bleeding!” Suho breathed in horror as he took my hand tenderly. I winced but shook my head.


“You guys looked like you were enjoying yourselves,” I chuckled. “I’m fine, it’s only a tiny cut.”


“Need a band-aid?” Kris yelled, holding up a crumpled strip. My nose shrivelled in slight disgust. Kris wasn’t exactly the tidiest person so the thought of using his stuff on my injury was slightly off-putting. Okay maybe a lot.


“I got it,” Suho assured me. He reached into his bag and pulled out an immaculately organised first-aid kit. He applied some disinfectant as Kai stooped to turn off the stereo. EXO-K gathered around me, looking slightly guilty.


“Hey seriously, I’m not hurt or anything,” I confirmed. “You guys were really doing great. Just ask the guy over there, he can vouch for my daily falling over.”


“You’d be surprised but Chanyeol is exactly the same,” Kai guffawed. “At the last MAMA awards, he nearly did a cartwheel off stage because someone had left a coke can on the stairs. You should’ve seen the look on his face!”


“Yeah and his precious 2NE1 noonas were watching too,” Baekhyun added on. “He did like fifty push-ups beforehand just before the ceremony because he knew we were seated next to each other.”


Suho cracked a smile as Chanyeol feigned looks of annoyance. He worked over the tiny cut wrapping a band-aid securely over the area and letting my hand fall gently into my lap.


“Okay, time’s up,” the manager called. “Sorry Minhee but you’re going to have to go, they still have a filming schedule at MBC.”


My heart sunk but I smiled and jumped up. “Well it was really great meeting you guys and really good luck at your schedule. Don’t overwork yourselves because our hearts will break. EXO-K HWAITING!”


“Group hug guys!” Sehun yelled. And the next thing I knew, I was left squirming on the floor under the weight of six grateful boys.






Forgive me if this wasn't what you expected TT^TT I tried my hardest, okay?  And its a LONG update compared to my previous chapters because I'm just so goddamn lazy. I was thinking of doing a side chapter with EXO-K so it isn't an intrinsic part of the story, just a funny side story so I was wondering if you guys could do some scene suggestions? Thanks for the support and all, I really appreciate it. This story will be ending around 60-70 chapters (I know I've been dragging on for long enough) so yeah :) 



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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe