Chapter 44: Kris thinks he's smart. I think not.

Next Door: Kris, Insanity and BB Cream




Channel 10

It is Channel 10 reporting on rising idol group EXO’s member Kai who was recently embroiled in a scandal with a mystery girl. Some speculate her to be a student of Seoul high School who was invited to a private fan meeting where she was able to meet the members of EXO. However, in the wake of a few leaked photos that have gone viral online, it seems that our mystery girl already has a beau of her own. Suspected to be a Canadian Chinese student from the same school, they were photographed in various compromising positions while rowing in the lake of Central park, New York. The two seem extremely close, with the mystery man bringing her into a tight cuddle-





“What kind of utter bull is that?” I growled at the television, throwing the remote control down on the sofa with a thwack. "But then again, I believe it's a miracle that such a boring person like myself is actually being reported on." On the television, Kai's apologetic face popped out as a reporter busily started shooting questions at him. I shifted attention towards him rather than the bowl of cereal I was just guzzling a few seconds ago. 


"I’m truly sorry for all the harm I’ve caused my fans and I hope you can keep supporting me in the future. I’ve learned from my mistakes and I was reckless in meeting her and something like this will not happen again. As my agency has reiterated, I have no romantic connection to this person, I see her only as a loyal fan.”


"This question has been circulating online, do you believe that this incident was a consequence of saesang fan actions?" The reporter shoved her microphone into his face, making him blink uncomfortably. His epxression remained stony, his voice almost robotic.


"Yes, please continue to respect our privacy.”


I wasn’t even pissed that he was passing me off as a saesang. I wasn’t dumb enough to believe all this apology crap was coming out of his mouth was actually sincere. What did he have to apologise for anyway? Wanting to be friends with someone? The reporter smiled her million dollar smile at the cameras and turned back to Kai. 


“So you’re saying that the date only happened because she was following you?”


“Yes, I believe that to be the truth.”


“The culture of saesang fans has only gotten stronger with the arrival of…”


The news report faded into the background as I walked over to the sink to dump my dishes in. Second day back at school and my head was already hurting. Sighing, I smoothed the straps of my backpack, bade my parents a hasty farewell and slipped into my shoes outside. Kris was waiting for me, leaning against his fence awkwardly almost as if he was trying to blend in with the bushes. Too bad he was blonde and about two metres tall.


“Good morning,” I said cheerfully.


“Did you see the news report?” he muttered darkly. “That Kai guy is an .”


“I’m sure that’s not the case,” I assured, trying to ease the queasy feeling in my stomach. “It’s just you know… the entertainment industry is cruel I guess.”


“Thank god I decided against being a rapper,” he mused, walking beside me. “I think I would’ve strangled myself during training.”


“I would’ve strangled myself if I ever saw your face on television,” I teased, punching him playfully on the arm.


“Only because my beauty would’ve made your self esteem drop,” he responded with a flick of his blonde bangs. I snorted and shook my head, unable to wipe the idiotic grin off my face. 


We got to school fifteen minutes later only to have Eunji and EXO-M crowd around us like bees.


“Woah, woah,” Kris said, holding his hands out in an effort to protect himself. “Ever heard of personal space?”


“Did you hear about it?” Tao asked excitedly.


“Hear about what?” I asked tiredly, not entirely sure whether I wanted to hear the answer or not.


“Our school principal has entered our school into a talent contest and if we win, your gods EXO-K will be coming to our school to pay a little visit!” Eunji announced.


“Okay, let’s start brain storming ways to sabotage the little talent we have in our school,” I groaned.


“Don’t be such a party pooper,” Eunji said grinning like a maniac. “Cos I entered you and Kris.”


“YOU WHAT?!” We yelped together.


“EUNJI DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH I LACK IN THE PERFORMING ATS AREA?” I yelled in horror. “Kris, let’s go take our names off right now.”


“I was thinking you two could do the troublemaker routine but-“


I smacked Eunji over the head.




"Never," Kris replied looking and sounding equally as horrified.


“No take backs,” Chen said delightedly, indulging in the way my mouth parted to protest and my frown lines deepened. “Because no one is signing up, our principal has taken a whole iron fist attitude on the talent show. So I guess you two are definitely in.”


“Are you enjoying this?” Kris asked menacingly. Chen shrunk back a little but just a little.


“Okay well on the day of the talent show, Kris and I don’t know each other, he’s crippled from the waist down and I only know how to speak the language of the Mali Mali tribe,” I blurted with a nonchalant shrug.


“Missy, before you get ahead of yourself did you notice your grades lately?” Eunji scoffed. “You need the talent show credits to make up for your poor performance.”




“It’s okay, you have two options right now,” she announced. “Either get tutored or do the talent quest.”


Now that was being called stuck between a rock and a hard place.


“Wait wait wait, whose going to be her tutor?”Kris interrupted with his arms crossed in a fashion that could be described as disgruntled.


“Only our school’s smartest guy and resident fried chicken eater, Onew,” Tao replied clasping his hands to his chest. Repressing a snort, I could almost imagine the little stars shining in his eyes. The dude really admired our senior, Onew.


“So it’s a guy right?” Kris responded sounding even grumpier than before.


“Yeah… Problem?” Eunji replied looking unperturbed. “We’re pretty good friends so it’d be easy to get him to us a favour because I saved him from a bunch of hooligans-“


“And he’s going to visit her house?” Kris butted in once again, his voice rising an octave at the end with stress. “Do you even know the consequences of that? Her parents aren’t even home around that time, what happens if he takes advantage of her?”


“As you would know very well, she has no trouble defending herself against obnoxious guys,” my best friend replied giving a not-so-subtle cough. “And she’s quite the whizz at throwing frying pans. She won our school’s discus competition last year and then managed to knock herself out-“


“Shut up!” I hissed, knocking her head. “That’s embarrassing.”


“But,” Kris protested. “But he’s a guy?”


“No Sherlock,” I muttered under my breath.


“I’ll tutor her!” Kris suggested. “You agree right?”


“Wait wha-“


“I have a straight A average and in Canada it was the same case, I was voted most likely to enter and Ivy league college and on top of that-“


I clamped a hand over his mouth and sighed. “I get the point smart . Surprising how your IQ is so high yet you have no common sense whatsoever. Promise you won’t make fun of me and my stupid maths skills.”


“Fine I won’t,” he returned defiantly.




“Why is he so desperate anyway?” Luhan asked us with wide eyes. “Does he like her?”


“Learn not to think aloud, baby boy,” Eunji teased as the entire group burst out into raucous laughter at our expense. 







Next chapter will be full of laughs, I promise :D the reason I haven’t been updating regularly is because I’m stressing over a contest entry which is my first Hunhan fic EVER and isn’t even remotely related to crack which is my comfort zone. So if you guys wanted to check it out, I have the link below :3 

Once Upon a Crime

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Kris, Insanity and BB Cream || sorry for the lack of updates, I have no excuse. I hope I make it up to you guys tonight :D


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Omooo, Kris such a cuttie hahah
It's been so long. I'll be rereading again :)
liquorandice #3
Chapter 57: oh my god.
My face equals Baekhyuns fave in thag gif.
This wasnt complete?!? I didnt realize that it wasnt complete!!! O____O
I feel dead. I was falling in love with this story!
2407briana #4
Chapter 57: New subscriber!
phantago #5
Chapter 3: yep, bye life, new obsession to ruin me
phantago #6
Chapter 2: I'm gunna lock myself away to read this, yep, bye life
phantago #7
Chapter 1: I've started and I don't think I can stop
phantago #8
and that luhan gif is the cutest thing ever omo
phantago #9
That teaser doe