back to the old days?

What if fiction becomes reality? ;)

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I didn't sleep well tonight. I kept wondering what happened between Yoochun and Jae hyung for them to behave like this. Even now, as I wait for Chun to get ready to leave for the studio after waking him. Jae is standing in front of me, leaning against a small side table, staring at his feet with his arms folded in front of his chest, obviously deep in thought.

I keep staring at him making wild guesses what the reason for his behaviour might be. After some while he feels my look on him and looks up to me with a strange mixture of emotions showing on his face, but I can't really make them out.

I guess asking him now is not a good idea. Maybe I will try to talk to him later.

Finally Yoochun comes down the stairs and hyung immediately heads out the door taking the front seat of the cab. I give Chunnie a surprised look but he too seems to be in a hurry to leave. During the short ride no one says a thing. Jae hyung and Yoochun just stare out the window and I am the only one left in the blue. I am aware of the fact that both of them think that I am so dull that I can't tell that something is going on, and that makes me a bit frustrated.

I feel left out ever since I broke up with Yoochun. I already suspected that Jae actually knew about me and Chun since some time, but now I was quite sure. If he didn't know before he was definitely told by Yoochun.

The first to record was me so I was able to set my mind at ease. I guess music is the only thing at the moment for all of us that can make us calm down and help us handle all the problems we got confronted with.

The recording session is hard for me as usual. I am just no good at speaking English. That is one of the things I admire about Yoochun. He still makes me startled when he speaks English.

I occasionally catch a glimpse of Chun and Jaejoong, as they sit on the couch, behaving quite normal again, what makes my worries vanish.

Maybe they just had a small fight.

I finally finish and switch places with Jae hyung.

"It's already lunchtime, so you and Yoochun can go for lunch for now. We will get you if we need you." the assistant tells me and Chunnie.

We get up and silently head to the cafeteria.

"What do you want to eat?" Chun asks me out of habit.


"Ok." he says and goes off to get two plates of food and two drinks to the table I chose.

We sit opposite of each other eating silently for a while. I don't know if I should ask him what happened yesterday, because I have to admit that I am still a bit worried. I guess I have to take that risk and just ask him bluntly.

"Chun, don't you want to tell me what happened yesterday between hyung and you?"

He looks really troubled. I am completely certain that something is wrong.

He clears his throat and sits straight now.

"Nothing special." he says quietly.

"You don't want to tell me." I say it more as a statement than a question because I am sure that he won't tell me. He caught my obvious disappointment in my voice and struggles for words.

"It was just... He... I... We had a fight because he began to doubt that our plan will work out." he says in a rush, nearly stumbling over the words.

Something is fishy about it and I don't really believe that’s the whole story but I guess I have no other choice but to let it go. Chun can be incredibly stubborn and no one can convince him when he decided on something.

He digs in his food for a bit trying to hide that something is troubling him. I keep looking at him, my chin resting in my hand and wonder what it could be that keeps his mind so occupied.

What in the world is it that bothers you so much that you don't even tell me about it, Park Yoochun? Why won't you tell me? Even after breaking up you told me your troubles. Is it something you can'ttell me by chance? Knowing you I guess it's something that you think might hurt me. You have been overprotective since always. It wouldn't be something new. I will find out eventually. I know you better than you think, Park Yoochun.





Su and I are sitting in the cafeteria for lunch and I really want to run away. Junsu keeps interrogating me, using his puppy eyes on me as he asks me again about what happened yesterday night. Instead of telling the truth I escape that by telling him half the truth.

"It was just... He... I... We had a fight because he began to doubt that our plan will work out."

That really was a lame excuse, Park Yoochun. Why don't I just tell him truthfully about it? It's not a big deal actually, right? It was just a kiss. I was drunk. It didn't mean anything, right? Did it? No, it didn't. We aren't a couple anymore. Why am I making a big deal out of it? It couldn't be that I am attracted...

No! Stop thinking that nonsense. But if it was true I'd betray Yunho hyung and make Jae a two-timer...

Su choking pulls me out of my thoughts. He drinks some water and his face's color slowly turns from bright red to its usual light complexion.

"You ok?"

He nods and puts his empty glass back on the table. That moment I recall that he wanted to tell me about something this morning, but I can't remember well because I was still so sleepy.

"Didn't you want to tell me something this morning?" I ask him.

"Oh. Yes. You asked me about Amelie."

"I did? Who is that?" I can't remember at all what he is talking about. He looks at me judging.

"How can you forget that? You asked me yourself about it."

I give him a confused look what he answers with a slight mad look on his face.

"That's the girl from yesterday night at the bar."

I still don't follow him. Alcohol and too less sleep really do affect one's ability to recall things.

"The blonde woman. Yesterday. At the bar. You even talked to her for a sec until Jae kidnapped you." he says all this in an annoyed tone.

I think for a moment and suddenly I remember.

Right I really did ask him this morning. How could I actually forget that? What the hell is wrong with my brain?

"Ah, yeah. Right. Now I remember." Yes I remember. How unlucky. It would have been better to forget.

"So do you want to know or is it that boring to you that you forgot?" he says, still a bit pissed.

I nod weakly, trying not to make him any angrier.

He takes a deep breath to calm down and starts to talk.

"I met her at the bar. She runs errands at the studio. I had a nice conversation with her. She is really…mmm… nice."

I nod to show him that I am listening. I can feel jealousy pulsating in my chest, but I suppress it with all I've got.

There you have your answer whether I can take Su being together with someone else, hyung.

"I invited her over tonight after recording."

"You did what!?" I respond a bit louder than I intended to.

"What? Isn’t it my choice to bring her over?" he says angrily.

"But you barely know her. What if she is some crazy stalker? It wouldn't be the first time that something like this happened."

"She isn'ta crazy stalker!"

"Then what do you know about her, huh?" I say challenging.

"You think I am that stupid?"

Err… YES! Obviously you are!

"Errm… whatever. I went overboard." I force myself to admit.

We look angrily at each other but then calm down immediately.

"It's ok. It's not as if you weren't right or something. But I really think she's alright."


I really don't like you talking about a woman with those shimmering eyes.

"So what do you know about her?"

"She is French, and has a younger sister. She is 22 and currently a part time worker while she travels the world. She actually knows us. "

"Wait. She is French? How could you talk with her? Does she speak Korean?"

"Don't treat me like an idiot. I know my English skills are not so good but..."

I have to laugh now. Suddenly I feel a lot better and I think that I can talk with him in the same way I used to.

"'Not so good' you say? Ha! Apocalyptic is what I'd describe it as."

"Hey! Don't tease me like that. I did improve a lot." he gives back in a defiant tone.

"If you say so?"

He pouts at me and I keep giggling to myself.

"I'm sorry, ok? Go on. Tell me about her. How come she knows Dongbangshingi?"

"She said her best friend is a big fan so she got to know our music. Oh, and she has a dog back at home. I am so jealous of that. Ah, and guess who her bias is."

"Kim Jaejoong." I just can't help but . The face he pulls whenever I do that is just too hilarious.

"No! Why do you think that?"

"Who else is there than Jae hyung and Yunho hyung?"


"Hpmf!" I laugh. "Why would it be you?"

"Why not?" he says, mad again.

"I don't know. I, for example am better looking than you."

"No,.. yes. Whatever. I do have good points too. I am a good singer."

"Jae hyung and Changmin are good singers too."

"And... I... I..."

"What you... you... ?"

I keep teasing him like that all the way back to the studio. It feels like old times when things were still uncomplicated between the two of us. With a light mindset I recorded my parts until we called it a day. The three of us were about to go, as Su told us to wait.

A few seconds later Amelie appeared a bright, slightly shy smile on her red lips.

Why does she have to be so attractive? I don't like you for that.

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Chapter 44: so deprived chunnie hahahaLOL
update soon~~~
jae with a girl... whoa that's a little weird, well for a yunjae shipper like me.
wtf is wrong with jae???
get ur sense back pls
y a girl?
the first few sentences i read made me go "WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS SOMETHING??? JAE WITH A GIRL??? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" oh he did he say he wants to be in a relationship this year... got it LOL

myhoneybunny #5
why...why...u did this to us??huh......why u cut it jaaaahhh i need full version,not half....gimme the full,u such a teaser pX
LOL verbal diarrhea LOL i loved that!

lmao jaeeeee you are a baaaaad boy... i like it!

oh chunnie.... he needs some intoxication wahahahahahaha!
aigooooo >.< I thought it's an update
“It’s ok. I can understand you. Who wouldn’t want pictures of this perfect piece of art that I am?”

---OMG CHUNNIE!!! that is so lee gak thing to say LOL

and oh yea amelie...oh that i remember now hahaha i completely forgot about her lol