
What if fiction becomes reality? ;)




"The hell! Stop quarreling already. I can't lose them now, so let me concentrate, will you!" I shout at Changmin and Chun so they stop arguing over the front seat issue.

"Why don’t you help me out now, huh?" Yoochun complains but before I can say anything in reply Minnie huffs.

"Are you spending too much time with Junsu hyung now? Since when are you so childish?"

"Shim Changmin. It's not a good idea to insult the person that is driving." I scold him and Yoochun just keeps pouting behind me.

I turn on the radio but I don't really listen. I just really need some background noise right now. I am all tense and nervous. My mind is busy imagining what is happening in the car in front of us, but then... at some point I try to shake off the picture I have in my head. Something I prefer not to know.

"Where does Hyunjoong bring them actually?" Chun asks after a while.

"Somewhere where they won't get disturbed by people. In short, he brings them up a mountain into the woods. No people around and no reception" I say with a wide grin on my face.

"Hm... You really thought of everything Su. I am proud of you. You really proved yourself a grownup."

"Actually I was the one that thought of it, hyung." Changmin interferes looking annoyed.

"Sorry, Minnie. I should have known that Su wouldn't be able to think of something like this." Chun says laughing out loudly.

"YAH! Chun. The same thing goes for you. Don't insult the driver otherwise..." I don't finish the sentence.

"What? Will you kick me out of the moving car?" he says teasingly.

"Good guess, Chun."

"Do whatever you want, but in the end it would be your loss, Su." he says and chuckles softly.

I huff in annoyance and keep focused on the car before me so I won't lose track.

"Does that mean you finally managed to get together?" Changmin suddenly says.

"'HUH?" I say at him with wide eyes. I can feel the blood rush into my head making my cheeks flush like a traffic light.

Changmin chuckles at my obvious reaction.

"Of course we are, Minnie. I always get what I want." Chun says smirking.

"Yoochun!" I scold him.


"Why don't you just tell the whole world now?"

"Hyung! That's mean. Are you trying to say that I am not trustworthy?" Changmin says in a faked cute voice.

"Argh! You get on my nerves." I hiss and grab the steering wheel so tightly that the skin over my knuckles turns white.

Chun and Changmin laugh at me but I try to ignore them.

"I knew I was the only normal one amongst us five. Haa... who am I going to talk about women to now?"

"Changminnie, you still have to learn a lot until you can keep up with me." Chun says. Suddenly I feel really jealous, since I am well aware of what Yoochun is talking about right now.

"Thanks for reminding me how well experienced you are Chunnie. I really wanted a nice reminder like that." I say sourly.

"Did I make you jealous?" Chun says, still not letting go of this teasing tone that makes me go crazy slowly.

"Don't worry. I will let you have a share of my experience tonight."

"Hyung! I really didn't want to know that you'll be doing it tonight. How am I going to get rid of that picture in my head now?"

"Your own fault for being such a erted brat that imagines his hyungs making love."

"Oh my god. Will you cut it out now? You provoked it in the first place." Changmin snaps back.

They keep on teasing each other but I don't really pay attention to them anymore.

For the past few kilometers I kept a safe distance between Hyunjoong's car and mine so Yunho hyung and Jae hyung won't notice that we are following them.

The moment I make out the backlights of hyung's car in the darkness I feel excited. I drive near them and pull over. Changmin rolls down the window and I look outside to watch a strange scene. Jae hyung is chasing after Hyunjoong who is rushing over to my car.

Jae yells after him but Hyunjoong just pulls open the door and quickly gets seated. He slams the door shut.

"Quickly! Step on it. We need to get outta here!" he yells and I speed off. Hyunjoong rolls down the window and yells "See you later!" before he rolls up the window again.

Then I hear something on the roof of my car what really sounded like a stone landing on it.

"I swear. If there is just the slightest scratch in the paint... I will so kill him." I say through gritted teeth and speed off.

"What the hell was going on just now?" Changmin asks confused.

"Yeah. Why did Jae chase you as if he wanted to kill you? Did you do something to him, like insulting his hair?" Chunnie asks jokingly.

"I don't really know. Something's going on between those two about what we have not the slightest clue. At least I don't." Hyun says still breathing a bit hard.

"What do you mean?" I ask while looking at him through the rearview mirror.

Suddenly I feel that our plan might have backfired.

"Dunno. When Yunho entered the car, the mood suddenly changed. Jae seemed really pissed, and they didn't talk a word with each other. I don't know."

"What? Changmin, did Yunho hyung say anything to you that could explain that?" Yoochun asks suddenly all serious. Changmin only shakes his head no.

"I can tell you. I haven't been this scared of Jae before. He scooted after me like a maniac. Luckily surprise was on my side, otherwise he would have gotten me and ripped off my head."

"Nonetheless... if there is something going on, they have a chance to talk it through now." I say.

"Maybe." Hyun says and brings this matter to an end for now. After a short while of depressing silence Yoochun takes up his conversation with Changmin and tries to get updated on all the things he missed out till now.

But I can't stop thinking about what just happened, so I keep on worrying over it rather than paying attention.





I stripe off my shoes and let them fall on the floor of the car so I can pull up my feet onto the seat comfortably. I am still holding Jae in my arms, not sure if this is really happening. I have dreamed about such a moment far too often as if I could differentiate my imagination from reality. The only thing that is proving to me that this is actually happening is that it feels a million times better then whenever I imagined it before.

"I love you." I whisper and kiss the top of Jae's head feeling his soft hair tickling my skin.

"You already said that a few times." he says chuckling.

"Just wanted to make sure." I say and lay my hand onto his right hand and the back of his hand with my thumb enjoying the softness of his skin.

"I love you too." Jae says and shifts him so he can look into my eyes. I rest my forehead against his and stare into his eyes checking if everything is still the same as before, but it isn't. He seems tired and a bit weak. Instantly I feel guilt washing over me as I see dark circles under his eyes and how thin his face became.

I really shouldn't have left you Jae. I should have watched over you and protected you. But I didn't. I am really the stupidest person that is walking the earth.

Jae quickly moves and closes the gap between our faces and gives me a soft but electrifying kiss on the lips. After all this time the ticklish feeling where his lips touch seems to have intensified. We slowly part and my heart seems to try to force its way out of my mouth by jumping like crazy up and down in my chest.

Jae smiles at me and I can't help but smile back. He snuggles into my chest and I wrap my arms around him.

"How is Changmin by the way?"

"Changmin? Oh..." I try to suppress my disappointment over him asking about Changmin in a situation like this.

"Erm.. he is fine. You know him. Hard as a rock. He won't let himself be depressed."

"Good that he is alright. I was worried about him."

"What about me?" I say feeling childish right away as Jae laughs at me.

"You greedy little brat. Of course I was, but I... you should know yourself. I tried to forget..."

"Sorry I shouldn't have asked." I say under my breath.

"By the way. Su and Chunnie finally managed." Jae quickly changes the topic.

I look at him confused but then I get it.

"Really? So those two are together finally. Took them long enough, huh?"

"Uhm... and they had some problems and were separated once..."

"Wait... what? You need to tell me everything."

Like this Jae told me the whole story. About how Chunnie and Su broke up at Su's birthday party and that Su met a French girl in the US. I was kinda shocked as he told me about this crazy woman and I felt bad for Junsu but in the end it turned out well, didn't it.

"So now they are all lovey dovey." Jae finishes.

"Changmin will have a hard time then on the way home huh?" I say laughing at the picture in my head where Minnie pulls a face at the couple.

"I guess so. Serves him right for pushing me away so harshly all the time. As if I wanted him as my boyfriend. He is way too evil." Jae says and shakes his head at the imagination of him and Changmin in a relationship other than the one of brothers.

"I guess that's the reason why his relationships don't last long. He is too mean to those poor girls."

"He needs to find some girl that is either made out of stone or as evil as him."

The both of us laugh at that.

"By the way. Your comeback stage will be soon right?" Jae asks me.

"Uhm. In six, no. Now it's only five days." I say pointing at the clock at the dashboard. It shows 00:34 2/1/2011.

It really is only five days until our comeback. I am still worried about the fans reactions. Will they accept us?

"Are you very nervous?" Jae asks me pulling me back to reality.

"Huh? Ahm... not yet. But In a few days I will be for sure. But rather than nervous, I am worried."

"I understand you. I had the same worries when we took up activities again. But it will be alright. Cassiopeia is the craziest ever. They are loyal. You will see." he tries to encourage me with a smile on his full lips.

"I will try to watch it. I want to see you back on stage."

"Thanks, Jae."

"No big deal."

We keep silent for a while and I recall their appearance at the drama awards. I could tell with one glance that Jae had cried before the performance. That moment I felt my eyes wet as well.

"I watched the drama awards. You were really good."


"You think you will be able to go on broadcast soon?" I ask not very confident confirmed by Jae's look on his face.

"Not anytime soon. It will take some more time for sure. We just... have to be more patient. That's all."

"Awww... then I will have to stalk you with the help of fansites." I say teasingly.

"If you do that you'll be able to know what I am doing every minute of the day. I can tell you. They follow me everywhere."

"Your fault for being this gorgeous." I say and tilt his head up with my hand so I can kiss him.

"I'd rather be as handsome as you." he whispers.

"Don't you dare to change one bit, Kim Jaejoong." I scold him jokingly and pull him closer to me. I kiss him more passionately and feel him respond.

"I missed you so much." I whisper into the kiss and allow me to indulge myself in our kiss.


Extra in the darkness


I push Jae softly down onto the seat as I kiss him. I position myself on top of him since there are no other options anyways. Then I feel something stingin’ into my hip and I hold in.

"Jae, you ready already?" I whisper excited.

"What?" he asks confused.

"There is something rockhard in your pants proving it." I chuckle.

Jae suddenly reaches down and pulls his hand back up to hold something in front of my nose.

It's a small elephant made out of stone. As I watch it closely I remember.

"You gave it to me six years ago. I always carry it with me in my pocket."

"Aw... then I guess I have to put in a bit more effort." I chuckle and kiss my way down his neck educing moans from him.

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Chapter 44: so deprived chunnie hahahaLOL
update soon~~~
jae with a girl... whoa that's a little weird, well for a yunjae shipper like me.
wtf is wrong with jae???
get ur sense back pls
y a girl?
the first few sentences i read made me go "WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS SOMETHING??? JAE WITH A GIRL??? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" oh he did he say he wants to be in a relationship this year... got it LOL

myhoneybunny #5
why...why...u did this to us??huh......why u cut it jaaaahhh i need full version,not half....gimme the full,u such a teaser pX
LOL verbal diarrhea LOL i loved that!

lmao jaeeeee you are a baaaaad boy... i like it!

oh chunnie.... he needs some intoxication wahahahahahaha!
aigooooo >.< I thought it's an update
“It’s ok. I can understand you. Who wouldn’t want pictures of this perfect piece of art that I am?”

---OMG CHUNNIE!!! that is so lee gak thing to say LOL

and oh yea amelie...oh that i remember now hahaha i completely forgot about her lol