
What if fiction becomes reality? ;)




Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

I quickly pull the shirt over my head and put it on properly before I go to the entrance to check who is coming. I stick my head around the corner and see Junsu putting off his shoes before entering the hallway.

“Yo! How are you doing?” he says with a wide smile on his face.

“Good.” I reply and smile back since I can’t hold it in. I still feel really lightheaded when I think about last night. Somehow it still does not feel real for me. It was hard enough for me to believe with Yunho right in front of my nose but now that I am home, I am not so sure if I just went completely crazy and simply imagined all that. Considering my state lately it wouldn’t be too much of surprise, would it?

“That’s great to hear, hyung. But did everything go well with Yoochun picking you up? I am sorry I couldn’t go. I had to go to practice.” He pouts and we head to the living room where we sit down on the couch. As usual Su grabs a pillow and hugs it.

“He seemed a bit annoyed but it was alright.”

“What reason did he have this time to be annoyed?” Su asks a bit sourly.

“Just that we kinda used up the car battery because of the heater and he had to help out Hyunjoong to recharge it so he could start the engine and bring home Yunho hyung. So it took us quite a while and it was really cold.” I explain and grin as I recall his annoyed expression.

“Wait. How could you use the heater? Did you hot-wire it or what?”

“We found a spare key in the glove box.”

“Really? That sloppy Hyunjoong. But why didn’t you go back by yourselves then?” Su asks surprised.

“Why would we?” I say smirking.

Su then gives me a strange look as if he was about to reveal some really bad news.

“What?” I urge him to say something.

“It’s just… Hyunjoong said that, when he picked up Yunho you and him kind of acted strange. As if you were… how to say… about to kill each other.”

“Oh… yeah. I already thought he told you.” I look the other way as if it would help to avoid looking at Junsu. Even without seeing his face I know what look he is wearing now; worried.

I let out a long, low sigh and turn my head to face him. I give him an assuring smile trying to make clear that things have been taken care of now. Most of it at least. It will take some time until I will forget how this kind of pain felt like.

“Don’t worry. It’s alright now.”

“Uhm…” he nods but I can clearly see that he really wants to know the whole story. 

Oh, please don’t ask me about it. Don’t…

“Do you want to tell me why?”

I really want to drop my head now, but I just keep up the façade and in a deep breath.

“Uhm… want… not really.”

“Oh… I understand.” He says looking disappointed and hugging the pillow so tight that I am glad that I am not the pillow. I am sure, that I would be dead by now.

“But in fact… the pact is still valid, you know.”

I huff and know that there is no way around telling him anymore.

Stupid pact. Why did I agree in the first place? Should I just not tell him?

“Ugh… you really going to force?”

He nods at me and I frown at him.

“Alright, alright. Tsk, you little brat.” I scold him playfully fold my hands behind my head. From the corner of my eye I can see Su sticking out his tongue at me.

“Quit it, or I won’t tell you.” I scold him.

“You called me a little brat.” He starts to argue.

“Because you are.”

“I am not. I am just trying to help you.”

“By forcing the information out of me?” I .

“Ah… don’t try to avoid the topic, hyung.”

“I get it, I get it. So… it’s not really something I like even remembering. Uhm… the day we left the dorm I said goodbye to Yunho. But he told me that our goodbyes were different.”

Su gives me a questioning look, but I can see that he already suspects something.

“His goodbye was meant as a farewell.”

“He broke up with you?!” Su yells with eyes wide open. I rub my ears at the sudden volume.

“Don’t scream like that! Argh… at this account I will really go deaf someday.”

“Sorry. But, did he really break up with you?” he says leaning forward looking at me from below.

I just nod my head “yes” instead of saying something.

“Wow. I wouldn’t have ever thought that you would break up.” Su says shock written all over his face.

“And… and what about now?”

“We had a talk, and… he explained to me the situation from back then.” I say lowly still tasting the bitterness in the back of my mouth at the memory of that evening.

“What plausible reason could there possibly be?”

“He said that he was afraid he’d hurt me. Since the agency would make him do things that will.”

“I see. So…”

“So we had a talk last night and now we kind of are back together.” I say not able to hide the stupid smile that gets wider and wider as I recall last night.

Stop it, Kim Jaejoong. Like this he will know every detail about last night without me even telling Su about it.

I clear my throat and try to regain my composure so I can act as if nothing more happened.

“So you also told him about you and Chunnie?” Su suddenly says wearing a depressed look while staring at his hands that rest on the pillow.

My heart skips a beat at his comment.

Right. I tried to avoid that topic all night yesterday by talking about random stuff all the time.

I kept killing the mood by doing that, but I just couldn’t tell him. I was afraid I’d ruin this chance and lose him for good.

I shake my head, admitting my guilt. Surprisingly Junsu sighs in relieve instead of being mad at me.

“Don’t tell him.”

“Why?” I ask him, not really able to follow his trail of thought.

“Yoochun would find out that way. I don’t want him to. It would ruin everything that we have now. I don’t want to lose him again.”

“But I have to tell Yunho.”

No! You don’t. In fact you didn’t even cheat on him. You weren’t a couple then.”

“But… You said so yourself.”

“That was before we got back together. I hadn’t thought it through properly then.”

I don’t know what to do anymore.

“Please, hyung. I just ask for this favor. I need him.” He says reducing the volume of his voice with every word so the last words are just a faint whisper.

I am not sure what to do. Yes, he is right might not have cheated on him in that kind of way, but I betrayed myself. I still loved him then after all, even though I was full of anger.

I can’t hold his gaze; that pleading gaze of his begging me to do him this favor.

“Alright. I won’t tell him.”

Then Su’s phone buzzes but he doesn’t pick up.

“Are you not picking up?” I ask him.

“Uhn. I think I should leave now. Thanks hyung.”

“Ok. See you tomorrow then.”





Finally Jae hyung and Yunho made up. I had to go pick them up with Hyunjoong in the morning and even had to jump-start his car because those tow used up the car battery. I really was pissed since they could have gone home on their own since they had a car key.

While I brought Jae hyung back home I didn’t feel like talking much with him, just made sure that a stupid action like this wasn’t needed in the near future again.

I really think that one of these kinds is more than enough. Especially when it included me getting up this early.

For now I am resting on the couch in my apartment. It’s already evening and I am waiting for Junsu to come over after his practice, what was the reason why I had to go and pick up Jae.

He should be back by this time already. Where is he? He didn’t get into an accident, did he? I should give him a call.

I grab my cellphone and dial his number.

“The line is busy. Please try again in a few minutes.”

I hit the button to hang up and dial once more.

“Are you really not going to answer my calls? Why is it always that you don’t pick up whenever I call?”

Somehow I feel angry but that’s not it, actually. I am worried. What if he really got into an accident?

Once more the monotone, female voice tells me to try calling this number again in a few minutes.

After the tenth time I hear someone at the door. I hurry to the door and feel a ton of weight falling off my chest as I see who is entering my apartment.

“IDIOT! Why didn’t you pick up?” I immediately yell at him even before he can put off his shoes.

“I didn’t hear my phone. Don’t freak out.” He says and off his shoes.

“I was worried! What if you had been in an accident?” I scold him.

“I wasn’t, so relax.”

“Stop acting so nonchalantly.”

He walks past me into the living room and slumps down onto the couch. He takes the remote control and turns on the TV, ignoring me. I huff and go after him to sit as far away from his as the sofa allows me to. I fold my arms and stare at the screen, not even noticing what is happening in front of my eyes.

“Chun, can you give the blanket?” I glance at the blanket that is lying right next to my hand.

“Get it yourself.” I hiss at him and he clicks his tongue at me.

He leans over me and grabs the blanket.

“You are acting childish, do you know that Park Yoochun?”

“Tsk… How ironic that the one telling me this is Kim Junsu.” I reply. I know myself that I am behaving like a child right now.

“Why are you so mad?”

“Hm… Let’s see. Why would I? Maybe because I was worried about you and you make me seem like a nagging wife.”

“Nothing happened to me, so…”

“But what if something did happen? When would I have known about it? When you lie on the hospital bed all cold, or even better through the newspaper?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Su asks completely confused at my sudden drama outburst, what is so not like me.

“What I am trying to get at, is that I will be one of the last persons who will be informed if something happens to you. But I want to be there if you need me. But how will I know if you need me or not when you don’t pick up your phone?”

“Ok, ok. I promise to pick up in the future, ok?”

“How will you pick up when you are injured?”

“Did you become a drama queen, or why do you exaggerate like this all of a sudden?”

“Ha ha. I just want to be sure that I will know if you need me. Like your family.”

“Like my family?” Su whispers not really getting what I am trying to say.

“What I am trying to say is… we should tell our parents.”


“Why not? You don’t want to?” I ask him feeling all nervous.

Him not answering makes me feel rejected. Could it be he doesn’t want his parents to know about the both of us? He wouldn’t be embarrassed would he?

“Why do you not say something?”

“I… I… it’s just. Maybe it’s too early…”

“In what way is it too early? Didn’t we just confirm that we don’t want to be apart from each other? What more prove do you need?”

“I… and what do I do about my father?” he asks me in a whisper.

“So that’s the real reason.” I sit down next to him and pull him into a hug.

“Hey, Su. Your dad will understand. Someday at least. I will be there to support you.”

“But I don’t want to disappoint him.” I can feel him drawing circles with his fingers on my chest as we talk.

“You won’t. And you won’t find a way around it anyway. Why not getting it over with now?”

“I am afraid, Yoochun.”

“I know. But I will be right there, next to you.”

“Your brother already knows, right?”

“Uhm.” I nod.

“What did he say?”

“He thinks it’s no problem. As long as we are happy, that is.”

“My brother will tease the hell outta me.” He pouts.

“Hell yeah, he most definitely will.” I laugh and kiss the top of his head. He snuggles into my chest and lightly bites my skin through the shirt.

“Ouch! That hurts.” I wince. “By the way. Did you talk to Jae hyung?”

“Uhm.. you didn’t?”

I shake my head.

“He said that they sorted things out and that it’s all good again.”

“That he told me too. Thank god I don’t have to something like this again.” I say.

And I guess I don’t have to tell you how the rest of the night was after the talk was done.” Su says smirking.

“So the makeup was a complete success, huh? How about we reward ourselves for the hard work now the same way?” I whisper into his ear.

“I think we should. We definitely deserve it, right?”

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” I say and leave him sitting on the couch after planting a soft kiss on his lips.

“Don’t take too long. I’ll come after you.” He yells after me and I go into the kitchen to get some candles and a lighter before I vanish into the bathroom. I collect some stuff from the shelves and turn on the water to fill the bathtub. I pour in some bubble bath and put the candles in place. After lighting them I turn off the light and slip out of the room so Su can’t possibly see what I am up to. I return to the living room, take him by the hand and lead him to the bathroom door.

“Close your eyes.” I command and he does as I say. To make sure he doesn’t cheat I cover his eyes with my hands and we go inside. The water is still running and the scent of the bubble bath is spread out through the room.

With my foot I close the door shut then I uncover Su’s eyes.

“Waah.” He breathes.

“Like it?”

“Definitely.” He says as he turns around and beams at me a wide smile on his full lips.

With my hand I brush his hair out of his face and let my hand wander down trailing his jawline with my index finger. With the other one I his shirt and I brush it off laying his shoulder bare.

The flickering candlelight makes his skin shine. Su grabs the bottom of my pullover and slowly pulls it over my head. I can feel the humidity forming little drops on my skin.

Impatiently I open Su’s pants and he it off leaving in on the floor all creased joining the other clothes. I hurry and put off my pants along with my boxers. I kiss him softly on the lips and make him go to the bathtub. All ready we get into the tub and I turn off the water.

“You really never fail to amaze me, Chun.” He whispers as I hug him from behind.

“I love you, Su.” I say, kiss his jaw and let us sink into the warm water a bit more.


Hey guys! ^^

I hope you like this chapter even though it seems like a filler.. it's not xD

thanks for reading my fiction =3

A special thanks to all subscribers and those who comment  ^-^

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Chapter 44: so deprived chunnie hahahaLOL
update soon~~~
jae with a girl... whoa that's a little weird, well for a yunjae shipper like me.
wtf is wrong with jae???
get ur sense back pls
y a girl?
the first few sentences i read made me go "WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS SOMETHING??? JAE WITH A GIRL??? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" oh he did he say he wants to be in a relationship this year... got it LOL

myhoneybunny #5
why...why...u did this to us??huh......why u cut it jaaaahhh i need full version,not half....gimme the full vers...man,u such a teaser pX
LOL verbal diarrhea LOL i loved that!

lmao jaeeeee you are a baaaaad boy... i like it!

oh chunnie.... he needs some intoxication wahahahahahaha!
aigooooo >.< I thought it's an update
“It’s ok. I can understand you. Who wouldn’t want pictures of this perfect piece of art that I am?”

---OMG CHUNNIE!!! that is so lee gak thing to say LOL

and oh yea amelie...oh that i remember now hahaha i completely forgot about her lol