Mission make it make it go!!

What if fiction becomes reality? ;)

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I am sitting on the sofa in Su’s living room, waiting for him. I am holding a book in my hands, my feet resting on a pillow on the table to escape the cold from the tiled floor. No matter how often I told him to put a carpet on the floor he refused with the argument, that it would destroy the style of the room.

Just like the other time he said, “Then put on some house shoes if you are cold.”

“No I don’t want to. Walking bare foot is healthy, you know?”

“Then stop complaining, will you.” he said annoyed.

Like this I always lost this argument, but I won’t give up.

Instead of reading I am just staring at the page of the book and think.

Even though some days already passed since Su wrote those things on twitter I still feel very angry at him. I don't really understand why he wrote something like this, openly, for everyone to read. Now he finally got to see what something stupid like this can cause. Some guys from Suju interfere now into our affairs. I mean it's really immature of them to do so since not even they know the whole story behind. They don't understand the hardships we went through. They didn't have to endure the same contract terms we had to. We felt our potential going to a loss rather than living our dreams of being musicians. We were merely the wrap up for the songs and so on. We never were given an opportunity to show what we really got. I for my part would have been able to overlook that if I had been able to live like a proper human being. But not even that was a given in our world.

In the end Yunho hyung and Minnie chose to accept the consequences of signing a contract like that, while the three of us decided to try and undo this mistake.

People just don't understand that we merely chose different paths of handling this matter. And the things revolving around are just adding to the hard time we all have to go through. Leaving your brothers behind exactly knowing what kind of hardships they will have to face was not easy.

But exactly that is what really makes me pissed at Su's stupid comments about hyung and Minnie. I don't blame the others who interfered because they just don't know better, but Su. Junsu should have known better. That's why I am disappointed in him. At least he should have told me the reason why he wrote this, but he won't open his mouth, no matter what I do. Maybe I should just forget about it.


Bam! The book I was holding just now slips out of my hand and causes me to jump up from my deep thought. I pick it up; it's some random book I found at Su's place to kill some time since he isn't home yet. His phone is turned off so I decided to just wait for him in his apartment. I take a look at the watch for the hundredth time since I came to his place, impatiently waiting for him to come home.

Even though I kind of am angry at him I still need to see him. I can't help myself. I am helplessly caught in the trap, called love. I never felt so comfortable with the thought of being dependent on someone before. Recalling all the reasons why I love him just make something like being angry at him seem meaningless.

I take off my glasses and rub my eyes, my eyelids feeling heavy and I really wish to just let them fall shut, but I force myself to stay up, determined to wait for Su to return home.

To keep myself from falling asleep I go to the bathroom and wash my face with cold water, but rather than making me feel more awake, it just sends a shiver down my spine making me feel cold over and over.

I return to the living room and sit back down on the sofa, staring at my phone as if I could make it ring by staring it down with full force.

Suddenly it really lightens up and buzzes loudly, wandering a bit over the table. I take a look at the screen and then grab it to pick up in full excitement.

OH my god, I’m a wizarrrrrd! It's Su. Wuh!

"Hi Chun. Why did you call me?" he asks. He obviously is in a good mood what makes me a bit suspicious.

"I wanted to know when you will be home, but now I'd rather know what you have been up to.”

"I'll be home in a few minutes. I will tell you when I am home alright? See you in a sec." he says and just hangs up. I stare at my cell in disbelieve.

Why did you hang up on me, huh? You think that's funny? Just wait and see, Junsu.

I let the phone fall on the sofa and huff, my hands in the pockets of my jersey. My feet feel cold on the tiled floor. Impatiently I pace in the room until I hear Junsu at the door. I rush to the entrance. I look at him disapprovingly, my arms folded in front of my chest tipping with one foot on the floor.

"Why did you just..." but I can't finish my sentence. Junsu shuts me up with a soft kiss on the mouth with a smile of satisfaction and then just heads inside after brushing off his shoes. I stand there, dumbstruck. My brain feels numb and then I slowly wake up again from the second long paralysis.

Omo. Since when is he this offensive? Ok, I won’t stop him if he wants to.I chuckle and follow Junsu into the bedroom watching him stripping off his disguise and shirt.

"Oh my god. Chun. You won't believe me who I met up with tonight." he says . I pick up the clothes he let fall on the floor and say nothing.

"I met Changmin."

"No, you didn't." I reply startled. I look at him in disbelieve still holding his clothes in my hands.

"I did. We had a little talk. Smoothing things out and so on. But that's not the main point now."

“Junsu, your know that your so called “jokes” just aren’t funny, right?” I say mockingly.

He stops his move; he was about to his pants, so I immediately regretted my teasing comment.

“Thank you Yoochun for reminding me. If you don’t want to know then I won’t tell you. I don’t mind.” He says like a nagging wife.

“What? It’s the truth.” I say.

“Ok. Then forget it. I won’t just take it in quietly whenever you make fun of me like this. That’s not fair, Chun.” he says and turns around to leave the room but I stop him by holding his hand and pulling him back right into a tight embrace.

“Don’t take it to heart. I will hold back a bit more, ok? So don’t be mad at me, Su.” I whisper softly in his ear, using sweet talk on him.

He pushes me away, not out of anger but with an assuring smile on his lips.

“You wanna know, or not?” he asks me.

“Yes, I want to know.” I say calmly, waiting for what he will tell me now.

Did he really meet with Changmin? Is that possible?

“Alright. But I want to change before.”

He puts off his pants, exposing his really attractive body.

I really did hit the jackpot in every aspect. I snicker softly and watch him taking out fresh pajamas from the closet. As he turns his back to me I throw the clothes I am holding on the next chair and rush over to him. Before he can pull down the shirt I stop him, examining his back where a big blue bruise is placed right under his right shoulder blade. I softly his skin.

"How did that happen? Are you in pain? I will get something to treat it with.” I say shocked and turn to get some medicine from the bathroom but Su grabs my arm holding me back.

"It's alright. It doesn't hurt that much. It will go away on its own. But thanks Yoochun." he says it in a very sweet, assuring tone so I let it be.

"Alright. If you say so. But don't complain afterwards if I come to touch the bruise."

"I will survive I guess." he says smirking.

He puts on his pants too and lies down on the bed. I place myself next to him and let him use my arm as a pillow, making use of the chance to pull him closer. I sniff his hair; I really love this scent.

"Hey. Wait. I still haven't finished telling you the news." he says pulling away a bit as he notices me smelling at him. Just then I remember that he met up with Changmin, and I really do want to know what they were talking about, and how Yunho hyung and him are doing.

"Changmin and I had a talk and he told me that Yunho hyung is whining all the time that he wants to see Jae hyung. So we decided to let them meet up."

"What? How do you plan to do that? It kind of seems impossible to me." I say doubting their plan.

"And how in the world did you meet Changmin? And not telling me a thing. I want to see him too." I scold him.

"I didn't know until I saw him face to face either. Hyunjoong helped us meet. And he will help us with Yunho and Jae hyung." he looks at me with sparkling eyes.

What kind of an absurd plan did he come up with now? Oh my god, you don’t miss a chance to make me worry, Su.





Chun looks at me in disbelieve. He obviously isn't really confident in Minnies and my plan to make our hyungs meet up.

"And how do you want to do that? I don't think that that really works, Su."

"It will. Believe me. We got it all planned out. We will let them meet up and then we can finally live in peace again." I say all confident.

"And why the heck do you want to keep this a secret from hyung?"

"Just because. It should be a surprise."

"Now, that's very smart of you, Su." he says sarcastic.

"Ha ha. You come up with a better idea than this by yourself then you can make fun of me." I pout at him.

“Oh, come on. This is really a stupid idea. Be a bit more realistic once in a while.”

“Think whatever you want. I can’t change that anyways, since you are so thickheaded.”

“That’s got nothing to do with being thickheaded or not. It’s just common sense.” Chun counterattacks.

“Then common sense is stupid.”

“You got really mature arguments, don’t you?”

“Whatever. I will show you. It will work out perfectly. Let’s not talk about this anymore. “

“Alright.” he says. “Let’s not talk about it anymore. You do whatever you want.”

Both of us are tense for a short while until I decide to just let it drop and snuggle into him. Chun wraps his arms around me and like this we fall asleep.


The next few days I can’t help but stupidly smile whenever I see Jae hyung. I always imagine his happy face when he finally meets up with Yunho hyung. Of course I told him about me meeting up with Changmin because Hyunjoong would have told him anyways, but I stuck to the idea of not telling him what we, Changmin and I had in mind for him and hyung. There are enough things to think about at the moment without something like this that would occupy his mind thoroughly.

Right now we prepare and rehearse like crazy for the upcoming performance at the KBs drama awards. We so look forward to our first broadcast appearance since we separated from the agency.

Yesterday we received a confirmation about our appearance at the Guerilla date for the end of December. It really seems that we start to recover bit by bit.

We still aren’t where we would like to be but it’s a good start for now.


Right now we are in our practice room in the agency enjoying our lunch break.

“Hey, Junsu. Would you stop being that obvious? Jae hyung isn’t as stupid as not to notice that you are up to something. And like this I really would prefer it if you didn’t tell him about your “plan”.”

“I never intended to tell him in the first place.” I whisper back.

“I know you and your big mouth. At some point you will burst and just tell him.”

“I won’t do so. Stop nagging already. That’s annoying, Yoochun.” I hiss and decide to ignore him whenever he starts with that topic again.

“What are you talking about in secret huh? Lovers talk I am not supposed to know?” he says as he walks over to us smirking.

“It’s nothing important. Just the usual.” I say hastily.

He definitely didn’t buy it but he doesn’t dig in deeper. Yoochun rolls his eyes.

“I am going to the bathroom and get something to eat. So don’t wait for me. I’ll be back when the practice starts.” He says and heads off leaving us behind.

“Are you hungry?” I ask hyung but he just shakes his head to tell me no. I don’t feel hungry either so I just stay put.

“How are you feeling these days?” I ask trying to hide my excitement.

“I am quite alright, actually. I guess I finally started to pick myself up a bit.” he says.

“Wanna hear another episode of the Yoosu-story?”

“Uhm. Why not? As your hyung I should know, shouldn’t I?” he says now smiling.

Yes, he definitely seems livelier than before.


I apologize for making you wait so long for an update, but I am a hell of a lazy xD I will try to be diligent ^-^

thanks for your patience

love you ♥ and please comment

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Chapter 44: so deprived chunnie hahahaLOL
update soon~~~
jae with a girl... whoa that's a little weird, well for a yunjae shipper like me.
wtf is wrong with jae???
get ur sense back pls
y a girl?
the first few sentences i read made me go "WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS SOMETHING??? JAE WITH A GIRL??? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" oh he did he say he wants to be in a relationship this year... got it LOL

myhoneybunny #5
why...why...u did this to us??huh......why u cut it jaaaahhh i need full version,not half....gimme the full vers...man,u such a teaser pX
LOL verbal diarrhea LOL i loved that!

lmao jaeeeee you are a baaaaad boy... i like it!

oh chunnie.... he needs some intoxication wahahahahahaha!
aigooooo >.< I thought it's an update
“It’s ok. I can understand you. Who wouldn’t want pictures of this perfect piece of art that I am?”

---OMG CHUNNIE!!! that is so lee gak thing to say LOL

and oh yea amelie...oh that i remember now hahaha i completely forgot about her lol