
What if fiction becomes reality? ;)




My nose tickles suddenly as I walk through the living room. I squeeze my eyes shut and rise my right hand in front of my mouth and nose.


Dust whirls around me made visible by the light of the moon which is shining brightly tonight through the glass of the windows. I watch it for a moment then I recognize that the air feels stuffy and I walk over to the window to let in some fresh air. As I move my legs the soft, comfortable fabric of my jerseys over my skin. My hair is messy from sleeping just a few minutes ago. I woke up from a noise I believed I heard, so I got up to check if there is someone.

The moment I move my hand to the handle of the window I hear some strange sounds coming from the front door.

Through the darkness I tip toe to the door. Without touching the door I peek out of the door’s spyhole to just immediately pull back again.

Long black hair and a young looking face, like that of a high school girl.

I sigh without a sound and bury my face in my hands. Careful to not make a sound I lock the door with an extra lock I put on so if a situation like this occurred I could prevent people from just entering. Actually I hoped that I wouldn’t need it, but now I am glad I put it on. It has been quite some time since a person actually made it up here to the front door of my apartment.

I turn around on my heels and, although it’s still in the middle of the night, I don’t return to my bed to get some more sleep. It would be pointless, to lie down and to force myself to listen to every little sound.

Instead I return to my original plan to open the window, but this time I don’t intend to open it to let in some fresh air. As I tip the window I can hear voices from down below being carried up by the soft winter breeze.

Why do those crazy people wait out there in front of my house and risk to freeze? Why don’t they just let me live?

I sink to the floor and remain seated there for some time until I get goose bumps from the cold. I crab a blanket and a pillow from the sofa behind me and wrap myself into its cozy warmth. I pull me knees to my chest and place the pillow onto my knees to rest my head on it.


I wake up from a strong shiver that is running down my spine followed by a few muffled shouting female voices. I open my eyes a slit to not strain them because of the bright daylight that is flooding the room.

As I realize where I am lying, I jump; my heart pounding. The blanket slips off me to the floor piled to a wrinkled stack.

Where is my phone? I need my phone.

I scan the room with my eyes but I can’t see it anywhere in this room. Then my eyes are caught by the sight of the small digital clock on the DVD player under the Television.


My muscles relax instantly and my breath evens out as well. I let my head sink and I close my eyes to completely calm down.

Oh my god. I thought I overslept.

I take a deep breath of the cold air that is hovering around me in the room. I recall that I opened the window during the night and I turn around to close it.

As I close it I peek down and I can see some people moving around, one handing out coffee cups as it seems.

I decide to not look at this scene for too long. It will only make me angry in the end. Instead I take a quick hot shower and get dressed.

I blow dry my hair quickly before I pack my stuff to get going to my next schedule.

Today I have to check a drama script. And then… what did I have afterwards? Oh, yeah. The fitting for the stage outfits

I put on my sunglasses and a woolen hat. Instead of putting on the warm jacket I just carry it folded over my left arm. As I want to open the door I am being blocked by the additional lock that came to use yesterday night.

Pulled back into reality by that little reminder I peek through the spyhole once again to see that they left. Probably they were taken away by the security men that saw them lingering in front of my door via the CCTVs that are hidden everywhere in the complex-building. That was one of the reasons why I chose this building over others.

I unlock the door for good and step out. To make sure the door is properly locked while I am gone I try if it opens, but it remains unmoved at my attempt to open it just like that.

Somehow I feel like a scardey-cat, because I always feel anxious wherever I go.

Downstairs in the garage is a van waiting to pick me up and take me to the agency to meet up with the scriptwriter and the producer.

“Hello Yoochun.” The manager greets me with a smile.

“Morning.” I respond and take a seat in the back. I close the door with a powerful push and we set off.

The gate opens slowly in front of us until it is completely open so we can pass through it. Our car pulls out of the driveway and onto the busy street. Usually I just listen to music and try to take a nap, but today, except for the usual taxis that follow there is this black car again, I noticed before.  I watch it for a while until I just let it be and close my eyes to get a few minutes of rest before I have to take on the first task of the day.


“The last one is the fitting. They finished it yesterday so the designer wants to make sure everything fits perfectly for the tour.” My manager tells me as we are on our way to the last appointment for today.

As for the drama offer, I had to decline it because of my other schedules. There is just no time for now.

We arrive at the tailoring after 40 minutes. We were stuck in the rush hour traffic jam so we are a bit late already.

I hurry out of the car and vanish in the building. Inside there is a young woman waiting for me.

“Hello. Mr. Park? I am Susan, I am the assistant of your designer Cho Karen. Nice to meet you.” She says with a bright smile on her lips. She is a petite woman with short brown hair and a lip-piercing.

“Nice to meet you. Sorry for being late. We were stuck in a traffic jam.” I say and shake her hand.

“it’s ok, don’t worry. I will take you to the fitting room. Please come this way.” She says and leads the way through a hall way into a room with various different clothes all around the room.

“Karen had to leave already, because she had an appointment. I am sorry. We will just see if the outfits fit. It won’t take long.” Susan pulls out some pieces and hands them to me.

“Please try these on. The cabin is over there.” She tells me and points at a curtain at the other side of the room.

I vanish behind the curtain and put on the things given to me.

“When you’re dressed please come out so I can check.” She says to me.

I pull the curtain to the side and step out.

While she circles me with a scrutinizing look she mumbles to herself.

“We have to let the hem out a bit to make the pants longer. That’s too short. The blazer fits…” she says and tugs here and there to assure that it fits perfectly.

The same procedure happens with the other outfits as well. After half an hour I bid my good bye and go back to the car, but as I am about to exit the building a crowd is gathering in front of the door. My manager pushed through the crowd and comes inside.

“There are a lot today. They came shortly after you went inside.” He says and gives me a worried look.

“Let’s just try to get to the car somehow.” I say stiffly and gulp.

I turn my look to the ground and follow my manager through the crowd. As I push through I suddenly feel a hand. A hand that is touching where I won’t even let Su touch me at the time.  I push it away angrily and glare through my sunglasses at the culprit, but she just smiles at me satisfied.

I hurry to the car and get in as fast as I can. As soon as we drive away the people hurry back to their vehicles and pick up the chase.

“Are you alright?” my manager asks me.

My heart is pounding out of anger so that I can feel it even in my throat.

“Yeah. I wasn’t hurt. What about you?” I try to distract myself by asking him.

“No, I’m fine too. They are so crazy. Every single time I am dumbfounded again.”

I don’t really listen to him anymore. There is a thought that drowns any other sounds.

She grabbed my crotch. How dare she? Not even Junsu is allowed to touch me. How dare she? As if it’s not enough to follow me around everywhere I go. What do they think of me as? I just don’t get this. WHY!

The smiling face of that crazy girl pops up again and again. I feel even angrier now. I feel so helpless.

I search for my phone and log in on my twitter.

“Please… don’t follow us… please don’t come in front of our house…Sasaeng!”

I close my eyes and plug my ears with earphones. I turn up the volume of the music and try to just listen to the single notes, and not those annoying thoughts.





It’s late at night and I feel incredibly stuffy in my room like so often lately. I look out the window that is facing the back of another house. I see a bit of the in black covered sky as I turn my gaze up. But it can’t capture my attention. What thrilling is there about staring at a black even surface?

On a whim I jump up from the floor and grab a face mask and a hat and go out of my room. The living room is covered in darkness since Changmin went to sleep early. Since he injured his hand a few days ago he had to swallow some pills and the side effect is that it knocks him out in a short while. I stare at his door for a few moments but then I turn around and walk down the hallway to put on my jacket and shoes. Without making too much noise I leave the dorm and head downstairs. Instead of taking the main entrance to exit the building I go the other direction and end up in the backyard where the litter is being stored for the trash collection to pick up.

I pass by stinking piles of trash and step into something that feels slimy, nearly causing me to slip. I climb over the chain-link fence and hurry down the narrow alley to get onto the main street. I grab a cab that is waiting for a customer just in front of the alley and tell him to head to Itaewon.

I take my cell phone and punch in letters.

                I’m coming for a visit today. You mind coming?

A few minutes later my phone buzzes with a message.

You’re lucky. Today I have got some spare time. But don’t always call me over whenever you want. Hyung has other things to do as well. ^o^’

I put the cell back into my pocket and I lean back looking out of the window as the vehicle winds its way through the streets. The car passes by countless of streetlights and peasants whose destinations I have no clue about. They are a faceless crowd to me; people who I might never meet again, like so many people in my life. So many things pass by and won’t come back anymore. But about one only knows when it’s already too late to prevent it from leaving.

And sometimes there isn’t even a way to prevent it from happening.

“That would be 15000 Won please.” The taxi driver pulls me out of my thoughts.

“Oh, yes.” I pull out my wallet from the pocket of my jeans and hand him one 10000 and one 5000 Won bill.” He takes it and thanks me for choosing his taxi.

I exit the car and stand in a dark dirty alley, where there are no people around. I go to a door and turn the knob of it. The door opens and I step inside. I stand in the kitchen of some restaurant where there is a busy crowd of chefs and assistants who are preparing dishes in a hurry.

I try to not get in the way as I cross the kitchen and vanish in another room.

It’s a back room of the restaurant, where I always eat when I’m here. It is way more relaxing than sitting in the main room with the other customers.

I am taking a seat and put off my disguise to make myself more comfortable. The muffled noise that the people in the other rooms are making grows more audible the more seconds tick by as I am waiting here on my own in this empty room. I play with my fingers and hum a melody out of habit since I usually practice singing whenever there is a short moment that allows me to.


But then another sound adds to the ones from before; the clicking noise of the door being opened as someone enters the room. I look up from my hands and meet the gaze of a person.

“Hyung, hello.” I say and wave slightly with my left hand.

“Hi kiddo.” he responses and takes a seat to my right.

“Why do you call me out whenever you feel like it? Don't you have other people to bother?” he says jokingly.

“I'm sorry. I just felt like coming here and see your face.”

“Of course you came to see my face. Not  some specific person's.” he teases me like he always does since I once let down my guard and gave him a hint about my true intention for coming here.

Instead of countering I just keep quiet, feeling discovered.

“Yunho, he said he would come over as soon as his schedule allows him to.”

My head snaps up and I look at him in surprise.

“Did you think I wouldn't tell him to come, when you look so desperate to see him? What kind of hyung do you think I am, kiddo?” he says and pats my back.

“Seeing you struggle like this, I can't just watch and do nothing, can I?”

“Thank you.“ I mumble, so that he can hardly hear me.

“Should I ask him if he has some time right now?”

I nod.


He takes out his phone from his pocket of his jacket and starts to type the message. After a few moments he puts the phone on the table and looks at me intensely. After a few awkward seconds of him staring at me I say something to break the awkwardness hovering above our heads.

“What?” I ask him suspicious of the reason for him staring at me like this.

“Uhm. Nothing...” he says in a tone with which he clearly intends to make me curious.

“Tell me.” I say falling for his scheming.

“I just thought, you lost some of your coolness.”

“When did I?” I ask, again falling for his little game.

“Gradually. Since you are lovers with Jaejoong.”

I look at him questioningly.

“You are anxious. And you are coming to a restaurant, calling out a busy man just because you hope you can meet him here by chance. That's not cool. That's what's called cute, my dear.” he teases me.

“I guess I don't mind losing some of my so called coolness then.” I say and smile.

“Good. Finally you admit to yourself that you really need him. I guess we can call you a grown up from now on.”

He gives me a warm smile then a phone buzzes.

“It's yours.” he says; ruining my hope of seeing Jaejoong's reply.

I take out my cell and open the message.

Yunho. Where are you? If you’re not at practice come back to the dorm this instant. You know that it's dangerous!

I guess Hong hyung noticed the change in my look as I read the message.

“What is it?” he asks me a bit worried.

“My manager. He told me to come back to the dorm.”

Hong just nods at me, but instead of grabbing my jacket to get ready to leave I remain seated, looking at him expectantly.

“I guess you should get going now.” he says to me in this adult-like way.

“He didn't answer yet.”

“Yunho. They are about to start their world tour. I don't wanna ruin your hopes but be realistic.”

My head drops and without commenting on that I take my jacket from the back of the chair and pull it on.

“Thanks for coming out tonight.” Even though I smile there is still a touch of sadness and disappointment to it, which I am just not able to hide.

“Next time I won't promise to come.” he laughs and does the same as me; getting ready to leave.



Someone in the apartment above ours is walking around. I stare at the ceiling as if I could look through it, following the steps of the person that now occupies my mind; but just for a short while.

The next time I blink my eyes I see his face on the inside of my eyelids again, as if it was burned on them.

I exhale soundly as I turn to my side and lay my head on the back of my hand.

I miss you...


Hey guys !! ^^

OMG!! Just as I was about to update asianfanfics crashed O.o I was like "AAAAAAH!!! NOO!"

I hope now it's ok O~o

Anyways, sorry for the long wait. I hope you enjoy this chapter =)

And thanks to all of you for reading, subscribing and commenting ^^

love you


That's the link to Yoochun's twitter post ^^ -->

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Chapter 44: so deprived chunnie hahahaLOL
update soon~~~
jae with a girl... whoa that's a little weird, well for a yunjae shipper like me.
wtf is wrong with jae???
get ur sense back pls
y a girl?
the first few sentences i read made me go "WHAT THE HELL DID I MISS SOMETHING??? JAE WITH A GIRL??? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON??" oh he did he say he wants to be in a relationship this year... got it LOL

myhoneybunny #5
why...why...u did this to us??huh......why u cut it jaaaahhh i need full version,not half....gimme the full,u such a teaser pX
LOL verbal diarrhea LOL i loved that!

lmao jaeeeee you are a baaaaad boy... i like it!

oh chunnie.... he needs some intoxication wahahahahahaha!
aigooooo >.< I thought it's an update
“It’s ok. I can understand you. Who wouldn’t want pictures of this perfect piece of art that I am?”

---OMG CHUNNIE!!! that is so lee gak thing to say LOL

and oh yea amelie...oh that i remember now hahaha i completely forgot about her lol