Food poisoning and angry words

My Private Host


I was woken by the movements of Jae in the bed. What a great way of starting a Saturday.

“Get up you lazy bastard.” I said as I pulled the clothes off of Jae.

He was trembling and sweaty and really pale.

“Chunnie, get me some water ple..please.” he mumbled.

“Oh my God what’s up with you?”. I reached his forehead, he was burning. His lips were dry and he was pressing his stomach with his arms.

I rushed to the bathroom and gave him a glass of water. I went back to the bathroom to search for the thermometer when Junsu screamed my name

“What? What?” I rushed to the living room. Eunhyuk was as pale as Jae and had just thrown up on my couch. “Oh no. What did you guys eat? Jaejoong is as bad as Eunhyuk.” I told Junsu.

“Let’s take them to the hospital.” He said. I nodded affirmatively and ran into the bedroom to find some comfortable clothes to dress, and some for Junsu who’s suit had just been ruined by Eunhyuk.

“Dress this and lets go.” I threw some clothes to Junsu. He changed right there. “There’s a bathroom right there.” I mumbled in disapproval.

“Don’t tell me I’m embarrassing you? Or did you saw something you liked?” Junsu replied.

I was gonna answer him but the moans of pain of Jaejoong coming from the room made me aware of the urgency.

“Let’s go.” I just said, picking up my car keys and helping Jae get to the car while Junsu was helping Eunhyuk.

Once we got to the hospital Jae and Hyuk were quickly taken to a room and seen by a doctor. Junsu and I were told to wait in the waiting room. We sat next to each other without saying a word.

Minutes went by and I could notice Junsu starting to get nervous. He kept standing up and seating again, he’s hands were kinda shaky, his expression was of pure concern. He was going to stand up again but I stopped him putting my hand on his shoulder.

“Try to calm down. They are fine.” He looked at me surprised but then relaxed and stopped trying to get up.

“We shouldn’t have let them drink that much. Hyukie doesn’t even like it, he doesn’t like stuff that’s bad for the body. But he was so happy…” He sighed.

“Oh believe me Jaejoong can handle his drinks. I’m sure it wasn’t the alcohol that made them sick. Let’s just wait and see what the doctors say.” He stood silent looking at his hands.

“If anything happens to him I’ll not forgive myself.” He finally said with his voice full of emotion.

His concern was not of a friend, more of a brother or… a partner? Boyfriend?

Before I could stop myself I said:

“Are you two dating?” I slapped myself mentally for being so insensitive. But, was I curious? Extremely curious!

“Why? Are you gonna avoid us from now on? Are you scared of the bad gay boys?” he elevated his voice and was again being very defensive.

I sighed at his overreaction and pulled his hand when he was about to get up and go away.

“Will you please calm down? God, I’m not that narrow minded okay? I was just curious. You two certainly look like more than just friends.” He finally seemed to calm a bit down and understand that I was not trying to judge him.

“That’s because we are brothers.” He began explaining. “We don’t share the same blood but we share almost the same life. We are friend since we were little kids. I literally can’t remember my life without Hyukjae. He was with me in all the important moments and hardships. He was always my biggest support even if we were far away. I need to be the same for him. This just proves I’m failing.” He said pointing to the hospital in general.

“Don’t be too hard in yourself. It’s probably nothing. Everyone gets sick. You can’t protect him from everything.” He smiled at me in response, a warm, sincere gentile smile. Just like the smile I remembered from that first night when I met him. I was so astonished I chocked in my own saliva and started coughing. I didn’t even realize I was still holding his hand until he took it away to pat my back and help me recover my normal breathing rhythm.

“You were the ones who brought mr. Kim and mr. Lee in, right?” a doctor approached us. We both stood up. My face was still red from coughing. “Are you family?”

“No.” we both answered.


Me: “NO”. Junsu: “Yes”. We looked at each other confused and the doctor looked at us even more confuse. “Friends, just close friends.” I finally said.

“Well, can you tell me what did they eat yesterday? Let’s start with breakfast.” We stared at each other. None of us knew. “Well what about lunch? Actually let me make it easier, do you know if they eat any sort of shellfish, food that was prepared a long time ago…”

“Oh.” Junsu sighed. “We had sushi for lunch. I mean I had lunch with them and they did eat sushi. They took it from the store to eat at home and I remember telling them that the hot weather would ruin it.”

“I see. Anything else that might have made them sick?”

“Well yesterday they drank two bottles of champagne by themselves and got so drunk that they fell asleep right in the bar. Does that count?” I said a bit too harshly. I was a bit angry for not being invited to the “Sushi party”.

“No. I’m afraid it doesn’t. So from the symptoms your friends seem to have a food poisoning.” Junsu grabbed my hand and squeezed it hard. Poisoning sounded a lot more dangerous than it really was and he was scared. “It´s not very serious but because of the vomits and diarrheas they are dehydrated. They should be recovered in about two. Until the diarrheas stop they should not eat solid food or at least nothing to heavy. Just food that can be easily digested. I suggest fruit juices. Nothing with milk or caffeine.  And lots of water. I’ll just give them a pill from the cramps and by Monday they should be good.” Junsu looked a lot more relieved.

“They’ll stay here at the hospital until tonight just to receive some serum to rehydrate because they are still to nauseated to be able to eat or drink something. You can go home and comeback later to pick them up. Bring clean clothes cause the ones they were wearing are ruined.”

“Ok doctor. Thank you.” Junsu said with a smiled that could melt even steel. “Let’s go?” he asked me and I felt ashamed for being looking at him in total contemplation. I noticed he was still holding my hand while leading me to the entrance door. I didn’t mind.

“Jae’s house is in my building. I have the key. Let’s go there first and we’ll stop at Eunhyuk’s after.” I said already in the car.

“Hyuk’s house is too far away. I’ll just pick some of my clothes at my place. They will fit him.” I nodded. I remembered Junsu’s house. It would be strange to enter it again.

Once in my building’s elevator Junsu clicked the button of Jae’s floor. He clearly had been there before and for some reason that was pissing me off. I quickly chose some comfortable clothes and in no time we were going to Junsu’s house.

“Drink something if you want. Check the refrigerator, there must be something in there.” Junsu said when we entered his home, and then quickly disappeared to his room. I went to the refrigerator, got some orange juice and searched for two glasses. Junsu suddenly appeared behind me.

“The glasses are up here.” He said dangerously close to my neck while reaching for the glasses. I felt chills all over my body. What the hell was wrong with me? “We should eat something too right? It’s almost 3p.m. Let me see. This will do.” He took a tupperware filled with kimchi stew from the refrigerator and started heating it. “Jaejoong made this yesterday for lunch. I’m glad I ate it and not the sushi”. I nodded along. I was seating at the table looking at him cooking still in my clothes. I kinda liked that image.

“YOOCHUN! Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you?” I thought to myself.

“Done.” Junsu announced and served us both. We ate quietly for some minutes but then some irrepressible curiosity took over me and I just started talking:

“You look different!”

“Hmm?” he mumbled while eating.

“I mean you look different here then when you are all fancy dressed talking about your clients.” I said and putt a big negative emphasis on clients.

“Hmm, of course I’m different when I’m working. Aren’t you? I heard you are a big jerk sometimes.”

“Well that’s just when things don’t go how they are supposed to go. Those kids trust us, they are trusting their futures to us. I can´t let the incompetence of some people ruin it for them. But besides that I’m actually a pretty calm guy.”

“Yeah, I heard. But that’s nice; you’re passionate about your work. Nothing wrong with that.” A little smile appeared in my face. “Did you always work in that field?”

“Hmmm, sort of. I’ve always worked with music. But in the beginning I wanted to be a singer.”

“Wow you can thing? That’s amazing. What happened?” Another smile.

“Well I was a trainee in a company with two friends. One of them is Jaejoong. He is an awesome singer by the way.”  He nodded letting me know that he already knew.  “But the company was abusing us. They were demanding so much to the point that we weren’t even allowed to be sick. Nothing we did was good enough and we were getting exhausted, physically and mentally. So we quit. Jaejoong and I got out of the company and decided o create our own version of what we thought a company should be. And we try to give our trainees the treatment we wish we had received. “

“And the other guy?” I didn’t answered and continued eating. He noticed I didn’t wanted to talk about him and continued:

“So you haven’t sang since then?”

“Well not really. I took some classes of singing so I can teach my own students and at class I have to sing, but apart from that no.”

“That’s a pitty.” He mumbled and continued eating.

“What about you? How did you end up doing… what you do?”

“It’s a short story really. I needed money. Someone talked me about this job and how much money you can earn and bang, here I am.”

I stared at him for some minutes. I was expecting a tragic story that justified his work. But no. It was his own choice. And that made me angry.

“There are lots of things you can do and still manage to have a good income and a good life. Why this?”

“Hmm, I don’t know. At first was curious. Now I do it cause I like.”

“Are you serious? How can you like something like that?” I didn’t even noticed I was rising my voice. He looked at me confused.

“Well people are nice. I get to know lots of interesting people, go to awesome places. And I earn lots of money.” He explained as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

“Aren’t you at least a bit ashamed? What do your parents think?”

“What the hell are you talking about? My parents don’t know what I do. I’m not a child to report to them every detail of my life. And why the hell would I be ashamed? I’m as passionate for my work as you are for your own job. What’s wrong with that?” he was starting to get mad.

“What´s wrong with that? Are you kidding? EVERYTHING. How the hell can you be proud of that? Don’t you ever think about getting a normal job?” now the both of us we’re screaming.

“A normal job? Why? Is my job abnormal? Do I work with aliens or something? You know what I don’t even have to explain myself to you. It looks like you’re not a jerk just at work.”

“Whatever. I’m going to my home. You can drive yourself to the hospital.”

“Yeah I can. I just hope I don’t see you there.” He yelled before he slammed the door on my back.

“What the hell is wrong with this guy? Is he bipolar or something? How can be a stupid jerk like that? Proud of what he does? Come on! But how come he is so… cute some other times? Aishhh he is just crazy. And why the hell do I care?” I was arguing with myself in the car on my way home.

Junsu definitely had got my attention. I didn’t know why. I didn’t even have realized that. But somewhere inside of me I made a resolution: I would save Junsu from his miserable job.



“Who the hell does he think he is? Mister “I know it all”! him. He doesn’t know a thing about me.” Junsu kept yelling to an empty house while crying. He’s sobs were interrupt by the sound of his phone. A text message from Eunhyuk:

“Su I can go home now. Can you please pick me up? If someone comes near me with a needle again I won’t control myself, I’ll go Hulk-mode.”

Junsu got up and cleaned the tears from his face. He picked the bag with the clothes for Hyuk and his car keys.

“Stupid stupid jerk. Aishhh I hate him so much.” He kept mumbling on the way to the hospital.


Hi guys. I'm back and ready to post.

This chapter is kinda sad but we get to know more about their backgrounds. and from now on there will be Junsu's POV's too. I love to make them argue, i dont know why xD (dont hate me). Cant you just imagine Yoochun storming out and Junsu crying in his anger?

Hope you enjoy this new chapter. i'll post another tonight.

DriBSK =)

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rozyun #1
Chapter 47: I really love this story!!!!!! Read it at 1 go lol Great job authornim!!!
Chapter 47: *jump around*

I dead my job! I read all the chapter I was late with =D now I just need to wait for new chapter =D oh and in case you don't have time to write right now... Merry Christmas! =D
Chapter 45: let's run to the other chapter... damn phone who ring.... nahhh damn author who cut the freaking chapter when the phone ring! LOL
Chapter 44: M-domaine are in trouble! lol easy to know that they are behind the CD send for Changmin OST lol

now DBSK is free Yunho is with them now eheh
Chapter 43: the party just started! lol we'll see what the company gonna do to them... but if Yunho can call Jae now... maybe it's good right? XD I hope lol
Chapter 42: lol not sure if that's the best way to help Yunho but... Chun I hope you have a good idea cause Junsu and Jaejoong gonna see those pics before you put a freaking foot in the building lol
Chapter 41: I'm back!!! lol

did you miss me? eheh

Finally dbsk are together... kind of... now Yunho need to leave his company... maybe if he goes public about being gay he'll be free... LOL
songbird523 #8
Chapter 47: Reread this whole fanfic today and enjoyed it just as much the second time. I'm hopeful there might be a new chapter or two after the holidays since it's not marked as complete yet.
Chapter 47: Loving this story, It's great to see it all working out now!