Brotherly love

My Private Host


“Harang, come here. I have a treat for you.” I tried to bribe the big dog with a piece of sausage. He managed to hide under the bed and everytime I tried to come near him he would move, if I tried to reach him from the other side of the bed he would move again.

This was going on for about 20 minutes.

“Aishh, I give up.” I said and go sit on the living room. A few minutes later Harang appeared because he thought the danger had passed. And before he could react I grabbed him and took him to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and the dog whined a bit.

“Stop being a chicken, will you? It doesn’t suit all your fur.” I said as I the water. “You used to like to bath. What’s up with you? You just don’t like the tub, hum? Next time we’ll take a bath outside I promised.” I kept talking to the dog that was seating right by the door looking at me with understanding eyes, though probably he understood nothing and was still afraid of the slippery floor of the bathtub.

“Come on it’s time to go in.” I announced once the water was at a good temperature. He seemed to understand this and lowered his head. The little emotion blackmailer, with his cute puppy eyes and his lowered fury ears.

“I’m not giving in to that. You have to look good. You have to make a good impression on Junsu’s brother. You like Junsu too right? Aishhh, like you understand.” I gave up when the dog tilted his head a bit confused and just got him in the bathtub.

After more than half an hour making sure Harang was spotless I started drying his long fur. I was using two hairdryers and having zero results. His hair would dry with the sun on the way to the meeting point, I decided when I was exhausted of trying to keep the dog still so I could dry him.

Next was time for me to get all good-looking. After a long, long bath, I went to choose my outfit for the day. If Junsu asked me to take Harang we wouldn’t go to fancy places and we would be banned from most coffe shops. So I decided to use something comfortable and casual. But then I got stuck on deciding with comfortable and casual outfit I would take.

“Aishhh, screw it. It’s not like I’m trying to impress his brother with my looks, right?” I talked to myself while I got in a pair of sports pants, a white tank top and dressed a light black cardigan on top of it.

I messed up my long wavy hair as Jaejoong usually does to me (Junsu once said I looked good with out of bed hair ^^), chose a pair of sunglasses and I was ready to go.

I read once again the text message that Junsu had sent me the day before with the directions of the park we were supposed to meet. It was a bit far away but I preferred to walk than have to convince Harang to get on the car.

All the way I was thinking in one billion reasons for Junho don’t like me.

I was really nervous, I didn’t thought Junsu was the type of person who blindly agrees with everything his brother says or thinks. But it was very noticeable that Junho’s opinion was important for Junsu, hence the nervousness, the dry mouth, sweaty palms and shaking knees…

At some point I was even rehearsing handshakes with an invisible someone, making people stare at me like I was some sort of loony walking a wet dog.

Once I was at five minutes from the meeting spot I texted Junsu asking where he was. He was supposed to meet me at my apartment but he got delayed by his job – his hateful job that kept him busy at all times.

So we were supposed to meet at the park but he wasn’t answering his phone. Maybe he was still busy. Hopefully we would arrive before his brother.

Once in the park I was growing impatient. I didn’t knew how Junho looked like – just that he looked a bit like Junsu – he could be right by my side that I wouldn’t know. Suddenly that thought got stuck on my mind and I started staring at the people around me with curious eyes. Once again they looked back at me like I was a crazy person.

This meeting was really messing with my mind.

I decided to try to relax. I drank some water from a fountain nearby and then sat on a bench. Harang sat lazily by my side, his fur almost dry, looking at me not understanding why we were not playing if we were on a park.

The minutes went by and no sign of Junsu.

When my phone rang on my pocket I almost jump out of the bench in the hurry to answer it. But it was just a text message:

From: Kyo Man

Chunnie-ah, please don’t get mad. I won’t be able to meet you guys today. I’m stuck with some work thing. Don’t be mad PLEASE. Junho is arriving at the park. Have a good afternoon. I’m sure you’ll get along well. =)


Almost in panic I tried to cal Junsu but his phone was turned off.

“Okay, okay. So Junsu won’t be here. It’s not a big deal. I’ll just have a nice and calm conversation with Junho. It’s actually nice to know Junsu’s family. And maybe he is right and we will get along well.” I tried to cheer myself. But my mind kept changing:

“Except that he just knows me from what he has heard from Junsu and, let’s face it, Junsu hated me at first. Yap if I was being smart I should be running for my life right know.”

I didn’t even noticed I was talking out loud until a young guy holding a dogs leash approached me:

“Excuse me I don’t mean to interrupt… but I don’t know if you are talking with someone, on the phone or just talking to yourself…” he asked and I felt my face burn from the shame.

“Ohh, I was just thinking out loud.” I said extremely embarrassed.

“Oh, ok then. My brother texted me saying he won’t make it so I decided I should just introduce myself…” he said and took of his sunglasses. I could notice the resemblance with Junsu so I quickly stood up to shake his hand.

“Oh, anyonhaseyo. I’m Park Yoochun. I like your brother very much. I know you don’t like me but I hope I can change your opinion…” I said without taking a breath while still shaking his hand and vowing repeatedly. He smiled at my nervous attitude.

“Yeah, nice to meet you. I’m Kim Junho, Junsu’s brother. I don’t have any opinion about you just yet but I hope we can get along well.” He said politely, and a lot calmer than me, and did a low vow.

For some award seconds we stood there looking at each other without knowing what to say. I just kept remembering how Junsu promised to be there to be the starter of conversations and I made a mental not to scold him for not keeping it.

“Ohh you have a leash…” I said and automatically regretted how I said it. I meant he was carrying a leash for a dog, not that he HAD a leash -.- Thank god he was a easy going guy and was amused by my silly nervous attitudes.

“I almost forgot I was carrying this. Xiaky come here, Xiaky…” he kept calling until a white dog came running to him. “I let Xiaky go run for a while, it’s not good for pets to always be looked inside doors and my apartment doesn’t have much space. He would be more comfortable in Junsu’s place but with all those cats…”

“Woa this dog belongs to Junsu?” I asked surprised. Harang looked a bit suspicious of the new dog at first but they quickly started sniffing each other and looked interested in the other. I kneeled to pet the dog’s long, soft, white fur.

It was the perfect dog for Junsu, kyo just like him. The long fur around his head and his little hears made him look a bit like a baby bear.

“Yes, it’s his. Didn’t you know? That’s why he asked you to bring Harang, so they could play together.” I was surprised Junho knew my dog’s name. Maybe Junsu had talked a bit more about me than what he said.

Junho played a bit with Haran too and for the next few minutes we just sat at the bench playing and talking about the dogs and let them enjoy the outside.

“Let’s drink something?” Junho suggested. I agreed and we went to a coffee nearby that had an esplanade. Junho went inside to get the drinks while I sat outside and kept an eye on the dogs.

“One lemonade for me, an ice tea for you.” He said when he got back with the drinks.

“Kamsahamnida.” I thanked.

“Aishhh, I’m younger than you ain’t I? And you are dating my brother so I’ll guess well be seeing each other a lot more from now on. Lets drop the formalities okay?”

I agreed, really glad that he was such a relaxed and easy to talk to guy. It looked like I didn’t have a reason to be nervous after all.

“Okay then, Komawo.” I corrected. Then I remembered something. “How did you recognize me?”

“Oh, Junsu sent me a picture of you. Otherwise I guess I would start introducing myself to every guy with a dog and asking for a Park Yoochun.” He said and laughed. He pulled out his phone and showed me the picture Junsu had sent him. It was a picture of me sleeping with my mouth half open and a really messy hair, Junsu probably took it in the hotel.

“Aishhh really this guy. Didn’t he had a more decent picture?” I complained and started feeling my face heat up again. Junho laughed.

“It was of great help to find you actually.” He was obviously amused.

Another silent awkward moment set in and I was looking all over my brain for a topic to start a conversation.

“Doesn’t it upset you?” he asked.

“What do you mean?”

J- “Junsu’s job. Doesn’t it upset you? I know that at first you were really against it.”

Y- “Hmm that was when I thought that he did something different for a living. I’ve apologized for that though I still feel guilty for judging him and treating him so wrongly without even knowing him properly.” I looked at my hands when I talked. That topic still made me feel really embarrassed.

“Kwenchana. Junsu has forgotten that a long time ago. You should too. I understand why you act like that. At the beginning I was really against it to but I could see that the job really made Junsu happy so I made my peace with it. But there have been some bad episodes since then… I just hope he realizes he can be happy doing something else and quit that job… I think he will sooner then we think?”

“What makes you say that?” I asked very curious. I didn’t even dare to ask what kind of bad episodes where those, I had the feeling I wouldn’t want to know.

“Well he understands that nobody would like that his partner has a job like his, even though the only thing he provides is company. The hours are terribly, even when he is not working he is thinking about it, and he tends to accept heartbreaking cases that really affect him. And of course he often escorts some very good-looking and successful people, the jealousy is bound to appear. So he always said that if he finds someone that he really loves and that’s worth all his attention he would quit that job. I think you may be up to that task.” He said very calmly.

Little did he know that, though I just smiled lightly in appreciation of his compliment, inside of me a whole carnival party was going on. If I could I would start jumping, dancing and screaming of happiness. That was the best thing he could have said to me.

I pulled myself together and managed to calmly say:

“I have to confess that yes, it does bother me. I never know exactly who his clients are, maybe that’s his way to try to avoid me from getting jealous, and he almost never talks about his work with me. So the thing that mostly bothers me is how it consumes all of his time and when he manages to be with me he always looks tired and with his mind on something else. Well, seeing him all dressed up to go meet someone else isn’t very good either. I just try to avoid making any comments about because I don’t want to be judgmental has I was before, I just try to think it’s none of my business.”

“Look, do you like my brother? Are you serious about this relationship with him?” he asked with a very serious expression. I nodded affirmatively.

“Then it IS you business. You have a say on it now. And know you are informed enough to don’t be a jerk like you are in the past. Just don’t hold back on saying what you think or feel. Your opinion matters, a lot. And he can’t ever get mad cause he will end up understanding that anything you say or do is because you love him and want the best for him and for you two.” I looked at him with my mouth open.

“Wow, Komawo. Really. You are being very cool about this all. Me being with Junsu I mean…”

“Well, what can I say? I always knew you too would end up together, Nobody fights that much if they don’t care about each other.” He said with a grin on his face and talking like an expert. “And contrary to what you say I actually kind like you. You make Junsu all smiley and jumpy so that’s enough for me.”

“Really?” I said with a smile from ear to ear. “Junsu being happy is what make me happy, so I’ll make everything I can to always keep him smiling.” I said dreamily thinking about Junsu and how I wished he was there.

“Ah, alright alright. Enough with the lovey-dovey stuff or my skin will crawl up.” He said jokingly making me laugh.

The afternoon was going on without us even noticing the time. After the initial awkwardness we actually had a lot to talk about. He was very curious about “Harmony and Melody” and even congratulated me on the success M-Domain where having. We talked about how he was interested in making carrier in the music industry too and eventually we went to more trivial topics such has tv programs, good restaurants and even football.

“Junsu is a huge football fan. I mean REALLY huge. But be smart and don’t ever play on his team. If he makes any mistake he will blame someone or something else. The last excuse I heard was “Oh my god sun”.” he both started laughing really hard and were only interrupted by my phone when I received a text message.

“Speaking of the devil…” I said when I saw the message was from Junsu.

From: Kyo Man

Annyong. Are you still with Junho? I came to your house but you weren’t here. Jae let me in. Is it okay? Come home. Junho had enough time with you for one day.


To: Kyo Man

I’m on my way =)


“That rascal doesn’t even bother sending me a HI. You let that little dolphin know that the next time I meet you I’m telling you all his dirt.” He said jokingly when told him why I was going home.

“Dolphin?” I asked curious.

“Have you ever heard him sing? Those little high pitched screams he gives are just like a babo dolphin. They are really annoying actually ahahah. There you go, that’s the first embarrassing story I tell you about him.”

We said our goodbyes and Junho even invited me to go watch a football game at his house the next week with him and Junsu.

Yap, contrary to everything I have imagined Junho was a pretty nice guy and we did get along just well, like Junsu predicted. But I could notice how protective he was of his brother and I knew that if I stepped out of line with Junsu, Junho would chase me down.

“Oh wait, I have something to ask you.” I called him back when he was starting to leave. “Junsu planed a whole amazing weekend for us. I want to do something nice for him too. What should I do?”

“Hmmm… Surprise him, just surprise him.” was the only advice he gave me. Not very useful but useful enough to help me start planning something on my mind.

When I arrived at my place Harang run to the living room letting me know Junsu was there. He was sitting on the floor, his back against the sofa, searching something on his laptop and so immersed in it that he only noticed I had arrived when Harang started his face.

“Chunnie-ah, your home.” He said with a big smile. I kissed the top of his head and sat on the couch, letting him rest his back against my legs.

“Yah, who is that?” I asked a bit too loudly when I saw he was searching an extremely good-looking guy that, to make all things worse, had just recently public announced he was gay. “Is he some sort of celebrity?” I read the article with more attention.

“Have you been leaving under a rock? This guy has been in all magazines and all tv channels for the past few weeks. The poor guy is having a hard time, how can people treat him so badly just because he is gay? Is he committing some crime? Narrow-minded bastards.” He mumbled to himself obviously and understandably angry.

While reading the rest of the article I noticed why I didn’t really know the guy. He was a singer under the company that had kicked me and Jae, and I made a daily effort to keep myself and Jae oblivious of what was going on there. That guy was really gonna have a bad time, I felt bad for him but didn’t comment on it, id didn’t want to dwell on my own bad memories.

“But why are you searching him after all?”

“Oh, he is a potential client of mine?”

“WHAT?” I screamed and stood up. Junho was right, the jealousy, oh all the repressed jealousy just burst out. Surprisingly Junsu started laughing.

“Aishhh don’t be like that. You’re too kyo.” The fact that he wasn’t taking me serious was getting me mad. He pulled my hand to sit down again. “Calm down. I won’t accept this job; I don’t want to get in the middle of this entire media circus that’s going around him. But the poor guy has been attending events all by himself and was uninvited from lots of them. That’s just revolting. I actually knew him when we were much younger, I was just curious. But I’m not gonna get involved, don’t worry.” he said with a big smile that comforted me.

I didn’t even dare to ask how did the two of them knew each other. I didn’t want to get all jealous over something that had already passed.

“So how did your date go? What did you two talk about? Was Junho scary?” he asked, mocking me.

“Ahah, very funny. Junho was actually pretty amazing. We had a lot to talk about so it felt like we already knew each other, like we were two friends hanging out. It was really nice. And I met your dog, the one you forgot to mention you have.”

“Aishh, I miss Shiaky, but I can’t keep him at my apartment. Junho is taking him to my parent’s. he has all the space to play and run there. Isn’t he kyo?”

“Yes he is.” I agreed. Junsu’s phone rang. A text message:

From: Junho Bro

Will you marry that guy already? He’s pretty nice, and a better company than you.


I laughed when Junsu let me read the text message.

“What did you do to make him like you so much?” Junsu asked, visibly pleased. I pulled him to the couch and cuddled next to him.

“Well I told him how precious you are for me, how lucky I am to be with you. And I told him that I can only be happy by making you happy and that I can no longer imagine myself without you. And we may not be dating for much long but I told him that you are so right for me that I would marry you right here right now, without a second thought.”

Junsu kissed me passionately and laid his head on my chest.

“Komawo.” He said in a low voice and in a few minutes he was asleep.

I took him to the bed and made sure he was comfortable. Then I returned to the living room and started searching the web for something that would surprise Junsu.

When I finally found what I wanted I clapped my hands with happiness making Harang giving me a weird look.

For the first time in weeks I slept like a baby, with a smile in my lips. How would Junsu react to the surprise I had just prepared?

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rozyun #1
Chapter 47: I really love this story!!!!!! Read it at 1 go lol Great job authornim!!!
Chapter 47: *jump around*

I dead my job! I read all the chapter I was late with =D now I just need to wait for new chapter =D oh and in case you don't have time to write right now... Merry Christmas! =D
Chapter 45: let's run to the other chapter... damn phone who ring.... nahhh damn author who cut the freaking chapter when the phone ring! LOL
Chapter 44: M-domaine are in trouble! lol easy to know that they are behind the CD send for Changmin OST lol

now DBSK is free Yunho is with them now eheh
Chapter 43: the party just started! lol we'll see what the company gonna do to them... but if Yunho can call Jae now... maybe it's good right? XD I hope lol
Chapter 42: lol not sure if that's the best way to help Yunho but... Chun I hope you have a good idea cause Junsu and Jaejoong gonna see those pics before you put a freaking foot in the building lol
Chapter 41: I'm back!!! lol

did you miss me? eheh

Finally dbsk are together... kind of... now Yunho need to leave his company... maybe if he goes public about being gay he'll be free... LOL
songbird523 #8
Chapter 47: Reread this whole fanfic today and enjoyed it just as much the second time. I'm hopeful there might be a new chapter or two after the holidays since it's not marked as complete yet.
Chapter 47: Loving this story, It's great to see it all working out now!