
My Private Host


At 9:30pm I heard my door being opened. Jaejoong was early.

“I’m still in the shower. You’re early.”

“Of course I am. I came to choose your clothes for you.”

I sighed knowing that there was no point in arguing. He always got what he wanted, at least with me.

“Do you really want me to dress that?” Jaejoong nodded affirmatively and went to the living room waiting for me to get ready. I dressed the black tight pants that he had bought me some time ago and one white shirt with an exaggerated v-neck that he also bought me. I dressed a black blaser over it, fixed my hair and went to the living room.

“Okay I can live with the blaser. But the hair…” Jaejoong said has he walked to me and messed up my hair “Now it’s better.”

“Why are you so well dressed?” I asked noticing that he was wearing a really tight grey suit, with lots of details on the jacket and apparently he wasn’t wearing anything inside of it.

“What? Can’t I dress nicely? Isn’t like I can wear this to work and as I already bought it I have to walk this baby around.” He answered looking with a smile to his own clothes, “Let’s just go.”

We entered his car and drove to the same bar we went the last time I agreed in going out with him. We choose a quiet table on the back. I told myself I wouldn’t drink anything else but a beer.

“2 Black vodkas with lemon juice please.” Jaejoong ordered before I could even react.

“Jaejoong, what the hell? I don’t wanna get drunk again.”

“Come on. We both know you can handle a few drinks. And you need to relax. This will help.” He said giving me one of the drinks once the waiter took them to our table.

“You’re the devil.” I said with a smirk making him smile. “So who are those friends that are meeting us here?”

“Just a couple of guys I met recently. You’ll really like them. Oh, he’s here.” I almost froze when I saw that the person Jaejoong was waving to was Eunhyuk.

“Sorry to make you wait.” The later said bowing politely.

“It’s okay. We got here early actually. Let me introduce you two properly. Yoochun this is Eunhyuk our new dance teacher, he will be of great value to our company. Eunhyuk this is my partner and friend Yoochun.” Me and the blonde man bowed politely to each other although it was notorious we both felt weird.

“Actually we’ve met before.” Eunhyuk said. I clenched my teeth and felt my blood pressure going high. “We met this afternoon at the company.” My muscles instantly relaxed.

“Oh really? So, Chunnie what do you think of our dongsaeng here? He is really good isn’t he?”

“Yeah, yes he is. The boys seemed to like him. I hope you can help them get the attention they deserve.” I said trying to control my shaky voice. Being there with Eunhyuk was really making me nervous. But why? Was I afraid that Jaejoong would discover the connection between us and nag me all night long to let Eunhyuk call Junsu? Yeah sure, it had to be that.

“Shouldn’t we order something more festive?” Eunhyuk asked seeing what we were drinking.

“Why would we do that?” I asked with little interest. He shared a meaningful look with Jaejoong.

“Oh sorry. I thought you had already told him.” He said to Jaejoong ignoring me almost jumping on my seat in curiosity.

“I was waiting for you. You gotta see his reaction.” Jaejoong answered with a grin.

“What? What is going on?”

“Well Chunnie I actually took you out to celebrate. You see Eunhyuk has a great reputation in the music scene, some say he is the best young choreographer in all Korea.” Eunhyuk was looking down to his hands trying to seem occupied, obviously embarrassed with the compliments. His cheeks were fire red.  “He talked around about he admired the spirit of our company, the learning environment instead of the urge in making money. When he shown interest in our company and in our students, lots of other people got interested too.  Rich people.” I just stared at him with my eyes wide open in expectation. He sighed when I couldn’t get what he was trying to say. “Someone wants to sponsor the mv, you moron.”

Just like that 200tons were lifted off my shoulders. Suddenly I wasn’t tired, I wasn’t nervous and I was extremely happy. After a few seconds of staring at Jaejoong in disbelief I suddenly stood up and shouted:

“Get me 3 bottles of your best champagne, kind sir.” Making Jaejoong and Eunhyuk explode in laughter and all the other people stare at me.

“That is just great. Just great.” I said to Eunhyuk not even noticing I was holding his hand. “You will not regret being with us.” I continued thanking him, shifting the place I was seated, to excited to stay still. “Oh good lord. Where are those bottles? Do I have to do everything?”

I got up and walked to the bar and asked for the champagne.

“You sure are in a good mood, sir.” The bartender said.

“Of course I am. I am creating 5 big stars. The next time you hear the name MDomain you remember this night. They will be great stars, GREAT STARS!” I shouted already walking back to my seat with the bottles in my hands. Nothing absolutely nothing could ruin my mood. I had been so worried of those boys future and now everything seemed to be going in the right direction. “I’m back. Here, one for you, one for you and one for me.” I gave each of them one bottle of champagne.

“Chunnie one bottle each is way too much. Do you wanna get drunk? If you do you should have brought 4. Junsu just arrived. He is in the bathroom.” I was still up, trying to open the bottle but I froze. Who had just arrived? Eunhyuk noticed my reaction.

“You!” someone said behind me. I turned slowly. Did I say that nothing could ruin my good mood? Well there was something, I mean someone. And he was standing right in front of me.

My brain wasn’t working correctly and my body wasn’t quite obeying me. After a few seconds of staring at Junsu I bowed awkwardly.

“Anyonghashimnika1” I said and immediately sat down trying as well as I could to hide myself in my seat. After the surprise of seeing me, Junsu didn’t seem very interested in me.

“So Jaejoong how was Hyuki’s first day at your company? Did the students like him? I bet they didn’t. Just look at his ugly face, who would like him?” Junsu started.

“Yah!” complained Eunhyuk and gave him a light punch making Jaejoong laugh.

“Actually the boys really liked him. They didn’t expect such a young an innovative teacher. They’ll do great work together you’ll see.” Jaejoong and Eunhyuk cheered with the bottles and drank a big portion of the champagne. “But Yoochun is the one working in the new group. He is like their father, seriously. He worries too much. It’s a good thing we have someone has talented has Eunhyuk to help with the boys or else I think Chunnie would go crazy with all the stress. Right Chunnie?” Jae tried to drag me to the conversation. I just nodded. I saw Junsu look at me with curiosity but quickly started talking with the other two. The fact that he wasn’t a bit interested in me was starting to annoy me.

Eunhyuk and Jaejoong were drinking their champagnes way to fast and talking cheerfully with Junsu.

“Oh you have blood in your shirt.” Jaejoong pointed to Junsu. His white shirt had a red stain next to his neck.

“This is nothing. It’s just lipstick don’t worry.” He replied and started cleaning his shirt with a tissue “I was just with a client.” He added and the other two started making a big fuss.

“Woooow. Was she hot?” one said.

“She surely liked you Su.”

“That’s a way of showing gratitude, right there.”

“Did she tip you well?”

Junsu was just smiling and telling them to shut up. So it was true. He did some kind of… private work to his clients.

“Yoochun why aren’t you talking? Come on, drink a bit.” Jaejoong pushed his bottle to me.

“No, no. The last time you got me drunk that night was a big trouble.” I answered noticing he was already drunk.

“Hmm, I’ll say.” Junsu mumbled, still trying to clean his shirt.

“What was that?” I asked starting to get really annoyed.

“Nothing nothing.” He answered with a fake smile on his face, very different from the gentile smile I remembered.

“What’s up with those two?” drunk Jaejoong  asked to an even drunker Eunhyuk.

“You know how it can be strange when you meet someone you slept with right? Just let them be.” Eunhyuk hummed before falling asleep on the table.

“WHAT??” Jaejoong screamed. “You two slept together?” I felt my heart racing and I had to stop myself from running away. Jaejoong was gonna make my life hell for didn’t tell him.

“Well he woke up in my bed.” Junsu answered with indifference.  “I woke up with you too and we didn’t have right Jaejoong?”

“WHAT?” was my time to scream.

“He hired me to go with him to some wedding.”

“Wait so you both man and women?”

“Why would that concern you?”

“It doesn’t. It totally doesn’t. I can get my dates for free, thank you very much. I don’t need your… services!” I said in a harsh tone. He was talking in a ruthless tone too.

“And what would you know about the services I provide? But you seemed to actually enjoy them that night.”

“Ohhh believe me, I wasn’t myself that night. In my right state of mind I wouldn’t come closer to someone like you.”

“Someone like me?”

“Someone that does what you do.”

“Well you just think you know everything about me, don’t you Yoochun?”

“I know that I owe you some bucks for your services that night?”

“Some bucks? Who the hell do you take me for? It would be hundreds, just so you know. And believe me I wouldn’t want to be with someone like you, not even if I was being paid.”

“Someone like me? You mean an honest guy who has a normal job?

“No. I mean a close-minded stupid jerk.”

Our discussion was interrupted by Eunhyuk’s snores.

“Oh fantastic.” I complained seeing Eunhyuk and Jae sleeping leaning on each other. I started searching Jae’s pockets.

“What are you doing?” Junsu asked.

“Searching for his car keys. They are not walking home right?” I said in a bitter way.

“My client dropped me off here so…”

“Did you give her a discount for that?”

“Shut up you idiot!”

After minutes of unsuccessfully searching for the car keys I realized I would have to carry Jaejoong home.

“Will you carry Eunhyuk? I can’t take them both.”

“Sure. I wouldn’t let my friend in your hands. I’ll take him to my place.”

“Let’s just take them to my house. Its closer.” I said remembering that my house was between the bar and Junsu’s house and therefore closer.

“Oh you remember where my house was? Was that night one to remember? Did I have that much impact on you?”

“Shut up brat.”

After paying for the drinks and putting the sleeping beauties on our backs we started walking to my house.

“It’s here.” I said in front of my apartment.

“Good. I’ll just leave Eunhyuk here and go home.”

I dropped Jae on my bed and Junsu put Eunhyuk on the couch. When he was going to leave Eunhyuk woke up and pulled him back to the couch.

“Su don’t leave me alone. Just sleep here. There is enough room for both of us.” He said, snuggled in Junsu’s lap and fell asleep again. Junsu looked at me like asking for permission to spend the night there with Eunhyuk and I just sighed frustrated and walked to my room.

“I love you Su.” I could still hear Eunhyuk say.

“You’re drunk Hyukjae and because of that I have to sleep on narrow minded grandpa’s house.” Junsu replied.

“I heard that!”

“Wow grandpa you still have great hearing.”

I just ignored him, pulled Jae, who was occupying the whole bed, to one side and got in bed.

“I love you too silly Hyukie.” Junsu said to a sleeping Eunhyuk.

1Anyonghashimnika or Anyonghaseyo are formal ways of greeting someone. Annyong is the informal way.


To whom may be interested:

Hi guys. I hope you’re liking my fic so far. I know it took a bit for the story to get it’s rhythm but from now on it will be much funnier and with lots of Yoosu moments so don’t give up on me just yet.


Thanks to the ones who subscribed and commented.

And yes please comment so I know that you’re there. I would really like to read what you have to say.

DriBSK =)

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rozyun #1
Chapter 47: I really love this story!!!!!! Read it at 1 go lol Great job authornim!!!
Chapter 47: *jump around*

I dead my job! I read all the chapter I was late with =D now I just need to wait for new chapter =D oh and in case you don't have time to write right now... Merry Christmas! =D
Chapter 45: let's run to the other chapter... damn phone who ring.... nahhh damn author who cut the freaking chapter when the phone ring! LOL
Chapter 44: M-domaine are in trouble! lol easy to know that they are behind the CD send for Changmin OST lol

now DBSK is free Yunho is with them now eheh
Chapter 43: the party just started! lol we'll see what the company gonna do to them... but if Yunho can call Jae now... maybe it's good right? XD I hope lol
Chapter 42: lol not sure if that's the best way to help Yunho but... Chun I hope you have a good idea cause Junsu and Jaejoong gonna see those pics before you put a freaking foot in the building lol
Chapter 41: I'm back!!! lol

did you miss me? eheh

Finally dbsk are together... kind of... now Yunho need to leave his company... maybe if he goes public about being gay he'll be free... LOL
songbird523 #8
Chapter 47: Reread this whole fanfic today and enjoyed it just as much the second time. I'm hopeful there might be a new chapter or two after the holidays since it's not marked as complete yet.
Chapter 47: Loving this story, It's great to see it all working out now!