
One Pink Envelope

I squirmed around, hoping for him to let go. But themore I moved, the tighter his grip got.

"Let me go!" I protested. He obeyed, but instead grabbed my wrist.

"Not until you answer my questions," he said. I sighed and gave in.

"What happened? Why are you always crying?" he asked. I hesitated and quickly thought about what I was going to say.

"I was just tired because of the drama. And what happened on stage was because of how sad the song was!" I lied. But he knew I was lying.

"Tell me the truth," he said stubbornly. I felt his grip getting looser. I opened my mouth, but quickly broke off and ran as fast as I can. I found myself in the basement parking lot. Luckily, I saw my manager dozing off in the car. I frantically banged on the window. The manager oppa was startled and rolled down the window.

"W-woonmyung? What is it?" he asked. I quickly asked him to unlock the car door. He obeyed as I quickly got into the back of the car.

"Go to...Hongdae!" I said. The manager started the car as we headed out to the streets of Hongdae. I looked back as we were driving away from the studio. I realized my guitar was still in the waiting room. I had my bag with me though, since I always leave it in the car.

"Drop me off of Hongdae and don't come back until I call you. I want some alone time," I informed my manager. He nodded. "And can you get my guitar, too? I left it there," I asked. He nodded again and went back to concentrating on his way to Hongdae. I got my phone out and turned it off. If I wanted alone time, I didn't want to talk to anyone. I grabbed a hat from my bag and put it on. Being alone would also mean without anyone seeing the "celebrity Woonmyung." The car halted and I got off. I thanked the manager as I saw him drive away. I started to walk. There were many people laughing and looking at stores. Most of them were couples...afterall it is Valentine's Day.

So many thoughts were going through my head. And I didn't know what to do. What should I do? I turned and looked at the glass of a clothes store. I was looking at my reflection. My skin and body looked healthy and fine. But I saw that my eyes were tired. My eyebags were drooping. My makeup was all washed away. I realized that I never lived the life as Woonmyung. I only lived the life as the actress Destiny, the guitarist Destiny, the actress Woonmyung, the K-Pop star Woonmyung. But never just Woonmyung. The decisions I made were limited, the freedom I had were limited. I never had the time to date or hang out with my friends. I always thought of what was best for my fans, the company, and my unnis and oppas. I never thought about what was best for me. I sighed and continued to walk. For this hour, I am me. Just me.

But who am I? I never learned who I was. I don't know my own personality, I don't know what I like. The one thing I know that I like is Green Tea Frappuccinos and...Sehun oppa. But I don't know who I am. What was my past like? How smart am I? Is there a college I want to go to? What is my favorite hang out place with friends? What is my ideal date? What is my favorite color? My favorite food? My favorite style of clothes?

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard someone cry. I saw a little boy crying. He had a balloon in one hand, but his other hand was empty. That hand should've been secured by his mom. The boy lost his mom. I went up to him and bent down.

"Did you lose your mom?" I asked softly. He nodded, but continued to cry. I hugged the little boy as he buried his wet face into my shoulders. I lifted him up. First things first, this boy has to stop crying. I headed to the nearest convenience store. I let go of the boy.

"Noona will buy you anything from here! Is there anything you want?" I asked him. The boy stopped crying and nodded his head. He went over to the candy and picked up two lollipops. We went over to the cash register and I paid for it. I unwrapped one of the lollipops and gave it to him. I put the other one in his pocket for safe keeping. He happily on the lollipop as we made our way back outside.

"Now, where did you lose your mommy?" I asked. The boy guided me to the middle of the streets. He said that he was walking with someone, but later realized that it wasn't his mom. He had been following someone who thought it was his mom. 

"Is there a store where your mommy was at?" I asked. He nodded as he guided me again to a clothes shop. We went in and the workers greeted us. I went up to one of the workers and asked:

"Have you seen this boy before? He claims that he was here with his mom a couple of hours ago. He lost his mom and I'm trying to help him," I said. The worker looked at the boy and nodded.

"Did his mom buy anything from here?" I asked.

"I believe his mom bought a dress. Let me go check the computer," said the lady as we went to the cash register. She looked at the history and nodded.

"Yes! She was here forty minutes ago," informed the lady.

"Do you have her phone number?" I asked. The lady looked back at the computer and nodded. She dialed the number and gave me the phone.

"Hello?" I heard a worried woman on the other end.

"Hello! Is this Mrs. Oh?" I asked. The woman said she was.

"I found your son on the streets and found your number through the store you were here about forty minutes ago! Your son is safe, so please don't panic. We are here at the clothes store," I told her. The woman sighed.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'll be there right away!" she said. I gave the phone back to the lady. In about five minutes, a woman ran in quickly. She immediately hugged her son and both of them cried. I smiled.

"Thank you so much for finding him! How can I possibly thank you?" asked the woman. I smiled and told her it was no problem.

"Let me buy you something!" she said. I rejected.

"I insist!" she continued, "You found my son! I have to thank you!" she said. I shook my head. Then, the little boy tugged on his mom's jeans.

"Mommy! Give her this!" he said as he took out the other lollipop from his pocket. He personally came up to me and gave me the candy. I smiled and accepted. I bent down and hugged him again. But this time, he wasn't crying. I fixed his ruffled hair.

"From now on, make sure you're with your mommy! Okay? Promise Noona!" I asked. He nodded.

We pinky-swore as the woman took his son. The boy kept looking back as he waved. I waved back at him and made my way out of the door. I turned my phone on to check the time. But when I turned my phone on, I found 87 missed calls and 62 unread messages. The missed calls consisted of all of the unnis and oppas. The messages asked me where I was. My phone buzzed again. Another message and this time, it was from my manager.

From: Manager Oppa

Woonmyung! Everyone is going to the club. The broadcast just finished. The club is an all-aged club, so nothing inappropriate for you. Everyone is worried about where you are. Come.

I sighed. I still didn't know my solution. I kept walking down the streets. I halted in my steps. I realized that I did find my solution. I helped the solution. I quickly dialed my manager oppa.

"Oppa? Come back to Hongdae," I said. "Meet me where you dropped me off."

He said he'll be there in five minutes. I went over to the accessory shop. I picked up a pink, sparkling cherry blossom barrette. I bought it and put it on my hair. I also bought a heart necklace. I asked the worker to wrap it for me. When she was done, I quickly ran to the meeting place. My manager was already there. I went into the car.

"Go back to the dorm," I said.

"Aren't you going to the after party?" he asked.

"No," I said as I was busy doing something on my phone. Done.

The manager quickly drove me to the dorm; he wanted to get back to the party fast. He dropped me off and I smiled at him and thanked him. He drove us as I opened the door to the dorm. I ran to my room. I brought out my suitcase and started to pack everything. I was leaving. Going back to New York. Tonight. The next flight possible. The little boy from earlier was heart broken from losing his mom. He was crying, not knowing what to do. But the way his face changed when he saw his mom hit me. He looked secured and safe. If I went back home, I would be secured and safe. No more crying and no more hearts broken. It was the best for everyone, too.

I touched my barrette. It was the last present Korea would give me. I rubbed my ring. I'll never find out who gave this to me, but it's ok. I don't need to know.

I grabbed the wrapped necklace. I looked at it. I grabbed a pen and scribbled on it:

"My First and Last Thing That'll Help You with Her. -WM"

I placed it in front of Taemin oppa's door. I hope he knows that it was for Sulli unni. After I was sure I was packed, I left my room. I looked at our house and sighed. I couldn't stand  ripping my heart to pieces. This was the first thing I'll do for me. I was walking to the door,

but the door suddenly opened.


chapters a little short...

my mom rushed me and yelled at me for not sleeping T____T

sorry guys~

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finished half but too tired to finish...x( sorry guys!


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Kyoya_kumo #1
Chapter 32: I swear I thought she was going to prank them or something like make D.O go in first with a super sad face/crying or something and then she goes in like "Why are you crying?" like nothing happen
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 40: Still loving this story so much <3
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 40: OMG idk how many times I've read and re-read this story!!! One of the best story EVER!!!
Chapter 36: That was great!!! Best story i''ve ever read :-)
Make a sequel please!!! :D
Chapter 38: Amazingg story~ ^.^ Looking foward to the sequel
finiteshine #7
Chapter 38: omg....thanks author-nim*bow*....
Chapter 38: It made me cry! gooosh. esp. the singing of Illa Illa part!!!!
LuckyJune #9
Chapter 38: yeasssss.. the title already is interesting
Little-soshi-things #10
Chapter 36: Sequel!!!!!