I only get paid this much?!

Save me from my /ice prince/ boss

You didn't hate going to work, but you sure as hell didn't love it. Today however was a different story, today was payday and you were definitely looking forward to going to work.

"Good morning sir." You said walking in, it was now part of your routine, even if the first time you saw Myungsoo wasn't in the morning, you would greet him. 
"Morning." Myungsoo said typing away at his laptop. 
He said good morning for the first time, I've worked here for three weeks and he finally said good morning. He didn't look up at me yet but being greeted back is way more than enough. You thought grinning. 
"You won't be very busy today sir. So I brought along the slides for the meeting next week, we might as well get it over and done with."
"Mr Kim I g--" You stopped talking talking when she heard Myungsoo shouting. 
"You're fired. Leave!" Myungsoo said standing in front of one the employees.
"You can't just fire me for no reason." The guy spat back. 
"Yes I can, get out before I call security." Myungsoo calmed down seeing the concern on your face.
"What happened?" You asked once the guy had left. 
"So you just fired him?"
"I had my reasons."
"Oh." You then handed him a bottle of water. "Here you go."
This was what Myungsoo loved about his PA, she didn't question him, she wasn't nosy like the others and she always knew what he needed. 
"Let's get working then." You sang. 
Why does she seem so happy today? Myungsoo pondered before responding. 
"So here is the presentation, but I think if we add more diagrams it would be better." You suggested as Myungsoo's gaze was fixed intently on you.
"You can add these in, but I don't want anymore than this." Myungsoo said handing you a couple of papers. 
His hand brushed your's slightly and both of them wondered why they felt so strange afterwards. As though that small touch sent masses of electricity following through their bodies. 
"Okay. I'll go do that sir." You said offering a smile then leaving. 
I always feel so much happier and energetic when she smiles. 
You was just filing the presentation as she got a text. 
'I won't be able to make lunch today. The jackass gave me so much work to do, I'm really sorry.' -Chanhee 
"Oh, I guess I'll just eat here today then." You said glumly and got her bag.
She found Myungsoo on her way out and decided to ask him if he wanted lunch. 
"I've already eaten, there's no need."
"Okay, I'll be back soon sir."
When Myungsoo heard the door open after a light knock, followed by light footsteps, he knew you had come back. He watched you from the corner of his eye putting down your bag and food. You then came out of your adjoining office with a cup of coffee. 
Coffee would be perfect right now, how did she know? Myungsoo thought smiling slightly but continued to work. 
Hearing the door close he looked up and saw you had left with the coffee. 
uWhere is she going? I thought that the coffee was for me. Myungsoo thought as he followed you to find out where you were going. He didn't know why, but he really wanted to find out. 
"Jin Ah, why did you call me here? Are you okay?" Chanhee asked. 
"I'm fine and I'm sorry for calling you, but here. I thought you would need this." 
The coffee is for Chanhee? What? 
"Oh, thank you baby! This coffee will be so handy for me."
"You're welcome. And go back to work now."
"Do I have to?"
"Stop being so cute and yes. Or Mr Kim will kill you."
"Okay." Chanhee said making a sad face. "See you tomorrow."
Youwaved and Myungsoo took that as the sign to return back to his desk before you noticed. He didn't know why but he felt upset the coffee wasn't meant for him. 
Chanhee's stupid anyways, what kind of guy is cute. He thought pouting. 
Is my boss pouting? How cute.
 I wonder why he's pouting though. You thought then went to go eat lunch. 
"Here you go Jin Ah." Linda said handing her an envelope.
"Thank you." you said.
Yes finally, money! She thought as she opened the envelope. 
"IS THAT IT?" She screamed. "Why do I only get paid this much for a whole month of slavery. If I question Myungsoo he'll probably take away my next months pay."
You ran your hands through your hair frustrated, but it was okay, your dad had given you money before leaving so you had more than enough money for the basics like paying rent and for food. So you decided just to go home.
At least work was more bearable now, Myungsoo wasn't being as cold and you had a new friend. Life could have been a lot worse  least you even had a job.
"A job with pay. No remember to be positive." You scolded yourself and went to say bye to your boss, despite being pissed at the amount of pay you were getting.
"Bye Mr Kim." You rich cheap bastard. 
"Bye." Myungsoo said still feeling more upset then he would've like about the coffee incident. 
Is he mad?  I'm the one that should be mad. He sure sounds mad though, but why?
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LuvNobles #1
Chapter 37: Glad they reconciled...hope everything goes well for them..as for the fanfics u asked for to share with new Inspirits I dnt know which one cuz as an Inspirit myself hv read tons too many n is still looking forward to read more LoL..

anywayz Thanx so much for update n hope u can gv us more!!
Chapter 35: Woah... That was tense... Great job author-nim!! :D
shanda #3
new subies here. woww i love ths story. i wonder what will happen next
update soon please
lkim0313 #4
Chapter 34: pregnant yeah yeah baby kkkk hope myungsoo have some faith to choose her first after his work :/
pogoshipo #5
Chapter 31: yes drama!! i've been waiting for this day c; btw i loved the sand castle scene ;3
LuvNobles #6
Chapter 30: Who is Meejin to Myungsoo...I see Jin Ah is gonna get heartbreak soon...anywayz thanks for update n hopefully u cn update soon!
pogoshipo #7
Chapter 29: making sand castles and then a major plot twist!!
Chapter 27: Awwwn cute! Another chapter? Hehehe~~ they are so freaking cute!:))
infiniteinfinite #9
Chapter 27: has it been almost a year? wow I didn't even realise it had been that long & I've been reading this fanfiction for ages wow
Chapter 25: b=pregnant pregnant pregnant , lol . nice story !!