Watching the Tape...

Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

From the Last Chapter...

Ms. Han: Oh, don't act innocent around me, just tell me what the hell happened to Tracy?!

Right Now...

Sulli, Krystal, Luna, Amber and Victoria: Uh...

Ms. Han: You know what? Save it. Tell the principal the whole story, ok?! Let go to the nurse, Tracy.

Tracy: I think I-I'm ok, Ms. Han.

Ms. Han: Stop lying, you're not ok, Tracy. And you girls. (She points at them) are coming with us.

Then Ms. Han tooks me to the nurse and went to the Principal Office with Sulli, Krystal, Amber, Luna and Victoria...

Sulli POV: That stupid, weak . Because of her fault! Her fault! We're now in trouble...

Then my girls and I enter the Principal Office with Ms. Han...

Ms. Han: Good morning, Sir.

Principal: Good morning, Ms. Han.

Ms. Han: Today, we have new guests...

Principal: Please, sit down, girls. (We all sits down) What happens, Ms. Han?

Ms. Han: Well, I was walking to the Girls Locker Room and saw these girls doing I don't know what, and I've found Ms. Hwang Tracy who's know at the nurse, on the floor crying, in pain and hurts.

Principal: Ok. So, who's going to tell us the story?

We all looks at each other and then Luna raises her hand...

Luna: Me, I'll tell you the story...

Principal & Ms. Han: Go on, then.

Luna: First of all, we really don't know what happened to her. We were changing our clothes and suddenly she comes in the Girls Locker Room all in pain and hurt. We just stand there, in shocked and we didn't know what to do at all and then finally Ms. Han finally came and help her.

Principal: That's the real story?

All: Yes. (We all answers)

Principal: No lies?

All: No lies.

Principal: Let see the tape from inside the Girls Locker Room. (He stands up from his chair)

All: What?! (We all yelled at the Principal)

Principal: I said, let see the tape from inside the Girls Locker Room, to see if you're saying the truth.

All: O-O-Ok, Sir.

Then the Principal went to the Girls Locker Room to get the tape from the hidden camera in the Girls Locker Room and my girls and I just waited for him to come back with Ms. Han staring at us...

Sulli POV: Man! This is my first time ever panicking! I hope I won't lose my name and popularity after we see the tape!

Victoria POV: Oh my gosh! I wish I won't drop out of this school after we see the tape!

Luna POV: I wish that tape never existed! I can't get fired from my school choir!

Amber POV: After we see the tape, I hope the time stops and we can all forget about what we've done to Tracy!

Krystal POV: I can't change my name from innocent and sweet to evil and y! I want to stay the same ¨sweet, innocent and pure¨ girl in everyone eyes!

Then the Principal comes into the office with the tape in his hand. He put it in the DVD player, click play and we watch the fight we did to ty Tracy... after we finished watching the tape the Principal and Ms. Han looks at us, shocked...

Ms. Han: Wow! So first of all, you lied to us the whole story and luckily we didn't got fooled-

Principal: Please, Ms. Han. Let me handle it. So, you (He points at me) Ms. Choi Sulli, were the main one in this fight because you gave her two hard slaps across her face and you even threaten Ms. Hwang Tracy. All because of Mr. Lee Taemin?

Sulli: (I looks down and play with my fingers) I-I guess..

Ms. Han: Why?

Sulli: B-Because I love Taemin O-Oppa?

Principal: Is that a question?

Sulli: No...

Principal: Anyway, you (He points at Luna) gave Ms. Hwang Tracy a broken leg.

Luna: B-Broken leg?! (All of our jaws drop open)

Principal: Yes. So, all of your parents are going to have an meeting with Ms. Hwang Tracy parents, Ms. Han and myself here in this office, tomorrow at 9 o'clock. Ok?

All: O-Ok, Sir.

Principal: Also everyday, you have detention with Mr. Goo.

All: Mr. Goo?! But he's the worst teacher in this school!!!

Principal: I know. But you have to survive with everything Mr. Goo's said.

Ms. Han: Let go to the gym, right now girls.

All: Yes, Ms. Han. (We all stands up and follow Ms. Han to the gym)


TO BE CONTINIUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!