Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

The Next Day…

Walking down the hall to my locker…

Tracy POV: Last night, I had the most amazing and perfect dream ever! In my dream, Taemin Oppa had confessed me and gave me a beautiful necklace but of course it was just a dream…

I open my locker door to get out my books I need for class but something really caught my attention. I look at myself on the mirror my locker door have and I’m wearing the beautiful necklace that Taemin gave me in my dream…

Tracy POV: If I have this necklace on that mean… Taemin did confess me yesterday!!! It wasn’t a dream at all!!! I’m Lee Taemin girlfriend!!!

I squeal of excitement of realizing it wasn’t a dream. Then Jenna tickles me from behind causing me to yelp a little…

Jenna: Hey Tracy! Why did you just squeal?

Tracy POV: Shoot! Did I squeal very loud?

Tracy: Oh~ nothing… i-it just a beautiful day, don’t you think?

Jenna: Ok, tell me. What did just happen?

Tracy: Hmm… I’ll tell you at lunchtime.

Jenna: Hmm… ok.

Then the bell rings, Jenna and I walk to our classroom and entering the classroom Taemin turn around from his seat, look at me and smile and wave at me while I wave at him back, blushing…

Jenna: What that? (She ask shocked, staring at Taemin who’s still smiling at me)

Tracy: W-What do you mean?

Jenna: Did I just saw Lee Taemin smiling and waving at you?

Tracy: Maybe… I don’t know… (I said giggling)

Jenna: Oh my God! (She squeals)

Tracy: Hey! Stop squealing!

Jenna: Sorry…

Tracy: Let go. (Jenna and I went to our seats and out teacher come in)

*Skipping the boring Math class…*

At the Cafeteria…

Today I didn’t brought my lunch from home, so I went to the canteen to buy my lunch while Jenna’s eating her lunch at our table…

While waiting in the canteen line, someone wrapped their arms around my hips and gave it a squeeze. I turn around finding out it was Taemin, still with his arms around my hips. I try to get out of his embrace before someone could see us but he’s very strong…

Tracy: Taemin Oppa…

Taemin: Hey my beautiful Tracy… (He kisses my forehead)

Tracy: (I finally got out of his embrace) Taemin Oppa! (I whisper-shout at him)

Taemin: What’s wrong, Tracy? (He ask confuse)

Tracy: Do you want someone to know about us? (I whisper-shout at him again)

Taemin: No… but I only want everyone to know that you’re only mine. Not anyone expect mine… (He said sneaking an arm around my waist but I didn’t let him to go all the way)

Tracy: Stop it! (I playfully whisper-shout at him once again)

Taemin: (He laughs at bit) Ok, I’ll leave now. Bye~ (He pucker his lips, with his eyes closes)

Tracy: Bye Taemin Oppa! (I whisper-shout at him, pushing him away)

Taemin: Aishh… ok. (He leaves)

I buy my lunch, went to my table and sit beside Jenna…

Jenna: So…

Tracy: So what?

Jenna: What were you’re going to tell me?

Tracy: What do you me- oh!

I tell her everything what happen yesterday with Taemin to what happen a few minutes ago at the canteen line…

Jenna: Oh. My. God.

Tracy: (I giggle) that’s all you can say? Oh my God?

Jenna didn’t answer me expect pull me into a breath-taking hug…

Jenna: I’m very very very glad and jealous of you, Tracy… (She whisper to me)

Tracy: Why you’re jealous? (I ask wriggling in her strong embrace and she let go of me)

Jenna: Jealous because your boyfriend is the school Kingka Lee Taemin! (She whisper-shout to me)

Tracy: (I put my finger on her lips) Shh! This is a secret… No one got to find out about Taemin and I. Got that, Jenna? (She just nods and I take my finger off her lips) Now let change the subject and eat.

Jenna: No, no, no. I have lots of questions about Taecy… (She said-whisper cheerfully at me)

Tracy: Taecy?

Jenna: Yeah, since you and Taemin are a couple. Taemin + Tracy= Taecy…

Tracy: Wow! Ok, uh… what’s question number one?

----------Skipping Jenna’s Questions--------


To be Continue…

Tomorrow I'll update, I promise!!! ^^

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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!