
Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

Tracy POV: Choi Jinri a.k.a. Sulli. She’s who tied my dad and is now infront of me. In my house…

Sulli: Surprise! (She said with a smile on her face)

Tracy POV: Oh! How I want to punch her face and leave her with a bruise face, so she can’t smile ever again…

I glare at her and walk toward her -so does she toward me- till there was only 1 inch between our faces and body…

Tracy: What. Are. You. Doing. In. My. House? (I hiss with my hands still balled, glaring into her eyes)

Sulli: Wow! What a way to greet me. (She pouts making me almost gag)

Tracy: I’ll. Ask. Once. Again… What. Are. You. Doing. In. My. House?

Sulli: To see you, of course. (She walks around me in circle) and your dear father… (She leans in to my dad face)

But, in a speed of lighting, I step infront of my dad protecting hime from the evil queen infront of me…

Sulli: What are you doing, y?

Tracy: Get out of my house right now… Jinri. (I said the Jinri instead of Sulli because she hates being called by her real name)

Sulli: (She scoffs) call me Sulli or Jinri. I don’t care…

Tracy POV: Urgh! She really knows how to get me angry within seconds!

Tracy: Choi Jinri, Choi Sulli or whatever you want to be called. Get out of my house!!! Now!!! (I said as a mother scolding her child)

In a blink of an eye, Sulli appear behind my Dad with one arm around his neck and the other holding a knife pointing his heart…

Tracy: WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?! (I scream with my eyes wide open)

Sulli: Why so afraid, ?

Tracy: He’s. My. Dad! The only family I have left. You can’t take him away like you took away Jenna and my humanity!!!

Dad: She’s the one who bite you, Sweetie? (He suddenly ask after the scotch tape glue loosen)

Sulli: Oh! So you do speak! Perfect! So do you have any words you want to say to your pathetic daughter before going to hell, Mr. Hwang?

Tracy: Sulli. Please, I’m begging you. Don’t hurt my Dad… (I swallow a lump that’s forming in my throat)

Sulli: Oh! Are you going to cry for your stupid father when you already had my Taemin?!?! (She yells at me)

Tracy: Huh? *Sigh* Taemin doesn’t have to do with this, so don’t involve him in our business. Just let go of my dad, please. (My eyes start tearing up)

Sulli: (She pout and tilt her head to the side, seeing me slowly breaking down and smirk) Too late, .

Sulli lift her knife ready to stab in my Dad heart but I quickly push Sulli against the wall making her gasp loud. Sulli had already let go of her knife and I had now have both of her wrists beside her head…

Tracy: Hmm… I guess we’re going to have a not-so-nice talk right now, Missy. (I hiss, glaring into her eyes)

Sulli smirk and switch position. Now it’s my turn to gasp loud over the very strong pressing on my wrists beside my head…

Sulli: So… where should we start our conversation?

Tracy: Tonight. At 9 o’clock. At… SHINee’s house.

Sulli: (She lean in and whisper in my ear) Deal. (Then she leaves through my bedroom window)

Dad: Tracy?

Tracy: I’m sooo sorry, Dad. (I said untying the ropes off his hands from behind his back)

Once I finish untying the ropes, my Dad quickly turn around and we hug each other’s like there’s no tomorrow…

Dad: What do you mean by tonight at 9 o’clock at SHINee’s house? (He whisper into my hair)

Tracy: I’m sorry but I can’t tell you beside I have lots of things to do. Study, train and then fight. (I flash a smile before going to my room but I stop on my way and turn around to my Dad)

Dad: What’s wrong?

Tracy: Why don’t you go to my boyfriend house with me tonight?

Dad: B-Boyfriend? Since when you had a boyfriend?

Tracy: No time to explain. So? Can you come with me and meet him? And also his friends?

Dad: S-Sure. Why not?

I flash a smile before going to my room and study…

Tracy POV: The reason why I ask my Dad to come along with me is because I want to keep him away from Sulli in case if she come back to hurt him while I’m out.

 After studying for like 2 hours and a half, I go to my Dad room and knock…

Tracy: Dad! Get dress! We have to be at SHINee house early!

Dad: Ok! (He shouts back)

I go back to my bedroom and put on a short with a loose Mickey Mouse t-shirt and a pair of AllStar Converse. I go downstairs seeing my Dad wearing dark blue sweatpants, a black turtle-neck sweater and a white coat ontop making me burst into laughter…

Tracy POV: Oh! What a silly Dad I have!

Dad: What’s so funny? I’m just protecting myself from your vampire friends.

Tracy: Trust me, Dad. They won’t bite you instead run away from you. (I joke, chuckling) Come on, let change this ridiculous outfit. (I said grabbing his hand and take him upstairs)

Then after changing my Dad from a Chocolate Snow Monster into a normal man outfit, we begin walking to SHINee’s house. When we arrive, my Dad inhale and exhale a deep breath…

Tracy: Calm down, Dad. They won’t bite you. Trust me.

My Dad just nod and I knock. Key quickly immediately open the door and pull me into a hug…

Key: What took you too long? (He whisper into my hair)

I struggle him off and stare at him, gesturing my Dad’s behind me. He finally got the sign and look behind me, smiling…

Key: Hello! (He bow) My name’s Kibum but my friends call me Key. I’m one of Tracy close friends. It’s so nice to meet you, Mr. Hwang.

Dad: Hello Key. (He bow back) I’m Tracy’s father and it’s so nice to meet you too.

Key: Why don’t you two please come inside? (He opens the door a little wider)

I gesture my Dad to enter before me, he did as he was told and Key wrap an arm around me before I step in…

Key: Does he know about our secret? (He whisper into my hair)

I struggle him off and look at him with a DUH! look on my face…

Tracy: What’s with people lately with hugging and whispering into their hair? (Then I enter house)

I stand beside my Dad whose busy looking at the Onew who’s taking a nap on the couch while Jonghyun and Minho are playing video games in mute. Suddenly Onew shot open his eyes and they all turn their attention to my Dad making him stumble back a little, scared…

Tracy: (I giggles) Relax Daddy… Oppas! Stop freaking out my Dad!

Onew: Sorry… (He mumbles rubbing his eyes)

Tracy: Dad I want you to meet Minho, Jonghyun and Onew. Neither of them are my boyfriend just close friends of mine since they’re also vampire…

Voice in my Head: Does he know?!

Tracy POV: Of course, Dummy!!!

Onew, Jonghyun and Minho stand up to introduce themselves to my Dad who gladly and confidently introduces himself to them. Then I realize Taemin wasn’t nowhere in sight…

Tracy POV: Where’s Taemin Oppa? Or like how I should say now, my Jaigya?

Voice in my Head: Behind you, silly.

I turn around and Taemin attack me with a bear hug and butterfly kisses all over my face making me giggle of his cute, childish way to greet me…

Taemin: You. *Kiss* Had. *Kiss* Me. *Kiss* Worry. *Kiss* Jaigya. *Kiss* (He said between kisses on my lips)

Tracy: *Sigh* you never get tired of kissing me, huh? (I smirk)

Jonghyun, Minho, Key & Onew: Never. And ever will! (They sing in unison making me giggle)

Taemin: So? (He looks at me with puppy eyes)

Tracy: *Sigh* I had a visitor in my house…

Taemin, Key, Minho, Jonghyun & Onew: Who?

Tracy: Sulli… (I mumble)

Taemin: What?! What did she do to you?! Did she hurt you or something?! (He shouts with his eyes wide open and start checking from head to toe)

Tracy: (I smile) I’m fine, Oppa. Beside… (I pull my Dad beside me) Dad, I want you to meet Taemin, my vampire boyfriend. Taemin, I want you to meet my human Father.

Tracy POV: Please get along well! Please get along well!

Taemin: It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Hwang. My name’s Lee Taemin and I’m 18 years old. No need to worry about your daughter because I always have my eyes on her and protecting her from anything. (He bow and take out his hand)

Dad: Wow! What a complete gentleman! It’s a pleasure to finally meet you too, Mr. Lee Taemin. I’m really glad you really care for my daughter as much I do. (They shake hands making me do a happy jump)

Tracy: You two finally meet each other’s! So you’re now happy I pick the right guy, Daddy? (I said wrapping my arm around Taemin shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist)

Dad: Uh… yeah! I’m really happy. Honestly, you two look cute together. I wish you two all the happiness and love from the world.

I get out of Taemin arms and jump into my Dad arms, happiness over-flowing me. After letting my Dad get to know better each boy, I grow tired of not being able to fit in the conversation since I’m not boy. Finally Taemin notice my bored-ness and put his hand on my leg, getting my attention…

Taemin: What’s wrong, Jaigya?

Tracy: I’m just bored, Jaigya.

Taemin: Want to do something?

Tracy: Train. That’s what I want to do… (I quickly said)

Taemin: Train?

Tracy POV: Oh! I didn’t tell him!

Voice in my Head: Didn’t tell him what, Tracy?

I look at Minho and glare at him…

Tracy POV: None of you business, Minho!

I bet Taemin realize Minho and I was communicating through our mind because he grab my hand and drag me to the balcony of the house…

Taemin: Ok. Tell me. First, what do you mean that you want to train? And second of all, why you and Minho-Hyung are always communicating in your minds?! (He start getting angry)

I can’t help but smile since we both know that he wasn’t actually really mad…

Tracy: Aww~ my Jaigya’s… jealous? (I sing the last part, wrapping my arms around his neck and he rest his hands on my waist)

Taemin: A-A little… (He softly mumble-admit)

Tracy: *Sigh* Taeminnie. Keep this in mind. Minho Oppa and I don’t have anything going on. I’m just a little close with him then the other because we like teasing each other’s. So… no need to be jealous. I don’t like him. I only love you, Jaigya. (I give him a peck)

Taemin: *Sigh* Ok… (He whisper and give me a peck on my lips) So what do you mean that you want to train? (He pulls me a little closer to his body)

Tracy: Well, uh… I told you that Sulli came to my house, right? (He nod) so…

I told Taemin the whole story of when I arrive to my house finding my Dad tied up and to the time when Sulli get out of my bedroom window after our little talk…

Taemin: Let get my Hyungs and start training, then! (He said with a smirk and I smirk back before going back the living room)

*After Training with SHINee for over 5 hours…*

Tracy: Whew! (I said wiping my sweats off my forehead) That was one long training!

Minho: So, do you think you’re ready, Tracy?

Tracy: *Sigh* Yes. (I hesitate and take a sip of water)

Onew: At what time Sulli’s will be arriving again?

Tracy, Taemin, Minho, Jonghyun & Key: At 9 o’clock, Onew! Gosh! This is the 47th time we say it!!!

Onew: *Sigh* sorry. I’m just forgettable… (He mumbles)

Jonghyun: What time is it, Mr. Hwang?

My Dad looks at his watch and look up at us…

Dad: 8:52p.m.

Key: *Sigh* Ok. Let wait 8 minutes till she arrive…

8 Minutes later and Sulli arrive to SHINee’s house…

Sulli POV: Hmm… I wonder what our little not-so-nice talk will be…

I stand infront of SHINee’s house, seeing all the lights off and it seem like no one was there…

Sulli: Tracy? Tracy ? (I softly sing looking around)

Sulli POV: Huh… that’s strange… maybe I should go to that house and kill her stupid dad then.

I turn around seeing Onew Oppa eating chicken, making me put on a disgust/clueless face…

Onew: What? You don’t like chicken? (He asks and continue eating, his eyes always on me)

Sulli: N-No… Eww~ (I take one glance at the -what it seem- empty house and look back at Onew Oppa) D-Do you know where either Taemin Oppa or Tracy is?

Onew POV: Taemin Oppa and Tracy ? Ha! Now you’re going to call him them Taecy Meanies! That doesn’t make any sense! Remember Onew, be cool! Don’t screw it up!



(Be patient, my dear subbies! ^^ I know you all want to read how Taecy will torture/kill Sulli as much Taecy and I do!)

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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!