
Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

The Next Day…

Sulli POV: I walk down the hall to my locker and to my surprise, Krystal was infront of my locker…

Krystal: Unnie! (She said once she see me and her face was filled with fear)

Sulli: What’s wrong, Krystal?

Krystal: I’ve been calling and texting Amber Unnie and she hasn’t returned my calls or texts! I haven’t heard of her since she went home yesterday!

Sulli POV: Of course, she’s like scared since she and Amber Unnie are really close to almost call and text each other’s 24/7.

Sulli: Maybe… (I couldn’t think of a good excuse) Yeah… that’s really strange. Let ask Key Oppa…

Krystal and I walk to the other side of the school which’s where Key Oppa should be. We reach the other side of the school and find Key Oppa laughing with Jonghyun Oppa, Onew Oppa, Minho Oppa, Taemin Oppa and Tracy . I immediately glare at Tracy and she glare back at me while Krystal drag me to her side, facing Key Oppa…

Krystal: Oppa, what happen to your girlfriend?

Key: Amber? (We nod) I-I don’t know. Yesterday, I’ve left her at her house and went home; I haven’t heard anything about her…

Krystal: (She pouts) that’s very strange. (She looks at her phone) Unnie hasn’t called me or texts me for the pass 14 hours straight! (She stomp away)

Krystal walking home…

Krystal POV: Amber Unnie! Why aren’t you answering me?!?!?!

While walking home, I feel someone was like following me. I turn around and see nothing. I turn around finding Minho Oppa right infront of me, making me shriek loud…

Krystal: Oppa! (I slap his arm and pout)

Minho: (He chuckles) Sorry for scaring you, Stal.

Krystal: Stal?

Krystal POV: That’s really weird yet nice, hearing Minho calling me Stal for the first time…

Minho: Want me to walk you home? (He said flipping his hair with charisma)

Krystal: S-Sure.

Krystal POV: Why am I shuttering?! Calm down, Jung SooJung!

Minho Oppa and I walk home in silence, until Minho Oppa stop walking and so did I…

Krystal: What’s wrong, Oppa? (I said and tilt my head to the side)

Minho: I-I think I forgot my Chemistry book…

Krystal: Let get it then. (I said flashing my killer smile)

Minho POV: Urgh! Does she really think that she’ll seduce me with her killer smile?

I smile and we walk back to school. We enter the Chemistry classroom and unknowing, the corner of my lips curl into a smirk…

Krystal: Soo… where did you left your Chemistry book?

Minho: Nah! Let forget about that… (I said smirking and walking toward her)

Krystal: (She smirks and walk toward me) why? What are you going to do, Oppa?

Krystal POV: Oh my gosh! What’s my Oppa going to do now?! Eeek! I’m so kind of excited!

Minho Oppa and I lean close until we could feel our breath on each other’s lips. I lean a little closer to touch his lips but something very hot like acid(?!) touch my stomach, making me jump back and scream on top of my lungs cause that thing was very damn hot against my sensitive skin!

Minho POV: Hehe… somehow I like seeing Krystal hurt. Why? Because she and her friends broke Taecy for God Sakes! I really care for my friends. I’ll hurt them no matter what, if they mess with me, my friends or their/my beloveds.

Krystal: (Panting) Oppa! What did you do?! (She leans on the Chemistry table, holding her stomach which I pour chemical on)

Minho: Nothing... I’m torturing you, Stal. (I whisper-growls, smirking)

Krystal: Ow~ (She whines)

Minho: Are you ok, Stal? (I ask with concernin my voice but I was giggling non-stop in my mind)

Krystal: Stay back! (She growls with her fangs out)

Krystal POV: Please, someone help me. I can’t support this pain on my stomach…

Voice in my Mind: Kekeke! No one’s going to help you, SooJung. It’s only you and me…

I look at Minho Oppa, seeing him smirking and walking toward me while I walk back away until my back touch the wall, Minho Oppa put his hands beside my head, trapping me…

Minho: Time for some fun, SooJung… (He huskily said, sending shivers down my spine)

I look into Minho’s Froggy, brown eyes seeing lots of excitement, desire and hate…

Krystal: A-Are you g-going to… (Minho nod, answering my question before I could actually finish it)

Slowly Minho Oppa back away leaving me staring at every move he makes, carefully. Minho Oppa takes out something from behind. Once I get a better view of that thing, it was a laboratory glassware filled with something yellow. Since I’m a vampire, I could smell from afar. It was gasoline…

Krystal POV: Is Choi Minho’s going to b-burn me?!?!?!

Minho answers my not-out-loud question by nodding while smirking at me. Without saying anything, Minho Oppa spills the liquid on me making a loud shriek come out of my mouth. I wipe away some gasoline that got in my eyes and see Minho Oppa takes out a lighter. Without warning, he throws it to the gasoline and the fire quickly rushes to me, making me jump around and scream ontop of my lungs…

Minho POV: Kekeke! Seeing Krystal burning is really fun!

I just stand there and watch Krystal jump around and scream for her life while laughing. Soon the fire sprinklers start sprinkling which cause me to immediately get out through the window once some drops touches my skin…

Minho: Ah! Damn! (I hesitate rubbing the spots where some drops hit my sensitive skin)


Mission #4: Killing Krystal. |COMPLETE|

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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!