Finding Out... o.O

Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

The Next Day…

~Taemin Nightmare~

I was running around a dark, cold forest. Calling Tracy’s name, panicking…

Someone: Looking for someone? (A voice from behind me said, I quickly turn around and nothing)

Taemin: D-Do you know where my girlfriend is? (I ask, looking around, hoping for an answer)

Someone: Why? (The voice whisper in my ear, sending shivers down my spine)

I immediately turn around, finding Tracy covered in blood, her hair messy and glaring at me…

Tracy: This is your entire fault, Lee Taemin! (She said still glaring at me)

Taemin: W-What do you mean, Tracy? (I said cupping her face but she back away, still glaring)

Tracy: Do you know why I’m covered in blood? (I nods and my eyes start tearing up) No you don’t!

Taemin: T-Then why you’re covered in b-blood? (I said trying to hold back my tears)

Tracy: Because, your ex-girlfriend and her friends killed me, Taemin! And it is your entire fault! (She points at her body floating in the water)

Taemin: TRACY!!! (I shouts and ran to her body) N-No. T-This can’t be happening! (I said between tears, rocking Tracy body back and forth)

Tracy: Taemin… (I look up at her) It’s your entire fault. It’s your fault. (She repeats until suddenly Tracy changes into Sulli, still smirking at me)

Sulli: (She chuckles) Miss me, Oppa? (She said smirking at me)

Taemin: Huh? (I look at Tracy body in my arms and her body slowly starts to fade away, leaving my arms wraps in the air) What have you done?!?!?! (I growls at her)

Sulli: (She chuckles) She’s gone now, Taemin. Tracy’s gone… (She said until she fades away)

~End of Taemin Nightmare~

Then someone shakes my shoulder, I shot open my eyes hoping it was Tracy but it was Mr. Kim…

Taemin: Uh… G-Good morning, Mr. Kim… (I said half-awake and panting)

Mr. Kim: Good morning, Taemin… Are you ok? (He said worry)

Taemin: Y-Yes, Mr. Kim. (I said getting up from Tracy’s laps) Why?

Mr. Kim didn’t answer instead he wipes away a bit of sweats that was running down my forehead…

Mr. Kim: Well that’s not good…

Taemin: I-I was just having a nightmare, Mr. Kim. Nothing big. Just a nightmare… (I said smiling)

Mr. Kim: Are you sure? (I just nod) Ok, if you say so.

I look at still sleeping Tracy, run my hand down her cold cheek and kiss her lips…

Taemin: When will she wake up, Mr. Kim? (I ask still looking at Tracy)

Mr. Kim: I don’t know. Maybe in either 2 or 3 days…

Taemin: *Sigh* Ok.

Yuri: Mr. Kim. (She said as she pop her head from the door) We have a new patient.

Mr. Kim: Ok. Thank you, Ms. Yuri. (She just nods and leaves) Well, Taemin… I’ll leave you alone with Tracy. (He said and leaves)

Taemin: *Sigh* Tracy… why did you even went there? Why you didn’t even tell me?

Then a phone start weakly beeping, I look around for the phone until I find it on a table near the door. I open the phone and it was a new message from Tracy’s Dad…

Dad- Hi Sweetie! Why you didn’t call or texts me if you were going to stay at Jenna’s house? Please let me know if you’re OK! J

Taemin: Stay at Jenna’s house? Hehe! My Tracy lied… (I mumble to myself)

I text back…

Tracy- Sorry Daddy! I forgot! I’m perfectly fine! ^^ By the way, I’m going to stay at Jenna’s house again this night so maybe I’ll see you on Monday after school! J

Taemin: *Sigh* I wish she was perfectly fine, Mr. Hwang… (I mumble to myself, staring at I’m perfectly fine!)

A few minutes later, Tracy’s dad writes back…

Dad- Ok. Take care & I love you, Sweetie!

Taemin: Take care… *Sigh* Sorry I wasn’t there to take care of her, Mr. Hwang… (I mumble to myself again, staring at Take care & I love you, Sweetie!)

Tracy- I love you too, daddy! ^.^

After texting back at Tracy’s dad, I put her phone on the table beside her bed and stare at Tracy from head to toe…

Taemin: Why you, Tracy? (I whisper, running my fingers through my hair, frustrated) *Sigh* I wish this is just a nightmare that I’m having… (I said and my eyes start tearing up)

Then someone start patting my back, I look up with my eyes filled with tears and it was Jonghyun Hyung patting my back and the others were staring at Tracy with their eyes filled with sorry…

Taemin: H-Hi Hyungs… (I said as I wipe my tears away)

Minho: How’s Tracy?

Taemin: She still in a coma and Mr. Kim said that she may wake up in 2 or 3 days.

Onew: And how are you, Taemin?

Taemin: *Sniffles* Fine. Just feeling a bit guilty and helpless…

Key: Taemin, I told you. What happened to Tracy isn’t your fault.

Jonghyun: Only Sulli’s fault. Good thing you killed her and the others…

Taemin: (I chuckles) you’re right, Hyung. (I said and stare at Tracy)

Onew: Uh… we just came to check up on you and Tracy. And also… to take you out for lunch.

Taemin: I-I’m sorry, Hyung. I can’t leave Tracy alone…

Onew: I tried… (He whisper to Key Hyung)

Minho: Come on, Taemin. Just for a lunch. I’m sure Tracy will be fine while we go out…

Taemin: NO! (I growls with my fangs showing) I’m not going to leave Tracy alone just for lunch!

Jonghyun: Ok! Calm down, Taemin. No need to be scary…

Key: I got an idea. Why don’t we buy our lunch and we all eat here with Tracy?

Taemin POV: That’s a better idea than making me leave Tracy...

Minho: Ok. So, Onew Hyung and I will buy our lunch while Jonghyun Hyung and Key Hyung stay with you. Happy now, Taemin?

Taemin: Yes! Bye Hyungs! (I said very relief of not being forced to leave Tracy)

Onew: Ok, bye then.

So Onew Hyung and Minho Hyung leave to buy our lunch while Key Hyung, Jonghyun Hyung and I stayed with Tracy…

Jonghyun: So… why you’re sweating, huh?

Taemin: Uh… because the air conditioner got broken, a few minutes ago…

Jonghyun: Taemin… don’t lie.

Taemin: Ok. Fine, I had a nightmare…

Key: About?

Taemin: Tracy, Sulli and me…

Jonghyun: What else happened?

Taemin: I don’t know. It was… confusing, Hyung. I was like in a forest, confuse and panicking. Suddenly Tracy appears and starts yelling at me that this is my entire fault…

Key: About what happened to her? (I just nod) Taemin… it was just a nightmare.

Jonghyun: It won’t come true. Beside, the nightmare you dreamt is your fault.

Taemin: What do you mean, Hyung?

Key: If you wouldn’t tell yourself that it was your fault, then you wouldn’t have this nightmare and sweat a lot like you do everytime after dancing…

Taemin: (I chuckles) Yeah…

Jonghyun: So… (He pats my back) Don’t worry about that nightmare, because…

Key & Jonghyun: It won’t come true…


With Onew & Minho walking back to the hospital…

Onew POV: Aishh… Sulli why you did this to Tracy? If you did this to get Tracy out of her way and end up with Taemin. What a stupid and childish plan…

Minho: Hyung… (I look at him) I can hear you… (He said chuckling)

Onew: Oh! Right… (I smile at myself)

Onew POV: Well, that was a bit embarrassing, I guess…

Minho: Hyung! Stop thinking/talking to yourself! (He shouts at me)

Onew: Sorry Minho. I can’t help it…

Minho and I passes by our school and while passing by, we hear like a window break. We immediately run to where the loud noise came from. When we arrive at where the loud noise came from, we saw a chair on the ground on the grass…

Minho: Look like someone used this chair to break the window… (He said as he bends down)

I look at the broken window and see Sulli, Krystal, Amber, Luna and Victoria in shock and… alive?

Minho: Sulli? Krystal? Amber? Luna? Victoria Noona? (He said standing up and in shock)

Sulli: H-Hi Oppas. (She said shyly, waving at us)

Onew: Y-You're all alive? (I shutter, looking at each one, that are simply… alive)

They nods and take a step back away from the window, staring at us…

Minho: How come, Hyung? (He whisper to me while I just move my shoulders up and down)

Victoria: Why don’t you guys seem happy to see us? (She said smirking)

Onew: Why we should be? (I said coldly)

Minho: You all left Taemin girlfriend in a coma and we should be happy for doing that?! (He growls)

Onew: We may be happy drinking human blood but not Taemin’s girlfriend blood! You left Taemin feeling guilty and helpless of not being there protecting her because of your fault! Should we-

Luna: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Tracy a-a-alive?

Minho: She’s in a coma. She might wake up any sooner. And her name isn’t Tracy expect Tracy, that’s it!

Luna: Sorry Oppa… (She whisper to herself)

Sulli: Hold on! Did you just say that, she’s in a coma? And she might wake up any sooner? (Minho and I just nod)

Sulli POV: Ha! In Taemin Oppa dream, she’ll be alive. She totally doesn’t deserve to live and take Oppa away from me. It’s show time again…

Minho: SULLI!!! (He growls at me with his fangs now showing)

Sulli: Yes Oppa? (I said innocently)

Minho: You’re not going to get close to Tracy, ever again! Not one inch close. I warn you, Sulli. (He growls)

Sulli: Ok. (I simply said)

Krystal: Where’s Tracy . I mean, Tracy! (She suddenly ask)

Onew: We’re NOT going to tell you. (He growls)

Krystal: Fine…

Minho: Hyung, let go. I can’t stand having these girls infront of my eyes after what they done to Tracy… (He said glaring at us)

Onew Oppa and Minho Oppa walk away without saying anything…

Sulli: Let follow them, girls. (I whisper to my girls)

Luna: What? Did you forgot that Minho Oppa just warn you about getting close to Tracy ? (She whisper-shout at me)

Sulli: Who cares? They aren’t our boss. Let go, they leaving!!! (I whisper-shout at them)

Without re-thinking again, my girls and I follow Onew Oppa and Minho Oppa to the hospital, we guess…

Onew: How could those girls be alive, Minho?

Minho: I don’t know, Hyung. Oh! Now I know…

Onew: What? Tell me, Minho.

Minho: Taemin stabbed them with an iron knife, right?

Onew: I guess.

Minho: Of course! Killing a vampire with an iron knife isn’t enough. The way to kill a vampire is to stab a wooden stake  in their heart. Not an iron knife. Stupid Taemin…

Onew: Aishh… Taemin…

Minho: Should we tell the others that they are alive and that they can possibly go after Tracy, again?

Onew: Yes we should… But! On the right time…

Minho POV: I feel like I really have to kill those girls, really dead, because they made Taeminnie sad!

Onew Hyung and I arrive to the hospital and went to room 38 (Tracy’s Room)

Onew: Here we are! We brought chicken for lunch! (He said cheerfully)

Jonghyun: Of course! (He said chuckling)

Onew: And… we also brought banana milk for Taemin! (He said cheerfully and handing Taemin a bottle of banana milk)

Taemin: Wa~! Thanks Hyung! (He said and quickly starts drinking the banana milk like there’s no tomorrow)

After Eating…

Onew: Uh… guys, we got some bad news to tell you…

Key: What is it?

Onew Hyung looks at me…

Minho: Uh… *Sigh* (I look at Taemin) Sulli… and the others… are a-alive…

Taemin: WHAT?!?! (He said jumping out of his chair, in shock)

I look at Onew Hyung…

Onew: We saw them earlier while we were coming back to the hospital. They were trying to get out of the Chemistry Classroom through the window…

Jonghyun: What else happened?

Minho: I-I read Sulli’s mind… and… *Sigh*

Taemin: Talk Minho!!! (He shouts and I look at him, surprised) Hyung…

Key: Calm down, Taemin…

Taemin sits down and I let out a sigh of nervousness…

Minho: I read Sulli’s mind and… *Sigh* we have to be aware of them because I have a feeling that they’re going to go after Tracy since they know that she’s in a coma…

Taemin didn’t say anything expect he stand up and sits at the chair beside Tracy’s bed, staring at her…

Taemin: *Sigh* Are you going to help me, Hyungs? To stop them of getting close to her? (He suddenly ask)

Onew, Jonghyun, Key Hyung & I: Of course, we will! (We said, in unison)

Taemin look away from Tracy, stand up and hug us all in a big hug…

Taemin: I don’t know what I’ll do without you, Hyungs. (He said as he breaks the hug)

Jonghyun: Well, since you're our youngest, we always got your back.

Key: You can count on us anytime...

Taemin didn’t say anything and hug us all in a big hug again…



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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!