Finally... ^^

Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

Taemin POV: An hour and a half has passes and still Mr. Kim hasn’t finished checking Tracy?

Key: Taemin.

Taemin: What Hyung? (I said not bothering to look at his face)

Key: Calm down! (I look at him confuses) Stop shaking your legs!

Taemin: Oh! (I stop shaking my legs) Sorry Hyung… *Sigh* Hyung, why your dad take so long to check on Tracy?

Key: *Sigh* I don’t know…

Taemin: Hmm… could it be that she’s already dead?!

Key: What? Of course not Tae-

Before Key Hyung could finish his sentence, I already ran to room 38…

Mr. Kim: Taemin? Why you’re here? You should be waiting outside…

Taemin: I’m sorry, Mr. Kim. It just that… I’ve panicked since you haven’t told me anything about Tracy, an hour and a half ago…

Mr. Kim: I’m sorry, Taemin. I was busy with others patients and-

Taemin: Wait, wait, wait. Busy with others patients?! That means… that you haven’t even taken a look at Tracy?! (I start raising my voice and growling at him)

Mr. Kim: Taemin! Calm down your anger. I understand that she’s your girlfriend and all that, but there are also other people who need to be check and heal beside Ms. Tracy.

Taemin: I don’t care about the other patients!!! All I care is about Tracy, Mr. Kim!!! Please… *Sigh* (I calm down a bit) I’m sorry for raising my voice, Mr. Kim. It just that… (My eyes start tearing up)

Mr. Kim: Taemin… (He pulls me into an embrace and start comforting me)

Taemin: P-Please, Mr. Kim… I’m begging you, please save Tracy. (I get out of his embrace and wipe my tears away) She’s the only one that I really love and I can’t lose her…

Mr. Kim: I get it, Taemin. I promise that she’ll be fine…

Taemin: You really promise? (He nods) You pinky promises? (I take out my pinky)

Mr. Kim: (He chuckles) Yes. (He links his pinky with mine and smile) I pinky promise…

Taemin: *Sigh* Thank you, Mr. Kim. (I attack him with a hug) I owe you a lot after saving Tracy…

Mr. Kim: (He pats my back) you sure do. (He back away from my hug) Ok then. Wait outside patiently, while I check your girlfriend…

I just nod, walks outside and wait with Key Hyung…

Another hour later…

Mr. Kim: Taemin. Key.

I immediately stand up as well Key Hyung when Mr. Kim called us…

Mr. Kim: Tracy’s now fine but she in a coma. You can enter and look at Ms. Tracy, Taemin…

Taemin: Thank you, Mr. Kim. (I hug him tightly) For saving Tracy. (I back away from Mr. Kim and hug Key Hyung) Thank you, Key Hyung for nothing…

Key: Huh?!?! (He shouts as he pushes me away from my hug, glaring at me)

Taemin: (I chuckles) I’m kidding, Hyung. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

Key: (He smile) No problems, Taemin. (He ruffles my hair)

Then I went to room 38, finding Tracy sleeping and with a machine besides her telling that she’s still breathing. I sit at a chair beside her bed and stare at her sleeping face…

Taemin: Tracy… (I whisper, running my fingers through her hair) I-I’m very sorry, I wasn’t there protecting you from them. (A tear fall down my eye)

Key: T-Taemin. (I look at him with my eyes filled with tears) What happened to Tracy isn’t your fault…

Taemin: I-I know… (I swallow a lump in my throat and look at Tracy) But I feel like it is my fault…


In the Chemistry classroom with F(x) bodies on the floor…

Sulli POV: Ugh! Why my whole body is in pain?

Sulli: G-Girls…? (I said as I open my eyes finding myself on the floor and covered in blood)

Krystal & Luna: Mmm? (They said as they try to open their eyes)

Sulli: A-Are we? Dead or a-alive?

Victoria: Alive, I-I guess… (She said trying to stand up)

I stand up as well Krystal, Amber and Luna…

Victoria: What’s happened to us?

Amber: I have no idea… (She said rubbing her left arm)

Then suddenly I remember everything that happened…


Sulli: Ugh! That Tracy and my Taeminnie are dating?! (I said to Luna, Victoria and Amber while staring at Tracy and Taemin in the canteen line whispering to each other)

Taemin: (He laughs at bit) Ok, I’ll leave now. Bye~ (He pucker his lips, with his eyes closes)

Tracy: Bye Taemin Oppa! (She whisper-shout to him, pushing him away)

Taemin: Aishh… ok. (He leaves)

Luna: So they really dating, huh? (She whisper to me)

Amber: They look like they really like each other’s… (She mumbles to herself but it was audible for Luna, Victoria and me to hear it clearly)

Victoria: Amber… (She hisses at her)

Amber: I-I’m sorry, Sulli. I didn’t mean to say that…

Sulli: (I fake a smile at her) don’t worry, Amber Unnie. It true what you said, they do look like they really like each other’s. But this couple won’t last long… (I said smirking at Tracy getting her lunch)

Victoria: You got a plan, huh? (She said staring at Tracy)

Sulli: A really great plan…

Krystal: What’s the plan, Unnie? (She said behind me)

Luna: Hey Krystal, you’re right on time.

Sulli: Ok, the first part of the plan is to put a paper in that locker telling… Meet with me infront of school at… 8PM tonight. And, uh… I have something to show to you. From: L.T.  I’m sure that will fall for our trap and come here at 8PM, thinking that we’re really Taemin. It will be the best opportunity to kill her…

Krystal: I got another thing to add in your plan, Sulli Unnie…

Luna: What’s the other thing, Krystal?

Krystal: Let steal Taemin Oppa phone because maybe Tracy will text him, asking tons of questions. Since Taemin Oppa doesn’t know about this plan, he’ll tell her something like What are you talking about, Tracy? I didn’t put any paper in your locker.

Amber: Good idea, Krystal.

Victoria: Also… let tell her to meet with us at the… hmm… at the Chemistry classroom!

Luna: Yeah! Since I’m really good with chemical, I can do one and… Krystal pours it on Tracy!

Sulli: (I giggle) Ok, ok. *Sigh* Wow! We really are evil… (The others giggle along with me)

Victoria: When she enters the classroom, we can hit her on her head leaving her unconscious and surprise her pouring the chemical… (She said smirking)

Amber: Another Idea! We can tie her on the Chemistry table when she’s unconscious!  And we’ll take the opportunity to her human blood when she’s unconscious.

Krystal: Yummy! (She said her lips)

Sulli: So… I guess the plan is ready! We just have to get it started.


Sulli: (I chuckles when I sit on the chemistry table) I know what happened.

Krystal: What happened?

Sulli: Our plan became a success! (They all look at me confuse) We did a plan on hurting Tracy since she was dating my Taemin Oppa. We tell her to come here as Taemin Oppa, she came and we her human blood and I think she was already dead when we were drinking her blood. I believe Key Oppa had a vision about us hurting Tracy, told Taemin Oppa and they all came here to rescue her while we were drinking her blood. Since Taemin Oppa got very angry about it, I guess he tried to kill us with an iron knife in our hearts…

Luna: (She chuckles) Stupid Taemin. He tried to kill us with an iron knife… (She giggles weakly)

Sulli: Yah!!! (I shout at her) Taemin Oppa may be silly but not stupid, Luna Unnie! He looks really cute when he’s silly… (I smile at myself remembering moments Taemin and I had)

With Taemin, Tracy & Key at the hospital…

Mr. Kim: Do you really want to stay with Ms. Tracy? Don’t you think that you should call her parents?

Taemin: No! (I clear my throat) I’m sure his dad will try to kill me if he sees his daughter like this and blame me for all the damages she have…

Mr. Kim: Ok. Key, we should go and hunt for our dinner…

Key: Ok Dad. Taemin… (I look up at him) I’m leaving with my dad. I hope Tracy wake up…

Taemin: Ok. Thanks Hyung. Bye.

Key: Bye. (He said leaving the room)

Mr. Kim: Bye Taemin… (He said and leaves)

Taemin: Please, wake up Tracy… (I whisper and kiss her forehead)

When I back away, Tracy’s hands start shaking like crazy…

Taemin: OMO! What’s wrong, Tracy? (I put my hand on her forehead and it was burning hot) OMO! (I run out of the room) Yuri Noona! Yuri Noona!

Yuri: What’s wrong, Taemin?

Taemin: Tracy’s burning hot!

Yuri Noona run to room 38 with me behind her takes out a thermometer of her pocket, open Tracy’s mouth and place it under her tongue. After a few minutes, Yuri Noona takes the thermometer out of and look at the result…

Yuri: OMO! 42 degree Celsius!

Taemin: Don’t you need to give her a medicine or something?

Yuri Noona didn’t answer me expect she put the thermometer in Tracy’s mouth again…

Yuri: No. The fever is going down now… (She takes the thermometer out of and show me the result: 37) It was just a sudden fever, Taemin. (She pats my back) She’s fine now. (She smiles at me and then leave)

Taemin: Thanks God, it was just a sudden fever. (I said as I sit on the chair beside Tracy bed)

Then I realize Tracy’s hands are slightly shaking…

Taemin: (I smiles at her sleeping face) Cold, huh? (I tuck her hands in her blanket and her hands stop shaking)

I look at the clock that’s hanging on the wall: 12:35AM and suddenly I let out a yawn…

Taemin: (I look at Tracy) Goodnight, my love. (I kiss her lips) I love you. (Then I drift of to sleep with my head resting on her laps)


^^ Are you F(x) fans happy, that they didn’t actually die??? ^^

The next chapter will be a-w-e-s-o-m-e! Stay tune for Taecy!!!

Do you like the surprise that each chapter have???

I love surprising you all!!!!

(Cheesy Chapter, right? XD)

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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!