Hmm... :/

Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

Continuing from the last Chapter…

Walking to my first class…

Tracy POV: Hmm… why today is very strange? Oh! Because Jenna didn’t surprise me at my locker like every morning. I wonder why…

As I enter my classroom, something immediately caught my attention. Jenna’s talking to Key Oppa! A.K.A. the guy she has a HUGE crush on. I couldn’t help but smile at those two. They look so cute together!

Tracy POV: Congratulation Jenna! You’re finally talking with your crush!

I realize that Key Oppa is sitting on my seat, busy talking to Jenna. So -as a great friend I am- I leave those two, having a great conversation and walk toward Key seat which’s -at the very back- between Jonghyun Oppa and Onew Oppa seats…

Onew Oppa look up from his book that he was reading and Jonghyun Oppa stop talking with Minho Oppa and they stare at me as I sit down at Key Oppa seat…

Tracy: Good morning Oppas! (I said with a smile on my face)

Onew: W-What happen to Key? Did you eat him?

I just giggle at his Onew Condition, shake my head as no, tap on Taemin Oppa -who’s infront of me- shoulder and when he turn around, his face light up and a huge smile spread across his face as he see me…

Taemin: Hi Beautiful! (He said and was about to give me a kiss but I back away)

Tracy: Hi handsome. (I simply said as I sit back down, giggling)

Taemin: No kiss for me? (He pouts)

Tracy: (I chuckles and ruffle his hair) No. (I said embarrassed)

Minho: Go, Tracy. Give him a kiss while Onew Hyung, Jonghyun Hyung and I look away… (He said and mouth Onew Oppa and Jonghyun Oppa to turn around)

Taemin Oppa and I laugh at his joke while looking at them turn around. I turn to face Taemin face like 3 inches away from me, I gasp a little of the sudden appearance and he gives me a long passionate kiss…

Ms. Yang: Good morning class.

Taemin and I lean back and Minho Oppa, Onew Oppa and Jonghyun Oppa turn back around to the board just when we heard Ms. Yang and act normal…

Everyone: Good morning Ms. Yang.

Taemin Oppa, Minho Oppa, Onew Oppa, Jonghyun Oppa and I sigh in unison, relief of not getting caught…

*Skipping the boring History class…*

At the Cafeteria…

I enter the cafeteria and again something strange happen. I saw Jenna laughing, giggling and hitting Key Oppa arm at our table. I just shrug; buy my lunch and went to Taemin Oppa, Onew Oppa, Minho Oppa and Jonghyun Oppa table -which’s at the very back-

Tracy: Hello again, Oppas. (I said and sit down beside Taemin Oppa)

Taemin: Is today my lucky day or what?

Jonghyun Oppa, Minho Oppa and I stare at Taemin Oppa confuse while Onew Oppa was busy eating his chicken…

Taemin: Did something happen to you, Tracy?

Tracy: What do you mean, Oppa? (I take a bit of my chicken)

Taemin: Why you’re now like… hanging out with us? Did Jenna abandon you or something?

Tracy: Why, I can’t? I can’t hang out with my boyfriend and his hyungs? (I said innocently and sad)

Taemin: No! Of course you can! I-

Tracy: I’m sorry, Oppas. Sorry for hanging out with you. I’ll go back to my table and leave you guys alone then… (I joke, of course!)

I get my tray, stand up and when I was about to leave, Taemin wrap his arms around my waist from behind, rest his chin on my shoulder and kiss my earlobe…

Taemin: Of course, I didn’t mean to tell you to leave us alone, you meanie. I was going to tell you that you should be with us more often, not to leave us alone. You know that I always want you to be close to me, not far away like when you’re with Jenna. Don’t leave me, beautiful. (He whisper and kiss my cheek causing me to giggle at little)

I turn my face toward Taemin Oppa -Leaving 1 inch between Taemin’s face and mine- I stare right into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes and give him a peck on his nose…

Tracy: Of course, I wasn’t going to leave, Oppa.

Taemin: (He playfully glares at me, pouting) I knew it! (He let go of my waist and I sit back down)

Jonghyun: (He look at Jenna and Key Oppa laughing) what going between with them, Tracy?

Tracy: (I look where he was looking) How could I know? All I know that Jenna like him and to my surprise, this morning they were talking and laughing together. Do you guys know something?

Minho: Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Did you just said that Jenna like Key Hyung?

Tracy: Y-Yeah. Why?

Onew: Key likes her, too!

Tracy: He does?! (I almost squeal)

Jonghyun: Yeah. He always has a letter J on his right hand and talks in his dream, saying I love you, Jenna

Tracy: No. Way. (I simply said, with my eyes wide open, staring at Jenna and Key Oppa)

Taemin: (He put my hair behind my ear) Why so surprise, beautiful?

Tracy: I-I’m… shocked! I never thought Key Oppa would like Jenna after all this time since I became a vampire and we got close. He never mentions or asks about Jenna at all…

Onew: That’s our Key. He keep his secrets deep inside like a locket without a key.

Taemin Oppa, Minho Oppa, Jonghyun Oppa and I stare at Onew Oppa, clueless…

Onew: Hmm… it sounded better in my head but not so good out loud.

I chuckles at his Onew Condition again and we continue talking about Jenna and Key until the bell rings, telling us to go back to class...

With Jenna walking home…

Jenna POV: I’m so glad Ms. Park picked Key Oppa as my partner for our next project. Thanks to my good friend Tracy who already knows my secret feelings toward him, she didn’t bother to interrupt us…

I walk by the park to my house and to my surprise, someone from behind put a cloth on my mouth, I try to scream and while trying to scream, I inhale a scent causing everything to go black…




Are U glad that I put some Cheesy/Romantic Taemin and You Moments and some Onew Conditions? ^^


Sorry I haven't update lately! I just ran out of ideas!

But now I have lots of surprise and Taecy moments ahead for you!!! Stay Tune!!!



Pretty Please??

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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!