
Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

The Next Day…

Night-Time with Luna at home…

Luna POV: Gosh! I’m very thirsty!

I head out the door and start walking down my neighborhood streets. Suddenly, a lost golden retriever puppy run passes infront of me, making the corner of my lips creep into a smirk…


Luna: Hello Cutie! (I run behind the puppy and pick him up) Sorry cute puppy. But tonight, I’m very thirsty… (I shot out my fangs out, them on the puppy neck making it whimper loud and drink his blood like crazy)

After drinking, I drop down the little puppy leaving him dead on the floor and then I feel like I’m about to pass out…

I ignore the sudden dizziness and walk home, happy of the new blood I’ve drank. While walking home, all of sudden everything around me start spinning and the next thing I knew, I bend down on the floor and everything goes black out…


I open my eyes, finding myself in a dark atmosphere with only streets lights shining in and my arms tied behind my back so does my feet were tied and worst of all, I was hanging upside down

Luna: Urgh… who tied me upside down? (I mumble, feeling my blood rush to my head, giving me a very painful headache)

Jonghyun: Hi Luna!!! (He cheerfully shout once he appear infront of my eyes, making me yelp a little) Oh… did I scare you? (He said blinking his cute puppy eyes and pouting)

Luna: K-Kind of… (I whisper, trying to ignore my headache and blush a little of Jonghyun cuteness since I have a little crush on him)

Jonghyun Oppa pouted lips turn into a big dirty smirk and his cute puppy eyes turn into some fierce eyes glaring straight into mine. Jonghyun walk away and I watch every move he makes, very carefully…

Jonghyun: *Sigh* Luna. Luna. Luna. (He said walking around me in circles) Do you really want to know why you’re upside down?

Luna: Y-Yes…

Jonghyun: Hmm… I can’t tell you~ (He sing, rocking back and forth on his heels)

Luna: Oppa… (I weakly whine) don’t tell me then but help me get out of this thing… (I said trying to wiggle of the ropes around my hands behind my back)

Jonghyun: No. (He simply said and disappears out of my sight)

Luna: Jonghyun? Oppa? (I said as my voice echo the dark room)

Then suddenly I feel something pointy like stab onto my jugular vein, making me gasp loud of the painful feeling on my neck and some tears escape from my eyes…

Jonghyun POV: I hope the plan of putting Valium on the dog Luna bite and then stabbing the catheter on Luna’s jugular vein will slowly kill her…

Luna: J-Jonghyun… (She mumbles, panting heavily)

Jonghyun: Yes Luna? (I said with a dorky smile on my face even though she couldn’t see it)

Luna: H-Help me… (She whisper, closing her eyes)

Luna POV: Whatever that thing Jonghyun stab in my jugular vein, is making me very weak and breathless. I think I’m going to die of the painful thing in my neck…

I slowly close my eyes again still panting heavily while listening to Jonghyun Oppa softly giggles…

Jonghyun POV: I stare at Luna’s blood dripping of the catheter, making me a little thirsty…

I my lips and shot out my fangs. I impatiently- get the catheter out of Luna’s neck, my fangs and start drinking her delicious blood till she was completely dead…

After a while of drinking Luna’s blood, I look at -now grey and dead- Luna and smirk. I walk upstairs, untied the rope that was holding Luna upside down, making her fall down…

Jonghyun: Ooh~ that really gotta hurt… (I said once Luna’s face hit the floor making a loud ‘thump’ echo the dark room)


Mission #2: Killing Luna. |COMPLETE|



Sorry for being gone for a long time! I was dealing with school... *Puppy Eyes*

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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!