
Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

Sulli POV: What’s this Chicken-Weirdo’s thinking?

Onew was just staring at me with the chicken in his hands, deep in thoughts…

Sulli: Onew?

Onew: Huh? Oh, hey! (He flash a dorky smile)

I just roll my eyes and pass by him to go to Tracy house but I got caught off-guard with Onew dirties hands on my wrist…

Sulli: YAH! Your hands are dirty, you pabo-ah!!! (I shout and slap away his greasy hands)

Onew: Oops! Sorry… (He mumbles and quickly put on a smirk on his face)

Sulli: U-Uh… w-why are you smirking at me? (I mumble, wiping the grease off my wrist with my -very short- shorts)

In a blink of an eye, Onew carry me bridal style, take me in the house and then disappear…

Sulli: Yah~ (I whine and pouts)

I look around the house and suddenly a huge smile spread across my face and memories run through my mind…

Sulli POV: This house hasn’t change. It’s still the same. The only different here is that there’s now a picture frame of SHINee with none other then… Hwang Tracy…

That was in the middle between Taemin who’s kissing her cheek and Minho who’s rolling his eyes disgust of the scene beside him. Onew was almost cut out of the picture but luckily, the camera took the picture when he appeared with a chicken in his hand. Key was just standing there with his back leaning on Minho’s, wearing sunglasses and with his arms crossed…

Sulli: (I chuckles) Typical Diva… (I mumble)

Last but not least, Jonghyun with his hands in his pocket and with his famous smirk on his face…

Sulli: *Sigh* what happened to us? (I whisper brushing my fingers over Taemin)


I walk around the empty park near my house, sit down on the swings and just stare at my bare feet in the sand…

Sulli: *Sigh* when am I going to find my first love? (I mumble and then some raindrop start hitting my head)

I look up at the gloomy, dark sky and some drops hit my face. I look down at my feet again and let the rain start getting heavier and heavier over me, soaking me completely soak…

Stranger: YAH!!! (A guy shouts from far away)

I look up hoping to see a figure running toward me with an umbrella but no. The guy who shouted at me was just standing infront of me wearing dark-blue skinny jeans, a red turtle-neck sweater, a white blazer, holding an umbrella and last but not least, having the most beautiful smile across his face looking down at me into my eyes…

Stranger: What are you doing here? You might catch a cold! (Concern was in his voice)

I giggle because a-never-before-seen-and-really-handsome stranger was worry for me...

Sulli: I’m just… enjoying the rain.

Stranger: Oh! If that’s so… (He sits at the swing beside me and holds the umbrella between us so neither of us get wet) I’m Taemin, by the way. (He holds out his hand)

Heat raise up to my cheeks and a big smile spread across my face…

Sulli: Jinri but you can call me Sulli since I really dislike my birth name… (I giggle and shake my hand with his)

Taemin: (He chuckles) Ok. Hi Sulli… (He flashes a smile)

Sulli: H-Hi, T-Taemin Oppa…

Taemin: So… why are you here in a park out in the rain?

Sulli: Uh… I just wanted to come out here, take in fresh air and then the rain suddenly came, ruin my moment but… since you’re here it seem that rain hasn’t ruin my moment completely… (I flash a flirty smile)

Sulli POV: I hope my flirty side will work on him!

Taemin: (He chuckles and blushes) yeah. It does seem… (He mumbles)

Then suddenly a loud thunder erupt in the sky, making a loud yelp escape my mouth and jump out of the swing to the ground to the mud…

Taemin: (He chuckles) come on, Sulli. (He takes out his hand which I take to stand up) I’ll walk you home…

Sulli: O-Okay…

Another loud thunder erupts in the sky, making me immediately yelp loud again and bury my face in my hands…

Sulli POV: Gosh! When my fear of the thunders will go away? It so embarrassing…

Taemin’s hands was place on my shoulders, pulling me closer to his chest and I inhale his manly scent making all of my fears go away…

Sulli POV: Why do I feel like really… safe… in his arms?

Then Taemin and I walk home, holding hands which I squeeze hard to express my fear without screaming…

Sulli: *Sigh* T-Thanks for walking me home, T-Taemin O-Oppa… (I shiver once we got infront of my house)

Taemin: (He smile) you’re welcome, Sulli…

Sulli: Well, then… goodbye. (I slightly bow my head and turn around to enter my house)

Taemin: Sulli? (He call out and I turn around)

Sulli: Ne, Oppa? (I tilt my head to the side)

Taemin take in a deep breath and take a few steps closer to me…

Sulli POV: W-What he’s going to do?

Without any warning, Taemin shot out his fangs and his beautiful brown eyes turn into scary yellow making me stumble back but he put his hands on my waist stopping me from backing away…

Taemin: I wanted to do this for a very long time… (He kind of growls)

Sulli: D-D-Do what?

Taemin: This.

In a blink of an eye, Taemin fangs were in my neck with me struggling to get out of his grip underneath but no luck. My eyes filled with tears, some rolled down my cheeks, my knees got weak and I close my eyes drifting to the darkness…


Sulli POV: Then day by day, I start getting use to my vampire sense while being Taemin’s girlfriend which was the best part until back in 1993 when he dumped me…


Taemin: Sulli…

I turn around and smile, finding my Oppa holding a bouquet of flowers for me…

Sulli: Oppa! (I give him a peck on his lips and take the bouquet out of his hands) They’re really beautiful!

Taemin: (He chuckles) just like you… (He mumbles)

Sulli: (I blush) Aigoo…

Then Taemin smile dropped and his face turn to a serious one…

Sulli: What’s wrong, Oppa? (I tilt my head to the side)

Taemin: *Sigh* I want… to break up with you…

Sulli POV: @#$%^&*(~!#$%^&**)&$@!$?!?!?!

Sulli: Huh? (I croak out with tears filling my eyes)

Taemin: I don’t love you anymore, Sulli. I’m sorry…

Sulli: B-But… what did I do? Why you don’t love me anymore?

Taemin: Actually… I never loved you, Sulli. I only pretended for my Dad sakes. Now I want to call it quit between us, no matter how much my Dad will be disappointed in me. I just want to move on and find the love of my life. Which you aren’t… (He mumbles the last part and turn to walk away)

Sulli: But you can’t dump me, Lee Taemin! (I shout)

Taemin: (He turn around) Sorry! I already did… (He digs his hands in his pockets and continue walking away)



Somehow my eyes start tearing up and I start sniffling, trying to hold back the tears…

Unknown: Aww~ you’re crying for someone who gave you a broken heart? But actually you deserve more than a broken heart… (He/she mumbles the last part which I actually heard perfectly)

I turn around; cover my mouth to hold in my gasp as tears rolling down my cheeks…

Sulli: N-N-No. Please… I’m b-begging y-you… (I croak and hiccup, bending down on bending knees)


I smell someone’s going to be…






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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!