Killing Time...

Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

Author POV:

Once F(x) left, back in Jenna room, the machine that tell if she’s breathing or not start beeping very loud, getting everyone attention. Mr. Kim and some other doctors run to Jenna’s room to check what’s going on. A doctor enters the room with a defibrillator and hand it to Mr. Kim…

Mr. Kim: Stand back!!! (He shouts before placing the defibrillator on Jenna’s chest, making her jump)

The doctors look at the machine, nothing. Mr. Kim once again put the defibrillator on Jenna’s chest, making her jump again. The doctors look at the machine and… now Jenna’s officially… dead

Mr. Kim calls his son, panting of the rush back in Jenna’s room…

Key: Everything ok, dad? (His son answer with a hint of worry in his voice)

Mr. Kim: *Sigh* Son… *Sigh* your friend Jenna had passed away, Key…

Key drops his phone once his father informed him about his crush passing away…

Key POV: J-Jenna’s… d-e-a-d?!?!?!?!

Onew: What’s wrong, Key? (He ask entering the living room after he heard the crash of my phone)

Key: J-J-J- (I simply shutter staring at my broken phone on the floor)

Jonghyun: Jenna? What’s wrong with her, Key?

Key: S-She’s dead… (I whisper, kneel on the floor and start sobbing in my hands)

Minho: What?! (He shouts)

Key: She’s dead!!! My Jenna’s dead!!! (I shout between sobs with Jonghyun Hyung and Onew Hyung patting my back)

Taemin POV: I was doing my homework and suddenly I hear a loud crash. I rush to the living room and find Key Hyung kneeled on the floor, crying with Onew Hyung and Jonghyun comforting him…

Taemin: What’s going on?

Minho: Jenna’s dead.

Taemin: WHAT?! (I exclaim with my eyes wide open)

Key: J-Jenna’s gone… She’s g-gone… (He said between sobs)

Without saying anything, I run out the door and went to VampHospital. Once I arrive to Jenna room, Yoona Noona was disconnecting the chatters of Jenna and Yuri Noona takes her medical stretcher to the morgue and I follow her…

Taemin: Is she really dead? (I mumble but Yuri Noona heard me)

Yuri: Yes, Taemin. (She sadly said before arriving to the morgue and handing Jenna to Dr. Donghae) You can’t enter. (She said and left)

I watch Dr. Donghae expose Jenna upper-body, take a knife and cut a big Y on her upper-body. Since, I couldn’t handle seeing Jenna exposed chest and seeing s; I walk away, sit down and wait for Dr. Donghae to finish…

After like 50 minutes of waiting, Dr. Donghae comes out of the morgue…

Dr. Donghae: Well, Ms. Jenna had died due to a poison someone put in her feeding tubes.

Taemin: Wait. Poison? (He nod) What kind of poison?

Dr. Donghae: Uh… (He looks through his papers) a very rare poison in the Vampires Industry called Arsenic

Taemin: URGH!!! (I growls pushing a near table making everyone stare at me in shock of my actions) Thank you, Dr. Donghae Hyung. (I walk away)

I arrive to my house (Also SHINee’s house) seeing Key Hyung sleeping on the couch, I guess, Jonghyun Hyung in his room, Minho Hyung playing videos games in mute beside Key Hyung and Onew Hyung eating chicken in the dining room…

Taemin: *Sigh* what should I tell Tracy? (I mumble to myself, closing the door behind me)

Key: So? (I look up and find all of my hyungs infront of me)

Taemin: Well, umm… she’s really dead. And… uh… she didn’t die because of the loss of blood expect she died because someone put Arsenic in her feeding tubes…

Jonghyun: Arsenic?!?! (He shouts) That’s poison!!!

Onew: Sulli and her friends murder Jenna?!?! (He shouts before taking a huge bit of his chicken)

I nod and look at Key Hyung who had a priceless look on his face. I walk to Key Hyung and he fall into my arms, crying…

Key: Why Jenna?! Why?! I should’ve walked her home!!! (He said between sobs, in my arms)

Minho: Yah… Hyung, calm down… (He said patting hyung back)

Key: I c-can’t!!! I can’t!!! (He shouts with his head in my chest)

I get Key Hyung out of my arms and look straight to his red, watery eyes…

Taemin: Let kill them. (I said in a serious, husky tone with a smirk)


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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!