Welcome to my World

Geek + Vampire= Dark, True Love?

Tracy POV: As always walking down the hall and all I see is students either gossiping or laughing...

Sulli: Tracy. (She walks toward me with her friends behind)

Tracy: Y-Yes? (I look up at her scary eyes)

Sulli: Where you got that bracelet? (She points to my bracelet)

Tracy: Uh... I made it myself...

Sulli: Liar!!! (Causing everyone to stare at us) You , that's MY bracelet!!! (She pushes me down to the floor) How many times you're going to keep getting the school attention, on your ugly pathetic and ty face?!

Tracy: But I- (Tears start rolling down my face)

Krystal: Shut up! Give Sulli back her bracelet before you see the real Sulli! (Sulli get hand her out, I take off my bracelet off and gave it to Sulli)

Tracy: There you go. P-Please don't hurt me...

Sulli: I'm not going to hurt you expect I'm kill you but not now... let's go. (She leaves with her friends)

Tracy POV: What's wrong with her? Why she hate me so much? I've never done something to her or her friends... (I get up and a hand was place on my shoulder and I turn around finding out that it was Jenna)

Jenna: I'm sorry I didn't came here right on time. I was entering through the back of the school until I suddenly hear someone screams ¨Lair!¨ so what did the Sulli and her friends did to you?

Tracy: She didn't do anything...

Jenna: So why you were getting up from the floor? And you're crying?

Tracy: Ok... she just came to me and create a drama about that I've stole her bracelet, pushes me down and Krystal start yelling me that I should give Sulli back her ¨bracelet¨ and that it...

Jenna: Where did she and her stupid friends went?!

Tracy: Please don't say anything toward Sulli or the others because I'm sure she going to continue hurting me for the rest of my life..

Jenna: Ok, if you say so...

Then the bell rings and Jenna and I walk to our classroom and entering the classroom there was a lot of girls surrounded a group of boys, giggling...

Tracy POV: Taemin Oppa... (I start daydreaming, standing there, staring at Taemin)

Jenna: Tracy!

I wake up from my daydream and went to where Jenna was sitting and few mintues later our teacher entering our classroom...

Mr. Jung: Good morning class.

Everyone: Good morning Sir.

*Skipping the boring History class...*

At the Cafeteria...

I brought my lunch at the canteen while Jenna waits for me on the table...

Then someone bump into me, I look up and it was Taemin...

Tracy: I-I'm sorry, O-Oppa... (I said avoiding getting hypnotize by his beautiful eyes)

Taemin: It's ok. (He chuckles of my shyness, I guess)

Sulli POV: (Who was behind Taemin) That , first she stole my ¨bracelet¨ and now she's going to steal my Taemmine? Oh no...

Sulli pushes Taemin causing Tracy to spilled her lunch on herself...

Tracy: OMO...

Taemin: I'm sorry Tracy, I didn't mean to... (He looks at Sulli who's smirking and glare at her and turn back to me) Let go to the restroom... (He grab my arm and took me to the boy restroom but before almost getting dragged to the boy restroom I stopped)

Tracy: Uh... this the boy-

Taemin: Yes, this is the boy restroom but we're just going to clean your shirt, ok. It's very quick.

Tracy: But- (Before I could finish my sentence, Taemin drags me to the boy restroom)

Tracy POV: Man! He's very strong! I hope I don't get a bruise.

Tracy: Taemin Oppa, you're-you're hurting me...

Taemin: (He let go of my arm quickly) S-Sorry Tracy. (He pick me up, place me on the counter, gets out a cloth from his pocket, wet it and start cleaning my shirt)

Tracy POV: This feels weird and nice because I mean I'm a geek, I always get bullied and ignored so it feel weird being helped for the first time...

Taemin: There you go, you're now clean... (He looks into my eyes)

Tracy POV: Oh my gosh... this is my first time looking into a guy eyes. I hope I'm not red as a tomatoe... (I turn my head away avoiding his beautiful eyes, blushing)

Tracy: T-Thank you, Oppa. (Before I could get off the counter by myself, Taemin help me off)

Taemin: Sorry for spilling your lunch on yourself but I wasn't me, it was Sulli.

Tracy: I-I know, I saw her.

Taemin: Ok, so can you forgive me?

Tracy: Yes. (Then we walks out of the boy restroom and I saw Taemin friends all with their eyes widen open, staring at us)

Onew: Taemin? Why are you coming out of the boy restroom with a girl?

Taemin: No hyung, you're thinking wrong. I was-

Jonghyun: Hi, I'm Jonghyun. What's your name?

Tracy & Taemin: Tracy.

Jonghyun: How come I've never seen a beautiful girl like you before?

Key: Because, you're always get distraced by other girls, Jonghyun! Beside she's in our class.

Jonghyun: Really? (I nods) Great! We can become even more closer! (He start smirking at me)

Minho: I know what you're thinking about, Jonghyun Hyung. But that's never going to happen. (He said smirking at Taemin as if he read Taemin mind)

Onew: So why you were coming out of restroom with Tracy, Taemin?

Taemin: Because I was helping Tracy clean her shirt that got dirty because Sulli ¨accidently¨ pushes me causing me to spilled Tracy lunch on herself.

Onew: Oh, ok...

Tracy: Well then, I'm going to go to my class, Oppas...

Taemin: Wait, I walks with you.

Tracy POV: What? Why he's going to walk me? I'm just a geek and he's a ¨Kinga¨. He shouldn't be with me or else Sulli and her friends seriously will kill me...

Minho: Trust me, Tracy, they won't kill you. (He whispers to me)

Taemin, Onew, Key, Jonghyun and I stares at Minho Oppa...

Minho: I mean... (Then the bell rings)

Minho POV: Whew! I'm safe!



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UPDATED! (10/10/12)


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Chapter 37: Updare plssssssssssssssssssssss
marbledeyes #2
Chapter 37: Update soon!:)
Chapter 9: Whoa wen it was like "then he pulled me in for a..." I thought a kiss but then it was "Hug!" I had my hopes up but great fanfic totally luv it !!!~ ^^
Nisa90 #4
Chapter 37: When do you want to update another chapter? =(
Chapter 37: Now they can't kill her? I guess it's admirable but I still wanna see HER corpse.
its_angel #6
Chapter 37: Thank you for updating!! ^^
Chapter 36: DEATH TO THE LIVES-DESTROYER!!! I can't wait!!!
Chapter 36: For some reason I think sulli shouldn't die cuz what taemin did wasnt that good either.
Caithlyn #9
Chapter 36: This is the best story i've ever read! Update soon! Hwaiting!