The confuzzling Kwangmin and his stalker twin brother

I'll Be Your Princess Charming

Man chapter 17 XD Arrrggggg here's chapter 18. Still though...Sorry it took so LONG!!


Rachel's POV

My letter was probably from one of my brothers or sister. By the way, I have four brothers and only one sister. Well one of my brothers is three but you know, whatever. So here's the order from oldest to youngest:

Jesse (26), Hannah (21), me (15), Rolando (13), David (8), and Arrow (3).

Dear Rachel,

Miss me? Of course you did! Did you like the stuffed animal? I (Rolando) picked it out...Ok so maybe Hannah picked it out but WHATEVER! Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I'll be moving in with you, Kc, Kylie, and Mariah. And so is Kaye, Javen, and Julian! Why are we moving with you guys you ask. Well, we wanted to be like you guys and follow our dreams in music. So mom and dad let us enroll in Seoul Middle School of Arts and Academics! Cool huh? Now you get to see me every day! Hehehe. Oh and maybe some of your other friends from elemetary and middle school might come and visit from time to time. I won't say who though. It's a surprise.

----Love, Rolando

Uggg that goof! Well we have plenty of room here so I guess it'll be alright for them to stay here. Kc will probably go all umma mode and stuff. Yeah...She has a lot of sides to her...Who are Kaye, Javen, and Julian you ask? Well, you'll find out in a second ^^.

My brother can be so weird sometimes...Why does he have to be so vague? Bleh...But I didn't know that he was interested in music! Awwww yay! He's following in my foot steps. Well not really. I come from a musical family so it's not that surprising. But I'm the only one that traveled abroad to follow my dreams. And now Rolando.


Ok now that I've got that out of my system.... Look at this teddy bear!!! Isn't it adorable?

Teddy-Bear Pictures, Images and Photos

Yeah that's right. It's adorable and you know it.

OH! And if you're wondering who Kaye, Javen, and Julian are, you'll see ;)

Mariah's POV

My letter was from my twin brothers, Javen and Julian. No they are not identical.






Javen is the older twin.

See the resemblance between us? Eh I don't see it.....

So from oldest to youngest it's

Me (15), Javen (12), Julian (12), and Eliana (6)

Eliana is my little sister.

Dear Mariah,

So? Did you miss your favorite brothers? Course you did! It's much boring without us right? Well don't worry! We'll relieve you of your pain soon! Wanna know why? Because we're going to be moving in with you girls!!!!! Yeah buddy! Mom and dad let us transfer to the Seoul MIDDLE SCHOOL of Arts and Academics! Tee hee. But don't worry! Kaye and Rolando are coming too. See ya soon sis! PS: Look at what we made you. Mom taught us how.

-----Love your favorite twins, Javen and Julian.




Ok..Number one...


Number two


Number three

gasp..gasp...gasp...Yeah buddy? I swear they hang out with Kc too much.


THEY'RE COMING HERE!!!!!! What do we do? Do we pick them up? Are they coming here by themselves? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Ok Mariah. Just breathe. BREATHE. Ok. So they're coming here. They're going to school here. Ok, that's good. Good good. Very good. OhMaGoshI Kaye and Rolando are going to be here too!!! Wow this place is going to be crowded. Oh wait. No it's not. This place is huuuuuuuuuge. Hmmmmm. I wonder what the other letters say. Oooh what's this?


Awwww. How cute! They made this?

Kylie's POV

Who's my letter from? Oh. It's from my little brother Lucas! Ummmm ok let me break it down for you.

On my dad's side, oldest to youngest:

Mike (17), Me (15), Lucas (7)

On my mom's side from oldest to youngest:

O gosh...ummm.

Nicky, (23) Desi(18), Ally (17), me (15), Janelle(10), Lily (6), Nolan (4)

So all together, there's nine of us. Yup...

Dear Kylie,

I miss you and your weird friends. Whoopsie daisies. I mean your "special" friends. It's too boring here without you all! Mike is too busy and when he's not busy, he's always playing with his friends...But I made some new friends at the diabetes camp and Mommy signed us all up for a walk for ummmm type me diabetes! I forgot what it's called....Oh! Can you ask Kc to send Mom the recipe for the cookies she made me for my birthday? I really like those cookies....I hope you like what I gave you. It's really fuzzy..And warm...And soft...And it kinda smells like a chocolate doughnut.

Looooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee, Lucas

Isn't he adorable? And it's type juvenial diabetes, Lucas....Hmmm...I'll have to ask Kc for those cookie recipes. She has like fifty recipes! Ugg Mike! Spend some time with your brother!!! What's this?


-sniff- It does smell like a chocolate doughnut.....

Hmmm? There's another letter?

Dear Kylie,

OMG I finally got to move out of the house and AWAY from John!!! So now I'm living with my dad at his apartment and it has been AWESOME!! I haven't gotten grounded since then. And while you were away, I broke up with Joey because of the guy I was dating online, Gabe, but I broke up with him since he's like three years younger than me and now I'm dating Alex.



First off, let me tell you about Desi. She's my sister and I love her but sometimes I just really want to hit her!!!! Well at least knock some sense into her... She's been drinking, smoking, and doing "it" since she was what, 13? 14? She's had so many relationships, I don't even know where to start! The only reason she wants to move in with her dad is because he doesn't care about what she does!!

And now let me tell you about John...He's our step dad. He's not exactly the kindest of people when he's angry. When he gets mad, it usually ends up in one of us getting hit. He's hit me with many things. Water bottles, remotes, plates, his hand, etc... But I'm ok now. I have my friends with me and I'm really far away from him! Plus I always have God by my side so there's no need to worry!

Well that's part of my past....

I looked up from my letter and my eyes met Kc's. She looks like she want to cry. She furrowed her eyebrows and mouthed "what's wrong?" What do you mean what's wrong? Oh...I just felt my cheek. I think I was crying...But why does she want to cry?

Kc's POV

Well you've met some of my siblings but here's from oldest to youngest

Francis Christopher (27), David Paolo (24), Charice Deane (22), me (16), Alexis Kaye (12)

I picked up the stuffed animal first.










Now onto the letter.

Dear Kc,

Well do you want good new or bad news first? I'll just give you the good news first. I'm going to be living with you!!! And so will Rolando, Javen, and Julian. And it's because we're going to Seoul Middle School of Arts and Academics! Mom and dad enrolled me right before the bad news. Well mom and dad got into another one of their little fights. I don't want to say that it's mom's fault but she did mention dad's ex wife. Dad smashed his phone and went somewhere. He didn't come home for a day and you know..we couldn't contact him. He and mom are ignoring each other. Dad posted a song and said things about the times before when he and mom understood each other. Mom commented on it saying that he was free to go back to the "old times." It was hard to keep mom from crying. I don't know what to do. Usually it would be you who kept things going and made everything better again... Well dad apologized for the first time that I've ever witnessed so that's good right? But things are still kind of shaky. It's like a thin string that could snap at any moment. I know I shouldn't be telling you this since you have to focus on your music and studies but I think you deserve to know.

---Love, Kaye.

...Mianhe Kaye....Was I being too selfish all this time? I was so excited to follow my dreams and finally be rid of all the pain that I forgot about your feelings...I'm so sorry! I wasn't being a good ate. I never was a good ate! I was such a coward all of my life! Even now! I didn't have the courage to speak up for mom. I didn't have the courage to help dad. I just ran away like the coward I am! I never kept things going! I'm pretty sure I made things even worse! Pray for ate ok? Pray for her to become stronger. Pray for her...


Kylie's POV

Everyone left Kc's room with their stuffed animals and letters (except Aly) and headed off to bed. I stayed behind.

"Kc?" I asked.

She tore her eyes away from the letter.

"What's wrong buddy?"

She didn't speak. She was probably too afraid that she would break down crying. Instead she handed me the letter. I read it over quickly and embraced her in a hug. We were one in the same. Our situations might have been different but we were similar in a way. I knew how she was feeling and she knew how I was feeling. That's just the way it went.

"Things are already getting better, Kc. You're dad apologized for blowing his top right?" I asked trying to comfort her.

"That's not what I'm upset about..." I heard her mumble.

"Then what is it?" I pressed on.

"I was too selfish. I wasn't there when I needed to be. And now people are suffering because of my selfishness."

"You weren't selfish Kc. You're not always going to be there to fix things up. That's why it's important for Kaye and your parents to learn how. They won't learn if you're always doing it. It's not your fault. These things happen for a reason and it makes us stronger."

"I know...Or at least I should know...I just can't help but feel guilty."

"And that's ok too. You'll get stronger by this too. You'll be alright and so will they."

"Thanks Kylie. You always know what to say."

"So I see you're still wearing his jacket.." I said slyly trying to bring up the mood.

"Shut up." Kc said has she playfully punched me in the shoulder.

"So are you going to return it to him tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Maybe. But first..." She whispered the rest into my ear.

"I'd love to see his face when that happens." I said trying to imagine what his face would look like.

"I know right. We should probably get to sleep though..."

"Yeah. Good night!"


Normal POV

The next morning the girls got up, changed and went to school.

Kylie was wearing this with her hair tied up like usual.

Kylie the day after


Mariah was wearing this with her hair down. But don't worry. She was wearing shorts underneath.

Mariah the day after


Aly was wearing this.

Aly's First Day of School


Rachel was wearing this with her hair down

Rachel the day after


And last but not least, Kc was wearing this. (A/N Yes that is legit one of Youngmin's jackets)

Kc the day after


"Man you people like black." Rachel huffed talking to Kc and Aly.

"Is this ok for my first day of school?" Aly asked.

"Yeah! It's fine. But don't worry. Mariah and I wore skirts so you wouldn't be alone." Rachel said sweetly

"I'm wearing a dress...." Mariah grumbled.

"Potato, pototo."

"So what are your classes?" Kylie asked Aly.

"Same as Mariah."

"Oh! Then we'll have lots of classes together!" Kylie exclaimed. "Right Kc?"


"What?" the other four girls asked her.


"Kc what are you talking about?" Mariah asked.

"One." Before anyone could ask her again, someone ran and glomped Aly.

"JANGMIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" Taemin screamed as he hugged Aly really tight.

"Taeminnie~" Aly squealed in delight, returning the hug.

"You didn't call me yesterday..." Taemin pouted.

"I'm sorry! I was helping them out and I thought that you would be busy so I didn't call you..." Aly trailed off.

"Awww. That's my Aly." Taemin leaned in about to kiss her when...

"Ehem...No PDA in front of the maknaes please." Kc and Kylie said while covering Rachel and Mariah's eyes.

"What's PDA?" Mariah asked trying to remove Kylie's hand away from her eyes.

"...Tell you later..."

Taemin sighed and rubbed noses with Aly. "I'll take her to class ok?" He asked the girls.

"Go ahead." The couple then walked off together holding hands.

"Awww. I wish Ricky and I could be like that." Rachel sighed longingly.

"Let's get to our lockers before the hall gets crowded." Mariah suggested.


Boyfriend's POV

Boyfriend walked into the hallway, and for the first time, they weren't crowded by their fangirls. Instead, almost everyone was crowding around Princess Charming.

"Nae hyung?" Kwangmin asked his twin.


"Isn't that your jacket?" Youngmin turned his head to where Kwangmin was looking. O.O His eyes widened when he saw Kc wearing his jacket

"...ummmm...." that was all that Youngmin could say.

"Hey Kc, that's a cool jacket." One fan said to her. Then she answered something that made Youngmin's mouth drop.

"I know."

"Yah hyung. You'll catch flies." Youngmin flushed with embarrassment at being caught by his brother and closed his mouth.

"Yah twins! Hurry up or we'll leave without you." Hyunseong threatened catching the twins' attention.

"We're coming."


With Youngmin

"That girl....." Youngmin grumbled angrily. He was walking around the school grounds in search of Kc.

"Hmm let's see. If I were an obnoxious, stupid, brainless, cute, bad girl where would I go? Already checked the cafeteria. So I guess that leaves..the library? Well it's the only other place so I guess I'll go there..." he thought.

"Wait...Did I just say cute? Nonononononononononono. That was probably just a trick of my mind."

With Kc

"Do you guys get it now?" Kc asked Rachel and Mariah who she was currently tutoring.

"Yes Kc~umma."

Kc's phone started buzzing in "her" jacket.

"I'll be right back guys." She said as she walked outside of the school's library. She unlocked her iPhone and answered the text she was receiving.

With Youngmin

"Aha! Library!" Youngmin thought with glee. "I hope I don't have to go in there...I'll check outside first."

Youngmin walked outside of the library in search of Kc. He stopped when he saw a familiar figure by the big oak tree near the side of the library.

"Yah!" He shouted gaining Kc's attention. She glared at him.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.


"Hmmm no." Kc replied while sticking her tongue out and went back to texting.

"Yah! This isn't funny now give it back." Kc ignored him and continued texting.

"What's so important that you won't even pay attention to me for one second?" Youngmin asked angrily.

"Just about everything." Kc said bluntly. Youngmin fumed. He was about to stomp over and yell at her until he stopped himself.

"Pabo. You want her to like you right? So...Just think of what -shudder- CAP would do...."

Kc looked up slightly confused at Youngmin's sudden silence. She stopped texting and saw Youngmin shoving his hands in his pockets and slightly shivering . She felt a pang of guilt run across her chest.

"N-nae...Are you cold? Here take this back." Kc said as she started to remove the jacket she was wearing. Youngmin looked at her bare shoulders and shook his head.

"No. Then you'll be cold. Just keep it." Kc nodded and started to walk towards the library entrance.

"But." Kc stopped in her tracks. "You owe me something." Kc's eye brow twitched but she didn't turn around.


"This." Youngmin wrapped his arms around Kc and pulled her close.

"Yah! What do you think you're doing?" Kc said as she tried to struggle out of his grip.

"This isn't something I WANT to do so just shut up and stay still. Gosh it's cold out here!" He growled. Kc rolled her eyes but kept still anyway.

With Kylie, Rachel, and Mariah

"Kylie you didn't answer my question from this morning!" Mariah whined.

"What question?"

"What's PDA?" Kylie choked a little.

"Ummm...PDA stands for Public Display of Affection."

"Ohhhh so you mean like that?"

"Like wha- OH MY SON OF A BISCUIT!" Kylie nearly fell off of her chair as she turned towards the window which Mariah was pointing at. And guess what she saw? Youngmin HUGGING Kc!

"OMO! What's he doing to her? Let me at him!" Kylie started to march towards the door when Mariah and Rachel stopped her.

"You do realize that if Kc WANTED him to let go, she would have done that the moment he laid a finger on her and he would be on the ground screaming in pain right? So we can't do anything since it's none of our business. At least until she starts struggling. Then we can go out there." Mariah said while pulling Kylie back into her seat.

"Fine...." Kylie pouted as she continued to watch from the window.

A few minutes later, Youngmin finally let go of Kc. Both just walked away like nothing happened. Kc walked back into the library and plopped back into her chair.

"So did you two finish the practice equations I gave you?" She asked naturally. The other three girls just gaped at her.

"What?" Kc asked.

"What? That's what you're asking? What? What do you mean, what? You were just outside! Hugging Youngmin! And all you can say is WHAT?" Rachel exclaimed.

"To be honest, he hugged me. And it wasn't an actual hug anyway..." Kc said.

"Then why didn't you push him off of you!"

"I..." Honestly, Kc didn't know why she didn't struggle more than she should have. In fact, it was hard for her NOT to lean into Youngmin's touch.

"I ummm. I felt kinda bad seeing him shivering since I had his jacket so...." Kc didn't bother to finish her sentence.

"You know, that's what the real Kc would do. Fake Kc wouldn't care about something like that. Why did you decide to drop the bad girl act?" Mariah asked.

"I didn't drop it. It's just that I...lost my focus at that moment. I'm not as good of an actress as you or Rachel. I broke character. That's all." Kc replied.

"Ok then. You know that we can help you right? We're always here for you." Mariah said. Rachel nodded in agreement.

"I know. Now let's get finished up and head to class."


School had ended and the girls headed to Charms and Charming.

"Auntie Eden! We have the new employee!!" Rachel sang as she skipped towards Auntie Eden.

"Oh is this Aly? The girl who you were telling me about yesterday?" She asked Princess Charming. They nodded their heads.

"Oh good. We really needed another waitress around here. Things have been getting really busy. By the way, I have new uniforms for you all and I'd like you to try them on~" Auntie Eden said as she pushed the girls towards the employees private room. When the girls came out, they looked like this.


Charms and Charming uniform



"I got you skirts with your signature colors. I hope you don't mind red Aly."

"Oh no! It's fine! I really like it!" Aly said.

"Why are these shoes....Glass slippers? Really?" Mariah asked while answering her own question.

"Hehe. I wanted to incorporate you girls into the cafe somehow and ta~dah! Glass slippers and "tiaras" for Princess Charming!"

"...But I'm not a member...."

"It still goes with the theme. And Kc, I know you don't like tying your hair or wearing head bands, so I gave you that cute hair clip!"

"Thanks auntie." Kc said with a smile. She clipped a lock of hair on the opposite side of her bangs and walked towards the counter.

"Awww. I was hoping that she would clip back her bangs." Auntie Eden said with a from. "Oh well. At least I got her into a skirt!" She walked off into the kitchen.

"Well let's get to work!" Rachel exclaimed.

When the clock struck 6:00 PM Kylie remembered something.

"Oh shoot! I need to go run some errands!" She exclaimed.

"You can go now. Business is startiing to slow down. We'll just meet you back home." Kc said. Kylie nodded and changed out of her uniform to this.

Kylie running errands

A few minutes after Kylie left, Boyfriend entered the cafe. Only, there was five of them.

"I see that we're not the only ones missing a member." Rachel told Kc.


"Aly, could you get that?" Rachel asked. Aly nodded and walked up to the welcoming booth.

"Ummm...Table for five?" She asked.

"Ano...who are you?" One of them asked.

"I'm Aly. I'm the new waitress. Hey, haven't I seen you five before?" She asked.

"Yeah. We all go to the same school. We're MBLAQ by the way."

"Oh yeah. I saw your performance. It was really cool."

"Thanks. That really means a lot. So where are the others?" Aly pointed behind her.

"KKKKKKKKKKKKKCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC!" Mir exclaimed as he ran behind the counter and picked Kc up.

"Pabo! There are other customers. Put me down!" Mir obeyed.

"Kc? Are you two ummmmm together?" Aly asked. The two blushed.

"NO!" They exclaimed in unison. Well of course Aly knew that...But Youngmin didn't keke.

"Where were you girls yesterday? We waited at the cafe all day and you didn't show up!! Did someone kid nap you?" Thunder asked.

"No dummy. We were helping out Kc's siblings yesterday..." Rachel answered not telling him the full story.

"...So what's with the outfits?" Seungho asked looking the three girls up and down.

"New uniforms. It looks stupid on me..." Kc grumbled as she went back to the counter.

"Kc, it does not!" Rachel exclaimed

"Yes it does."

"No it doesn't!"

"Yes it does."

"Oh...So where's Mariah?" Seungho asked Aly.

"In the kitchen."

"Where's Kylie?"

"Running errands."


With Kylie

Ok so what do we need?

Rice, eggs, milk, vitamins, cereal, butter, two types of flour, two types of sugar, boxes for the fan letters, and thank you cards.

Well this should be easy enough to find.

Ok so I have all of the groceries and I have small boxes for the fan letters and blank cards. And It's only 6:45!

Ugggg these bags are so heavy. That's what I get for losing at rock-paper-scissors. Don't understand? Well, we all choose our chores by rock-paper-scissors and I lost so now I have to do all of the shopping.

I was about to cross a street when all of a sudden a strong pair of arms pulled me back.

With Kwangmin

My hyungs and Minwoo went to the cafe today. I couldn't go because I was stuck at the library finishing up my overdue homework. I honestly at math. I finished around 6:35.

I started to walk towards the mansion when I realized that Donghyun hyung must have forgotten to buy Jeongmin hyung his hair product for his bipolar hair. I mean seriously. Sometimes his hair is straight. Sometimes it's curly. Actually now that I think about it, I think Donghyun hyung was too lazy to get it himself....

Finally I can go home!

I walked down the side walk trying to avoid the many people that were crowding it when I saw someone about to cross the street. Kylie. She didn't see the car that was speeding towards her. I ran as fast as I could and pulled her back.

"Yah! Pabo! Are you stupid? Be more aware of your surroundings!" I exclaimed while panting. Man that took a lot of energy. I mean, I had to be faster than that fricking car just to make sure she didn't get hit by it!

Normal POV

Kylie stood wide eyed watching the car that was about to hit her zoom by. She was about to thank whoever saved her when...

"Yah! Pabo! Are you stupid? Be more aware of your surroundings!"

She glared at Kwangmin. "Thank you for saving me. Now let me go." She said tersely as she tried to pull away from his grasp. She was about to cross the street again when another car nearly hit her as well. Sheesh. Some people don't know how to drive! Good thing Kwangmin pulled her away before anything happened.

"Are you kidding me? You can't walk across the street properly without almost getting hit by a car! Let's go." Kwangmin said as he rolled his eyes. He dragged Kylie across the street. When they got to the other side Kylie tried once again to make a break for it but Kwangmin wouldn't budge.

"I could have some fun with this..." Kylie thought. "Hmmmm should I or should I not? Eh I guess I'll do it."

"Jo Kwangmin, let go of my arm. It's hard carrying all of these bags in one hand." Kylie faked an innocent act. Kwangmin rolled his eyes.

"Give me that. Aish so troublesome...." Kwangmin groaned as he grabbed the heavy bags from Kylie's hand.

Kylie looked at Kwangmin. He had a dazed look in his eyes as he looked at the various stores.

Forever be my shine.

Kylie turned away and blushed as his words from the song filled her head.

"Omo! This shouldn't even be happening!" Kylie screamed in her head.

"I need to go get something from this store." Kylie said as she walked up to a really cute store. Kwangmin let go of her hand and she went inside. She came out a few minutes later. She was surprised to see that he actually waited for her.

"Omo. Why did I even stay? It's like my feet refuse to move!" Kwangmin thought as he saw Kylie exit the store.

"Awww. They turned out really nice." She said as she proudly held up the couple keychain


"Wh-why did you get that?" Kwangmin asked as he stared at the key chain.

"My dad ordered one for him and Reena and wanted me to pick it up and send it to him." Kylie explained.


"My step mom." Kylie explained. "Why am I actually bothering to explain ths to him?"

"Oh..."  Kwangmin said kind of glad said. It was just for her dad and step mom. She nodded and started to walk away. Kwangmin pulled her back right before some idiot riding a bike almost hit her. He wanted to slam that guy's face into a wall.

"I think you're really bad with any moving object." I said while I grabbed her hand. It was hard trying to hold onto her arm since she was a fast walker. She turned away and blushed.

"Yeah yeah.." She replied.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat something...But you're paying for yourself." I said as I dragged her off to a near by starbucks. We sat down at a table near the door. There were a lot of people inside.

They ordered their food and the cashier guy winked at Kylie. Kwangmin then proceeded to give him a death glare that made the poor guy want to quit and run right out of the store.

They both ordered a strawberry creme, a parfait, and a pound cake.

"What should I do now?" Kwangmin asked himself. Suddenly Jeongmin popped into his mind. "Aish..."

"So..tell me a little more about your family." Kwangmin asked awkwardly trying to make conversation.

"Huh? Oh well...My parents have been divorced since I was two. My mom..she didn't want to go through the trouble of raising me...She came back when I was about nine but things didn't work out. But I guess that it was all for the best..." Kylie said while stirring her drink with sad eyes.

Kwangmin bit his tongue. "D*mmit I shouldn't have said that." Kwangmin thought angrily.

"Dude you at this. I don't see why girls would even bother to look at you." Jeongmin's voice popped into his head.

"Shut up hyung. I don't know what to do. Girls just like me because I have looks."

"Then let me take over."

"That sounds creepy..."

"Shut up and do what I say."

"So tell me about your family." Kylie asked trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Well you already know Youngmin but we also have a younger brother named Hyunmin." Kylie chuckled a bit.

"What's so funny?" Kwangmin asked.

"YoungMIN, KwangMIN, HyunMIN." Kylie stressed the Mins. "You're mom must really love Min." Kwangmin rolled his eyes.

"Here. Have some. It's good." Kwangmin said as he held out a piece of his pound cake on a fork. Kylie hesitated before she opened and ate the piece. It was good.

"It's really good..." Kylie said shyly.

"Now it's my turn." Kwangmin said as he opened his mouth. Kylie cut a piece of her pound cake and fed it to Kwangmin.

"That's not bad..." Kwangmin said.

"Good job. You're not a bad actor. You should have come to me for help when she was about to get hit by that car!"

"Shut up Jeongmin hyung..."

"I should go...It's getting late..." Kylie said. Kwangmin nodded and they both stood up. Kylie walked to the counter and ordered a double chocolately chip with extra whipped cream. She was about to pay for it when Kwangmin butted in.

"I thought you said that I had to pay for myself." Kylie questioned.

"Well I feel like paying so shut up and stop complaining." Kwangmin growled.

"Pabo! That was so not me!" Jeongmin's voice screamed in Kwangmin's head.

"Yeah I know. Sometimes your voice is really annoying so I ignore it."

Kwangmin and Kylie walked until a park came into view. Kylie saw Kc sitting under one of the trees.

"Ummm you can go home now. I-I can handle things from here." Kylie said as she grabbed her bags from Kwangmin. Kwangmin didn't hesitate to leave quickly.

With Kylie

She walked towards Kc. Kc didn't notice Kylie until she was kicked in the leg

"Yah! What the french toast was that for and- oooh is that for me?" Kc asked while eyeing the double chocolatey chip with extra whipped cream.

"Yes.. It's for you..." Kylie grumbled as she handed the drink to Kc.

"So, where've you been all day?" Kc asked between sips.

"I got the stuff and then I..." Kylie stopped her sentence short.

"You?" Kc pressed.

"I ran into Kwangmin and he and I went to Starbucks together.."

"WHAT!!!!" Kc screamed as she jumped up.

"Shut up! People are staring!" Kylie hissed.


Kylie explained everything that had happened today. At the end of her story, Kc skipped around the tree with glee.

"Kylie~had~her~very~first~ever~daaaaaaaaaaaattttttteeeee!" Kc sang in a sing-song voice.

"OMO! Hush up! I should have never gotten you extra whipped cream!" Kylie exclaimed as she chased Kc around the tree.

With Kwangmin

Kwangmin hastily walked away once Kylie said she would be fine.

"Longest. Day. Of. My. LIFE!" He thought as he huffed. He was only a short distance away from the park when a blonde head in a beanie caught his eye. He walked behind said person and blew into his ear.

"S*** What the he-- oh it's you..." Youngmin said as he saw Kwangmin.

"Tch. I'm your twin and that's all the welcoming I get?" Kwangmin asked sarcastically. He pretended that he didn't care but truthfully it hurt. It hurt both of them. To be honest, they weren't that close. Twins or not.

"Stalker much?" Kwangmin asked realizing that his brother was looking at Kc and Kylie.

"Shut up."

The two watched the scene play out in front of them from Kylie kicking Kc to Kylie chasing Kc around the tree. They both clenched their fists in anger. They were brothers; twins even! How come they couldn't be close like them? Kc and Kylie who were only friends acted more like twins then they ever did.

Youngmin had enough and started to walk away. Kwangmin followed behind him with his hands shoved in his pockets. Youngmin looked at his brother out of the corner of his eyes.

"We used to be close like that remember? THAT just had to happen and break us apart..." Youngmin thought sadly.


FINALLY DONE!!!! OMO! I am soooooooo sorry it took so LONG. Uggg it doesn't it? arrrggggg well I have a science test tomorrow which is why it took me so long to update. Study study~ Anyways...

I know this is random but can you guys think of some couple names for the story?

I'll try to get chapter 19 up soon too. I'll probably write it in class XD

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Kailove #1
This is the best Fanfiction that I have ever read!!!!
14 streak #2
Chapter 44: Awwwww im sad that this story ended TT.TT
I love the clothes design ^^
Chapter 41: Uwaaahhhh! Im crying of happiness!!!!! Seriously! This was such a great story! Im sure im really annoying by now but i loved every chapter and word of this story. You are a talented writer and I can't wait to see more of your good work! Keep fighting author-nim!!!!!
Chapter 41: I loved the ending!!!
I'm so sad that this is ending. But i have loved this story since the beginning!
Work hard author-nim, i am here supporting you!!!

And PS. Donghyun and hyunseong!!!!! Dont think of yourselves as forever alone!!!! You guys are too cute for that!
Chapter 40: Lol forever alone! Yay! Join the club guys!!! So am I....unfortunately.... But it's okay! I have my kpop crushes!
MY lovlies!!!!!!!!! My feels are exploding!!!!!! Oh my god, theres gonna bea nuclear bomb when KC and Youngminnie make up!!!!!!!, aaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!,

I must thank you author-nim for bringing me joy with your stories!!!!!!! Saranghae! <3 and Thank you!
Chapter 38: Kekekekekeke~ Aly and Donghyun~ XD
Hmmmmm! It'd be awkward if they end up going out-- KIDDING! O: Yay~ Jeongchel is back together!! <3333333 Next is Kasamin! Yeah! Much harder to work with, if you ask me.... >.> But who doesn't like a challenge? UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOON~!!! Oh, and GET. A. TWITTER.