Hmmmm some quite confuzzled feelings

I'll Be Your Princess Charming

Sup it's your faaaaaaaaave author here ^^ lol jk. But anyways....I'm sorry for the late/lame updates. It's been a week of school and I feel like school started months ago -pout-. I just wanted to ask you guys to tell me what you think of the story so far. I'd really like to hear things out of my reader's point of view tee hee.

Plus if you people know some really good songs (it can be kpop or anything), it might spike some inspiration in me or you might find it somewhere in this story.

Now onwards to relieve your suspense! Or I might just make it grow larger. You know me <3


Kylie and Aly headed to level 10 with Boyfriend and Teen Top. Not where Kc went though. They went into a room that was like a whole ducking salon!


They were currently getting the things they needed to do their hair. You know, temporary dyes, mousse, hair gel, hair spray, whatevs.

"So that's Boyfriend? Teen Top's rivals?" Aly asked Kylie while they were getting the supplies from the closet/storage area. Boyfriend and Teen Top were outside.

"Yeah why?" Kylie asked.

"It's just that they don't seem like huge jerks like Kc described them." Aly said while reaching up at a high shelf.

"What did she say about them?" Kylie asked wondering what Kc could have said about Boyfriend that didn't involve swearing.

"She mostly says things about 'that blonde son of a banchee who needs to learn some manners even if she has to pound it into his head with a hammer.' or 'that blonde son of a shish-ka-bob who needs be set straighter than a ruler.' And by what you girls told me, she's already got that covered." Aly said with a shrug.

"Figures she'd complain about Youngmin..."Kylie mumbled. "And I don't really think we set them straight. They're still rude jerks and they haven't stopped bullying either. They just do it less. The only thing that's changed about them is how much they pay attention to us." Kylie said with a shudder.

"So who's the one that gets on your nerves?" Aly asked.

"The blonde banchees' twin, Kwangmin. He's so rude! He's picks on people just for fun! He acts like he's so cool even though he's not! He finds absolutely anything that doesn't interest him troublesome! DID I MENTION THAT HE'S RUDE!" Kylie exclaimed while flailing her arms.

"Figures you two would pick twins..." Aly mumbled.


"Nothing! So what about Rachel and Mariah?"

"Oh...Well Rachel absolutely despises Jeongmin. She says he's too full of himself. And Mariah really doesn't like Minwoo. He's got a few anger issues. THEY'RE ALL STILL REALLY RUDE! AND JERKS!"

Aly chuckled "So what do you think of Teen Top?" 

"Teen Top? Well they're really sweet. They're so nice too! And very talented." Kylie said with a smile.

"What do you think of them?" Kylie asked Aly this time.

"Meh they're ok." Aly said. "I have a weird feeling about those guys. They seem a little off to me." Ay thought.

"You don't like them? Oh, well you'll really like them when you get to know them. I know you will!"

"So who's your favorite from Teen Top?" Aly asked with a smirk. "Is it the guy who wrapped his arm around you?"

"M-maybe..." Kylie stuttered.

"What about Kc, Rachel, and Mariah?"

"CAP, Ricky, and Changjo."

"Alrighty then. Now let's get them ready shall we? I'll handle Boyfriend since you clearly despise them and you can get Teen Top kk?"

Kylie nodded and walked out of the storage room using a cart to carry all of her items. She didn't know that Aly was smirking behind her back.

"Hmmm so Teen Top and Boyfriend are rivals. Boyfriend is clearly trying to get some type of attention from my friends...Hmmm...Let's see just what Boyfriend feels about them. Tee hee! I'm going to have so much fun today ^^. I guess I'll start with Kwangmin."

Aly walked out of the storage room with the items she needed. She looked over and saw Kylie walking towards Teen Top. Aly pretended that the many items in her arms were making her off balanced, "accidentally" knocking Kylie right into L.Joe's arms. She peeked over and saw that Kwangmin was clutching his arm rest tightly while glaring at L.Joe from the corner of his eye.

"Kwangmin. Check. One down, three to go ^^"


Kwangmin's POV

I was sitting in the salon chair waiting for whoever to get me ready. After a few minutes, Kylie came out of the storage room and went to Teen Top. Figures...F***ing L.Joe...

I saw that new girl, Aly right?, walking out of the storage room. She had a lot of things in her hands. t least troublesome was smart enough to use a cart.

Aly seemed a little unbalanced though. She bumped into Kylie sending her right into L.Joe's arms. I felt a streak of lightning bury itself into my chest. It really hurt. I've never felt anything like this before. I really wanted to get up and punch the living -censored- out of L.Joe but I didn't. I couldn't. I felt paralyzed in this ducking chair.

All I could do was clench my armrest until it felt like it was going to tear off and glare at L.Joe. My head was pulsing with rage at this point. I took in deep breaths trying to calm myself down.

My head stopped pulsing but I could still feel that pain in my chest. What's going on with me?


Normal POV

The girls finished Boyfriend and Teen Top's hair and make up. The two bands changed into their performance clothes and Kylie and Aly lead them to the room that the photo shoot would take place. They entered seeing that the background screens and lights had been set up.

"Wow she works fast..." Kylie and Aly said in awe. They walked over to Kc who was currently hooking up the camera to a computer and testing the shots.

"How do you even know how to do this?" Kylie asked. She knew that Kc was good with computers and sound boards but seriously? What other pieces of technology can she work with?

"I blame my brothers...Ate can easily do this as well but she just likes to make me do it." Kc replied not looking up from her work. She was in serious biz mode.

"I...see?" Kylie said not really knowing how to respond.

"So who's going first?"

"We are." CAP said. Kc just nodded and motioned for them to stand in front of the background screens. She centered the camera on them, took pictures of them in multiple poses, scanned them on the computer, messed around with edits, lighting, quality and all that jazz. Then she called Boyfriend over and repeated all of the above.

When Boyfriend finished, Rachel, Mariah, and two other guys came in with the finished clothes. One guy was tall, the other one was just a bit shorter and more on the chubby side.



"KC!!!!!!" They screamed as they ran and tackled Kc.

"Yah! Kuya!! Off me!" Kc said while struggling out of their grasp The two boys let go. They stepped back and looked Kc up and down.

"I really wish your sister wouldn't make you and your friends dress like that. Especially when there are other boys around." The tall one said.

"Seriously. What if they try something and we're not here to help you girls?" The shorter one asked.

"Ummm?" Aly waved the attention back to her and the other two bands.

"Oh yeah! These are my cousins, Eric (the tall one) and PJ (the chubbyish one). Kuyas, that's Boyfriend, that's Teen Top, and that's my friend Aly. You still remember Kylie, Rachel, and Mariah right?" The two nodded.

"Nice to meet you." PJ and Eric said while waving.

"You too."

"We have to go and finish up some other things. Se ya later shorty ^^" Eric told Kc in a teasing voice.

"Yah! I'm not short! You're just abnormally tall!!!" Kc fought back.

"You're short just accept it." PJ teased.

"Yeah w-well.....YOU'RE BIG!"

"Thank you. Most certainly."

Everyone burst out in laughter at Kc and PJ's argument.

"Well that was fun but we have to go now" Eric said while wiping tears out of his eyes. "Let's roll!"

"They see me rollin' they hatin' ♫ PJ sang as he and Eric walked out of the room.

"Wow Kc! How much family do you have?" Aly asked while wiping tears out of hr eyes.

"A lot." Kylie, Rachel, and Mariah said bluntly.

"Really?" Aly asked.

"Yeah. Some of my other cousins work here too. Like PJ's older sister, Raime. She's my sister's assistant." Kc replied. "Now get them ready for the next shoot"


The photo shoot finally finished and Boyfriend and Teen Top were just talking amongst themselves. The two bands didn't bother to change out of their outfits yet. They were really tired. So many group and solo shots...

And with so many shots, Kc was kinda getting stressed from all of the pictures she had to choose from edit for the magazine. She constantly blew the fringe out of her face and pulled her hair over her shoulders. Big mistake. Since her hair was over her shoulder, nothing was left to cover her back.

Youngmin took his attention away from whatever Donghyun was saying and looked over at Kc. She was slouched over the computer typing and clicking furiously. Youngmin then saw CAP's gaze. It was right on Kc's exposed back trailing up and down.

Youngmin growled. He stood up and walked towards Kc. She didn't' notice him since she was in her own little world. Youngmin took off his jacket and put it over Kc's shoulders covering her back.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kc mumbled not wanting to take her concentration away from what she was doing. Especially not for Youngmin of all people.

"Pabo.It's not good for you to expose yourself in front of a bunch of guys" Youngmin said quiet enough for her to hear as he rolled his eyes. He glared at CAP through the corner of his eye.

"Tch whatever. Now leave me alone so I can finish" Kc growled while putting her arms through the sleeves. Youngmin walked back to his seat glaring at CAP along the way. CAP glared back at him now that his "nice" view was being blocked.

Unknown to the three of them, Aly was standing on the side lines pretending to play with her phone.

"Aww. I didn't even get a chance to do anything with them! Oh well...Two more to go..." Aly thought a bit disappointed.


Kc had just finished the pictures and uploaded them into a flash drive. She was in one of the editing rooms with Boyfriend, Teen Top, and her friends. It was connected to Charice's office.


Rachel and Mariah were on the couch leaning on each other since they were absolutely exhausted from making so many clothes with so little help. Kylie and Aly were sitting next to Kc watching her do her thing since they had nothing else to do. The boys were either lying on the floor or leaning against the wall.

"Uggg I can't feel my hands." Rachel complained.

"It was worth it though." Mariah said while trying to cheer Rachel up. "We did way better than the 30 people who were supposed to work on it."

"I guess..." Rachel said with a sigh.

"I think you did great." Ricky said with a smile. Rachel blushed.

"G-gomow-wa..." Rachel said shyly. After all, who wouldn't be flustered if they're crush just complimented their work XD.

Ricky smiled at her and Rachel smiled back. On the inside she was fangirling.

"KYA~AAA! Ricky complimented me! And now he's smiling at me!!!!" Rachel squealed in her head.

Jeongmin however, wasn't impressed.

"Tch. What does she see in him? I'm much better than Ricky. I'm cooler, more handsome, and I don't have ridiculously large ears." He thought with a huff. His fists were clenched against the wall he was leaning against.

Aly smirked slightly as she took in the sight.

"So I guess that leaves maknae Minwoo..." She thought. "But why are they taking all of the fun out of this? That's so unfair! -pout-"

Just then, Raime came in with a folder.

(this is Raime.)


"Kace?" Raime called.

"Yes Ate Rai?" Kc answered looking up from the computer.

"Here are the interviews, facts, info, etc. for the magazine." Raime said while handing the folder to Kc.

"Thanks Ate." Kc said with a tired smile. Raime pulled out her hand that she held behind her back and gave a small box to Kc.

"What's this?" Kc asked.

"Open it." Raime said as she walked back to her office.

"Are you going to open it now?" Kylie asked.

"When I'm done." Kc replied as she opened the folder and started typing furiously once again.

"Well we're off." Mariah announced as she got off the sofa dragging Rachel with her.

"Where are you two going?" Aly asked.

"Making the outfits for the music videos. Wanna help?" Mariah asked.


"Yay. Whoo-hoo..." Rachel said in a tired/happy way. The three headed back downstairs.

"By the way, you guys have the song tracks for your music videos right?" Kc asked as she turned her chair to face the two bands. They nodded. "Ok good. Because you have to rerecord the song for the music video. After that's done, we can shoot, edit, and finish." Kc said while turning back to her work.

"Why do we need to rerecord it?" Chunji asked.

"Don't even go there." Kylie warned. "You won't understand half the things she'll say. Trust me."

"...I'm right here you know..."

"Well too bad."


"YEAH BUDDY!" Kc exclaimed. She woke up Boyfriend and Teen Top (who had fallen asleep) in the process.

"REALLY?" Kylie exclaimed while leaping from her seat.

"Yup. Check it."

Kc pulled out the now finished magazine she had just printed.




(just pretend it's like flipping through a magazine. The first half is Boyfriend, second half is Teen Top)


"That's so cool!" Kylie exclaimed. She handed the magazine to Boyfriend and Teen Top. They stared at it in awe.

"Wow...You're good." CAP said.

"I know I am." Kc replied like it was nothing.

"Can I see that?" Charice asked as she walked into the room. The magazine was handed to her.

"Wow...This IS really good! You should come and help out here more often!" Charice exclaimed.

"Yeah...No. Now let's get to TruTech and record the songs and shoot the video." Kc said.

"Shouldn't we wait for Rachel, Aly, and Mariah?" Kylie asked.

"Oh they're done. They've been done. They're in the cafeteria right now." Charice said.

"....." Kc and Kylie were silent. Their lips were pursed. That could only mean one thing....Someone/someones were going to be beaten with a wet noodle.

"Shouldn't we go to TruMusic Entertainment to record the songs?" Hyunseong asked.

"TruMusic and TruTech are connected." Kc explained. "Now let's get those three and get to it..."






Lol I hope you guys liked the fight between Kc and her cousins :) That's a legit conversation I've had with my two cousins. Just thought I'd let you know. Don't forget to answer the questions ^^ Saranghae my lovely readers <3

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Kailove #1
This is the best Fanfiction that I have ever read!!!!
14 streak #2
Chapter 44: Awwwww im sad that this story ended TT.TT
I love the clothes design ^^
Chapter 41: Uwaaahhhh! Im crying of happiness!!!!! Seriously! This was such a great story! Im sure im really annoying by now but i loved every chapter and word of this story. You are a talented writer and I can't wait to see more of your good work! Keep fighting author-nim!!!!!
Chapter 41: I loved the ending!!!
I'm so sad that this is ending. But i have loved this story since the beginning!
Work hard author-nim, i am here supporting you!!!

And PS. Donghyun and hyunseong!!!!! Dont think of yourselves as forever alone!!!! You guys are too cute for that!
Chapter 40: Lol forever alone! Yay! Join the club guys!!! So am I....unfortunately.... But it's okay! I have my kpop crushes!
MY lovlies!!!!!!!!! My feels are exploding!!!!!! Oh my god, theres gonna bea nuclear bomb when KC and Youngminnie make up!!!!!!!, aaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!,

I must thank you author-nim for bringing me joy with your stories!!!!!!! Saranghae! <3 and Thank you!
Chapter 38: Kekekekekeke~ Aly and Donghyun~ XD
Hmmmmm! It'd be awkward if they end up going out-- KIDDING! O: Yay~ Jeongchel is back together!! <3333333 Next is Kasamin! Yeah! Much harder to work with, if you ask me.... >.> But who doesn't like a challenge? UPDATE SOOOOOOOOOON~!!! Oh, and GET. A. TWITTER.