Chapter 15

When a Baby Found in Front of Your Door


Kyuhyun was sitting silently on his couch when his cousin’s friends came over to do their project (like usual until the end of the month, is it) and here he was, gaped at the awkward atmosphere around the living room. They usually chatted or quarreled or something else, but today no one said anything. Firstly, of course, because the incident the other day. Apparently Donghae fussed about that all along until today, and Kyuhyun could hardly part with him when the bell rung, noticing the project group was coming. Then, may be, because Kyuhyun wasn’t sure about this one, the cute guy the other day came to bring him food was quiet and he bet this had something to do with the kiss. Was it because the cute guy liked the blonde? Or Donghae? Nah, that wouldn’t be right. Only the crazy one who liked Donghae.


Though the room was quiet like a graveyard, the only sound could be heard was the baby in Kyuhyun’s side. While he leaned on the couch, the bundle of flash was sitting on the carpeted floor accompanied by his little bunny (which is Sungmin’s) and a colorful robot (which is Jungmo’s, since he said he wanted to give the baby something before he went back to his parents which was uncertain when that would happen) but he was happy, nonetheless. Unlike the people on the table, that is.


So, things were going hard, what should Kyuhyun do to warm the air? Though he wasn’t the type who would talk easily on public, but he couldn’t stand it anymore! He had to do something. Playing with Taemin didn’t help at all—he only received a smile and also a fake-puke from Donghae (he knew Kyuhyun very well, indeed). Being a gentleman he is, he finally opened up a conversation between them. Firstly, of course, with a cough to be seen as a cool man.


“Do you guys have nowhere to do your project beside here?” finally he spoke! But well… we weren’t willing to have you opened up such a topic, though. And it was his fault for the four boys glaring at him. “I bet nobody is in your house, bunny.”


Geez, Kyuhyun, why the hell did you call him that? He probably will think you’re crazy or something!


“We decided to do it here in your place in the first place, so… we’re going to use your place until the end.” Donghae explained carefully—he didn’t want Kyuhyun glared at him and made everyone thought he was coward for scared to his own little cousin. But Kyuhyun is scary. Everyone scared of him, so did Donghae. “You should be happy finally you have someone visit you here, you know. I know nobody wants to be here since you’re not going to give them any meals.”


In the end, Kyuhyun glared at Donghae. That gave shivers run his spine, though.


“If you don’t like our company here, tell us. We can move to our place.” Here we go, the argument Kyuhyun wanted. “Though it better be like this because Taemin is comfortable.”


“You’re implying that you’re better doing your project without a baby around, right?” Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows. Wow, Kyuhyun, so that was how you have nobody clinging to you. With a smirk plastered on your face nobody would think you did it for people’s mistakes. He is an evil, indeed.


Eunhyuk was speechless. He thought Kyuhyun was someone who would feel uncomfortable to talk to strangers like him because hell, they had never faced each other at school. Though they had argued once, that didn’t mean they were closer. “It’s not…”


“See? Your silence means my words are true. I’ll be upset if I were you, Sungmin-sshi.” Kyuhyun shrugged as he patted the baby’s head. Taemin giggled over Kyuhyun’s kindness. It was surprising how Taemin got comfy around Kyuhyun though they only spent a day together—it was even less. Sungmin didn’t get it why Taemin looked kind of happy when Sungmin carried him over here; he even clutched his favorite bunny plushie. He usually grabbed that whenever Sungmin carried him to the living room and played with that. Even Eunhyuk didn’t get a bunny to play with Taemin. Could be Kyuhyun is his father?


Nah, Sungmin, you think too far.


“Yah! You—”


“What?” Kyuhyun is a jerk, Eunhyuk thought. “Tell you what, it’ll be better think what you’re gonna say carefully.”


“Kyuhyun, can’t you please shut your mouth up? We’re trying to do our assignment here, please.” Sungmin patiently warned the youngest boy (excluded Taemin, of course) with a sigh, distracted by Eunhyuk and Kyuhyun’s never ended argument. Jungmo and Donghae could only sigh because they knew very well what would happen if someone didn’t stop those two. Either Eunhyuk boiled up or Kyuhyun slammed his door. Simple but scary at the same time.


However, to the others’ surprise, Kyuhyun just shrugged his shoulders like nothing was wrong—even a frown didn’t show up like usual. The snarky Kyuhyun wasn’t here and Donghae wondered what caused that.


Ten minutes later though, Kyuhyun opened his mouth again. Apparently he felt better since he had his sleep already and so his snarky side was back. And with his curiosity he probably wouldn’t let anyone leave his house without being bullied. “You know, I wonder what actually Taemin’s parents do because I have never seen them before visiting Taemin or taking him back.” This question though, made Sungmin and Eunhyuk stopped at their tracks, brain stopped functioning as they hoped it should be. “Or his parents are too shame to show up in front of their niece’s friends?”


“…I’m not a girl, Cho Kyuhyun.”


“Well… you look like one, Lee Sungmin.” See, this boy was starting again. Maybe Jungmo would be the last one because he was bored with Lee fishy Donghae.


“Kyuhyun, actually what’s wrong with you?” Jungmo, the most unpleasant boy among them with a fight asked in his deep voice, trying not to sound so desperately frustrated because he knew Kyuhyun would snap at him if he did so.


“Why? I’m just curios, that’s all.” The evil teenager smirked. Nobody could say no to him. “So, why? The person I saw have been in your house was that monkey’s cousin. Only that person, and I thought Taemin was going to be fetched because it’s like… what—a week already for Taemin in your place?” Oh great, Kyuhyun, how Sungmin wanted to put your head in his boiled pumpkin soup.


“So what? He’s our relatives, it’s normal to have our relatives spend a night in our place!” whoever heard what tone Sungmin used should be wanted to pinch those chubby cheeks. His aegyo was so natural that Eunhyuk loved him so much. Even Kyuhyun wanted to bite him. Donghae? Don’t ask.


“Aww, Sungmin, you’re so cute~” the hell, Donghae thought. Since when Kyuhyun liked the cute type? But then again, it was his chance to have Eunhyuk if Kyuhyun did lay his eyes on Sungmin. Sungmin blushed when he called like that. He knew he was cute; everyone said that and he would unconsciously puff his cheeks because hey, he is a boy, namja! Boys aren’t called cute. Except Taemin, well, and he is only seven months. “Say, are you Taemin’s mother?”




“Yah! Kyuhyun-sshi, stop it!” Eunhyuk stood up, not mood anymore to do his task today, thanks to certain evil. “What exactly are you implying?! That I have kid with Sungmin? Are you crazy?! He’s my friend, I’m his friend—we’re friends and such a thing wouldn’t happen!” he panted after said such a long sentence with one breath, stormed out of Kyuhyun’s place with furious face. Everyone could hear a door slammed and they knew it called it a day.


Taemin was crying the time door slammed, shocked to hear such a loud voice through the room. Sungmin rushed to his spot immediately, carrying the baby to kitchen where everyone wouldn’t hear whatever he said to the cried baby. Kyuhyun smirked. See, something was fishy, he knew. Why would Eunhyuk be that mad just because his curiosity through the baby? Why would he be that mad just because Kyuhyun said Sungmin was cute? But well… he knew Eunhyuk and Sungmin had string attached one another, but it was more than just a friend. He just knew it.


“Donghae?” Jungmo opened his mouth. “Why didn’t you say something along that silly argument?”


“Kyuhyun wouldn’t let me sleep here if I did, Jungmo.” Donghae sighed. Well, it was right. Even if Donghae said nothing, Kyuhyun wouldn’t let him spend the night here actually. It was obvious.


Sungmin, meanwhile, was Taemin’s back lovingly like a mother would do, kissing the baby’s hair to lessen the sobs. Taemin was snuggling to his neck, cheeks wet and red. This was the state Sungmin hated. Crying Taemin is something he hates because Taemin was vulnerable and had no parents to complain. He only had Sungmin, Eunhyuk, and Heechul. He was hurt whenever Taemin was crying, but right now he was hurt more. His heart was scattered, like a piece of glass which was broken hitting a hard surface, became pieces in only a second. He was hurt inside.


“You know, Taemin… we’re only friends…” Sungmin bit his bottom lips, preventing himself to burst out tears. “Then the kiss explains something.”




It's finally weekend~ XD but still, I have assignment to do even in the weekend, geez -___-

Anywaaaaay~ sorry for this chapter. I don't know why I wrote it this simple .___. And sorry again, you guys have waited a week just for it :'(

Hope you guys still like it, though~ :D

Anyway, thank youuuu~~ :* this chapter need 4 more subscribers, and it'll hit 50~ XD guys, thank you very much /sobs/

And so, happy reading~

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I just realize that I did wrong to write Dawn as Down =)) sorry~~ but is it okay to not retype it? =))


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Chapter 39: I'm re-reading this again because I miss your kyumin stories. Hope to be able to read your new story again.
silvermin #2
Chapter 26: Ugh..bring back my hyukmin... ;;;;;;
mineforever021 #3
Chapter 39: lovely ending... sequel plzzz..... i really enjoy reading this story...
BlacKpopfan107 #4
Chapter 39: Awe that was such a cute ending! I'm glad everything turned out good in the know what I mean? Like Min is friends with Victoria noona and even has his own chikd with Kyu. I enjoyed your story till the very end. Thanks!
Chapter 39: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's now finished :""> and it's a very very very very happy ending! XDD HAHAHA. OMG, EunHae was so... xD and KyuMin >.< Oh! Poor babies (Taemin, Ren, Sandeul)!! the ninja YeWook! Yeaaaaah! HAHAHAHA. I love this really :""">

I'm going to miss you too! Oh well, I'll wait for your another fic! =))
Chapter 38: AWW... MY POOR MINNIE ;((
I'm so glad Kyuhyun is there for him ;(
I cried too. T.T
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 38: It is soooo sad, poor minnie...hang in there baby...
Chapter 38: That's so sad. :'( it's not fair for sungmin.