Chapter 9

When a Baby Found in Front of Your Door

“Sungmin-ah…” Jungmo called quietly. “Can you please let your baby play alone and help with our project? Donghae can only spat at Eunhyuk and Eunhyuk will spat back, so I can’t concentrate on my work. Please? You can ask Donghae’s cousin for taking care of that for a while.” He shrugged.

For everyone who was asking about what happened, Sungmin finally moved to the living room for Kyuhyun’s liking, and because Taemin kept tugging on Sungmin’s shirt, the cute boy couldn’t let Taemin play alone behind him. And yeah, everything Jungmo said was true: Donghae spat at Eunhyuk when the two searched the page about male reproduction, while Eunhyuk would hit Donghae on the head when the latter wouldn’t keep his mouth shut and spat back. Jungmo, being the only serious one, couldn’t take the little argue anymore.

Sungmin patted Taemin’s head and gave him his little bunny flushie before he went back to the little desk in the living room, reached for his pen before searching for his part in Kyuhyun’s book. “Sorry,” he muttered softly. “But I can’t let Taemin all alone. And for Kyuhyun, he’s fever, so I can’t bother him just for taking care of Taemin.” He smiled apologetically. “Eunhyuk, can you please stop hitting Donghae? We need to finish it quickly.”

“S-sorry.” Eunhyuk scratched his neck. “Can I take a break? I can’t concentrate if someone keeps yelling on my ears.”

“What?! Who’s keep yelling on your ears?!” Donghae snapped. Oh yeah, it rather… well…

“I didn’t say it’s you,” replied Eunhyuk. “I’ll play with Taemin for a while.” He went near Taemin and patted the baby’s head. Taemin giggled at the pat, both arms stretched asked to be hugged. How cute, said Sungmin mentally.

“It’s better.” Jungmo smiled a bit before he continued copied the explanation.

“Dada…” Taemin mumbled as Eunhyuk picked him up. However, Donghae heard that. He stopped reading and glanced at the two as Eunhyuk sat on the couch, smiled that gum smile of him, even gave Taemin a kiss.

“Ne, Taemin-ah. Dada’s here.” Eunhyuk mumbled again the skin, making the baby giggled and said more dadas to him. Donghae knew they two were somehow related. He knew who the mother was. He just knew it. And from the corner of his eyes, he saw Sungmin threw a smile to them, like a mother would do.

Noooooo—that sweet moment was killing Donghae’s inside.

“Somebody can cook a proper meal?” Kyuhyun, after two straight hours sleeping, said in hoarse voice. His hair was tousled, so was his shirt. Sungmin, Donghae, Eunhyuk and Jungmo turned their head. Oh, so who could cook? Everyone kept silent. “Nobody?” Kyuhyun growled.

“I can. I’ll cook for everyone.” Sungmin sighed but eventually stood up, ready to go to Kyuhyun’s kitchen. But then Kyuhyun coughed.

“No, not in my kitchen. I have nothing to cook, so you should use your kitchen instead.”

“Then why didn’t you ask us to buy meals instead?” Eunhyuk asked the rude boy because he was just asking Sungmin to make a meal. Seriously, even Eunhyuk never asked him that way! And why Sungmin complied with this brat’s will, anyway? Eunhyuk couldn’t take it. “Sungmin shouldn’t go back to our house just for your personal matter.”

“He said he’ll make meals for us, not only for me. Are you deaf?” Kyuhyun replied with a snort, a smirked then followed as Eunhyuk fisted his hands. “And if I asked can anybody buy food, will you go out and buy meals for us?”

Eunhyuk didn’t reply. He was controlling his breath and his mind, didn’t want to yell at that brat so suddenly that could make Sungmin mad at him. He exhaled deeply, rubbed Taemin’s back for distraction. “Why not.” He shrugged. “As long as I don’t buy the foods with my own money, I’ll buy it.”

“Then buy it now.” Kyuhyun said in challenge—eyebrows raised, arms folded, lips smirked. He even snorted when Eunhyuk didn’t budge at all from his place.

“Stop it!” everyone had their eyes on Sungmin then. The latter, however, picked Taemin from Eunhyuk before he exhaled deeply. “I’ll cook, okay?” he picked up Taemin’s bag, “just wait for a while, I’ll be back in minutes. Don’t do anything stupid.” He gave a glance to Eunhyuk, openly warned him to not start arguing with both Kyuhyun and Donghae.

Eunhyuk could only grit his teeth.


Heechul’s PoV

It was a looooooong day. I know, I was being a jerk earlier. But that is for Taemin’s sake. You know, I am not his baby sitter. Whatever Eunhyuk will say to me, I’m still not his baby sitter. Being with a baby more than three hours is burden for me, because you know everything about baby: first they are so sweet with that chubby cheeks and pouty yet cute lips, then their soft voice that could make you squeal like a fangirl, but after that they start squirming when you hold them too long. After that squirming they will search for their mother, and if they don’t see their mother everywhere they will start crying and that cries really break your ears. Believe me, all the baby was just the same.

And the only baby didn’t like that was my baby Hankyung <3.
Oh yes, ignore me about that.

So, I felt sorry about Taemin. I was being honest here, you know, don’t look at me like that. I know it was wrong, but I need money. My visit here was not just for leaving my old and strict parents, but for job also. I need to have a job for living, as my mother said. But well, since I couldn’t let my cousin’s beloved baby all alone in the house even with his full bottle and clean diaper, the baby couldn’t change his diaper or feed himself.

Although Eunhyuk would probably shout at me, I knew what to do, hah.

“Go home now, sweetheart?” Hankyung, my long-lost-boyfriend asked me as I packed all my things from my locker. Yeah, it is my first day to work with him. This little café wasn’t too far from where I lived, so I thought why not working here? As long as my boyfriend here though, it would be okay, hahahaha.

“Why? Do you want to invite me over to your place?” I asked in seductive tone—the thing Hankyung loved from me. Oh yeah, I’m ing know everything he liked. “Or do you want to take me home?”

“Can I pocket you? Because I don’t think I can sleep if you’re not beside me,” he replied, with smirk he loved. Oh yeah, he knew I loved that smirk.

“I don’t think so, baby,” I took my now-full-bag from the locker and turned to his way, “I think something not so good will be happened in my place. You know I left Taemin with stranger, right?”

“Then I’ll take you home, alright?”

“No, no, it’s alright.” I convinced him. He looked at me with that love I was so tempting to touch him more. You know, it was three months already I hadn’t met him. I needed our y time, but not today. I bet Eunhyuk wouldn’t open his door when I got home later. “I’ll call you when I got home, okay?” I smiled softly to him before I pecked him on the lips, then waved goodbye.

Tomorrow, babe, and I would lay my hands on you.

In less than twenty minutes I arrived at my cousin’s place. And you know what, Eunhyuk didn’t lock his door. That means he wasn’t angry at me? Or that was a prank? So when I opened the door I would face the owner of the door, sat on the couch with arms folded, ready to blow me. But no, Eunhyuk was nowhere to be seen.

“You’re home, hyung?” Sungmin, my cousin’s lover was just closing his door, where his little family sleeping now. Oh yeah, they had already a family. “Where were you? Why did you leave Taemin to Kyuhyun?”

“…who’s Kyuhyun?”

“The neighbor,” he replied quickly. I knew he was mad. “I called you, didn’t I? Why didn’t you pick up, hyung? Why didn’t you text me back?”

“Where’s Eunhyuk?”

“Here, hyung.” A small voice came from kitchen, where that monkey was sitting on the dining chair with a glass of strawberry milk—his favorite, yeah. Somehow I could feel that dark aura around him. I knew he was also mad. But hell, I went to work—how could I bring a child?! Let alone their child. No ing way.

“I’m… sorry, okay?” that’s it. The worst word ever. Sorry. That was only because of the dark aura around that monkey. “I was working. I have a job from now on, so I won’t be home until evening. I can’t bring Taemin there because I won’t get that job, right?” I shrugged. “Then again, you two should put Taemin in the day care from now on because I won’t be able to look after him anymore. Except weekend, and both of you’re here in the weekend too.”

“Why did you work, anyway?” Eunhyuk made a way to me. So what? It wasn’t like you would have my errands, anyway.

“Because I want to.” I shrugged again, but this time I thrown myself on the couch. “And I live here, not only for a week. So I think I need at least one job to fulfill my needs.”


“Hankyung hyung, isn’t it?” I could see Eunhyuk his hands. Oh wow, he knew everything too. So why should I lie to him, right? I nodded. His lover only could stand there motionless, eh?

“Hankyung introduced me to his boss and helped me to get a job. Why?” sometimes his head is really hard, you know. I didn’t know Eunhyuk hated Hankyung. The first time they met went smooth, actually. So why suddenly Eunhyuk being this cold—oh, of course… how could I forget? It was about his baby and his wife.

“Just… don’t do it again, hyung. Don’t let Taemin in stranger’s hand like this again. Tell us before you do something stupid like this.” The monkey said in hurt tone—I knew it was my fault, but why? Taemin was okay, wasn’t he? So why was this matter still being talked?

And you know what? Eunhyuk went to his beloved room after he said such things. Alright Hyuk, I would let you this time.

“…sorry, hyung.” Sungmin, being an angel he is, was approaching me with small step as if afraid of me biting him. “Eunhyuk was worried because nobody at home when we were home.”

“It’s okay, I know I’m at fault.” I shrugged. “Then again, it’s his baby, so it’s normal for him to be that way.” Sungmin nodded a little. He was indeed my cousin’s wife for being like this. Oh, how lovely they are. “So, tell me. What kind of things you have done with my cousin?” oh yeah, I wriggled my eyebrows to .

“W-what?” I wanted to pinch those cheeks, you know. He was so cute with that shocked expression.

“Don’t ‘what’ me, Lee Sungmin. I know how lovely you two are! Being Taemin’s parents must be making you two closer, right?” again, wriggled my eyebrows. Aww, he blushed. How cute.

“W-we’re friends, h-hyung.”

“Yeah, yeah… friends in benefits?”


End of PoV



Sorry for looooooooooong update :( I stuck here in my hometown since I live alone, but I have no laptop because this one is my father's and he needs it for his work. Otherwise, I use it at night and wander around my house at noon. Its boring, really, but I know my mother missed me so much :3

Anyway, here's the update~~~ XD


Comments Reply:

@Bluecassy7: I can't say anything anymore .___. It should be KyuMin-EunHae, though, but weeeell~ you can see HyukMin as much as you want before I put KyuMin together, can't you? :-"

@Ladymaknae: I agree with youuu~ I think he already can produce baby with his own lol

@KyuIsLove: this' the update~ XD sorry though to make you wait too long :(

@mysara: Well, I kind of including Jungmo in this story until the end though~ :3 It's.... well... what should I say? =)) you'll fnd it for sure~ Donghae will make his way soon, believe me~ >< but that has to wait~ and here's Heechul~ also Hangeng,and their little fun talking~ LOL

@kuro_usagi0730: you like HyukMin or KyuMin more?


Weell~ thank you for all of you for reading it and even subscribing it~ I don't think I have a silent reader, though, hahah :D

And sorry for making you guys confused because this fluff(?) HyukMin, you'll know it soon, don't worry~

So, until then, farewell?

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Thank you!
I just realize that I did wrong to write Dawn as Down =)) sorry~~ but is it okay to not retype it? =))


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Chapter 39: I'm re-reading this again because I miss your kyumin stories. Hope to be able to read your new story again.
silvermin #2
Chapter 26: Ugh..bring back my hyukmin... ;;;;;;
mineforever021 #3
Chapter 39: lovely ending... sequel plzzz..... i really enjoy reading this story...
BlacKpopfan107 #4
Chapter 39: Awe that was such a cute ending! I'm glad everything turned out good in the know what I mean? Like Min is friends with Victoria noona and even has his own chikd with Kyu. I enjoyed your story till the very end. Thanks!
Chapter 39: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! It's now finished :""> and it's a very very very very happy ending! XDD HAHAHA. OMG, EunHae was so... xD and KyuMin >.< Oh! Poor babies (Taemin, Ren, Sandeul)!! the ninja YeWook! Yeaaaaah! HAHAHAHA. I love this really :""">

I'm going to miss you too! Oh well, I'll wait for your another fic! =))
Chapter 38: AWW... MY POOR MINNIE ;((
I'm so glad Kyuhyun is there for him ;(
I cried too. T.T
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 38: It is soooo sad, poor minnie...hang in there baby...
Chapter 38: That's so sad. :'( it's not fair for sungmin.