
Baby Baby


"call him ," David said almost menacingly.

I moaned in anxiety, "really....?" I said exaggerating the word.

He nodded and gave me a serious expression, "Do you want him back or not,"

I sighed, giving in to his advice of making Dongwoon jealous. "Remember-" he started and I already heard this about a thousand times when he was explaining the plans.

"-guys don't realize how special their girl is until their gone or with another guy." I finished for him and he patted my head.

"Good girl!" he smiled and I slapped him.

I found Dongwoon's number and put the phone up to my ear.
Dial tone.... Dial tone...

"Yoboseyo?” I heard his voice on the other line and he background was quiet.

“Dongwoon-ah!" I said as David leaned over and tried to hear our conversation. I scooted away from him to get more privacy.

I smiled as he greeted me through the phone-just his voice had this affect- and then I heard a girl. Oh man.

"Oh sorry, am I bothering you?" I asked in the politest manner I could make- even though I did not feel like being polite.

"Ani, ani." he said and then I heard Kikwang through the phone- Which made me feel loads better.

"Sorry, Hyungs are loud." he said and snickered. I laughed along. "Whatsup?" he added.

"Well I was wondering." I said stopping mid-sentence, as David gave me thumbs up, "you said you wanted to meet Dae-my baby girl," I added a faux-squeal and he cut me off.

"Omo! You named her! That's beautiful! Dae," he said repeating baby's name. Oh how amazing life would be if he could say her name everyday and help raise her with me- no offense to David.
"Oh thank you- my boyfriend, the baby's dad-" I added- not like me at all- but I gotta do what I gotta do which meant emphasizing this lie David and I created. "We named her- just today," my mind flashed back to skipping so happily out of the hospital. We don't even act like a couple...

David just encouraged me more as I said this, but I felt so incredibly uncomfortable.

"O-oh, the baby's father?" Dongwoon said incredibly uncomfortably- which made me feel worse, but then good, but then bad again. Good because maybe this plan was working, maybe Dongwoon would want me back…

"U-uhuh!" I said, confirming it.

"Oh wow... Well... That's good!" Dongwoon said. I couldn't tell if he was being fake with me or being sad or indifferent.

I frowned. I didn't want to hurt him. I don't even know if this was hurting him. And even more- I don't know why I heeded David's advice. But I felt like this wouldn't be something I regretted.

A few more minutes of talking and then our phone call ended and we made plans for him to visit the baby and us... Which would be in a few minutes as the rest of Beast was coming over to reacquaint themselves wih yoseob and all the other guys here at David's house. Why wasn't I the least bit scared though.

I fixed myself- I had to "look good" and "healthy" to make Dongwoon "realise what he’s missing". Well that's what David says.

"Take your sweater off." David commanded. I turned to face him with a "heck NO!" kind of face.

"I just gave birth! What do you think is under this? A model's body?" I said scoffing and turning back to the mirror, fixing my hair.

"Aye! None of that, we have to pretend to truly be a couple and I know you know what that means," He said seriously.

I sighed. "arraseo."

"We need to convince the guys," he said sitting next to the crib where Dae was sleeping soundly.

"Your frustrating. Fine, go tell them," I shooed him away.

He sat there, "That is not how you announce happy news!"






“Aish!” I said, annoyed. He was clutching my hand as we practiced how to announce out… “Partnership”.

“Call me yeobo.”  David said cheekily.

“BA. BO.” I spat at him.

“Well if you’re gonna be like that,” he said, letting go of my hand about to turn away.

I sighed, grabbing his hand quickly.

“Yeo-yeo…” I said feeling as if acid was on my tongue. “Bo.”

“See, not that bad!” He smiled.

“Ew!” I said, “I feel like Halmoni!” I stuck my tongue out as if I ate something bad, remembering how my grandmother would always call Halapoji that.

“Then you’d be one good-looking Halmoni,” David said eyeing me up and down.

I slapped him again.

“Just work on your pregnant stomach,” He said and I scoffed, looking at him incredulously. This boy…

I wiggled my arm, which held his hand, frustratingly, “Pali, pali! They’ll be here any moment.”

He gave me a look.

“Should we just wing it?” I said nervously. “If this doesn’t work out-“

“Trust me. Just act like a girlfriend, arraseo?” He demanded.

I nodded.

“Besides if anything goes wrong, it’s all on you,” He added.

“How encouraging,” I muttered.






So here we are, walking into the living room where all the guys were. Holding hands. And even adding some giggling for effect.

“David, you’re so funny,” I said, being the first one to ‘talk’.

“I know,” He said ending it right away. Ugh, stupid conceitedness.

I frowned and then acted happy again.

I looked around, and surely enough, all the eyes were on us. Junnie giving me a look I would totally label as, “WHAT THE HECK,” or “CUT THE CRAP” or even better- “LIAR” but that could just be me and my paranoia of Junnie and how he usually knows everything.

“You guys!” Daniel said standing up, being the first one, arms outstretched, “beautiful parents right here,” He said pulling us in a hug. “See, I knew this would work out!” He added. I was confused at this, but paid no attention.

I laughed, “Oh yeah,” I agreed as I squeezed David’s hand hard , but it didn’t come on purpose, I guess it was an accident. I’m not used to this kind of … LIES, or any at all.

“You guys look cute together,” Intae added, smiling at us, and Dari gave us thumbs up. Yoseob stayed a bit quiet, but gave a smile anyways.

“Oh yeah, she’s definitely my sweetheart,” He said and put his free arm around my neck, embracing me, intimately.

“He’s my…. Ye..baby,” I said feeling tense and awkward. Play it off girl, play it off….If I can’t do this, how much harder will it be with Dongwoon’s presence, not to mention all of Beast, who I still feel uncomfortable with.

He let go of embracing me and his hand intertwined with mine again. Hmm. No feeling. Definitely not the same as when I held hands with Dongwoon.

“Let’s sit down,” I said with a fake smile.

So we did, and I let go of David’s hand, putting my own hands where I wanted them to be: not intertwined with his. I tried to avoid anything involving Junnie so we sat next to Daniel, me at the end, David in the middle, Daniel at the other end.

So we were just watching… a bit boring.

Then there was warmth on my leg.

My eyes shot up to David’s smirking face.

But then I saw the guys and they were giving me a confused look, so I smiled and pretended everything was alright except…

“Get your hand off my leg, YEOBO,” I said softly, and through clenched teeth. He moved his arm up and down, smirking still.

I grabbed his hand and threw it at a specific spot on his lap. Yeah, somewhere around that crotch area.

His smirk disappeared and he bit his lip, as he tried to smile.

I stood up, “Let’s go check up on Dae,” I said, my eyes looking a bit threatening.

Before I turned around I saw Junnie with an amused expression, through my peripherals.  

I did want to check up on the baby, but I needed to tell, or slightly scream at him.

“Okay, just cause you are my, ‘boyfriend’ doesn’t mean I’m going to let you… bleck,” I said my tongue out in disguist.

“What do you mean?” He said innocently. I crossed my arms and stared at him.

He laughed, “Okay, I’m sorry, I just had fun…” He said as we continued walking to his room.

We entered and she was sleeping still, but fumbling around also, and cooing to herself. That definitely brought a smile to my face.

“I wonder what she’s dreaming about,” I coo-ed.

Then there was a dingdong. Cue, my heart beating at an extremely fast pace.

“David,” I said scared.

“Wha?” He said looking at me.

“Aigoo, Aigoo, Aigoo,” I said panicking.

“Are you scared?”

I nodded my head, and shot him a glare. Babo.

“We can do this,” He said and grabbed my hand.

I shook my head, “I don’t wanna face them,” I shook my head nonstop.

David called my name, trying to calm me down, but I was shaking my head, submerged in my thoughts and nervousness.

He called my name again.

And one last time.

Finally he placed his hands on either side of my face.

“Calm. Down. You can do this. You’re strong, You’re independent. You had a baby for crying out loud, you can do this.” He said looking at me straight in the eyes. I exhaled and nodded once.

“You want Dongwoon, right?” He said, like a coach would say to their players.

“yeah,” I said softly.

“Right?!” he repeated louder.

“YEAH,” I said louder.

“We can do this, fighting,” He said, his fist next to his head, smiling.

“Now hold my hand, and let’s make love in front of them,” He winked.

I rolled my eyes, but laughed anyways.








YO, YO, YO. ew. 

(What happens in the next chap? BEASTly things happen of coarse; btw, anyone watched Beastly? I want to. I heard it's cute.)

hello suscribers, readers, lovers, hopefully not haters. Just a quick commentary. Okay, not even, but just an author update. I shouldve put it out there before,. nothing big, just stating about the auditions! Apparently I wasn't a finalist, but that's alright! and experience is an experience, right? I was rooting for some of the finalist and I'm not extremely happy with the outcome but it looks like they had fun, even if they weren't part of that chosen 4. ^^ And a good and subtle one nonetheless! but this will continue. I want to finish this already, but no alarms, I wont rush the story. I never completed a story before, so this is exciting! not saying this is enaring the end! ^__^ Thank's guys, I really appreciate readers, silent and non-silent!

So I made this chapter a really long one so i'm publishing half right now! and hopefully tomorro, A new chapter will be born.. like a baby! Omo... babies on the mind. Anyways, keeping reading<3

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yoyojiji #1
update soon please
continue pls~~~^^
Update please :)
MelonCandy #4
I miss this story so much!!! ( ; __ ; )
naomi777 #5
i wonder why was she crying
i miss this story, update soon. (:
naomi777 #7
awww soo cute ohh is she starting to like david now :D
gluvsazn #8
THANKS for all the support and loven guys!!!!! ^^<br />
REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! aren't ya glad laptops workin? lol Wait for more Dongwoonie. <br />
I'm glad you like it guys! The main character is in a fact a girl!
AsianTruffle #9
I Have a question. Is the main character a boy or a girl?
You Evil Author, you've really made me hate Dongwoon and love David in this story! LOL :D <br />
(I seriously want her to realize that Dongwoon is not worth it, and just look at David from now on... lolol :D) <br />
[seriously >.<] <br />
I love this story~ <3