Feel Feelings

Baby Baby




I jumped out of my spot, without thinking, I mean naturally I would do this.

Min was fine from what I see, her back to me, so I opened the sliding glass doors more.

"Aish! Min-ah, how could you," I hear sobbing Min say...? As I had trouble opening the door.

Finally I saw, before me, Kikwang patting his shoulder, massaging it as Min held her palms to her heart, continually apologizing.

"Kikwang-ah?" I said confused.

He looked up at me with a wierd smile, "Hey," He greeted still bent over, clutching his shoulder.

Then another I heard, "Hyung, what happened? Oh great," I looked to see Dongwoon coming from the corner.

My stomach did somersaults as he gave me a warm smile, walked up to me, and gave me a kiss on my cheek really fast, mentioning a breif hello to Min, then consulted with his Hyung.

"So...What happened?" Dongwoon started, hands on his hips. 

"You scared us!" Min squealed. 

"Oh, well, we were going to do a little surprise," Dongwoon said looking down, realizing faults in his plans, I guess.

"Naturally, I'd have to hit intruders, ya know?" Min said apologetically and tended with Kikwang.

"Come inside guys," I said opening the doors.

I showed Min the bathroom and the ointments to treat the now, blackening bruise Kikwang had.

We were all in the, pretty spacious, bathroom, Kikwang sitting on the toilet, With his pants on of coarse, Min treating his wounds, Me sitting on the counter, and Dongwoon leaning against the counter next to me.

"So, can you guys explain?" I started.

"Welllll," Kikwang said, elongating the word. He looked up at his Dongsaeng, Who was the same height as me, when I sit on the counter, I must say.

"We wanted to surprise you girls tonight. Kikwang said that Min would be hanging with you, and..." Dongwoon said looking at Kikwang.

"Uh... well," I never seen Kikwang look so uncomfortable.

Min started giggling, her face turning a bright shade of pink. Oh man, is that what I look like with Dongwoonie?

"We delivered your piano!" Dongwoon said. 

"Really!?" I exclaimed, getting really excited.

"Yeah, but it got really cold, and we didn't think the snow would be such a problem," he explained.

"Ne! Yah! Woonie almost even dropped it on me!" Kikwang pouted, shaking his head.

"You didn't listen to me when I gave you instructions!" Dongwoon defended.

"Well, we get the point guys," Min said bubbly, and smiling.

"Yes, That was very sweet," I smiled poking Dongwoon's arm. "It's the thought that counts."



Later on that night, after the dinner Min made-Which the guys argued against saying they wanted to treat us to dinner, but we argued back saying we wanted to stay home, it was snowing and it was cold- we tried bringing the piano, which was just under our patio in the backyard, so snow wouldn't get on it.

"Alright, Unnie will open the door, wide, and we'll just bring it in," Min said, explaining our simple plans.

"It can't be that heavy," She said optimistically, with crescent shaped eyes. The two boys looked at eachother, but I didn't make a big deal out of it.

"1...2...3!" Kikwang said and the piano was lifted, and a loud sound was made.

"Min, are you okay?" I said noticing her shaking arms.

"Heavy....." She said in broken syllables.

"I wish I could help guys," i said with a frown, opening both sliding doors to it's fullest potential.

"Think about the baby first," Dongwoon said, in exasperation with the heavy piano.

They all took one step towards me, "DOWN!" Kikwang screamed, and I had to snicker.

"What happened?" Min asked as if he had been shot down.

"Um... I thought I saw a spider!" he said pointing at the ceiling of the patio.

Dongwoon and Min both shreiked, taking a step towards me.

"Oh," Kikwang chuckled, "It really was just an ant," He laughed nervously.

"Aish, Hyung, we must finish this already, so we can... Do other things," Dongwoon said.

Kikwang nodded and they all grabbed their spot again.

"1...2...3! Down!" Kikwang said almost instantly.

"Aigoo, Kwangie, what's wrong?" Min said nervously. 

Kikwang looked down, innocently. "Shoulder," He explained in one-word.

We all nodded. "Can you be able to make it into the house?" Dongwoon asked.

Kikwang thought for awhile. "Ne, Let's do this," he said in english. Min and I were laughing.

This time they just picked it up like it was nothing, but were coming at me with the piano like a train.

"Aigoo!" I semi-screamed running out of the way, and then I heard a bunch of random piano keys and the 3 of them with the piano were successfully all inside the house, in the middle of my living room.

"YEAH!" Kikwang again said in english, raising his non-bruised, shoulder, into a high five, and then hugged Min, who easily fit into his arm.

Aww, what a cute couple... I really admired them, actually.

So it got easy as Min and I were just making small talk, well, it mostly consisted of her whispering about the cute things Kikwang did and her crazy butterflies. The guys easily dragged/pushed the piano into the spot I asked them to put it in, near the front door, space. 


"Looks good!"

is what we both heard from the living room. We both walked where the guys were, and I admired it, "Ah! Thank you guys so much!" I smiled and sat on the bench, pushing my finger to play a white note, then a black note then two white notes, all the way up the piano.

"Here," Dongwoon said and positioned his hand ontop of my right one. I blushed at the feeling, glad that he wasn't infront of me to see.

He pushed each finger at a time, so that it was like I was playing piano. Sometimes even two or more fingers at the same time, creating a beautiful melody.

"Then you can add this," He said putting his left hand over my lonely left hand, I felt his abs on my back, and blushed feeling guilty with pleasure at my own thoughts.

I focused on what I was hearing and really liked it.

Soon it came to an end, and I basked in the feeling I had, that lovey, cute feeling.

"That was fun Oppa," I smiled looking at him just inches above me.

"Well, I did promise Jun hyung that I would teach both of you a thing or two about piano," He smirked, taking a seat next to me.

I frowned, starting to think about my best friend. Now that I was in a good mood-REALLY good mood, and had some time, guilt started eating me up.

"Where is hyung by the way?" Dongwoon asked, his eyes on the piano keys.

He looked at me and called my name, while I sighed, "We got into a fight," I said and put my forehead on his shoulder.

I felt his warm hand rub my back, and that feeling of comfort found me. It's like when mom comforts you when your sick, and I always missed that.

I started telling him the events of the day, realising that I had been a , and I had been out of line, and Jun was right, even if he also got off a bit, he had a better side then I did.

My heart felt heavy, "Dongwoon-ah, What do I do," I whined, trying to console myself with the feeling of his comfort.

"Apologize," He said simply.

"I don't even know where he is, Some best friend I am," I said my eyes actually getting glossy.

Dongwoon put his other hand on my neck, "He'll come, He's your best friend, and your his best friend, Nothing like this can come in your way," he said and I knew it. I felt it in my heart, and I knew Jun would come back, it's just the thought of when, now.

I sighed, as my head felt clear. "Thank you," I said smiling. 




HEY GUYS, so give me feedback please? Would you like more..

Gushy, cutesy scenes with lovers?

hanging with beast? 4 minute? gina? both? all?

hanging out/going out, girlie stuff, shopping ..etc?

yeeps, ;D christmas in the story is on it's way! thanks guys <3

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yoyojiji #1
update soon please
continue pls~~~^^
Update please :)
MelonCandy #4
I miss this story so much!!! ( ; __ ; )
naomi777 #5
i wonder why was she crying
i miss this story, update soon. (:
naomi777 #7
awww soo cute ohh is she starting to like david now :D
gluvsazn #8
THANKS for all the support and loven guys!!!!! ^^<br />
REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!!! aren't ya glad laptops workin? lol Wait for more Dongwoonie. <br />
I'm glad you like it guys! The main character is in a fact a girl!
AsianTruffle #9
I Have a question. Is the main character a boy or a girl?
You Evil Author, you've really made me hate Dongwoon and love David in this story! LOL :D <br />
(I seriously want her to realize that Dongwoon is not worth it, and just look at David from now on... lolol :D) <br />
[seriously >.<] <br />
I love this story~ <3