
Hello Wifey! (Season 1)

"Oh my god!! It's B.A.P oppa and their wife!!" A group of teenagers shouted. Turning back, the seven of them greeted the fans. They started running towards them and one of them gave Minhee a hug. Minhee was shocked. She didn't expect so much love from the public.

"Oppa, unnie, can we take a photo with all of you?" One of them requested. All this time, Minwon was standing at the side, feeling so pissed that she get left out.

"Hey, do you mind taking a photo for us?" One of the fans passed her camera to Minwon and ran towards the rest of her friends, B.A.P, and Minhee to take the shot.

"Unnie, come here!" One of them hooked Minhee's arm and smiled to the camera. Minwon rolled her eyes and just took a photo randomly, not caring if it's clear or not. When the fans thanked B.A.P and Minhee, a fan said the photo was blurry and pouted. Looking at the photo, Daehyun knew Minwon did it on purpose. It was obvious that she was jealous.

"Don't worry! We can take again! Here, pose people!" Daehyun held the camera high up and stood way more in front of the rest of the people. Everyone turned and posed happily. It made Minwon even angrier. She breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm herself down.

I haven't even take a photo with Daehyunnie, and you already get your chance. What is this? She thought to herself.

After the fans left, they queued for the duo slide.

"Jonguppie hyung! Be my partner!!" Zelo sang and ran forward with Jongup.

"Daehyun oppa~ Shall we go together?" Minwon pleaded with her puppy eyes. As much as Daehyun want to reject her and go to Minhee, they were still in front of the camera and he didn't want to spoil the reputation of B.A.P and Hello Wifey. He nodded awkwardly and continued walking.

"Minhee, can I have the pleasure to go with you then?" Yongguk flashed his charismatic gummy smile and asked. Minhee nodded with a smile and nodded her head happily.

"We are leftovers.." Himchan and Youngjae pouted and said in unison in front of the camera and laughed before they caught up with the rest.

"AH! OPPA I'M SCARED!" Minwon screamed when she was in front of the slide, not daring to get into the water.

"You want to back out? I'm fine cause I can take it alone." Daehyun acted like he didn't get what Minwon was trying to do. She narrowed her eyes and kept shut before she get even more speechless.

"JONGUPPIE HYUNG~ LET'S GO AND PLAY THAT SLIDE!!" Zelo pointed to the waterslide over at the other side.

"YAYAYA CHOIJUNHONG MOONJONGUP STOP RUNNING AROUND! WE DON'T HAVE ANYMORE ENERGY!!" Himchan screamed and stopped the two youngest from running away. Zelo pouted and just stayed behind together with the rest. It had been a day since they came into the waterpark, and the waterpark would be closing in another 10 minutes.

"Today is really a very good day! I enjoy myself a lot, thanks Minwon, oppa, Jongup and Zelo." Minhee stood in front of them and bowed to them. She was really grateful that she met these people. As the 8 of them greeted the camera for the last time, the cameras stopped filming except for one of them.

"Woo~ Such a tiring yet fun day~" Minhee threw her hands into the air as she walked towards the toilet with the rest of the people. Before she could realise, Yongguk carried her bridal style and started running at another direction. She started screaming and hitting Yongguk's chest, asking him to put her down because he was running at such a high speed. The rest of the boys just followed behind and started giggling happily, leaving Minwon stunned with what just happened. She rolled her eyes and followed behind, making sure she don't miss out anything.

An unfamiliar track by familiar voice started playing. Minhee looked at those gigantic speakers as Yongguk made her sit down on the manmade shore and got the boys all into the water. They started performing in front of her. The lyrics of the song were too sweet for her to take it.

"Have you seen that girl?" "Yea, she know she bad." "She got me crash and burn" "Hold up" For the rest of the performance, Minhee kept her eyes on the six charming boys, not knowing that her tears flowed. She never thought she deserved all this. Many started crowding around because the new track by B.A.P were actually heard at a waterpark.

"Wa.. B.A.P is really so sweet to Minhee!" Some fans said jealously. 

"The way Daehyun oppa looks at Minhee unnie. Oh my god~ I ship them too much!" Another fangirl squealed and pointed at the eye contact Daehyun had on Minhee. Minwon crossed her arms and stared at the fangirls for saying such things.

"Where you are~ Neol gidaryo~" All the boys pointed at Minhee at the very end of their performance and winked at her.

"ENOUGH!!!!!!!" Minwon screamed at the top of her voice, gaining much attention, including from the camera that was rolling.


YAYS~ My audition for tvNStarHunt was over. I got the call to go to top100, but i didn't go for some reasons~ HAHAHA.

Anyway, here's another chapter!^^

Hope it's not too bad! I guess this story is ending really soon.. ):

Should I sequel it or release another ver of hello wifey? :o

Hannatellsyoutosmile  hahahaha~ and my name is minhee. woo. thanks for saying that XD

midst_lhady22  hahaha~ maybe i'll add that part then.

HYUNJAE_LIN her attitude in real life too lmfao. hahahaha .but i still love her. hehe<3

Minzen18  hehehe thanks~ but i thought my dance was awkward and dumb otl

midst_lhady22  hahaha thanks~^^ but my Love Is MOVE is super dumb. TT_TT

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sam098 #1
Chapter 38: it was wonderful >_<
thank you for writing it^^
sam098 #2
Chapter 29: wow~yongguk is so manly,he is so COOL!!
sam098 #3
Chapter 11: i just start reading your story
its best!!!i love it^^
YunaJi #4
Chapter 32: Well you to! Hahaha!!
Chapter 38: gaah ! huhu i badly want the seauel now ...
Chapter 39: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~
Minwon... i hate you!
Btw, your LTE were daebakk!
ParkYeonmi #7
Chapter 38: WOOOOOOOOOOO OMGGGGGGGGG I COULDNT STOP SPAZZING OVER THIS STORY!! :D <3 omg daehyunnnnnnnnn btw authornim, i know its a little late and wierd and really awkward but who were the two people daehyun saw in the market?
sfl;jsdljgldsjglj ! *giggles* Daehyun fudge !