I Tried To Tell You

Warm Ice

I Tried To Tell You





“Ajimma injured her knee 2 years ago, and we still have the crutches she used back them, you can use them if you like...”  


Jaejoong nodded and smiled at the other who winked at him before leaving the room.  


‘Did he just wink at me?’  


Jaejoong thought feeling his cheeks hot.  


‘Stop acting like a teenager with a crush! ........ OH, Damn! I forgot to tell him who I am!!’  




“!This is so deicious, Ajumeoni, thank you!” 


Jaejoong said gratefully eating the last bite of his sandwich... after driving for many hours then walking for another in the blowing freezing wind, he felt famished. 


“Oh sweatheart, don’t thank me, you must be hungry after driving all the way here... do you want me to make you another one?” 


Jaejoong shook his head smiling at her gratefully as she took the plate from his hand. 


“Yunho gave me this change of clothes, he is taller and bulkier than you but I think these would fit you just fine...” 


Jiyeon said holding up maroon soft blouse and grey sweatpants. 


“Let’s see how these would fit...”  


Jaejoong cheeks blushed thinking of her helping him change. 


“I... I can manage to change...” 


“Don’t be shy dear, I’m your mother’s age, I'll help you and I won’t peek... I promise” 


She said giggling sweetly at the flaming red cheeks of the pale man in front of her as he nodded. 


‘Well, she does feel like an Umma... and I'd rather have her help than that arrogant man...’ 


Taking off his top gently and putting on the maroon soft top which was a little loose on him... before he was helped to stand up on his good foot to be able to loosen and take off his skinny jeans, which were already cut at the site of his injured ankle with his boot.  


“Thank you Ajumeoni ” 


“Anytime dear... you look tired... you should rest a bit until dinner...” 


She said watching him yawn. 


“Let me help you, lay down on this pillow and I’ll lift your foot gently on another pillow... alright?” 


“I can do it... Please, I don’t want to be more of a burden on you... I already feel like one...” 


Jaejoong looked at her feeling guilty. 


“You are not sweetie... just rest up and I’ll be happy when I see you get better...” 


“Thank you Ajumeoni, you are so sweet... like Umma...” 


Jaejoong said whispering the last part as his eyes felt heavy the minute he laid his head on the pillow. 


“Sleep well, everything will be just fine, dear boy...” 


Jiyeon said caressing his hair until he fell asleep 




Jaejoong felt his body heavy, his head was still a little foggy when he opened his eyes slowly. 


‘Where am I?’ 


He thought looking at the unfamiliar carved woody ceiling... He felt a mild throb in his ankle when he tried to move making him groan a little, and the memories of what happened came back to him... He fell asleep on the couch after eating. 


The room was lit mildly as he noticed that only a couple of side lambs were on, probably Ajumeoni did it to let him sleep, such a sweet lady... 


Moving his head to the side slowly still feeling a little dizzy, his eyes widened as they met the sharp almond eyes which was staring back at him with a serious face.  




“You slept well... I told you needed the painkillers... are you still in pain?” 


“I... I... I feel better, thanks to you... and I’m really sorry for the trouble I caused you...” 


Jaejoong said, pulling himself up slowly to sit keeping his foot up on the pillow. 


“I’m glad to hear that...” 


Yunho replied with a cold tone. 


“Have I slept for long?” 


“Just a couple of hours... it’s still 7 pm...” 


“Oh... alright... Yunho-ssi... I...” 






“I told you to call me Yunho...” 


“I... can’t" 


Jaejoong said looking down at his lap. 




“I... I... I...” 


‘Dammit! Why is it so hard to say it...?’ 


Jaejoong thought the blanket. 


“Is it because you feel guilty not telling me that you are not Lee Sungmin?” 


Yunho smirked and said in a cold quiet tone making the other look at him in surprise, his big doe eyes staring at him like a deer caught in headlights. 



“You Knew?” 


“Well, Ajushi met Sungmin when he came last time, and told me an hour ago that you are not the same person... when were you planning to tell me?” 


Yunho said with a serious face. 


“I tried to tell you... many times...” 


Jaejoong said looking away from the sharp eyes. 


“You what?” 


Yunho chuckled in disbelief. 


“Tried my !!... you had plenty of chances! When we first met, in the car, at the cabin... here! Why didn’t you say anything!” 


Jaejoong looked angrily back at the other who was accusing him like he was the only one at fault. 


“I did try!!! You didn’t exactly give me a chance to explain myself... and thought that lecturing me on morals and humanity when I was freezing and injured was the best thing to do... if you didn’t come up to conclusions, you would have given me a chance to explain who I was....” 


Jaejoong talked back sharply glaring at the other sighing harshly at the end looking away from the other, but the other laughed gently sending chills down his spine. 


“Are you saying that it’s my fault? Or were you trying to up and get you way into my house?” 


“Let me remind you Yunho-ssi.. That you were the one who forced me to come with you... If you are going to be disrespectful to me again... I’d prefer to go back to that cold moldy cabin... so thank you for your kind hospitality Mr. Jung...” 


Jaejoong said with a cold sharp tone, swinging his feet to the ground to yelp and groan in pain as soon as his injured foot touched the floor. 


“What are you doing?! You will hurt yourself!” 


Yunho jumped from his couch to the sitting pale man whose eyes were closed trying to breathe the pain away. 


“I know I’m not welcome at your house, whether I’m Sungmin or not... I didn’t know you existed in the first place to plan and invade your house...” 


“Calm down...” 


Yunho said watching the other look at him angrily with his beautiful eyes. 


“I admit Yunho-ssi that you are a good neighbor and a good man, after all you saved me and took care of me and for that I am eternally grateful but that doesn’t mean I can accept such insulting accusation!”  


Jaejoong looked away from the sharp eyes trying to control his anger. 


“Well... I admit that’s it is partially my fault... and I deserve this... I apologize... I just felt decieved and I don’t like that... and I thought you  were Sungmin, I'm still determind to give it to him hard if he ever to come my way..."


Jaejoong scoffed at his words.


"..Anyways... You still haven’t told me you name yet” 



Jaejoong looked at the other ‘who sat on the chair next to him’ surprised by the change into the gentle friendly tone. 



“I...I’m... Jaejoong... Kim Jaejoong...” 

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hopefully u r going to continue this....
Shubha #2
Chapter 37: Am rereading it....waiting for update
Shubha #3
Chapter 37: Continue pld
Chapter 37: Yunho is relentless, such a determination to capture Jae's heart.
On the other hand, I completely sympathize with Jae's reluctance towards starting something new with Yunho. He just got out of a committed relationship that left some deep wounds that need time to heal.
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 37: I wish it ll be a tv drama.love it.
springmiya #6
Chapter 6: i love this story
Chapter 37: so romantic, love it :D
NinePlusOne #8
Chapter 37: Be kind to Yunnie JJ!
springmiya #9
Chapter 37: They'll get together soon
Chapter 37: Yunho's charms, irresistible. With Jae so smitten, it's only a matter of time before he accepts his feelings.
Have to hand it to Yunho, he's giving it his all, not holding back, just going for it. I'm rooting for you Yunho!
Thanks for the update!