Running Away

Warm Ice

Running Away







“Can I see you tomorrow?" 


“That might not be a good idea...” 


“On the contrary, it is a great idea!" 


“Yunho, please!" 


Jaejoong on the other hand, fisted his coat hard, hated that he showed the other how weak and broken he is... he needs to step out now, to walk out with some dignity before he breaks down seeing the other’s worried look. 


“I need to go... Sungmin is waiting for me...” 


“Screw Sungmin!” 


Yunho said angrily, watching Jaejoong step down on the stairs hurriedly, getting his bootless foot wet, before he got in Sungmin’s car. 




As soon as the car drove away from Yunho's big house, Sungmin started whining out about what happened... But Jaejoong wasn’t in the mood to listen to the other, His foot was throbbing in pain, his toes were wet and freezing, and his last words with Yunho were embarrassing.  


“Did you see how he talked to me? What a rude man! Horrible! what were you doing at his house anyway?” 


“What? I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to go there?" 


Jaejoong’s sharp tone got Sungmin to quiet down for a few seconds. 


“I didn’t say that, Jaejae... I just didn't think, you knew him...”  


“I didn’t... What happened is...” 


Jaejoong told Sungmin how he met Yunho leaving out the parts where he insulted him and his family.   


“I think his attitude towards you comes from his care for your deceased grandmother...” 


Jaejoong said trying to lessen the tension a little. 


“Who cares, I barely knew her... all I know is that she drove dad crazy, refusing to go to the oldies care center... she used to have a couple of animals that were full of fleas, and I spent a week or two with her when I was little, not my best vacation memories... after that dad went to visit her alone...” 


Sungmin said shrugging his shoulders. 


“Did he visit her a lot?” 


Jaejoong asked coldly. 


“Once in a few months, when she made a ruckus and complained a lot... dad said that she had a lot of friends here" 


Jaejoong looked at the other with disappointment, he was trying to give his friend at least an excuse to why they treated this grandmother like that, but it seems like Yunho was right... they are heartless. 


“But that wouldn’t be the same as having your family, would it?” 


Sungmin stopped the car next to Jaejoong’s, which was brought this morning by Mr Oh, giving him a cold stare. 


“Don’t start, Jaejoong... Grandma was given a chance to go to an elderly center where she would find someone to take care of her, but she insisted on staying in this dirty small cabin... my dad has an important job where he can’t waste his time and come visit her... Grandma was being stubborn, she was angry with dad because he missed grandpa’s funeral... she would never let it go, and she made him miserable..." 


Jaejoong was stunned by what he is hearing. 


“Why couldn‘t your father attend his own father’s funeral?” 


“His work schedule... He was busy... you need to sacrifice, if you want to reach the top... right?” 


Sungmin said winking at the still stunned man. 


“I guess...” 


Jaejoong said swallowing the bitterness in his throat thinking of the poor grandmother... he can’t stand this man sitting next to him... opening his door, standing up on his left foot. 


“Sungmin, I’ll be leaving to Seoul in the morning, I have things to do at home... are you still thinking of selling the cabin?” 


“I might, why?” 


Sungmin asked as he walked towards the cabin, after Jaejoong handed him the key, walking on his wet frozen injured foot, trying not wince or show any weakness in front of the other. 


“I just want to know, how much... that’s all...” 


Jaejoong didn’t stand the idea of leaving this cabin under Sungmin’s hands, with all the warm memories that it held, remembering the sweet bride in the picture smiling at him. 


“I mean how much would you ask for the cabin and the furniture?” 


Sungmin looked at the other as they entered cabin. 


“you mean all this trash inside?” 


Jaejoong looked at the other like he’d gone crazy. 


‘maybe he is crazy...’  


He thought. 


“Why do you care?” 


Sungmin asked watching Jaejoong lite the fire in the living room. 


“Nothing... it suits the cabin, that’s all...” 


Jaejoong said, giving his back to Sungmin, walking towards the bathroom, needing a hot bath to relieve the pain and the freezing he was feeling in his injured foot. 




Jaejoong laid on the couch, in the living room, thinking about this place... thinking about Sungmin’s grandmother... he refused sharing a bed with Sungmin, feeling that he needs to stay away from the other, or he will give him a piece of his mind like Yunho... His thoughts went to the handsome man who perused him...understanding how Yunho felt, he didn’t know Mrs. Lee but he felt terrible hearing how Sungmin talked about her... how she was treated by her own family... 


“I will cherish this house, Halmoni... I promise...” 


Jaejoong whispered looking at the picture of the happy couple on the wall, before he fell asleep, the toll of today’s actions and the effects of the painkillers taking over him. 




By 8 a.m, Jaejoong was on his way driving slowly towards Seoul... he knew if he stayed longer, he wouldn't be able to pretend that everything is ok with Sungmin, or stop himself from picking an argument... in the end, he and Sungmin work at the same firm, and Halmoni is counting on him to keep the cabin and save it... So, trying not to be as aggressive as Yunho... 


Jaejoong sighed... Yunho kept popping up in his head, since he woke up... he tried to avoid thinking about him, but no use... the further he is driving, the more he is thinking about the other man. 


‘Why are you shutting me out? What are you worried about? What are you afraid of Jaejoong?’  

‘Is it me? Are you scared of me?’ 


Remembering Yunho’s words... he couldn’t help but think... is he really scared of him? Is it true? 


‘You ran away this morning, without saying goodbye... what does that tell you?’ 


Jaejoong frowned hating the answer... he cowardly left without even saying goodbye or thanking him for his help... he was being ungrateful... but he was scared... he knew that he is longing to see the other and he wants to get away from him at the same time... 


‘I’m going crazy’  


Jaejoong bit his lip in distress... his thoughts ran wildly in his head. 


‘Am I thinking about buying the cabin because of Yunho?’  


Weighing in that thought, knowing Yunho has nothing to do with wanting to buy the cabin and save the precious memories of Mrs Lee... Jaejoong felt relieved. 


‘If I’m going to buy the cabin... how will I be able to avoid Yunho... should I give up buying the cabin? God! What should I do?!’ 


Stopping at a red light, finally reaching Seoul, Jaejoong took a deep breath holding the steering wheel hard. 


‘I won’t give up on that cabin... I’ll go on with my plans whether Yunho is there or not... I shouldn’t care! Yunho is done... it was a nice break, a Christmas fling... it all ends now...’ 


Determined to leave it at there and move on, Jaejoong drove to his apartment slowly, relieved that the streets are not that jammed; it’s the next day of Christmas... as he didn’t have to use the brakes a lot with his still sore foot. 

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hopefully u r going to continue this....
Shubha #2
Chapter 37: Am rereading it....waiting for update
Shubha #3
Chapter 37: Continue pld
Chapter 37: Yunho is relentless, such a determination to capture Jae's heart.
On the other hand, I completely sympathize with Jae's reluctance towards starting something new with Yunho. He just got out of a committed relationship that left some deep wounds that need time to heal.
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 37: I wish it ll be a tv it.
springmiya #6
Chapter 6: i love this story
Chapter 37: so romantic, love it :D
NinePlusOne #8
Chapter 37: Be kind to Yunnie JJ!
springmiya #9
Chapter 37: They'll get together soon
Chapter 37: Yunho's charms, irresistible. With Jae so smitten, it's only a matter of time before he accepts his feelings.
Have to hand it to Yunho, he's giving it his all, not holding back, just going for it. I'm rooting for you Yunho!
Thanks for the update!