Bad Luck

Warm Ice

Bad Luck



“No no no! Don't do that to me, Please!!”


Jaejoong closed his eyes gently, taking a deep breath. 


“Come on Coco!... You can’t stop now... we still got miles to go and it’s a storm outside... I’m sorry I called you a wreck a while ago... please don’t do this to me!” 


Jaejoong said patting the car board gently, cooing his car before trying to start the engine again... but he only heard a rough coughing like sound before the car went dead again. 


“God! What am I going to do?” 


He said looking around, the snow was falling heavily and the sun was setting, which means it’s going to be dark soon and he needs to find the cabin. 


It wasn’t smart to leave his phone in Seoul, but it’s too late now, he needs to find a way to reach the cabin. 


Thinking that staying in the car and freeze to death wasn’t a good option, the pale man sought that the only thing he can do now is try and walk the rest of the distance, hoping to find a residency nearby. 


A long sigh came out of his lips watching the snow cover the front window of the car, he took a deep breath, tucking his heavy scarf tight around his neck, before grabbing the map next to him and stepping out the car before locking it. 


“Jesus! It’s freezing!” 


Jaejoong yelped facing the freezing wind as he pushed his long skinny legs to walk ahead feeling his feet dig deep in the snow making his steps heavier. 


‘Sungmin said the cabin is far, I hope I’m close enough though, I’ve been driving for hours... well, it’s not like I have a choice...’ 


The tall slender frame thought as he walked hardly through the stormy weather following the route on the map hoping it wouldn’t be for long. 




“The house is really far and isolated, it always gave me the creeps...” 


Sungmin said to his co-worker/ friend watching his large doe eyes look at him with interest. 


“Halmoni used to hate electronics... she kept saying that it ruins the human brains... I think hers was the ruined one... I hated going to visit, she always locks my phone away saying I need to look around me more...” 


“She sounds lovely... your halmoni...” 


Jaejoong smiled trying to picture the cute old lady trying to get a teenage Sungmin to spend some time away from his phone” 


“You think?... she was a mean old lady...” 


He whined in a childish way before saying: 


“Well they have a lot of blackouts especially in the winter, and there is nothing much to do there... there is no TV either... are you really sure about this?” 


Sungmin asked his friend still not sure why he was interested in renting his grandmother’s house for the holidays. 


“I’m sure... I need to spend some time alone away from all of this...” 


“If that’s what you want....” 


Jaejoong smiled to his friend who handed him the cabin keys and the map to his grandma’s house. 


 End of the flashback 


The cold wind hit his bones through his thick jeans, making him shiver, but he kept going... walking through a small storm seemed like nothing compared of what he has been through in the past few months. 


He felt his eyes sting with tears, he wasn’t that weak before, didn’t cry easily, but the blow he got from his ex-fiancé did hurt him deep. 


After what happened 2 weeks ago, he knew he don’t want to be in a relationship, ever... he is done with men. 


Jaejoong stopped for a few seconds trying to catch his breath before he continued to walk through the harsh snow along the edges of the main road. 


Jaejoong Thoughts went back thinking about his life, he lived his life in Seoul, attending college in major of arts and design... meeting Hyunjoong at his last year where they started going out. 


He considered himself lucky, getting a good job at a card designing company which appreciated his talent and gave him a chance to prove himself, which made him proud, not to forget that his boss, got him many other offers that he works online at home for extra cash and to build some reputation for his work, which was perfect using this cabin to get some of his work done in peace and silence.  


Jaejoong thought his life was going on the right path as Hyunjoong surprised him last year when he proposed... well who wouldn’t think that way, he is getting married to his boyfriend and he got a good job... life was going good for him.... until Hyori came to the picture...  


Thinking of that girl was definitely bad luck as Jaejoong’s foot got trapped before he harshly fell on the ground... the snow helped lessen the fall but when he tried to stand up, pain shot up from his ankle making him wince. 


He sighed in despair after limping for almost half an hour holding his flash light as it’s getting dark... there isn’t any signs of any close  residency and his body is trembling not to mention his ankle. 


‘What am I going to do?’ 


He thought feeling his eyes watering, he was scared and the cold wind wasn’t helping... Suddenly the sound of a car coming down the snowy road reached his ears. 


“Yes!!! Yes!!! Thank God!!” 


Jaejoong Breathed deep smiling wide walking towards the middle of the road when he saw the car lights heading his way slowly, this was his only chance of survival and he won't risk the driver missing him since it’s almost dark now. 


It was a big 4x4 car which pushed through the snow gracefully, the driver saw him for sure and stopped as he stood in the middle of the road with his flashlight waving in panic. 


“Oh, Thank you God! Thank you!!” 


Jaejoong chanted as he limped towards the driver’s window almost tripping again. 


“Thank you for stopping! I’m sorry! But my car broke down a while ago and I don’t know how much left do I need to walk and then I fell and twisted my ankle... and-” 


“Calm down, Calm down...” 


Jaejoong stopped talking as the driver interrupted his explanation and looked at him, his eyes widened seeing the handsome face looking at him with sharp almond eyes. 

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hopefully u r going to continue this....
Shubha #2
Chapter 37: Am rereading it....waiting for update
Shubha #3
Chapter 37: Continue pld
Chapter 37: Yunho is relentless, such a determination to capture Jae's heart.
On the other hand, I completely sympathize with Jae's reluctance towards starting something new with Yunho. He just got out of a committed relationship that left some deep wounds that need time to heal.
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 37: I wish it ll be a tv it.
springmiya #6
Chapter 6: i love this story
Chapter 37: so romantic, love it :D
NinePlusOne #8
Chapter 37: Be kind to Yunnie JJ!
springmiya #9
Chapter 37: They'll get together soon
Chapter 37: Yunho's charms, irresistible. With Jae so smitten, it's only a matter of time before he accepts his feelings.
Have to hand it to Yunho, he's giving it his all, not holding back, just going for it. I'm rooting for you Yunho!
Thanks for the update!